61 research outputs found

    Discovering New Ordered Phases of Block Copolymers

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    We propose a new and general method for discovering novel ordered phases of block copolymer melts. The method involves minimizing a free energy functional in an arbitrary unit cell with respect to the composition profile and the dimensions of the unit cell, without any prior assumption of the microphase symmetry. Varying the initial conditions allows to search for different stable and metastable structures. Application of this method to ABC star and linear triblock copolymers using an approximate free energy reveals new morphologies not yet observed in experiment

    Forced-unfolding and force-quench refolding of RNA hairpins

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    Using coarse-grained model we have explored forced-unfolding of RNA hairpin as a function of fSf_S and the loading rate (rfr_f). The simulations and theoretical analysis have been done without and with the handles that are explicitly modeled by semiflexible polymer chains. The mechanisms and time scales for denaturation by temperature jump and mechanical unfolding are vastly different. The directed perturbation of the native state by fSf_S results in a sequential unfolding of the hairpin starting from their ends whereas thermal denaturation occurs stochastically. From the dependence of the unfolding rates on rfr_f and fSf_S we show that the position of the unfolding transition state (TS) is not a constant but moves dramatically as either rfr_f or fSf_S is changed. The TS movements are interpreted by adopting the Hammond postulate for forced-unfolding. Forced-unfolding simulations of RNA, with handles attached to the two ends, show that the value of the unfolding force increases (especially at high pulling speeds) as the length of the handles increases. The pathways for refolding of RNA from stretched initial conformation, upon quenching fSf_S to the quench force fQf_Q, are highly heterogeneous. The refolding times, upon force quench, are at least an order of magnitude greater than those obtained by temperature quench. The long fQf_Q-dependent refolding times starting from fully stretched states are analyzed using a model that accounts for the microscopic steps in the rate limiting step which involves the trans to gauche transitions of the dihedral angles in the GAAA tetraloop. The simulations with explicit molecular model for the handles show that the dynamics of force-quench refolding is strongly dependent on the interplay of their contour length and the persistence length, and the RNA persistence length.Comment: 42 pages, 15 figures, Biophys. J. (in press

    Stretching dynamics of semiflexible polymers

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    We analyze the nonequilibrium dynamics of single inextensible semiflexible biopolymers as stretching forces are applied at the ends. Based on different (contradicting) heuristic arguments, various scaling laws have been proposed for the propagation speed of the backbone tension which is induced in response to stretching. Here, we employ a newly developed unified theory to systematically substantiate, restrict, and extend these approaches. Introducing the practically relevant scenario of a chain equilibrated under some prestretching force f pre that is suddenly exposed to a different external force f ext at the ends, we give a concise physical explanation of the underlying relaxation processes by means of an intuitive blob picture. We discuss the corresponding intermediate asymptotics, derive results for experimentally relevant observables, and support our conclusions by numerical solutions of the coarse-grained equations of motion for the tension

    Tension Dynamics and Linear Viscoelastic Behavior of a Single Semiflexible Polymer Chain

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    We study the dynamical response of a single semiflexible polymer chain based on the theory developed by Hallatschek et al. for the wormlike-chain model. The linear viscoelastic response under oscillatory forces acting at the two chain ends is derived analytically as a function of the oscillation frequency . We shall show that the real part of the complex compliance in the low frequency limit is consistent with the static result of Marko and Siggia whereas the imaginary part exhibits the power-law dependence +1/2. On the other hand, these compliances decrease as the power law -7/8 for the high frequency limit. These are different from those of the Rouse dynamics. A scaling argument is developed to understand these novel results.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Rapid internal contraction boosts DNA friction

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    Macroscopic objects are usually manipulated by force and observed with light. On the nanoscale, however, this is often done oppositely: individual macromolecules are manipulated by light and monitored with force. This procedure, which is the basis of single-molecule force spectroscopy, has led to much of our quantitative understanding of how DNA works, and is now routinely applied to explore molecular structure and interactions, DNA–protein reactions and protein folding. Here we develop the technique further by introducing a dynamic force spectroscopy set-up for a non-invasive inspection of the tension dynamics in a taut strand of DNA. The internal contraction after a sudden release of the molecule is shown to give rise to a drastically enhanced viscous friction, as revealed by the slow relaxation of an attached colloidal tracer. Our systematic theory explains the data quantitatively and provides a powerful tool for the rational design of new dynamic force spectroscopy assays

    Reversible Association of Telechelic Molecules: An Application of Graph Theory

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    We develop a method for calculating the exact free energy of tree clusters formed from associating telechelic molecules. The method uses the concept of rooted trees from the graph theory to enumerate all topologically distinct trees having a maximum degree of branching; it recursively separates the trees into different classes based on their connectivity, thus enabling the exact summation of the trees weighted by their respective Boltzmann factors. We apply our method to studying the pregel properties in pure telechelic solutions and in mixed telechelic and single-associating-end polymer solutions. We highlight the effect of energetic tendency for branching in the former and the effect of competitive association in the latter
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