42 research outputs found

    Ultra low energy results and their impact to dark matter and low energy neutrino physics

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    We present ultra low energy results taken with the novel Spherical Proportional Counter. The energy threshold has been pushed down to about 25 eV and single electrons are clearly collected and detected. To reach such performance low energy calibration systems have been successfully developed: - A pulsed UV lamp extracting photoelectrons from the inner surface of the detector - Various radioactive sources allowing low energy peaks through fluorescence processes. The bench mark result is the observation of a well resolved peak at 270 eV due to carbon fluorescence which is unique performance for such large-massive detector. It opens a new window in dark matter and low energy neutrino search and may allow detection of neutrinos from a nuclear reactor or from supernova via neutrino-nucleus elastic scatteringComment: 14 pages,16 figure

    Neutron spectroscopy with the Spherical Proportional Counter

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    A novel large volume spherical proportional counter, recently developed, is used for neutron measurements. Gas mixtures of N2N_{2} with C2H6C_{2}H_{6} and pure N2N_{2} are studied for thermal and fast neutron detection, providing a new way for the neutron spectroscopy. The neutrons are detected via the 14N(n,p)C14{}^{14}N(n, p)C^{14} and 14N(n,α)B11{}^{14}N(n, \alpha)B^{11} reactions. Here we provide studies of the optimum gas mixture, the gas pressure and the most appropriate high voltage supply on the sensor of the detector in order to achieve the maximum amplification and better resolution. The detector is tested for thermal and fast neutrons detection with a 252Cf{}^{252}Cf and a 241Am9Be{}^{241}Am-{}^{9}Be neutron source. The atmospheric neutrons are successfully measured from thermal up to several MeV, well separated from the cosmic ray background. A comparison of the spherical proportional counter with the current available neutron counters is also given.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure

    Physical Conditions of Fast Glacier Flow 1:Measurements From Boreholes Drilled to the Bed of Store Glacier, West Greenland

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    Marine-terminating outlet glaciers of the Greenland ice sheet make significant contributions to global sea level rise, yet the conditions that facilitate their fast flow remain poorly constrained owing to a paucity of data. We drilled and instrumented seven boreholes on Store Glacier, Greenland, to monitor subglacial water pressure, temperature, electrical conductivity and turbidity along with englacial ice temperature and deformation. These observations were supplemented by surface velocity and meteorological measurements to gain insight into the conditions and mechanisms of fast glacier flow. Located 30 km from the calving front, each borehole drained rapidly on attaining 600m depth indicating a direct connection with an active subglacial hydrological system. Persistently high subglacial water pressures indicate low effective pressure (180 - 280 kPa), with small amplitude variations correlated with notable peaks in surface velocity driven by the diurnal melt cycle and longer periods of melt and rainfall. The englacial deformation profile determined from borehole tilt measurements indicates that 63-71% of total ice motion occurred at the bed, with the remaining 29-37% predominantly attributed to enhanced deformation in the lowermost 50-100 m of the ice column. We interpret this lowermost 100m to be formed of warmer, pre-Holocene ice overlying a thin (0-8m) layer of temperate basal ice. Our observations are consistent with a spatially-extensive and persistently-inefficient subglacial drainage system that we hypothesize comprises drainage both at the ice-sediment interface and through subglacial sediments. This configuration has similarities to that interpreted beneath dynamically-analogous Antarctic ice streams, Alaskan tidewater glaciers, and glaciers in surge.This research was funded by UK National Environment Research Council grants NE/K006126 and NE/K005871/1 and an Aberystwyth University Capital Equipment grant to B. H. A. H. gratefully acknowledges support from the BBC's Operation Iceberg program for the deployment of the GPS reference station and a Professorial Fellowship from the Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate, funded by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence (grant 223259). The authors thank the crew of SV Gambo for logistical support, Ann Andreasen and the Uummannaq Polar Institute for hospitality, technicians Barry Thomas and Dave Kelly for assembly of the borehole sensors, Joe Todd for producing a bed elevation model from mass conservation that proved useful in selecting the drill site, and Leo Nathan for assistance in the field. NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data were provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA, from www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/. The data sets presented in this paper are available for download from https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5745294

    Transient thermal effects in solid noble gases as materials for the detection of Dark Matter

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    The transient phenomena produced in solid noble gases by the stopping of the recoils resulting from the elastic scattering processes of WIMPs from the galactic halo were modelled, as dependencies of the temperatures of lattice and electronic subsystems on the distance to the recoil's trajectory, and time from its passage. The peculiarities of these thermal transients produced in Ar, Kr and Xe were analysed for different initial temperatures and WIMP energies, and were correlated with the characteristics of the targets and with the energy loss of the recoils. The results were compared with the thermal spikes produced by the same WIMPs in Si and Ge. In the range of the energy of interest, up to tens of keV for the self-recoil, local phase transitions solid - liquid and even liquid - gas were found possible, and the threshold parameters were established.Comment: Minor corrections and updated references; accepted to JCA

    Amplified melt and flow of the Greenland ice sheet driven by late-summer cyclonic rainfall

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    Intense rainfall events significantly affect Alpine and Alaskan glaciers through enhanced melting, ice-flow acceleration and subglacial sediment erosion, yet their impact on the Greenland ice sheet has not been assessed. Here we present measurements of ice velocity, subglacial water pressure and meteorological variables from the western margin of the Greenland ice sheet during a week of warm, wet cyclonic weather in late August and early September 2011. We find that extreme surface runoff from melt and rainfall led to a widespread acceleration in ice flow that extended 140 km into the ice-sheet interior. We suggest that the late-season timing was critical in promoting rapid runoff across an extensive bare ice surface that overwhelmed a subglacial hydrological system in transition to a less-efficient winter mode. Reanalysis data reveal that similar cyclonic weather conditions prevailed across southern and western Greenland during this time, and we observe a corresponding ice-flow response at all land- and marine-terminating glaciers in these regions for which data are available. Given that the advection of warm, moist air masses and rainfall over Greenland is expected to become more frequent in the coming decades, our findings portend a previously unforeseen vulnerability of the Greenland ice sheet to climate change

    CMS physics technical design report : Addendum on high density QCD with heavy ions

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