195 research outputs found

    Amphibia, Anura, Cycloramphidae, Macrogenioglottus alipioi Carvalho, 1946: Distribution extension, state of Alagoas, northeastern Brazil

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    At the present work, the poorly known cycloramphid frog Macrogenioglottus alipioi Carvalho, 1946 is registered in a large Atlantic forest fragment at the state of Alagoas, northeastern Brazil. The new record extends the geographical distribution of M. alipioi in approximately 100 km to the northeast

    Textile lumineux en fibres optiques pour une application photocatalytique en phase gazeuse

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    The indoor air pollution is a major challenge for human health. To reduce the concentrations of pollutants in confined area, our study is based on the design and testing of a new innovative photocatalytic media composed of textile which is lighted with microstructured optical fibres. The textile becomes photocatalytic after the coating of TiO2 with different methods. The optical fibers have then two fundamental roles: first to be the catalyst support and secondly to be the light transmission support from the source into the photocatalytic bed. The meeting of the three constituents of photocatalysis (UV photons, catalyst and pollutants) is then enhanced by the use of this type of sample. The structural and optical properties of this new material were characterized by surface analysis (optical microscopy and electronic secondary electron microscopy (ESEM)), with measurements of UV irradiance and methods to determinate the location of the TiO2 on the sample surface (Raman spectroscopy and EDX‐SEM). The influence of different parameters such as textile structure, coating method, irradiation characteristics, molar flow on the degradation of two volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde and toluene, was studied and correlated to the physical‐chemical properties of the materialLa pollution de l'air intĂ©rieur est un enjeu majeur pour la santĂ© humaine. Pour rĂ©duire les concentrations de polluants des milieux confinĂ©s, notre Ă©tude s'est basĂ©e sur la conception et les tests d'un nouveau mĂ©dia photocatalytique innovant composĂ© de textile rendu lumineux grĂące Ă  la prĂ©sence de fibres optiques microstructurĂ©es. Le textile est rendu photocatalytique aprĂšs ajout de TiO2 en suivant diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de dĂ©pĂŽt. Les fibres optiques ont alors deux rĂŽles fondamentaux : premiĂšrement d'ĂȘtre le support du catalyseur et deuxiĂšmement d'ĂȘtre le moyen d'amener le rayonnement UVA au coeur du lit photocatalytique. La rencontre des trois constituants de la photocatalyse, les photons UV, le catalyseur et le polluant, est alors favorisĂ©e par l'utilisation de ce type d'Ă©chantillon. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s structurales et optiques de ce nouveau matĂ©riau ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©es par des analyses de surface (microscopie otique et microscopie Ă©lectronique Ă  balayage environnementale (MEBE)), des mesures d'irradiance UV et des analyses permettant de localiser le TiO2 Ă  la surface de l'Ă©chantillon (Raman et MEB‐EDX). L'influence de diffĂ©rents paramĂštres tels que la structure textile, la mĂ©thode de dĂ©pĂŽt, les caractĂ©ristiques d'irradiation, les dĂ©bits molaires sur la dĂ©gradation de deux composĂ©s organiques volatiles, le formaldĂ©hyde et le toluĂšne, a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e et corrĂ©lĂ©e aux propriĂ©tĂ©s physicochimiques du matĂ©ria

    L’importance des amphibiens pour la conservation des petits fragments forestiers dans les forĂȘts tropicales humides

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    À l'insu de bien des gens, une extinction massive est en cours, celle des amphibiens de notre monde. Plus que tout autre groupe de vertĂ©brĂ©s, les grenouilles, crapauds, et autres salamandres vivent des moments difficiles avec presque le tiers de leurs espĂšces Ă©tant dĂ©signĂ©es menacĂ©es d'extinction. Et plus les recherches se poursuivent plus la tendance va en empirant. Depuis quelques dĂ©cennies dĂ©jĂ , on note toujours de nouveaux cas de populations ou d'espĂšces en dĂ©clin d'effectifs sinon disparaissant de leurs milieux naturels. Devant ces constats, je me suis demandĂ© quelles menaces prĂ©cises pesaient sur les populations d'amphibiens, quelles mesures Ă©taient entreprises pour renverser la vapeur, quels sont les endroits sur Terre oĂč les habitats sont si dĂ©gradĂ©s que leur conservation est urgente, et surtout comment les amphibiens peuvent aider Ă  la promotion de leur conservation et de celle inextricable de la biodiversitĂ© rĂ©gionale. D'abord, les amphibiens se voient exposĂ©s Ă  diverses menaces affectant directement ou indirectement leurs populations et ce, sur tous les continents. La plus importante parmi celles-ci s'avĂšre sans contredit la perte et la fragmentation d'habitats. Toutefois, plusieurs autres facteurs attĂ©nuants affectent, bien souvent en synergie, les amphibiens. Les effets nuancĂ©s des changements climatiques, l'incompris mais ravageur champignon Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, les contaminants chimiques, les radiations UV-B, la collecte dĂ©mesurĂ©e d'individus sauvages, et les espĂšces exotiques compĂ©titrices et prĂ©datrices participent tous Ă  menacer davantage les espĂšces d'amphibiens. Par ailleurs, le systĂšme le plus courant et le plus efficace Ă  ce jour pour tenter de freiner ces pĂ©rils semble ĂȘtre celui d'aires protĂ©gĂ©es, et ce particuliĂšrement dans les zones les plus diversifiĂ©es et dĂ©gradĂ©es, notamment dans les forĂȘts tropicales humides. Les amphibiens, mise Ă  part l'aide provenant de la formation et la gestion d'aires protĂ©gĂ©es, commencent Ă  recevoir plus d'attention de la part des mĂ©dias et surtout de consortiums internationaux tels que l'ASG et l'Aark. RĂ©cemment, d'utiles bases de donnĂ©es, comme le GAA, ont vu le jour et ont permis une meilleure comprĂ©hension et une circulation des informations sur les populations d'amphibiens. Cependant, compte tenu des menaces toujours accentuĂ©es qui les affligent, davantage d'initiatives devraient ĂȘtre allouĂ©es Ă  la conservation des amphibiens. Établir des cibles prioritaires pour la conservation de la biodiversitĂ© semble essentiel afin de concentrer les ressources distribuĂ©es aux aires protĂ©gĂ©es. Les fameux points chauds de biodiversitĂ© reprĂ©sentent des rĂ©gions fort pertinentes afin de remplir ce rĂŽle. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, les points chauds tropicaux possĂ©dant un couvert forestier trĂšs rĂ©duit et fragmentĂ© constituent sans aucun doute des rĂ©gions prioritaires pour la conservation, et mĂȘme parfois pour la sauvegarde, de la biodiversitĂ©. Ainsi, la forĂȘt Atlantique, Madagascar et les Ăźles de l'ocĂ©an Indien, les Ăźles CaraĂŻbes, les forĂȘts guinĂ©ennes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et les Philippines font partie des rĂ©gions oĂč la forĂȘt tropicale humide est trĂšs menacĂ©e par les activitĂ©s humaines. Les espĂšces parapluie, notamment les grands vertĂ©brĂ©s, peuvent efficacement protĂ©ger de grands territoires variĂ©s en habitats. Toutefois, les petits fragments isolĂ©s ne sont pas toujours couverts par ces espĂšces, et ce mĂȘme si leur valeur est importante pour la conservation de la biodiversitĂ© rĂ©gionale. Or, les amphibiens, grĂące, entre autres, Ă  leur fidĂ©litĂ© Ă  un site et Ă  leur unique et grande diversitĂ© inter- et intraspĂ©cifique, peuvent promouvoir la protection des petits fragments forestiers. Cette protection s'accomplit d'ailleurs par la crĂ©ation de corridors de biodiversitĂ© dans lesquels des fragments de toutes superficies sont bordĂ©s de zones tampons pour limiter les effets de bordure et faciliter la dispersion des ĂȘtres vivants. Toutefois, il est crucial de collecter des connaissances plus exhaustives sur les fragments et les zones encore inconnues des scientifiques mais primordiaux pour l'achĂšvement des objectifs de conservation de la biodiversitĂ©. De plus, des informations plus approfondies sur les populations d'amphibiens sont nĂ©cessaires pour dĂ©finir davantage leur rĂŽle de soutien dans cette dĂ©marche de conservation des rĂ©gions tropicales les plus dĂ©gradĂ©es de la planĂšte. Bref, cet essai propose la nĂ©cessitĂ© d'accorder plus d'attention aux amphibiens par l'entremise de la promotion de la conservation des petits fragments forestiers, Ainsi, les amphibiens s'avĂšrent d'importants candidats pour aider Ă  la conservation de la biodiversitĂ©, du moins au niveau local et rĂ©gional

    Amphibia, Anura, Hylidae, Hypsiboas exastis (Caramaschi and Rodrigues, 2003): distribution extension and first record in the state of Alagoas, Brazil

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    The hylid frog Hypsiboas exastis has recently been described and is only known from few locations along the Atlantic coast of northeastern Brazil. This work reports this species in an Atlantic rainforest fragment north of the SĂŁo Francisco River, the Coimbra forest, in the state of Alagoas. The new record expands the geographical distribution of H. exastis approximately 70 km to the northeast

    Validation of a FFQ for estimating whole-grain cereal food intake

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    Estimation of whole-grain (WG) food intake in epidemiological and nutritional studies is normally based on general diet FFQ, which are not designed to specifically capture WG intake. To estimate WG cereal intake, we developed a forty-three-item FFQ focused on cereal product intake over the past month. We validated this questionnaire against a 3-d-weighed food record (3DWFR) in thirty-one subjects living in the French-speaking part of Switzerland (nineteen female and twelve male). Subjects completed the FFQ on day 1 (FFQ1), the 3DWFR between days 2 and 13 and the FFQ again on day 14 (FFQ2). The subjects provided a fasting blood sample within 1 week of FFQ2. Total cereal intake, total WG intake, intake of individual cereals, intake of different groups of cereal products and alkylresorcinol (AR) intake were calculated from both FFQ and the 3DWFR. Plasma AR, possible biomarkers for WG wheat and rye intake were also analysed. The total WG intake for the 3DWFR, FFQ1, FFQ2 was 26 (sd 22), 28 (sd 25) and 21 (sd 16)g/d, respectively. Mean plasma AR concentration was 55·8 (sd 26·8)nmol/l. FFQ1, FFQ2 and plasma AR were correlated with the 3DWFR (r 0·72, 0·81 and 0·57, respectively). Adjustment for age, sex, BMI and total energy intake did not affect the results. This FFQ appears to give a rapid and adequate estimate of WG cereal intake in free-living subject

    The transcription factor EB reduces the intraneuronal accumulation of the beta-secretase-derived APP fragment C99 in cellular and mouse Alzheimer’s disease models

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    Brains that are affected by Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are characterized by the overload of extracellular amyloid β (Aβ) peptides, but recent data from cellular and animal models propose that Aβ deposition is preceded by intraneuronal accumulation of the direct precursor of Aβ, C99. These studies indicate that C99 accumulation firstly occurs within endosomal and lysosomal compartments and that it contributes to early-stage AD-related endosomal-lysosomal-autophagic defects. Our previous work also suggests that C99 accumulation itself could be a consequence of defective lysosomal-autophagic degradation. Thus, in the present study, we analyzed the influence of the overexpression of the transcription factor EB (TFEB), a master regulator of autophagy and lysosome biogenesis, on C99 accumulation occurring in both AD cellular models and in the triple-transgenic mouse model (3xTgAD). In the in vivo experiments, TFEB overexpression was induced via adeno-associated viruses (AAVs), which were injected either into the cerebral ventricles of newborn mice or administrated at later stages (3 months of age) by stereotaxic injection into the subiculum. In both cells and the 3xTgAD mouse model, exogenous TFEB strongly reduced C99 load and concomitantly increased the levels of many lysosomal and autophagic proteins, including cathepsins, key proteases involved in C99 degradation. Our data indicate that TFEB activation is a relevant strategy to prevent the accumulation of this early neurotoxic catabolite

    At-sea movements of wedge-tailed shearwaters during and outside the breeding season from four colonies in New Caledonia

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    International audienceThe wedge-tailed shearwater (WTS) population of New Caledonia is one of the largest in the world, yet its biology and foraging ecology are poorly known. We studied WTS from 4 colonies in New Caledonia. We examined foraging behaviour and habitats using GPS receivers and light sensors during and outside the breeding season, respectively, and compared our findings with those from other WTS populations worldwide. During breeding, New Caledonian WTS alternated short foraging trips close to the colony over the lagoon, or off the reef edge, with longer trips over distant, deep waters. Whereas neighboring colonies overlapped at sea, especially during short trips, there was a clear separation of foraging zones between the pairs of colonies located in the southern versus northwestern parts of New Caledonia. Although WTS actively foraged and commuted to foraging zones during the day, they mainly returned to the colony or rested at night, indicating that they feed mainly during the day. Active foraging did not take place in more productive areas, suggesting that it may instead be related to the presence of sub-surface predators. Outside the breeding season, birds from 3 colonies had similar trans-equatorial migratory behaviour. All left New Caledonia at the same time of the year with a fast, northeasterly movement and wintered over deep waters in the same sector of the northwestern tropical Pacific Ocean. At overwintering sites, they spent most of their non-foraging time presumably sitting on the water, especially at night, making a slow westward movement before returning to New Caledonia. WTS from New Caledonia forage over warm, oligotrophic deep waters throughout their life cycle, and the species appears to have a flexible foraging strategy adapted to the various environmental conditions encountered across its wide tropical range

    A whole-grain cereal-rich diet increases plasma betaine, and tends to decrease total and LDL-cholesterol compared with a refined-grain diet in healthy subjects

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    Epidemiological studies have repeatedly found that whole-grain (WG) cereal foods reduce the risk of several lifestyle-related diseases, though consistent clinical outcomes and mechanisms are elusive. To compare the effects of a WG-rich diet with a matched refined-grain (RG) diet on plasma biomarkers and bowel health parameters, seventeen healthy subjects (eleven females and six males) completed an exploratory cross-over study with a 2-week intervention diet based on either WG- or RG-based foods, separated by a washout of at least 5 weeks. Both diets were the same except for the use of WG (150g/d) or RG foods. Subjects undertook a 4h postprandial challenge on day 8 of each intervention diet. After 2 weeks, the WG diet tended to decrease plasma total and LDL-cholesterol (both P=0·09), but did not change plasma HDL-cholesterol, fasting glucose, C-reactive protein or homocysteine compared with the RG diet. Plasma betaine and alkylresorcinol concentrations were elevated after 1 week of the WG diet (P=0·01 and P<0·0001, respectively). Clostridium leptum populations in faeces were increased after the WG diet, along with a trend for decreased faecal water pH (P=0·096) and increased stool frequency (P<0·0001) compared with the RG diet. A short controlled intervention trial with a variety of commercially available WG-based products tended to improve biomarkers of CVD compared with a RG diet. Changes in faecal microbiota related to increased fibre fermentation and increased plasma betaine concentrations point to both fibre and phytochemical components of WG being important in mediating any potential health effect

    Variability and change in the Canadian cryosphere

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    Abstract During the International Polar Year (IPY), comprehensive observational research programs were undertaken to increase our understanding of the Canadian polar cryosphere response to a changing climate. Cryospheric components considered were snow, permafrost, sea ice, freshwater ice, glaciers and ice shelves. Enhancement of conventional observing systems and retrieval algorithms for satellite measurements facilitated development of a snapshot of current cryospheric conditions, providing a baseline against which future change can be assessed. Key findings include: 1. surface air temperatures across the Canadian Arctic exhibit a warming trend in all seasons over the past 40 years. A consistent pan-cryospheric response to these warming temperatures is evident through the analysis of multi-decadal datasets; 2. in recent years (including the IPY period) a higher rate of change was observed compared to previous decades including warming permafrost, reduction in snow cover extent and duration, reduction in summer sea ice extent, increased mass loss from glaciers, and thinning and break-up of the remaining Canadian ice shelves. These changes illustrate both a reduction in the spatial extent and mass of the cryosphere and an increase in the temporal persistence of melt related parameters. The observed changes in the cryosphere have important implications for human activity including the close ties of northerners to the land, access to northern regions for natural resource development, and the integrity of northern infrastructure

    Urban Climate, Human behavior & Energy consumption: from LCZ mapping to simulation and urban planning (the MapUCE project)

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    International audienceThe MApUCE project aims to integrate in urban policies and most relevant legal documents quantitative data from urban microclimate, climate and energy.The primary objective of this project is to obtain climate and energy quantitative data from numerical simulations, focusing on urban microclimate and building energy consumption in the residential and service sectors, which represents in France 41% of the final energy consumption. Both aspects are coupled as building energy consumption is highly meteorologically dependent (e.g. domestic heating, air-conditioning) and heat waste impact the Urban Heat Island. We propose to develop, using national databases, a generic and automated method for generating Local Climate Zones (LCZ) for all cities in France, including the urban architectural, geographical and sociological parameters necessary for energy and microclimate simulations.As will be presented, previous projects on adaptation of cities to climate change have shown that human behavior is a very potent level to address energy consumption reduction, as much as urban forms or architectural technologies. Therefore, in order to further refine the coupled urban climate and energy consumption calculations, we will develop within TEB (and its Building Energy Module) a model of energy consumer behavior.The second objective of the project is to propose a methodology to integrate quantitative data in urban policies. Lawyers analyze the potential levers in legal and planning documents. A few “best cases” are also studied, in order to evaluate their performances. Finally, based on urban planning agencies requirements, we will define vectors to include quantified energy-climate data to legal urban planning documents. These vectors have to be understandable by urban planners and contain the relevant information.To meet these challenges, the project is organized around strongly interdisciplinary partners in the following fields: law, urban climate, building energetics, architecture, sociology, geography and meteorology, as well as the national federation of urban planning agencies.In terms of results, the cross-analysis of input urban parameters and urban micro-climate-energy simulated data will be available on-line as standardized maps for each of the studied cities. The urban parameter production tool as well as the models will be available as open-source. LCZ and associated urban (and social!) indicators may be integrated within the WUDAPT database
