907 research outputs found

    Chemical evolution and depletion pattern in Damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems

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    In this paper we point out a previously unnoticed anticorrelation between the observed abundance ratio [X/Zn] (where Zn is assumed to be undepleted and X stands for the refractories Fe, Cr and Ni) and metal column density ([Zn/H]+log(N{HI})) in DLAs. We suggest that this trend is an unambiguous sign of dust depletion, since metal column density is a measure of the amount of dust along the line of sight. Assuming that DLAs are (proto-)galactic disks and using detailed chemical evolution models with metallicity dependent yields we study chemical evolution and dust depletion patterns for alpha and iron-peak elements in DLAs. When observational constraints on the metal column density of DLAs are taken into account (as suggested in Boisse et al. 1998) we find that our models reproduce fairly well the observed mild redshift evolution of the abundances of 8 elements (Al, Si, S, Cr, Mn, Fe, Zn and Ni) as well as the observed scatter at a given redshift. By considering the aforementioned dependence of abundance ratios on metal column density, we further explore the general dust depletion pattern in DLAs, comparing to our model results and to a solar reference pattern. We suggest that further measurements of the key elements, i.e. Zn, S and Mn, will help to gain more insight into the nature of DLAs. In any case, the presently uncertain nucleosynthesis of Zn in massive stars (on which a large part of these conclusions is based) should be carefully scrutinised.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, Astronomy and Astrophysics, in pres

    Abundance gradients and their evolution in the Milky Way disk

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    Based on a simple, but fairly successful, model of the chemical evolution of the Milky Way disk, we study the evolution of the abundances of the elements He, C, N, O, Ne, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar and Fe. We use metallicity dependent yields for massive stars with and without mass loss. We find that most observed abundance profiles are correctly reproduced by massive star yields, but C and N require supplementary sources. We argue that massive, mass losing stars can totally account for the abundance profile of C, while intermediate mass stars are the main source of N; in both cases, some conflict with corresponding data on extragalactic HII regions arises, at least if current observations in the Galaxy are taken at face value. The observed behaviour of Al is marginally compatible with current massive star yields, which probably overestimate the ``odd-even'' effect. We also find that the adopted ``inside-out'' formation scheme for the Milky Way disk produce abundance profiles steeper in the past. The corresponding abundance scatter is smaller in the inner disk than in the outer regions for a given interval of Galactic age

    The origin of the mu_e - M_B and Kormendy relations in dwarf elliptical galaxies

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    The present work is aimed at studying the distribution of galaxies of different types and luminosities along different structural scaling relations to see whether massive and dwarf ellipticals have been shaped by the same formation process. This exercise is here done by comparing the distribution of Virgo cluster massive and dwarf ellipticals and star forming galaxies along the B band effective surface brightness and effective radius vs. absolute magnitude relations and the Kormendy relation to the predictions of models tracing the effects of ram-pressure stripping on disc galaxies entering the cluster environment and galaxy harassment. Dwarf ellipticals might have been formed from low luminosity, late-type spirals that recently entered into the cluster and lost their gas because of a ram-pressure stripping event, stopping their activity of star formation. The perturbations induced by the abrupt decrease of the star formation activity are sufficient to modify the structural properties of disc galaxies into those of dwarf ellipticals. Galaxy harassment induce a truncation of the disc and generally an increase of the effective surface brightness of the perturbed galaxies. The lack of dynamical simulations of perturbed galaxies spanning a wide range in luminosity prevents us to drive any firm conclusion on a possible harassment-induced origin of the low surface brightness dwarf elliptical galaxy population inhabiting the Virgo cluster. Although the observed scaling relations are consistent with the idea that the distribution of elliptical galaxies along the mentioned scaling relation is just due to a gradual variation with luminosity of the Sersic index n, the comparison with models indicates that dwarf ellipticals might have been formed by a totally different process than giant ellipticalsComment: Accepted for publication on A&

    The fate of spiral galaxies in clusters: The star formation history of the anemic Virgo cluster galaxy NGC 4569

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    We present a new method for studying the star formation history of late-type cluster galaxies undergoing gas starvation or a ram pressure stripping event by combining bidimensional multifrequency observations with multizone models of galactic chemical and spectrophotometric evolution. This method is applied to the Virgo Cluster anemic galaxy NGC 4569. We extract radial profiles from recently obtained UV GALEX images at 1530 and 2310 Å, from visible and near-IR narrow (Hα) and broadband images at different wavelengths (u, B, g, V, r, i, z, J, H, and K), from Spitzer IRAC and MIPS images, and from atomic and molecular gas maps. The model in the absence of interaction (characterized by its rotation velocity and spin parameter) is constrained by the unperturbed H-band light profile and by the Hα rotation curve. We can reconstruct the observed total gas radial density profile and the light surface brightness profiles at all wavelengths in a ram pressure stripping scenario by making simple assumptions about the gas removal process and the orbit of NGC 4569 inside the cluster. The observed profiles cannot be reproduced by simply stopping gas infall, thus mimicking starvation. Gas removal is required, which is more efficient in the outer disk, inducing radial quenching in the star formation activity, as observed and reproduced by the model. This observational result, consistent with theoretical predictions that a galaxy cluster-IGM interaction is able to modify structural disk parameters without gravitational perturbations, is discussed in the framework of the origin of lenticular galaxies in cluster

    Muriel, 1st Act: An Interactive Film Installation

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    Millimetre continuum observations of comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd)

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    Little is known about the physical properties of the nuclei of Oort cloud comets. Measuring the thermal emission of a nucleus is one of the few means for deriving its size and constraining some of its thermal properties. We attempted to measure the nucleus size of the Oort cloud comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd). We used the Plateau de Bure Interferometer to measure the millimetric thermal emission of this comet at 157 GHz (1.9 mm) and 266 GHz (1.1 mm). Whereas the observations at 266 GHz were not usable due to bad atmospheric conditions, we derived a 3-sigma upper limit on the comet continuum emission of 0.41 mJy at 157 GHz. Using a thermal model for a spherical nucleus with standard thermal parameters, we found an upper limit of 5.6 km for the radius. The dust contribution to our signal is estimated to be negligible. Given the water production rates measured for this comet and our upper limit, we estimated that Garradd was very active, with an active fraction of its nucleus larger than 50%.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 5 pages, 2 figure

    Towards understanding the relation between the gas and the attenuation in galaxies at kpc scales

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    [abridged] Aims. The aim of the present paper is to provide new and more detailed relations at the kpc scale between the gas surface density and the face-on optical depth directly calibrated on galaxies, in order to compute the attenuation not only for semi-analytic models but also observationally as new and upcoming radio observatories are able to trace gas ever farther in the Universe. Methods. We have selected a sample of 4 nearby resolved galaxies and a sample of 27 unresolved galaxies from the Herschel Reference Survey and the Very Nearby Galaxies Survey, for which we have a large set of multi-wavelength data from the FUV to the FIR including metallicity gradients for resolved galaxies, along with radio HI and CO observations. For each pixel in resolved galaxies and for each galaxy in the unresolved sample, we compute the face-on optical depth from the attenuation determined with the CIGALE SED fitting code and an assumed geometry. We determine the gas surface density from HI and CO observations with a metallicity-dependent XCO factor. Results. We provide new, simple to use, relations to determine the face-on optical depth from the gas surface density, taking the metallicity into account, which proves to be crucial for a proper estimate. The method used to determine the gas surface density or the face-on optical depth has little impact on the relations except for galaxies that have an inclination over 50d. Finally, we provide detailed instructions on how to compute the attenuation practically from the gas surface density taking into account possible information on the metallicity. Conclusions. Examination of the influence of these new relations on simulated FUV and IR luminosity functions shows a clear impact compared to older oft-used relations, which in turn could affect the conclusions drawn from studies based on large scale cosmological simulations.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS). II. Constraints on star formation in ram-pressure stripped gas

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    Context: Several galaxies in the Virgo cluster are known to have large HI gas tails related to a recent ram-pressure stripping event. The Virgo cluster has been extensively observed at 1539 A in the far-ultraviolet for the GALEX Ultraviolet Virgo Cluster Survey (GUViCS), and in the optical for the Next Generation Virgo Survey (NGVS), allowing a study of the stellar emission potentially associated with the gas tails of 8 cluster members. On the theoretical side, models of ram-pressure stripping events have started to include the physics of star formation. Aim: We aim to provide quantitative constraints on the amount of star formation taking place in the ram-pressure stripped gas, mainly on the basis of the far-UV emission found in the GUViCS images in relation with the gas content of the tails. Methods: We have performed three comparisons of the young stars emission with the gas column density: visual, pixel-by-pixel and global. We have compared our results to other observational and theoretical studies. Results: We find that the level of star formation taking place in the gas stripped from galaxies by ram-pressure is low with respect to the available amount of gas. Star formation is lower by at least a factor 10 compared to the predictions of the Schmidt Law as determined in regular spiral galaxy disks. It is also lower than measured in dwarfs galaxies and the outer regions of spirals, and than predicted by some numerical simulations. We provide constraints on the star formation efficiency in the ram-pressure stripped gas tails, and compare these with current models.Comment: Accepted in A&A, 17 pages (including the appendix and "on-line" figures of the paper