170 research outputs found

    Segregation of electro- and mechanoreceptive inputs to the elasmobranch medulla

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    The anterior lateral line nerve of the thornback ray consists of fibers that innervate head electroreceptive ampullary organs and mechanoreceptive neuromasts. As the anterior lateral line nerve enters the medulla it divides into dorsal and ventral roots. Single unit responses of dorsal root fibers to electric field and mechanical stimuli indicate that the dorsal root consists only of ampullary fibers, whereas the ventral root consists only of mechanoreceptive fibers. The dorsal and ventral roots of the anterior lateral line nerve terminate in the dorsal and medial octavolateralis nuclei respectively, indicating that the dorsal nucleus is the primary electroreceptive nucleus of the elasmobranch medulla and the medial nucleus is the mechanoreceptive nucleus. Averaged evoked potential responses to electric field stimuli could be recorded from the dorsal but not the medial nucleus, further evidence that the dorsal nucleus is the electroreceptive nucleus. A second evoked response to electric field stimuli was elicited from the lateral reticular nucleus, suggesting that the reticular formation may be a secondary target of efferents of the dorsal octavolateralis nucleus. A dorsal octavo-lateralis nucleus exists not only in elasmobranchs, but also in agnathan, chondrostean, dipnoan, and crossopterygian fishes, suggesting that all of these taxa are also electroreceptive.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/23168/1/0000093.pd

    An electrosensory area in the telencephalon of the little skate, Raja erinacea

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    On the basis of evoked potential and multiple unit responses we identified a pallial electrosensory area that extends throughout the central one-third of the skate telencephalon. This electrosensory area coincides in its mediolateral and rostrocaudal extent with an area of visual responsiveness. Throughout the area peak visual activity is 250-500 [mu]m superficial to the maximum electrosensory responses. However, both electrosensory and visual areas appear to be located within the same pallial cell group. The depth and proximity of this pallial area to the lateral ventricle and medial forebrain bundle suggest that it is a subdivision of the medial pallium. Injection of HRP into the area from a glass microelectrode following recordings revealed retrogradely labeled cells in 3 separate diencephalic nuclei, the largest of which, the lateral posterior nucleus, also is responsive to electrosensory stimuli.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/24842/1/0000268.pd

    Early life sensory ability—ventilatory responses of thornback ray embryos (Raja clavata) to predator-type electric fields

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    Predator avoidance is fundamental for survival and it can be particularly challenging for prey animals if physical movement away from a predatory threat is restricted. Many sharks and rays begin life within an egg capsule that is attached to the sea bed. The vulnerability of this sedentary life stage is exacerbated in skates (Rajidae) as the compulsory ventilatory activity of embryos makes them conspicuous to potential predators. Embryos can reduce this risk by mediating ventilatory activity if they detect the presence of a predator using an acute electrosense. To determine how early in embryonic life predator elicited behavioral responses can occur, the reactions of three different age groups (1/3 developed, 2/3 developed, and near hatching) of embryonic thornback rays Raja clavata were tested using predator-type electric field stimuli. Egg capsules were exposed to continuous or intermittent stimuli in order to assess varying predator-type encounter scenarios on the ventilatory behavior of different developmental stages. All embryos reacted with a “freeze response” following initial electric field (E-field) exposure, ceasing ventilatory behavior in response to predator presence, demonstrating electroreceptive functionality for the first time at the earliest possible stage in ontogeny. This ability coincided with the onset of egg ventilatory behavior and may represent an effective means to enhance survival. A continuous application of stimuli over time revealed that embryos can adapt their behavior and resume normal activity, whereas when presented intermittently, the E-field resulted in a significant reduction in overall ventilatory activity across all ages. Recovery from stimuli was significantly quicker in older embryos, potentially indicative of the trade-off between avoiding predation and adequate respiration. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 721–729, 201

    The organization of the octavolateralis area in actinopterygian fishes: A new interpretation

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    The octavolateralis area of actinopterygian fishes can be subdivided into a dorsal lateralis area composed of first-order lateral line nuclei, and a ventral octavus area composed of nuclei receiving first-order input from the eighth nerve. Three patterns of organization of the lateralis area are recognized in the present study. The organization of this area in polypteriforms and chondrosteans is similar to that in chondrichthyans. On the basis of recent studies in chondrichthyans (McCready and Boord, '76; Boord and Campbell, '77; Bodznick and Northcutt, '80), it is hypothesized that this pattern reflects the subdivision of the lateral line system into mechanoreceptive and electroreceptive portions. As petromyzontid agnathans also share this pattern of organization, it is hypothesized that they are elecroreceptive. The lateralis area of holosteans and nonelectroreceptive teleosts exhibits a second organizational pattern that is hypothesized to reflect the loss of the electroreceptive portion of the lateral line system; it is suggested that electroreception was lost sometime between the chondrostean and teleostean radiations. Each group of electroreceptive teleosts is believed to have evolved electroreception independently (Bullock, '74), a situation that is reflected centrally by a third organizational pattern within the lateralis area, which is distinctly different from that of early radiations of electroreceptive fishes. The octavus area of actinopterygians exhibits two patterns of organization–that of polypteriforms, chondrosteans, and holosteans, and that of teleosts. The functional significance of these patterns has yet to be elucidated.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/50276/1/1051710205_ftp.pd

    Localization of neurons afferent to the optic tectum in longnose gars

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    Afferent pathways to the optic tectum in the longnose gar were determined by unilateral tectal injections of HRP. Retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the ipsilateral caudal portion of the rostral entopeduncular nucleus and bilaterally in the rostral half of the lateral zone of area dorsalis of the telencephalon. The following diencephalic cell groups were also labeled following tectal injections: the ipsilateral anterior, ventrolateral, and ventromedial thalamic nuclei, the periventricular pretectal nucleus, and the central pretectal nucleus (bilaterally); the ventromedial thalamic and central pretectal nuclei revealed the largest number of labeled cells. At midbrain levels, retrogradely labeled cells were seen in the ipsilateral torus longitudinalis, nucleus isthmi, and accessory optic nucleus; cells were labeled bilaterally in the torus semicircularis and a rostral tegmental nucleus. Only a few cells were labeled in the contralateral optic tectum, suggesting that few of the fibers of the intertectal commissure are actually commissural to the tectum. At hindbrain levels, retrogradely labeled cells were seen bilaterally in the locus coeruleus, the superior, medial, and inferior reticular formations, the eurydendroid cells of the cerebellum, and the nucleus of the descending trigeminal tract; the contralateral dorsal funicular nucleus also exhibited labeling. Clearly, the tectum in gars receives a substantial number of nonvisual afferents from all major brain areas, most of which have been reported in other vertebrates. The functional significance of these afferent sources and their probable homologues in other vertebrate groups are discussed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/50017/1/902040404_ftp.pd

    The phylogenetic distribution of electroreception: Evidence for convergent evolution of a primitive vertebrate sense modality

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    Specializations for electroreception in sense organs and brain centers are found in a wide variety of fishes and amphibians, though probably in a small minority of teleost taxa. No other group of vertebrates or invertebrates is presently suspected to have adaptations for electroreception in the definition given here. The distribution among fishes is unlike any other sense modality in that it has apparently been invented, lost completely and reinvented several times independently, using distinct receptors and central nuclei in the medulla. There are so far no clearly borderline or transitional fishes, either physiologically or anatomically. We rather expect a few new electroreceptive taxa to be found. The evoked potential method and the newly validated central anatomical criteria provide two useful tools for searching.Although Myxiniformes probably lack electroreception, it is well developed in Petromyzoniformes and in all other non-teleost fishes except Holostei. Thus Elasmobranchia, Holocephala, Dipneusti, Crossopterygii, Polypteriformes and Chondrostei have the physiological and anatomical specializations in a common form consistent with a single origin in primitive vertebrates. Amphibian ancestors probably inherited the system from a stem similar to one of these and passed it on at least to the ambystomatoid and salamandroid urodeles, apparently after losing the kinocilium of the sense cell. The suggestion of electroreception in ichthyophid apodans from skin histology has not been confirmed physiologically, behaviorally or by brain anatomy. With respect to more advanced fishes the most parsimonious interpretation is that the entire system, peripheral and central was lost in ancestors of holostean and teleostean fishes and new systems reinvented in Siluriformes, in Gymnotiformes, in Xenomystinae and in Mormyriformes. These 4 taxa must represent at least two, and probably 3 or 4 independent inventions, presumably from mechanoreceptive lateral line organs and brain centers.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/25137/1/0000573.pd


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    Vertebrates lack an epidermal nerve plexus. This feature is common to many invertebrates from which vertebrates differ by an extensive set of shared-derived characters (synapomorphies) derived from the neural crest and epidermal neurogenic placodes. Hence, the hypothesis that the developmental precursor of the epidermal nerve plexus may be homologous to the neural crest and epidermal neurogenic placodes. This account attempts to generate a nested set of scenarios for the prevertebrate-vertebrate transition, associating a presumed sequence of behavioural and environmental changes with the observed phenotypic ones. Toward this end, it integrates morphological, developmental, functional (physiological/behavioural) and some ecological data, as many phenotypic shifts apparently involved associated transitions in several aspects of the animals. The scenarios deal with the origin of embryonic and adult tissues and such major organs as the notochord, the CNS, gills and kidneys and propose a sequence of associated changes. Alternative scenarios are stated as the evidence often remains insufficient for decision. The analysis points to gaps in comprehension of the biology of the animals and therefore suggests further research.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72629/1/j.1469-185X.1989.tb00471.x.pd

    Morphological development of the dorsal hindbrain in an elasmobranch fish (Leucoraja erinacea)

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    Abstract The developmental anatomy of the dorsal hindbrain in an elasmobranch fish, Leucoraja erinacea, is described. We focus on the cerebellum, which is a synapomorphy for gnathostomes. Cerebellar development in L. erinacea, a representative of the most basal gnathostome lineage, may be a proxy for the ancestral state of cerebellar development. We also focus on sensory processing regions termed ‘cerebellum-like’ structures due to common anatomical and physiological features with the cerebellum. These structures may be considered generatively homologous if they share common developmental features. To test this hypothesis, the morphological development of the cerebellum and cerebellum-like structures must first be described. Of particular importance is the development of common features, such as the molecular layer, which is the defining characteristic of these structures. The molecular layers of the cerebellum and cerebellum-like structures are supplied with parallel fiber axons from distinct granule cell populations. These are the lateral granule mass, the dorsal granular ridge, the medial granule mass, and the granular eminences of the cerebellum. Cerebellar and cerebellar-like development in L. erinacea is similar to development in other elasmobranchs. The temporal order in which these granule cell populations develop suggests an evolutionary history of duplication or expansion of an existing developmental event