100 research outputs found

    High glucose disrupts oligosaccharide recognition function via competitive inhibition : a potential mechanism for immune dysregulation in diabetes mellitus

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    Diabetic complications include infection and cardiovascular disease. Within the immune system, host-pathogen and regulatory host-host interactions operate through binding of oligosaccharides by C-type lectin. A number of C-type lectins recognise oligosaccharides rich in mannose and fucose – sugars with similar structures to glucose. This raises the possibility that high glucose conditions in diabetes affect protein-oligosaccharide interactions via competitive inhibition. Mannose binding lectin, soluble DC-SIGN & DC-SIGNR, and surfactant protein D, were tested for carbohydrate binding in the presence of glucose concentrations typical of diabetes, via surface plasmon resonance and affinity chromatography. Complement activation assays were performed in high glucose. DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR expression in adipose tissues was examined via immunohistochemistry. High glucose inhibited C-type lectin binding to high-mannose glycoprotein and binding of DC-SIGN to fucosylated ligand (blood group B) was abrogated in high glucose. Complement activation via the lectin pathway was inhibited in high glucose and also in high trehalose - a nonreducing sugar with glucoside stereochemistry. DC-SIGN staining was seen on cells with DC morphology within omental and subcutaneous adipose tissues. We conclude that high glucose disrupts C-type lectin function, potentially illuminating new perspectives on susceptibility to infectious and inflammatory disease in diabetes. Mechanisms involve competitive inhibition of carbohydrate-binding within sets of defined proteins, in contrast to broadly indiscriminate, irreversible glycation of proteins

    Costameric integrin and sarcoglycan protein levels are altered in a Drosophila model for Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2H

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    Mutations in two different domains of the ubiquitously expressed TRIM32 protein give rise to two clinically separate diseases, one of which is Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy type 2H (LGMD2H). Uncovering the muscle-specific role of TRIM32 in LGMD2H pathogenesis has proven difficult, as neurogenic phenotypes, independent of LGMD2H pathology, are present in TRIM32 KO mice. We previously established a platform to study LGMD2H pathogenesis using Drosophila melanogaster as a model. Here we show that LGMD2H disease-causing mutations in the NHL domain are molecularly and structurally conserved between fly and human TRIM32. Furthermore, transgenic expression of a subset of myopathic alleles (R394H, D487N, and 520fs) induce myofibril abnormalities, altered nuclear morphology, and reduced TRIM32 protein levels, mimicking phenotypes in patients afflicted with LGMD2H. Intriguingly, we also report for the first time that the protein levels of βPS integrin and sarcoglycan δ, both core components of costameres, are elevated in TRIM32 disease-causing alleles. Similarly, murine myoblasts overexpressing a catalytically inactive TRIM32 mutant aberrantly accumulate α- and β-dystroglycan and α-sarcoglycan. We speculate that the stoichiometric loss of costamere components disrupts costamere complexes to promote muscle degeneration

    Molecular basis of sidekick-mediated cell-cell adhesion and specificity

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    Sidekick (Sdk) 1 and 2 are related immunoglobulin superfamily cell adhesion proteins required for appropriate synaptic connections between specific subtypes of retinal neurons. Sdks mediate cell-cell adhesion with homophilic specificity that underlies their neuronal targeting function. Here we report crystal structures of Sdk1 and Sdk2 ectodomain regions, revealing similar homodimers mediated by the four N-terminal immunoglobulin domains (Ig1–4), arranged in a horseshoe conformation. These Ig1–4 horseshoes interact in a novel back-to-back orientation in both homodimers through Ig1:Ig2, Ig1:Ig1 and Ig3:Ig4 interactions. Structure-guided mutagenesis results show that this canonical dimer is required for both Sdk-mediated cell aggregation (via trans interactions) and Sdk clustering in isolated cells (via cis interactions). Sdk1/Sdk2 recognition specificity is encoded across Ig1–4, with Ig1–2 conferring the majority of binding affinity and differential specificity. We suggest that competition between cis and trans interactions provides a novel mechanism to sharpen the specificity of cell-cell interactions

    HER2 therapy. HER2 (ERBB2): functional diversity from structurally conserved building blocks

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    EGFR-type receptor tyrosine kinases achieve a broad spectrum of cellular responses by utilizing a set of structurally conserved building blocks. Based on available crystal structures and biochemical information, significant new insights have emerged into modes of receptor control, its deregulation in cancer, and the nuances that differentiate the four human receptors. This review gives an overview of current models of the control of receptor activity with a special emphasis on HER2 and HER3

    The role of Gpi-anchored axonal glycoproteins in neural development and neurological disorders

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    Periaxin is required for hexagonal geometry and membrane organization of mature lens fibers

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    AbstractTransparency of the ocular lens depends on symmetric packing and membrane organization of highly elongated hexagonal fiber cells. These cells possess an extensive, well-ordered cortical cytoskeleton to maintain cell shape and to anchor membrane components. Periaxin (Prx), a PDZ domain protein involved in myelin sheath stabilization, is also a component of adhaerens plaques in lens fiber cells. Here we show that Prx is expressed in lens fibers and exhibits maturation dependent redistribution, clustering discretely at the tricellular junctions in mature fiber cells. Prx exists in a macromolecular complex with proteins involved in membrane organization including ankyrin-B, spectrin, NrCAM, filensin, ezrin and desmoyokin. Importantly, Prx knockout mouse lenses were found to be softer and more easily deformed than normal lenses, revealing disruptions in fiber cell hexagonal packing, membrane skeleton and membrane stability. These observations suggest a key role for Prx in maturation, packing, and membrane organization of lens fiber cells. Hence, there may be functional parallels between the roles of Prx in membrane stabilization of the myelin sheath and the lens fiber cell

    Host Glycan Recognition by a Pore Forming Toxin

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    An exposed F-type lectin domain fused to the N-terminus of a cholesterol-dependent cytolysin scaffold allows Streptococcus mitis lectinolysin to cluster at fucose-rich sites on target cell membranes, thereby leading to increased pore-forming toxin activity. In this issue of Structure, Feil and coworkers define the structural basis for lectinolysin glycan-binding specificity

    Structure-based mutagenesis of the substrate-recognition domain of Nrdp1/FLRF identifies the binding site for the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB3

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    The E3 ubiquitin ligase neuregulin receptor degrading protein 1 (Nrdp1) mediates the ligand-independent degradation of the epidermal growth factor receptor family member ErbB3/HER3. By regulating cellular levels of ErbB3, Nrdp1 influences ErbB3-mediated signaling, which is essential for normal vertebrate development. Nrdp1 belongs to the tripartite or RBCC (RING, B-box, coiled-coil) family of ubiquitin ligases in which the RING domain is responsible for ubiquitin ligation and a variable C-terminal region mediates substrate recognition. We report here the 1.95 Ã… crystal structure of the C-terminal domain of Nrdp1 and show that this domain is sufficient to mediate ErbB3 binding. Furthermore, we have used site-directed mutagenesis to map regions of the Nrdp1 surface that are important for interacting with ErbB3 and mediating its degradation in transfected cells. The ErbB3-binding site localizes to a region of Nrdp1 that is conserved from invertebrates to vertebrates, in contrast to ErbB3, which is only found in vertebrates. This observation suggests that Nrdp1 uses a common binding site to recognize its targets in different species

    The Circadian <i>tau</i> Mutation in Casein Kinase 1 Is Part of a Larger Domain That Can Be Mutated to Shorten Circadian Period

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    Drosophila Double-time (DBT) phosphorylates the circadian protein Period (PER). The period-altering mutation tau, identified in hamster casein kinase I (CKI&#949;) and created in Drosophila DBT, has been shown to shorten the circadian period in flies, as it does in hamsters. Since CKI often phosphorylates downstream of previously phosphorylated residues and the tau amino acid binds a negatively charged ion in X-ray crystal structures, this amino acid has been suggested to contribute to a phosphate recognition site for the substrate. Alternatively, the tau amino acid may affect a nuclear localization signal (NLS) with which it interacts. We mutated the residues that were close to or part of the phosphate recognition site or NLS. Flies expressing DBT with mutations of amino acids close to or part of either of these motifs produced a shortening of period, suggesting that a domain, including the phosphate recognition site or the NLS, can be mutated to produce the short period phenotype. Mutation of residues affecting internally placed residues produced a longer period, suggesting that a specific domain on the surface of the kinase might generate an interaction with a substrate or regulator, with short periods produced when the interaction is disrupted
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