3,978 research outputs found

    Chaotic motion of space charge wavefronts in semiconductors under time-independent voltage bias

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    A standard drift-diffusion model of space charge wave propagation in semiconductors has been studied numerically and analytically under dc voltage bias. For sufficiently long samples, appropriate contact resistivity and applied voltage - such that the sample is biased in a regime of negative differential resistance - we find chaos in the propagation of nonlinear fronts (charge monopoles of alternating sign) of electric field. The chaos is always low-dimensional, but has a complex spatial structure; this behavior can be interpreted using a finite dimensional asymptotic model in which the front (charge monopole) positions and the electrical current are the only dynamical variables.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Chaos in resonant-tunneling superlattices

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    Spatio-temporal chaos is predicted to occur in n-doped semiconductor superlattices with sequential resonant tunneling as their main charge transport mechanism. Under dc voltage bias, undamped time-dependent oscillations of the current (due to the motion and recycling of electric field domain walls) have been observed in recent experiments. Chaos is the result of forcing this natural oscillation by means of an appropriate external microwave signal.Comment: 3 pages, LaTex, RevTex, 3 uuencoded figures (1.2M) are available upon request from [email protected], to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Universality of the Gunn effect: self-sustained oscillations mediated by solitary waves

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    The Gunn effect consists of time-periodic oscillations of the current flowing through an external purely resistive circuit mediated by solitary wave dynamics of the electric field on an attached appropriate semiconductor. By means of a new asymptotic analysis, it is argued that Gunn-like behavior occurs in specific classes of model equations. As an illustration, an example related to the constrained Cahn-Allen equation is analyzed.Comment: 4 pages,3 Post-Script figure

    Maxwellian Neutron Spectrum generation and Stellar Cross-Section measurements: measurement of the 197Au(n,γ) MACS

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    Maxwellian-averaged cross-sections (MACS) are needed as an input for the models of stellar s- and r-processes nucleosynthesis. MACS can be obtained from activation measurements, irradiating a sample with the neutron field generated by the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction at 1912 keV proton energy. At this energy, the neutron energy spectrum is close (R2≤0.9) to a Maxwellian one of kT=25 keV. However, it was shown that shaping the energy of the incident proton beam is possible to generate a neutron field with an energy spectrum much closer to a real Maxwellian (R2>0.995), therefore avoiding or minimizing corrections in the MACS calculation. We show a preliminary result of an experiment performed at JRC-IRMM (Geel) to confirm our method. We have measured the MACS30 (kT=30 keV) of the 197Au(n,γ) reaction, at CNA (Seville). We obtained 612 mb, in good agreement with the latest measurements

    Energy and Momentum Distributions of a (2+1)-dimensional black hole background

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    Using Einstein, Landau-Lifshitz, Papapetrou and Weinberg energy-momentum complexes we explicitly evaluate the energy and momentum distributions associated with a non-static and circularly symmetric three-dimensional spacetime. The gravitational background under study is an exact solution of the Einstein's equations in the presence of a cosmological constant and a null fluid. It can be regarded as the three-dimensional analogue of the Vaidya metric and represents a non-static spinless (2+1)-dimensional black hole with an outflux of null radiation. All four above-mentioned prescriptions give exactly the same energy and momentum distributions for the specific black hole background. Therefore, the results obtained here provide evidence in support of the claim that for a given gravitational background, different energy-momentum complexes can give identical results in three dimensions. Furthermore, in the limit of zero cosmological constant the results presented here reproduce the results obtained by Virbhadra who utilized the Landau-Lifshitz energy-momentum complex for the same (2+1)-dimensional black hole background in the absence of a cosmological constant.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, v3: references added, to appear in Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    Stationary states and phase diagram for a model of the Gunn effect under realistic boundary conditions

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    A general formulation of boundary conditions for semiconductor-metal contacts follows from a phenomenological procedure sketched here. The resulting boundary conditions, which incorporate only physically well-defined parameters, are used to study the classical unipolar drift-diffusion model for the Gunn effect. The analysis of its stationary solutions reveals the presence of bistability and hysteresis for a certain range of contact parameters. Several types of Gunn effect are predicted to occur in the model, when no stable stationary solution exists, depending on the value of the parameters of the injecting contact appearing in the boundary condition. In this way, the critical role played by contacts in the Gunn effect is clearly stablished.Comment: 10 pages, 6 Post-Script figure

    One-loop corrections to ALP couplings

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    The plethora of increasingly precise experiments which hunt for axion-like particles (ALPs), as well as their widely different energy reach, call for the theoretical understanding of ALP couplings at loop-level. We derive the one-loop contributions to ALP-SM effective couplings, including finite corrections. The complete leading-order — dimension five — effective linear Lagrangian is considered. The ALP is left off-shell, which is of particular impact on LHC and accelerator searches of ALP couplings to γγ, ZZ, Zγ, WW, gluons and fermions. All results are obtained in the covariant Rξ gauge. A few phenomenological consequences are also explored as illustration, with flavour diagonal channels in the case of fermions: in particular, we explore constraints on the coupling of the ALP to top quarks, that can be extracted from LHC data, from astrophysical sources and from Dark Matter direct detection experiments such as PandaX, LUX and XENON1T. Furthermore, we clarify the relation between alternative ALP bases, the role of gauge anomalous couplings and their interface with chirality-conserving and chirality-flip fermion interactions, and we briefly discuss renormalization group aspect

    Effects of noise on hysteresis and resonance width in graphene and nanotubes resonators

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    We investigate the role that noise plays in the hysteretic dynamics of a suspended nanotube or a graphene sheet subject to an oscillating force. We find that not only the size but also the position of the hysteresis region in these systems can be controlled by noise. We also find that nano-resonators act as noise rectifiers: by increasing the noise in the setup, the resonance width of the characteristic peak in these systems is reduced and, as a result, the quality factor is increased.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Sent to PRB (in revision
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