152 research outputs found

    Natural and Social Conditions for the Development of Recreation in the Suburban Zone of Minsk

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    W artykule przedstawiono przyrodnicze i społeczne uwarunkowania rozwoju rekreacji w strefie podmiejskiej Mińska. Przeanalizowano też preferencje rekreacyjne mieszkańców stolicy Białorusi oraz formy wypoczynku podmiejskiego, w tym jedną z najbardziej popularnych form - wypoczynek na daczach w trzech wykształconych wokół Mińska strefach rekreacyjnych

    Constitutional Law - Taxation - Equal Protection - Sex as a Criterion for Tax Exemption

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    The United States Supreme Court has held that a Florida statute which grants a tax exemption to widows does not deny equal protection of the law to widowers who have no such exemption and who qualify in all other respects. Kahn v. Shevin, 94 S. Ct. 1734 (1974)

    Польсько-українська проблематика в творчості Влодзімежа Одоєвського

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    Розглянуто драматичні відносини між поляками й українцями в XX ст.. що становить провідну тему творчості польського письменника Влодзімежа Одоєвського. Письменник концентрує увагу на найскладнішому періоді польсько-українських відносин Другій світовій війні - часі, коли вибір, стремління й визвольні змагання поляків та українців, народів, які протягом століть жили й розвивались разом, зазнали гострої поляризації. У світогляді українців цей період асоціюється з героїчною спробою вибороти свою незалежність від польських, німецьких і совітських окупантів, а також крахом надій і його наслідками - брутальними репресіями. На відміну від українців, поляки, що століттями жили в Україні, асоціюють цей період з узурпаторськими репресіями совітських і нацистських окупантів на кульмінаційному етапі - геноциді тисяч поляків, представників цивільного населення, здійсненого не без участі українців

    Water leakage forecasting: The application of a modified fuzzy evolving algorithm

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    This paper investigates the use of evolving fuzzy algorithms in forecasting. An evolving Takagi-Sugeno (eTS) algorithm, which is based on a recursive version of the subtractive algorithm is considered. It groups data into several clusters based on Euclidean distance between the relevant independent variables. The Mod eTS algorithm, which incorporates a modified dynamic update of cluster radii while accommodating new available data is proposed. The created clusters serve as a base for fuzzy If-Then rules with Gaussian membership functions which are defined using the cluster centres and have linear functions in the consequent i.e., Then parts of rules. The parameters of the linear functions are calculated using a weighted version of the Recursive Least Squares algorithm. The proposed algorithm is applied to a leakage forecasting problem faced by one of the leading UK water supplying companies. Using the real world data provided by the company the forecasting results obtained from the proposed modified eTS algorithm, Mod eTS, are compared to the standard eTS algorithm, exTS, eTS+ and fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm and some standard statistical forecasting methods. Different measures of forecasting accuracy are used. The results show higher accuracy achieved by applying the algorithm proposed compared to other fuzzy clustering algorithms and statistical methods. Similar results are obtained when comparing with other fuzzy evolving algorithms with dynamic cluster radii. Furthermore the algorithm generates typically a smaller number of clusters than standard fuzzy forecasting methods which leads to more transparent forecasting models

    Spór o mangę – rzut oka z perspektywy badacza komiksu

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    The article is an attempt to analyse the methods and critical arguments against the manga and anime expressed by the people who, in the polemical discourse of their opponents, are treated as experts. The analysis focuses mostly on articles by Małgorzata Więczkowska, highlighting the constant crypto-self-quotations and the repeating of factual errors and steoreotypical biases. In these texts, one can notice i.e. the generalisation of accusations based on opinions on particular titles, describing the entire phenomenon through the characteristics of selected types and genres, the lack of any distinction being made between manga and anime, and lastly, a superficial understanding of the works in question, whose content and message the author often extrapolates from an overview, without taking the specifics of each work into account.The article is an attempt to analyse the methods and critical arguments against the manga and anime expressed by the people who, in the polemical discourse of their opponents, are treated as experts. The analysis focuses mostly on articles by Małgorzata Więczkowska, highlighting the constant crypto-self-quotations and the repeating of factual errors and steoreotypical biases. In these texts, one can notice i.e. the generalisation of accusations based on opinions on particular titles, describing the entire phenomenon through the characteristics of selected types and genres, the lack of any distinction being made between manga and anime, and lastly, a superficial understanding of the works in question, whose content and message the author often extrapolates from an overview, without taking the specifics of each work into account

    Książka o poetach poetów

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    Recenzja książki Anny Czabanowskiej-Wróbel Złotnik i śpiewak. Poezja Leopolda Staffa i Bolesława Leśmiana w kręgu modernizm

    Diagnosis of oral pigmentations and malignant transformations

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    AbstractBackgroundOral pigmentation is a common finding in the mouth. Pigmentation can be either normal or abnormal discoloration of oral mucous membrane. The purpose of this review mainly focuses on the main oral pigmented lesions, in order to help the clinicians establish a better approach towards the patients with pigmented oral lesions and to provide thorough knowledge regarding such lesions for patient reassurance, early definitive diagnosis and prompt treatment.MethodsRelevant data concerning oral pigmented lesions, clinical features and the possibility of malignant transformation of such lesions were reviewed thoroughly from pubmed literature published in English. Pigmented lesions affecting the skin were not included in our review.ResultsFew pigmented lesions have been identified and their tendency to become malignant has been reported in the literature. The oral lesions showing malignant transformation reported were mostly case series. Unfortunately, due to lack of long-term studies, follow ups and randomized controlled studies in this respect it was difficult to draw a statistical analysis. This information is quite crucial for general dental practitioners to improve their understanding regarding oral lesions and to differentiate between normal and diseased conditions, so that they can master the skill of differential diagnosis, definitive diagnosis and prompt treatment.ConclusionOral pigmentation may present as focal, multifocal or diffused macular or tumefactive lesions. They may greatly vary in color as blue, purple, brown, gray or black depending on the quantity and site of melanin in the tissues [1]. Etiology of pigmentation can be multi factorial. Mostly pigmentation is physiologic but at times it can be a precursor of severe diseases.Lesions may be caused by localized harmless accumulations of melanin, hemosiderin or exogenous metals or they may be a sign of underlying systemic or genetic disease. A few lesions may be associated with life-threatening medical conditions that require immediate intervention. The differential diagnosis for any pigmented lesion is extensive, as it includes examples of endogenous and exogenous pigmentations. Although biopsy is a helpful and necessary aid in the diagnosis of focally pigmented lesions, with diffuse pigmentation lesions require a thorough dental and medical history and laboratory investigations