92 research outputs found

    Zinc-gallium oxynitride powders: effect of the oxide precursor synthesis route

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    International audienceZinc-gallium oxynitride powders (ZnGaON) were synthesized by nitridation of ZnGa2O4 oxide precursor obtained by polymeric precursors (PP) and solid state reaction (SSR) methods and the influence of the synthesis route of ZnGa2O4 on the final compound ZnGaON was investigated. Crystalline single phase ZnGa2O4 was obtained at 1100 oC / 12 h by SSR and at 600 oC / 2 h by PP with different grain sizes and specific surface areas according to the synthesis route. After nitridation, ZnGaON oxynitrides with a GaN würtzite-type structure were obtained in both cases, however at lower temperatures for PP samples. The microstructure and the specific surface area were strongly dependent on the oxide synthesis method and on the nitridation temperature (42 m2g-1 and 5 m2g-1 for PP and SSR oxides treated at 700 °C, respectively). The composition analyses showed a strong loss of Zn for the PP samples, favored by the increase of ammonolysis temperature and by the higher specific surface area

    Tumor-Infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in early breast cancer patients: high CD3+ , CD8+ , and Immunoscore are associated with a pathological complete response

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    BACKGROUND : Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes are associated with a better prognosis in early triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). These cells can be enumerated in situ by the “Immunoscore Clinical Research” (ISCR). The original Immunoscore® is a prognostic tool that categorizes the densities of CD3+ and CD8+ cells in both the invasive margin (IM) and center of the tumor (CT) in localized colon cancer, yielding a five-tiered classification (0–4). We evaluated the prognostic potential of ISCR and pathological complete response (pCR) following neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT). METHODS : The cohort included 53 TNBC, 32 luminal BC, and 18 HER2-positive BC patients undergoing NACT. Pre-treatment tumor biopsies were immune-stained for CD3+ and CD8+ T-cell markers. Quantitative analysis of these cells in different tumor locations was performed using computer-assisted image analysis. RESULTS : The pCR rate was 44%. Univariate analysis showed that primary tumor size, estrogen-receptor negative, progesteronereceptor negative, luminal vs. HER2-positive vs. TNBC, high Ki-67, high densities (cells/mm2 ) of CD3 CT, CD8+ CT, CD3+ IM, and CD8+ IM cells were associated with a high pCR. ISCR was associated with pCR following NACT. A multivariate model consisting of ISCR and the significant variables from the univariate analysis showed a significant trend for ISCR; however, the low sample size did not provide enough power for the model to be included in this study. CONCLUSIONS : These results revealed a significant prognostic role for the spatial distributions of the CD3+ , and CD8+ lymphocytes, as well as the ISCR in relation to pCR following NACT.Medical Oncology Centre of Rosebankhttps://www.mdpi.com/journal/cancersdm2022Immunolog

    Onomasticon Ottomanicum : identification administrative et désignation sociale dans l’État ottoman du xixe siècle

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    À partir d’un corpus de 282 pachas prélevés dans la collection des sicill-i ahval constituée sous le règne du sultan Abdülhamid II (1876-1909), cet article propose une réflexion sur les modes d’attribution et les usages du nom à la fin de la période ottomane. Il présente dans un premier temps les principales structures du nom (ism, mahlas, lakab) et la manière dont les dignitaires y recourent pour répondre aux procédures d’identification mises en œuvre par l’administration ottomane. Dans un second temps, il s’attache à montrer que le nom d’État inscrit dans les notices biographiques n’est pas toujours celui sous lequel le dignitaire est désigné socialement, qu’il utilise dans ses activités quotidiennes, ou qu’il a reçu le jour de sa naissance. Le nom d’usage est en effet souvent modifié en partie à l’école, sinon à la suite d’un déplacement géographique, ou de la fréquentation d’un espace professionnel ou culturel. En outre, non seulement bien des Ottomans attendent d’avoir du poil au menton avant de recevoir leur nom pour la vie, mais l’usage des noms de personne varie grandement selon le contexte de la désignation. Il en résulte que les opérations d’identification administrative ne restituent qu’une partie de l’identité onomastique des individus, et que les noms doivent être étudiés comme des catégories historiques plutôt que comme des « désignateurs rigides »

    Chercher ensemble : les défis et les cahots de l'interdisciplinarité, des méthodes mixtes et des partenariats multiples (Rume)

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    International audienceCet article décrit la construction et le déroulement d'un projet de recherche interdisciplinaire (économie/anthropologie), multi-méthodes (quantitatif et qualitatif) et multi-partenarial (Inde, Mexique, Madagascar) afin d'en tirer des enseignements en matière de modes de production de connaissance. Les clivages épistémologiques (quel réel observe-t-on et comment valide-t-on les connaissances ainsi produites ?) et les confusions dans l'usage des termes "quantitatif", "qualitatif" et "partenariat" ont été des points d'achoppement récurrents. Le projet a néanmoins produit des résultats novateurs, mais au prix d'un processus cahotant d'adaptation, de créativité et de compromis, à la fois sur le plan scientifique, partenarial, et humain

    Le mobilier de l’église et de son puits. Le mobilier céramique

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    Le matériel de la fouilles du site Albert Ier a livré plus de 4000 fragments. Plus des trois-quarts proviennent de l'abandon et du comblement d'un puits aménagé dans l'épaisseur d'un mur du chœur de l'église. Une quarantaine de cruches illustre la phase d'utilisation du puits de la première moitié du XIVe s. Son abandon livre des éléments datables de la deuxième moitié du XIVe au milieux du XVe s. Un autre ensemble significatif est constitué par le mobilier rattaché à l'habitat du XIIIe s. L"ensemble du mobilier confirme et enrichit les connaissances sur la céramique médiévale montpelliéraine

    Synthesis of Cu2Mo6S8 powders and thin films from intermediate oxides prepared by polymeric precursor method

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    International audiencePowders and thin films of the copper molybdenum sulfide Cu2Mo6S8 were synthesized from intermediate oxides prepared by polymeric precursor method based on Pechini process. In the case of the thin films, deposition was performed onto R-plane sapphire single crystal by spin coating. The influence of temperature and duration of the 3 step heat treatment cycle (calcination, sulfurization and reduction) were investigated to optimize the synthesis conditions. The first step of calcination under air atmosphere performed for 3 h at 450 °C and 400 °C is suitable to obtain the intermediate oxides powders and thin films, respectively. The sulfurization treatment at 600 °C for 2 h under H2S/H2 gas flow followed by reduction at 650 °C for 4 h under H2 gas flow allowed to obtain Cu2Mo6S8 in powder or thin film form. In the last case, a multilayer process led to dense and homogeneous films. Moreover, the insertion and superconducting behaviour of the final powders allowed to validate the Cu2Mo6S8 synthesis by this moderate temperature process

    Prospects for sustainability of pig production in relation to climate change and novel feed resources

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    Pig production systems provide multiple benefits to humans. However, the global increase in meat consumption has profound consequences for our earth. This perspective describes two alternative scenarios for improving the sustainability of future pig production systems. The first scenario is a high input-high output system based on sustainable intensification, maximizing animal protein production efficiency on a limited land surface at the same time as minimizing environmental impacts. The second scenario is a reduced input-reduced output system based on selecting animals that are more robust to climate change and are better adapted to transform low quality feed (local feeds, feedstuff co-products, food waste) into meat. However, in contrast to the first scenario, the latter scenario results in reduced predicted yields, reduced production efficiency and possibly increased costs to the consumer. National evaluation of the availability of local feed and feedstuff co-product alternatives, determination of limits to feed sourced from international markets, available land for crop and livestock production, desired production levels, and a willingness to politically enforce policies through subsidies and/or penalties are some of the considerations to combine these two scenarios. Given future novel sustainable alternatives to livestock animal protein, it may become reasonable to move towards an added general premium price on 'protein from livestock animals' to the benefit of promoting higher incomes to farmers at the same time as covering the extra costs of, politically enforced, welfare of livestock animals in sustainable production systems. (c) 2020 The Authors. Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry

    Evaluating a Walk-over-Weighing system for the automatic monitoring of growth in postweaned Mérinos d’Arles ewe lambs under Mediterranean grazing conditions

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    International audienceLive weight (LW) is a key and conventional indicator for monitoring and assessing overall animal performance and welfare, representing the progress through different physiological stages, while providing close indication of individual physical and health status. Measuring LW in practice is still, however, quite rare and infrequent under commercial sheep farming conditions, mainly because sessions are time-consuming, stressful either for the operator or the animals. A Walk-over-Weighing (WoW) system was tested in this experiment lasting 14 weeks (i.e. 3 weeks for acclimation and adaptation and 11 weeks for data collection). We validated its use for routine and frequent monitoring of growth rate in postweaned Merinos d’Arles ewe lambs (n = 100), reared under Mediterranean grazing conditions. The necessity for an initial adaptation period of the animals was confirmed. Also, the importance of conducting an effective data cleaning procedure of the raw database automatically collected by the WoW was corroborated. Adaptation of naive ewe lambs enabled the required voluntary passages across the weighing platform and a high volume of individual and daily data after 2–3 weeks. Close monitoring of individual growth was then possible after performing sound data cleaning. A good agreement was demonstrated between WoW LW and a reference LW value (measured with a standard static scale). At the individual level, even with the lowest number of LW values collected with WoW, it was possible to monitor variations in LW at daily intervals. The establishment of an early warning system to help farmer decision-making could therefore be possible. Our results show interesting prospects for more accurate and frequent monitoring of LW in grazing sheep without human intervention, compared to what is currently carried out on commercial farms