103 research outputs found

    Gender as Determinant of Employment Opportunities and Risks of Resigning from Services of Labour Office

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    Celem artykułu jest porównanie szans podjęcia pracy przez kobiety w stosunku do mężczyzn w zależności od wykształcenia i wieku. Ze względu na dużą liczbę osób rezygnujących z pośrednictwa urzędu w poszukiwaniu pracy, analizie poddano również ilorazy ryzyka tej rezygnacji przez kobiety w odniesieniu do mężczyzn w poszczególnych grupach wykształcenia i wieku. Przeprowadzone badanie miało na celu zweryfikowanie hipotezy, że bezrobotne kobiety były bardziej zdeterminowane do podjęcia pracy i częściej niż mężczyźni korzystały z ofert proponowanych przez urząd pracy. Do analizy wykorzystano dane ponad 20 tys. osób bezrobotnych, wyrejestrowanych w 2010 roku z Powiatowego Urzędu Pracy w Szczecinie.The purpose of this paper is to compare women’s odds of employment to those of men’s, depending on their education and age. Since a large number of people have rejected the services of Labour Offices, we also compare the odds ratios of the risk of this decision among women and men, according to education and age. The aim of the study was to verify the hypothesis that unemployed women were more determined to find a job and that they took into consideration their Labour Office offers more often than men. In the analysis we used the data on over 20,000 unemployed people who had deregistered from the Local Labour Office in Szczecin in 2010.Beata Bieszk-Stolorz – [email protected] Markowicz – [email protected] Beata Bieszk-Stolorz – Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania, Uniwersytet Szczecińskidr Iwona Markowicz – Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych i Zarządzania, Uniwersytet Szczeciński6(66)203

    The Impact Of Previous Job Experience on Employment Odds in Szczecin

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    The aim of this article is to examine the impact of job experience on the  odds. The studies which have been conducted by the authors so far focus on such determinants of finding a job by the unemployed as: gender, age and education. It has been confirmed that they are the features determining both the employment odds and the time devoted to seeking a job. The authors have presented a thesis that an unemployed person’s professional experience conditions affect the likelihood of their finding employment. Moreover, the odds are not the same in individual subgroups of a given community. The research tool used in the presented analysis is a model of logistic regression which, following the logit transformation, enables the researchers to determine the odds ratio. The odds ratio makes it possible to compare the employment odds of a person who declares previous employment experience with that of a person who has not been employed before. The authors examined the influence of previous job experience on employment odds in a given community as a whole and in individual subgroups divided by gender, age and education. Statistical data were obtained thanks to a long-term cooperation with the Poviat Labour Office in Szczecin. The analysed data covered 19 398 people who unregistered from the Poviat Labour Office in 2009

    Gender as a differentiating factor in the process of exiting unemployment : the case of Poland

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    Purpose: The aim of the article is to assess and compare the impact of gender on the probability of a form of de-registration from the labour office in Poland in two different research periods: a period of the financial crisis and economic recovery. Design/Methodology/Approach: The study used survival analysis methods. The cumulative incidence function (CIF) was used to assess the probability of a form of exiting unemployment. To investigate the differences in influence of gender, the Gray test was used. The study was carried out in subgroups separated by the characteristics of unemployed people. Individual data describing persons registered in the Poviat Labour Office were used in the study. Findings: Gender was a feature that differentiated the process of exiting unemployment. In the period of the highest unemployment, the unemployed more often looked for a job through the labour office (mainly women). On the other hand, in the period of economic recovery, they were more inclined (regardless of gender) to resign from cooperation with the office. Women used subsidized work more often than men. Practical Implications: Gender is a determining factor in some socio-economic phenomena. The identification of women's and men's behaviour in the labour market will allow for effective social policy. It will also allow for the correct targeting of professional activation tools so as not to aggravate gender-based discrimination. Such actions may contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in the modern world. Originality/value: In labour market research, researchers often focus on the unemployed taking up work. Other forms of de-registration were also analyzed, including resignation from cooperation with the office. It is important to identify such behaviours and correctly target professional activation tools.peer-reviewe

    Evidence for transfer followed by breakup in 7Li + 65Cu

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    The observation of a large cross-section for the alpha + d channel compared to breakup into the alpha + t channel from an exclusive measurement for the 7Li+65Cu system at 25 MeV is presented. A detailed analysis of the angular distribution using coupled channels Born approximation calculations has provided clear evidence that the observed alpha + d events arise from a two step process, i.e. direct transfer to the 2.186 MeV (3+) resonance in the alpha + d continuum of 6Li followed by breakup, and are not due to final state interaction effects.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, To be published in Phys. Letts.

    Polycentrism in language and the relevance in the di-dactic process on the example of German as a foreign language

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    Temat artykułu „Policentryzm w języku i jego relewancja w procesie dydaktycznym na przykładzie języka niemieckiego jako obcego” nawiązuje do potrzeb w zakresie analizy roli wariantów języka niemieckiego w trakcie procesu dydak-tycznego i akwizycji. Globalizacja obejmuje intensyfikację społecznych (politycznych, ekonomicznych i kulturalnych) relacji na poziomie światowym. Globalizacja wpływa także na dydaktykę języka obcego na wszystkich jej poziomach, tak więc konieczne jest teoretyczne opracowanie dotyczące tych-że skutków na edukację. Z drugiej strony perspektywa ist-nienia języków, odmian i wariantów regionalnych języka niemieckiego skłania do podjęcia trudu wprowadzenia mate-riału dydaktycznego, który zawiera elementy owych regiona-lizmów. Tak rozumiany język regionalny jest obecny zarówno w powszechnym, standardowym użyciu, jak i w języku spe-cjalistycznym. Tylko zwrócenie uwagi na złożoność i szeroką obecność zjawiska daje gwarancję, że nauczany język nie będzie martwy lub sztuczny, pozbawiony lokalnego kontekstu kulturowego. W ten sposób można przyczynić się do promocji wariantów języka, zainteresować nimi studentów filologii, a w konsekwencji ochronić i rewitalizować te formy, które za-grożone są wymarciem.The article entitled “Polycentrism in language and the rele-vance in the didactic process on the example of German as a foreign language” is an analysis of the role of variants of the German language in teaching and aquisition process. Glob-alisation includes intensification of social (political, econom-ical and cultural) relations on a worldwide level. Globalisa-tion also influences language education on the all levels, so it is necessary to theoretically elaborate a problem of global-isation impact on education. From the other side, a perpec-tive of existence of languages, varieties and local speech variants of the German language disposes to make an effort to implement teaching material which includes the regional-isms. What is interesting, this can be found not only in the standard language. In the article, the author shows these differences with regard to the both: standard language and language for specific purposes. The purpose of language teaching at any stage of education is developing communica-tion competence of learners. If student has a better under-standing of how dialect works, he would probably be less inclined to make negative judgments about speakers of dif-ferent dialects. It is fundamental to understanding the communication. This in turn may indirectly inspire actions aimed at promoting of teaching local dialects, appreciating the regional speech varieties, changing the social perception of dialects by means of the both formal and informal educa-tion, and finally – revitalizing the dialects, that are the least known and hardly ever used

    Zmodyfikowany model Lunna-McNeila w ocenie intensywności wyjścia z bezrobocia

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    The goal of the article is the assessment of the relative intensity of exiting from unemployment of long-term unemployed people with relation to their characteristics: gender, age, education, seniority and the number of subsequent registrations. The modified Lunn-McNeil model for various types of competing events: accepting the job, refusal and remaining causes of deregistration was used in the research. The modification consisted of the application of the stratified Cox model of non-proportional hazard, which allowed to assess the relative hazard after entering the state of long-term unemployment. The individual data of persons registered in the County [Powiat] Labour Office in Szczecin were used in the research. Age had the greatest impact on the change in relative hazard at the transition to long-term unemployment, while the level of education had no significant impact. The research made it possible to identify groups of people taking up work with the least intensity and refusing to take up jobs with the greatest intensity. These people should be taken into consideration during the process of creating the labour market policy

    Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) to Assess the Effectiveness of the Activation Program of the Unemployed Aged 45/50+

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    Celem artykułu jest ocena realizacji programu skierowanego do bezrobotnych w wieku 45/50+. W latach 2009 i 2010 w Powiatowym Urzędzie Pracy (PUP) w Szczecinie prowadzono Program 45/50+, którego celem były działania aktywizujące oraz stworzenie warunków ułatwiających podjęcie działalności gospodarczej, a także umożliwienie podjęcia i utrzymania zatrudnienia przez osoby bezrobotne powyżej 45 roku życia. Program ten objął łącznie 728 osób (362 - w 2009 r., 366 - w 2010 r.) i był skierowany do osób bezrobotnych oraz do przedsiębiorców. Przeprowadzone szkolenia miały przyczynić się do podniesienia lub uaktualnienia kwalifikacji i umiejętności zawodowych. Osoby przedsiębiorcze z własnym pomysłem na biznes mogły zgłębić wiedzę z zakresu zakładania, prowadzenia działalności gospodarczej, w kwestii zarządzania i uzyskania nakładów finansowych na prowadzenie i rozwój firmy. Osobom takim umożliwiono otrzymywanie środków finansowych na uruchomienie i prowadzanie działalności gospodarczej. Bezrobotni mogli też korzystać z proponowanego im stażu. (fragment tekstu)The aim of the article is to describe the impact of the implementation of a program to increase the efficiency of persons aged 45/50+. The author analyzes program implemented by the Labour Office in Szczecin in 2009 and 2010. Implementation of this program was to encourage the employment of people aged 45/50+, as well as to acquire or upgrade skills and qualifications of these people to work. These tasks are implemented through: training, internships, the provision of one-off financial support for starting a business, intervention works and public works. The aim of the study is to determine whether the proposed program contributed to the shortening of the job search. To examine the differences in the duration of unemployment is used survival analysis models and acute form of the Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD). RDD parameters enabled the evaluation of the effectiveness of the implemented program. The analysis was conducted based on data from individuals deregistered from the Office in years 2009 and 2010. (original abstract

    Impact of Subsidy Programmes on the Development of the Number and Output of RES Micro-Installations in Poland

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    Renewable energy sources are intended to support the decarbonisation process of the Polish economy. Since 2005, the share of renewable energy in total electricity in Poland has been increasing. The number of photovoltaic panels installed by prosumers as part of micro-installations increased particularly strongly. The aim of this research is an assessment of the impact of government programmes on the development of RES micro-installations in Poland. A regression discontinuity design was used in the analysis. It is a model from the group of average impact effect models used in evaluation studies. The added value of the presented study is its application in the assessment of the impact of implemented programmes on the number and output of micro-installations in Poland. In the study, it is shown that there had been no increase in the number and output of micro-installations at the adopted threshold (2019Q4). On the other hand, there was a sharp increase in them over the whole period starting from 2019Q4