272 research outputs found

    Observations of nitrogen isotope fractionation in deeply embedded protostars

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    (Abridged) The terrestrial planets, comets, and meteorites are significantly enriched in 15N compared to the Sun and Jupiter. While the solar and jovian nitrogen isotope ratio is believed to represent the composition of the protosolar nebula, a still unidentified process has caused 15N-enrichment in the solids. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the variations, including chemical fractionation. However, observational results that constrain the fractionation models are scarce. While there is evidence of 15N-enrichment in prestellar cores, it is unclear how the signature evolves into the protostellar phases. Our aim is to measure the 14N/15N ratio around three nearby, embedded low-to-intermediate-mass protostars. Isotopologues of HCN and HNC were used to probe the 14N/15N ratio. A selection of H13CN, HC15N, HN13C, and H15NC transitions was observed with the APEX telescope. The 14N/15N ratios were derived from the integrated intensities assuming a standard 12C/13C ratio. The assumption of optically thin emission was verified using radiative transfer modeling and hyperfine structure fitting. Two sources, IRAS 16293A and R CrA IRS7B, show 15N-enrichment by a factor of around 1.5-2.5 in both HCN and HNC with respect to the solar composition. Solar composition cannot be excluded for the third source, OMC-3 MMS6. Furthermore, there are indications of a trend toward increasing 14N/15N ratios with increasing outer envelope temperature. The enhanced 15N abundances in HCN and HNC found in two Class~0 sources (14N/15N of 160-290) and the tentative trend toward a temperature-dependent 14N/15N ratio are consistent with the chemical fractionation scenario, but 14N/15N ratios from additional tracers are indispensable for testing the models. Spatially resolved observations are needed to distinguish between chemical fractionation and isotope-selective photochemistry.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 16 pages, 13 figure

    An interferometric study of the low-mass protostar IRAS 16293-2422: small scale organic chemistry

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    Aims: To investigate the chemical relations between complex organics based on their spatial distributions and excitation conditions in the low-mass young stellar objects IRAS 16293-2422 A and B. Methods: Interferometric observations with the Submillimeter Array have been performed at 5''x3'' resolution revealing emission lines of HNCO, CH3CN, CH2CO, CH3CHO and C2H5OH. Rotational temperatures are determined from rotational diagrams when a sufficient number of lines are detected. Results: Compact emission is detected for all species studied here. For HNCO and CH3CN it mostly arises from source A, CH2CO and C2H5OH have comparable strength for both sources and CH3CHO arises exclusively from source B. HNCO, CH3CN and CH3CHO have rotational temperatures >200 K. The (u,v)-visibility data reveal that HNCO also has extended cold emission. Conclusions: The abundances of the molecules studied here are very similar within factors of a few to those found in high-mass YSOs. Thus the chemistry between high- and low-mass objects appears to be independent of luminosity and cloud mass. Bigger abundance differences are seen between the A and B source. The HNCO abundance relative to CH3OH is ~4 times higher toward A, which may be due to a higher initial OCN- ice abundances in source A compared to B. Furthermore, not all oxygen-bearing species are co-existent. The different spatial behavior of CH2CO and C2H5OH compared with CH3CHO suggests that hydrogenation reactions on grain-surfaces are not sufficient to explain the observed gas phase abundances. Selective destruction of CH3CHO may result in the anti-coincidence of these species in source A. These results illustrate the power of interferometric compared with single dish data in terms of testing chemical models.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figures, accepeted by A&

    Hydrogenation reactions in interstellar CO ice analogues

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    Hydrogenation reactions of CO in inter- and circumstellar ices are regarded as an important starting point in the formation of more complex species. Previous laboratory measurements by two groups on the hydrogenation of CO ices resulted in controversial results on the formation rate of methanol. Our aim is to resolve this controversy by an independent investigation of the reaction scheme for a range of H-atom fluxes and different ice temperatures and thicknesses. Reaction rates are determined by using a state-of-the-art ultra high vacuum experimental setup to bombard an interstellar CO ice analog with room temperature H atoms. The reaction of CO + H into H2CO and subsequently CH3OH is monitored by a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer in a reflection absorption mode. In addition, after each completed measurement a temperature programmed desorption experiment is performed to identify the produced species. Different H-atom fluxes, morphologies, and ice thicknesses are tested. The formation of both formaldehyde and methanol via CO hydrogenation is confirmed at low temperature (12-20 K). We confirm, as proposed by Hidaka et al., that the discrepancy between the two Japanese studies is mainly due to a difference in the applied hydrogen atom flux. The production rate of formaldehyde is found to decrease and the penetration column to increase with temperature. In order to fully understand the laboratory data, the experimental results are interpreted using Monte Carlo simulations. This technique takes into account the layered structure of CO ice. Temperature-dependent reaction barriers and diffusion rates are inferred using this model. The model is extended to interstellar conditions to compare with observational H2CO/CH3OH data.Comment: accepted by A. & A., 21 pages, 15 figure

    Infrared spectroscopy of HCOOH in interstellar ice analogues

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    Context: HCOOH is one of the more common species in interstellar ices with abundances of 1-5% with respect to solid H2O. Aims: This study aims at characterizing the HCOOH spectral features in astrophysically relevant ice mixtures in order to interpret astronomical data. Methods: The ices are grown under high vacuum conditions and spectra are recorded in transmission using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. Pure HCOOH ices deposited at 15 K and 145 K are studied, as well as binary and tertiary mixtures containing H2O, CO, CO2 and CH3OH. The mixture concentrations are varied from 50:50% to ~10:90% for HCOOH:H2O. Binary mixtures of HCOOH:X and tertiary mixtures of HCOOH:H2O:X with X = CO, CO2, and CH3OH, are studied for concentrations of ~10:90% and ~7:67:26%, respectively. Results: Pure HCOOH ice spectra show broad bands which split around 120 K due to the conversion of a dimer to a chain-structure. Broad single component bands are found for mixtures with H2O. Additional spectral components are present in mixtures with CO, CO2 and CH3OH. The resulting peak position, full width at half maximum and band strength depend strongly on ice structure, temperature, matrix constituents and the HCOOH concentration. Comparison of the solid HCOOH 5.9, 7.2, and 8.1 micron features with astronomical data toward the low mass source HH 46 and high mass source W 33A shows that spectra of binary mixtures do not reproduce the observed ice features. However, our tertiary mixtures especially with CH3OH match the astronomical data very well. Thus interstellar HCOOH is most likely present in tertiary or more complex mixtures with H2O, CH3OH and potentially also CO or CO2, providing constraints on its formation.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A&

    A Comparison of Haptic and Auditory Feedback as a Warning Signal for Slip in Tele-Operation Scenarios

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    Slip feedback is an important cue in everyday object manipulation, but it is generally missing in tele-operation systems. To test the usefulness of simple, abstract types of feedback that warn the user about slip events, we tested the effect of auditory and haptic vibration feedback in a tele-operation task. Participants were asked to hold an object in a remote robot hand, and the force profiles that they exerted in response to slip events were measured. Haptic feedback did not significantly change the response characteristics, but auditory feedback did significantly improve response latency. A small but significant difference between haptic and auditory reaction times (60 ms) found in our control experiment might explain the difference between the feedback types

    Cold gas as an ice diagnostic toward low mass protostars

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    Up to 90% of the chemical reactions during star formation occurs on ice surfaces, probably including the formation of complex organics. Only the most abundant ice species are however observed directly by infrared spectroscopy. This study aims to develop an indirect observational method of ices based on non-thermal ice desorption in the colder part of protostellar envelopes. For that purpose the IRAM 30m telescope was employed to observe two molecules that can be detected both in the gas and the ice, CH3 OH and HNCO, toward 4 low mass embedded protostars. Their respective gas-phase column densities are determined using rotational diagrams. The relationship between ice and gas phase abundances is subsequently determined. The observed gas and ice abundances span several orders of magnitude. Most of the CH3OH and HNCO gas along the lines of sight is inferred to be quiescent from the measured line widths and the derived excitation temperatures, and hence not affected by thermal desorption close to the protostar or in outflow shocks. The measured gas to ice ratio of ~10-4 agrees well with model predictions for non-thermal desorption under cold envelope conditions and there is a tentative correlation between ice and gas phase abundances. This indicates that non-thermal desorption products can serve as a signature of the ice composition. A larger sample is however necessary to provide a conclusive proof of concept.Comment: accepted by A&A letters, 10 pages including 5 figure

    Dimethyl ether in its ground state, v=0, and lowest two torsionally excited states, v11=1 and v15=1, in the high-mass star-forming region G327.3-0.6

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    The goal of this paper is to determine the respective importance of solid state vs. gas phase reactions for the formation of dimethyl ether. This is done by a detailed analysis of the excitation properties of the ground state and the torsionally excited states, v11=1 and v15=1, toward the high-mass star-forming region G327.3-0.6. With the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment 12 m submillimeter telescope, we performed a spectral line survey. The observed spectrum is modeled assuming local thermal equilibrium. CH3OCH3 has been detected in the ground state, and in the torsionally excited states v11=1 and v15=1, for which lines have been detected here for the first time. The emission is modeled with an isothermal source structure as well as with a non-uniform spherical structure. For non-uniform source models one abundance jump for dimethyl ether is sufficient to fit the emission, but two components are needed for the isothermal models. This suggests that dimethyl ether is present in an extended region of the envelope and traces a non-uniform density and temperature structure. Both types of models furthermore suggest that most dimethyl ether is present in gas that is warmer than 100 K, but a smaller fraction of 5%-28% is present at temperatures between 70 and 100 K. The dimethyl ether present in this cooler gas is likely formed in the solid state, while gas phase formation probably is dominant above 100 K. Finally, the v11=1 and v15=1 torsionally excited states are easily excited under the density and temperature conditions in G327.3-0.6 and will thus very likely be detectable in other hot cores as well.Comment: 12 pages (excluding appendices), 8 figures, A&A in pres

    TIMASSS : The IRAS16293-2422 Millimeter And Submillimeter Spectral Survey: Tentative Detection of Deuterated Methyl Formate (DCOOCH3)

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    High deuterium fractionation is observed in various types of environment such as prestellar cores, hot cores and hot corinos. It has proven to be an efficient probe to study the physical and chemical conditions of these environments. The study of the deuteration of different molecules helps us to understand their formation. This is especially interesting for complex molecules such as methanol and bigger molecules for which it may allow to differentiate between gas-phase and solid-state formation pathways. Methanol exhibits a high deuterium fractionation in hot corinos. Since CH3OH is thought to be a precursor of methyl formate we expect that deuterated methyl formate is produced in such environments. We have searched for the singly-deuterated isotopologue of methyl formate, DCOOCH3, in IRAS 16293-2422, a hot corino well-known for its high degree of methanol deuteration. We have used the IRAM/JCMT unbiased spectral survey of IRAS 16293-2422 which allows us to search for the DCOOCH3 rotational transitions within the survey spectral range (80-280 GHz, 328-366 GHz). The expected emission of deuterated methyl formate is modelled at LTE and compared with the observations.} We have tentatively detected DCOOCH3 in the protostar IRAS 16293-2422. We assign eight lines detected in the IRAM survey to DCOOCH3. Three of these lines are affected by blending problems and one line is affected by calibration uncertainties, nevertheless the LTE emission model is compatible with the observations. A simple LTE modelling of the two cores in IRAS 16293-2422, based on a previous interferometric study of HCOOCH3, allows us to estimate the amount of DCOOCH3 in IRAS 16293-2422. Adopting an excitation temperature of 100 K and a source size of 2\arcsec and 1\farcs5 for the A and B cores, respectively, we find that N(A,DCOOCH3) = N(B,DCOOCH3) ~ 6.10^14 /cm2. The derived deuterium fractionation is ~ 15%, consistent with values for other deuterated species in this source and much greater than that expected from the deuterium cosmic abundance. DCOOCH3, if its tentative detection is confirmed, should now be considered in theoretical models that study complex molecule formation and their deuteration mechanisms. Experimental work is also needed to investigate the different chemical routes leading to the formation of deuterated methyl formate

    Demes:A standard format for demographic models

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    Understanding the demographic history of populations is a key goal in population genetics, and with improving methods and data, ever more complex models are being proposed and tested. Demographic models of current interest typically consist of a set of discrete populations, their sizes and growth rates, and continuous and pulse migrations between those populations over a number of epochs, which can require dozens of parameters to fully describe. There is currently no standard format to define such models, significantly hampering progress in the field. In particular, the important task of translating the model descriptions in published work into input suitable for population genetic simulators is labor intensive and error prone. We propose the Demes data model and file format, built on widely used technologies, to alleviate these issues. Demes provide a well-defined and unambiguous model of populations and their properties that is straightforward to implement in software, and a text file format that is designed for simplicity and clarity. We provide thoroughly tested implementations of Demes parsers in multiple languages including Python and C, and showcase initial support in several simulators and inference methods. An introduction to the file format and a detailed specification are available at https://popsim-consortium.github.io/demes-spec-docs/