68 research outputs found

    The Heavy Photon Search Test Detector

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    The Heavy Photon Search (HPS), an experiment to search for a hidden sector photon in fixed target electroproduction, is preparing for installation at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) in the Fall of 2014. As the first stage of this project, the HPS Test Run apparatus was constructed and operated in 2012 to demonstrate the experimentŚłs technical feasibility and to confirm that the trigger rates and occupancies are as expected. This paper describes the HPS Test Run apparatus and readout electronics and its performance. In this setting, a heavy photon can be identified as a narrow peak in the e+ e− invariant mass spectrum above the trident background or as a narrow invariant mass peak with a decay vertex displaced from the production target, so charged particle tracking and vertexing are needed for its detection. In the HPS Test Run, charged particles are measured with a compact forward silicon microstrip tracker inside a dipole magnet. Electromagnetic showers are detected in a PbW04 crystal calorimeter situated behind the magnet, and are used to trigger the experiment and identify electrons and positrons. Both detectors are placed close to the beam line and split top-bottom. This arrangement provides sensitivity to low-mass heavy photons, allows clear passage of the unscattered beam, and avoids the spray of degraded electrons coming from the target. The discrimination between prompt and displaced e+ e− pairs requires the first layer of silicon sensors be placed only 10 cm downstream of the target. The expected signal is small, and the trident background huge, so the experiment requires very large statistics. Accordingly, the HPS Test Run utilizes high-rate readout and data acquisition electronics and a fast trigger to exploit the essentially 100% duty cycle of the CEBAF accelerator at JLab

    Meglumine Sodium Succinate to Correct COVID-19-Associated Coagulopathy: the Feasibility Study

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    Aim of the study: to evaluate the effect of meglumine sodium succinate (MSS) on the efficacy of anticoagulant therapy in patients with severe COVID-19 infection complicated by bilateral community-acquired pneumonia.Materials and methods. Overall efficacy of treatment was analyzed in 12 patients hospitalized to ICU with the diagnosis of severe confirmed COVID-19 coronavirus infection (U07.1) complicated by bilateral multisegmental pneumonia. All patients received prophylactic anticoagulation with unfractionated heparin. The patients were divided into two groups: 7 of them received a multi-electrolyte solution containing MSS 5 ml/kg daily for the entire ICU stay (3-10 days) as a part of therapy; 5 patients received a similar volume of a conventional multi-electrolyte solution containing no metabolically active substrates and comprised a control group. Coagulation parameters were measured in arterial and venous blood of all patients at the following stages: 1) upon admission to the ICU; 2) 2-4 hours after the first dose of heparin; 3) 8-12 hours after the second dose of heparin; 4) 24 hours after the beginning of intensive therapy. On the 28th day of follow-up, mortality, duration of ICU stay, and incidence of thrombotic complications in the groups were evaluated. Nonparametric methods of statistical analysis were used to assess intragroup changes and intergroup differences.Results. The group of patients administered with MSS had significantly fewer thromboembolic events during 28 days of treatment and shorter ICU stay. These patients responded faster to anticoagulant therapy, which was suggested by more distinct changes in coagulation parameters, i.e. increased APTT, persisting viable thrombocyte population, reduced D-dimer and fibrinogen levels.Conclusion. The metabolic action of succinate possibly increases endothelial resistance to damaging factors and reduces its procoagulant activity. The hypothesis requires testing in a larger clinical study with a design including laboratory evaluation of the efficacy of varying doses of the studied drug as well as aiming at elucidation of the mechanisms of its effect on specific pro- and anticoagulation system components

    The Heavy Photon Search test detector

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    The Heavy Photon Search (HPS), an experiment to search for a hidden sector photon in fixed target electroproduction, is preparing for installation at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) in the Fall of 2014. As the first stage of this project, the HPS Test Run apparatus was constructed and operated in 2012 to demonstrate the experimentŚłs technical feasibility and to confirm that the trigger rates and occupancies are as expected. This paper describes the HPS Test Run apparatus and readout electronics and its performance. In this setting, a heavy photon can be identified as a narrow peak in the e+e− invariant mass spectrum above the trident background or as a narrow invariant mass peak with a decay vertex displaced from the production target, so charged particle tracking and vertexing are needed for its detection. In the HPS Test Run, charged particles are measured with a compact forward silicon microstrip tracker inside a dipole magnet. Electromagnetic showers are detected in a PbW04 crystal calorimeter situated behind the magnet, and are used to trigger the experiment and identify electrons and positrons. Both detectors are placed close to the beam line and split top-bottom. This arrangement provides sensitivity to low-mass heavy photons, allows clear passage of the unscattered beam, and avoids the spray of degraded electrons coming from the target. The discrimination between prompt and displaced e+e− pairs requires the first layer of silicon sensors be placed only 10 cm downstream of the target. The expected signal is small, and the trident background huge, so the experiment requires very large statistics. Accordingly, the HPS Test Run utilizes high-rate readout and data acquisition electronics and a fast trigger to exploit the essentially 100% duty cycle of the CEBAF accelerator at JLab

    Searching for Prompt and Long-Lived Dark Photons in Electroproduced eâș e⁻ Pairs with the Heavy Photon Search Experiment at JLab

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    The heavy photon search experiment (HPS) at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility searches for electroproduced dark photons. We report results from the 2016 engineering run consisting of 10 608  nb−1 of data for both the prompt and displaced vertex searches. A search for a prompt resonance in the e+e− invariant mass distribution between 39 and 179 MeV showed no evidence of dark photons above the large QED background, limiting the coupling of Δ2≳10−5, in agreement with previous searches. The search for displaced vertices showed no evidence of excess signal over background in the masses between 60 and 150 MeV, but had insufficient luminosity to limit canonical heavy photon production. This is the first displaced vertex search result published by HPS. HPS has taken high-luminosity data runs in 2019 and 2021 that will explore new dark photon phase space

    Large-angle production of charged pions by 3 GeV/c - 12.9 GeV/c protons on beryllium, aluminium and lead targets

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    Measurements of the double-differential π±\pi^{\pm} production cross-section in the range of momentum 100 \MeVc \leq p < 800 \MeVc and angle 0.35 \rad \leq \theta < 2.15 \rad in proton--beryllium, proton--aluminium and proton--lead collisions are presented. The data were taken with the HARP detector in the T9 beam line of the CERN PS. The pions were produced by proton beams in a momentum range from 3 \GeVc to 12.9 \GeVc hitting a target with a thickness of 5% of a nuclear interaction length. The tracking and identification of the produced particles was performed using a small-radius cylindrical time projection chamber (TPC) placed inside a solenoidal magnet. Incident particles were identified by an elaborate system of beam detectors. Results are obtained for the double-differential cross-sections at six incident proton beam momenta (3 \GeVc, 5 \GeVc, 8 \GeVc, 8.9 \GeVc (Be only), 12 \GeVc and 12.9 \GeVc (Al only)) and compared to previously available data

    The CLAS12 Spectrometer at Jefferson Laboratory

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    The CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer for operation at 12 GeV beam energy (CLAS12) in Hall B at Jefferson Laboratory is used to study electro-induced nuclear and hadronic reactions. This spectrometer provides efficient detection of charged and neutral particles over a large fraction of the full solid angle. CLAS12 has been part of the energy-doubling project of Jefferson Lab's Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, funded by the United States Department of Energy. An international collaboration of 48 institutions contributed to the design and construction of detector hardware, developed the software packages for the simulation of complex event patterns, and commissioned the detector systems. CLAS12 is based on a dual-magnet system with a superconducting torus magnet that provides a largely azimuthal field distribution that covers the forward polar angle range up to 35∘, and a solenoid magnet and detector covering the polar angles from 35° to 125° with full azimuthal coverage. Trajectory reconstruction in the forward direction using drift chambers and in the central direction using a vertex tracker results in momentum resolutions of <1% and <3%, respectively. Cherenkov counters, time-of-flight scintillators, and electromagnetic calorimeters provide good particle identification. Fast triggering and high data-acquisition rates allow operation at a luminosity of 1035 cm−2s−1. These capabilities are being used in a broad program to study the structure and interactions of nucleons, nuclei, and mesons, using polarized and unpolarized electron beams and targets for beam energies up to 11 GeV. This paper gives a general description of the design, construction, and performance of CLAS12

    Radial oscillations of a shaft in ball bearings with impact

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