257 research outputs found

    Le dispositif des zones refuges pour le maïs Bt aux États-Unis

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    International audienceAux États-Unis, depuis 1996, des surfaces importantes sont cultivées avec des variétés transgéniques de coton, de pomme de terre et de maïs résistantes à des insectes ravageurs de ces cultures. La mise sur le marché de ces variétés transgéniques a été accompagnée par des réglementations pour contrôler les risques d'apparition d'insectes qui seraient eux-mêmes résistants aux plantes génétiquement modifiées. Selon ces réglementations, chaque agriculteur cultivant une variété transgénique résistante à un insecte doit utiliser une variété conventionnelle qui n'est pas résistante à cet insecte sur une partie de ses surfaces. Les surfaces plantées avec des variétés conventionnelles sont appelées « zones refuges ». Ces zones refuges visent à maintenir un réservoir d'insectes sensibles pour limiter les risques d'apparition de résistance chez les insectes cibles. Dans le cas du maïs auquel nous nous intéressons dans cet article, les variétés transgéniques actuellement commercialisées sont résistantes à la Pyrale du maïs, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lépidoptère Pyralidé). Un dispositif équivalent vient d'être adopté aux États-Unis lors de la mise sur le marché de maïs transgéniques résistants à la Chrysomèle des racines du maïs, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coléoptère Chrysomélidé), un autre insecte causant des dégâts importants des cultures. Le dispositif des zones refuges aux États-Unis constitue la première réglementation obligatoire et à grande échelle au niveau mondial pour gérer les risques d'apparition de résistance dans des populations d'ennemis des cultures. Il est donc intéressant de tirer les leçons de cette expérience américaine à l'heure où une levée du moratoire sur les organisme génétiquement modifiés (OGM) est d'actualité dans l'UE 3. Une diffusion effective des OGM dans l'UE serait sans doute accompagnée d'un renforcement des procédures de gestion des risques environnementaux liés à ces plantes. Ainsi, les actions de biovigilance qui sont déjà en place pourraient être renforcées. Ces actions reposent sur une surveillance à grande échelle des effets éventuels des OGM sur les écosystèmes (voir Chaufaux et al., 2002). Au-delà de la biovigilance, il est possible que des réglementations équivalentes aux zones refuges aux États-Unis soient mises en place dans l'UE. Notons enfin que l'apparition de résistances chez les ennemis des cultures n'est pas spécifique aux organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM). La question du contrôle des résistances chez les ennemis des cultures est donc importante pour l'agriculture européenne, quelles que soient les perspectives de développement des OGM. Cet article présente d'abord les caractéristiques des maïs transgéniques résistants à la Pyrale du maïs et les perspectives concernant les maïs transgéniques résistants à la Chrysomèle des racines aux États-Unis. Il présente ensuite le dispositif des zones refuges en place dans ce pays dans le cas du maïs résistant à la Pyrale, en détaillant les raisons pour lesquelles ce dispositif a été mis en place, la définition des zones refuges, leur mise en place effective par les agriculteurs, et les procédures suivies pour détecter l'apparition de résistances dans les populations de pyrales

    Peer Community In: a free process for the recommendation of preprints based on peer review

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    Peer Community In: a free process for the recommendation of preprints based on peer review. FORCE201

    Uniform bounds for higher-order semilinear problems in conformal dimension

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    We establish uniform a-priori estimates for solutions of the semilinear Dirichlet problem \begin{equation} \begin{cases} (-\Delta)^m u=h(x,u)\quad&\mbox{in }\Omega,\\ u=\partial_nu=\cdots=\partial_n^{m-1}u=0\quad&\mbox{on }\partial\Omega, \end{cases} \end{equation} where hh is a positive superlinear and subcritical nonlinearity in the sense of the Trudinger-Moser-Adams inequality, either when Ω\Omega is a ball or, provided an energy control on solutions is prescribed, when Ω\Omega is a smooth bounded domain. The analogue problem with Navier boundary conditions is also studied. Finally, as a consequence of our results, existence of a positive solution is shown by degree theory.Comment: Minor correction

    Changes in Parasitoid Communities Over Time and Space: A Historical Case Study of the Maize Pest Ostrinia nubilalis

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    Understanding the ways in which human environmental modifications affect biodiversity is a key challenge in conservation planning, pest control and evolutionary ecology. Parasitoid communities, particularly those associated with agricultural pests, may be susceptible to such modifications. We document here changes in the larval parasitoid communities of Ostrinia nubilalis — the main pest of maize — and its sibling species O. scapulalis, based on two historical datasets, one collected from 1921–1928 and the other from 2001–2005. Each of these datasets encompasses several years and large geographical areas and was based on several thousands/millions of host larvae. The 80-year interval between the two datasets was marked by a decrease in O. nubilalis parasitism to about two thirds its initial level, mostly due to a decrease in the rate of parasitism by hymenopterans. However, a well balanced loss and gain of species ensured that species richness remained stable. Conversely, O. scapulalis displayed stable rates of parasitism over this period, with a decline in the species richness of its parasitoid community. Rates of parasitism and species richness in regions colonized by O. nubilalis during the 1950s were one half to one third those in regions displaying long-term colonisation by this pest. During the recent human activity-driven expansion of its range, O. nubilalis has neither captured native parasitoids nor triggered parasite spill back or spill over

    Etude en sciences sociales de grandes expéditions naturalistes contemporaines françaises,

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    social studies of sciences; Biodiversity inventories; systematicsInternational audienceCet article présente le projet de recherche interdisciplinaire, Expebiodiv visant à réaliser une étude interdisciplinaire des expeditions naturalistes contemporaines. Le cas étudié est celui du projet "La planète revisitée" qui est lancé pour 10 ans par le Museum d'Histoires Naturelle de Paris et l'ONG Pronatura International

    Resistance Evolution to Bt Crops: Predispersal Mating of European Corn Borers

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    Over the past decade, the high-dose refuge (HDR) strategy, aimed at delaying the evolution of pest resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins produced by transgenic crops, became mandatory in the United States and is being discussed for Europe. However, precopulatory dispersal and the mating rate between resident and immigrant individuals, two features influencing the efficiency of this strategy, have seldom been quantified in pests targeted by these toxins. We combined mark-recapture and biogeochemical marking over three breeding seasons to quantify these features directly in natural populations of Ostrinia nubilalis, a major lepidopteran corn pest. At the local scale, resident females mated regardless of males having dispersed beforehand or not, as assumed in the HDR strategy. Accordingly, 0–67% of resident females mating before dispersal did so with resident males, this percentage depending on the local proportion of resident males (0% to 67.2%). However, resident males rarely mated with immigrant females (which mostly arrived mated), the fraction of females mating before dispersal was variable and sometimes substantial (4.8% to 56.8%), and there was no evidence for male premating dispersal being higher. Hence, O. nubilalis probably mates at a more restricted spatial scale than previously assumed, a feature that may decrease the efficiency of the HDR strategy under certain circumstances, depending for example on crop rotation practices

    Western European Populations of the Ichneumonid Wasp Hyposoter didymator Belong to a Single Taxon

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    Hyposoter didymator (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) is a generalist solitary endoparasitoid of noctuid larvae. In the present work, we tested whether populations of H. didymator were divided in several genetically distinct taxa as described for many other generalist parasitoid species, and whether differences in H. didymator parasitism rates were explained by the insect host species and/or by the plant on which these hosts were feeding on. The genetic analysis of natural populations collected in different regions in France and Spain on seven different insect hosts and seven different host plants (775 individuals) showed that H. didymator populations belong to a unique single taxon. However, H. didymator seems to be somewhat specialized. Indeed, in the fields it more often parasitized Helicoverpa armigera compared to the other host species collected in the present work. Also, H. didymator parasitism rates in field conditions and semi-field experimental studies were dependent on the host plants on which H. armigera larvae are feeding. Still, H. didymator can occur occasionally on non-preferred noctuid species. One hypothesis explaining the ability of H. didymator to switch hosts in natura could be related to fluctuating densities of the preferred host over the year; this strategy would allow the parasitoid to avoid seasonal population collapses

    Assortative Mating between European Corn Borer Pheromone Races: Beyond Assortative Meeting

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    BACKGROUND: Sex pheromone communication systems may be a major force driving moth speciation by causing behavioral reproductive isolation via assortative meeting of conspecific individuals. The 'E' and 'Z' pheromone races of the European corn borer (ECB) are a textbook example in this respect. 'Z' females produce and 'Z' males preferentially respond to a 'Z' pheromone blend, while the 'E' race communicates via an 'E' blend. Both races do not freely hybridize in nature and their populations are genetically differentiated. A straightforward explanation would be that their reproductive isolation is a mere consequence of "assortative meeting" resulting from their different pheromones specifically attracting males towards same-race females at long range. However, previous laboratory experiments and those performed here show that even when moths are paired in a small box - i.e., when the meeting between sexual partners is forced - inter-race couples still have a lower mating success than intra-race ones. Hence, either the difference in attractivity of E vs. Z pheromones for males of either race still holds at short distance or the reproductive isolation between E and Z moths may not only be favoured by assortative meeting, but must also result from an additional mechanism ensuring significant assortative mating at close range. Here, we test whether this close-range mechanism is linked to the E/Z female sex pheromone communication system. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using crosses and backcrosses of E and Z strains, we found no difference in mating success between full-sisters emitting different sex pheromones. Conversely, the mating success of females with identical pheromone types but different coefficients of relatedness to the two parental strains was significantly different, and was higher when their genetic background was closer to that of their male partner's pheromone race. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We conclude that the close-range mechanism ensuring assortative mating between the E and Z ECB pheromone races is unrelated to the difference in female sex pheromone. Although the nature of this mechanism remains elusive, our results show that it is expressed in females, acts at close range, segregates independently of the autosome carrying Pher and of both sex chromosomes, and is widely distributed since it occurs both in France and in the US