26 research outputs found

    Exploring the use of tertiary reclaimed water in dairy cattle production

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    The objective of this study was to explore through both in vitro and in vivo experiments the use of reclaimed urban wastewater in dairy cattle production systems with the aim of improving water efficiency and sustainability. Firstly, the use of different tertiary treatments (ultrafiltration (UF), ultraviolet disinfection (UV), chlorination process, and their combination) to improve the quality of an urban secondary effluent was studied in intestinal primary cell cultures evaluating the expression of genes related to apoptosis, cell damage, and inflammation. The results revealed that secondary treated wastewater and waters that were treated with a chlorination process (even tap water) caused an increase in apoptosis, intestinal primary cell damage, and inflammation. The in vivo experiment evaluated the short-term effects on health and performance of using UF- and UV-treated secondary effluent compared with the use of tap water for drinking and preparing milk replacer in young calves from 5 to 47 days of age. Calves previously fed with UF + UV treated secondary effluent clearly preferred tap water when they were exposed to a double water choice at the end of the study. This reduction of the palatability and acceptability was probably due to a greater level of water salinity of the treated reclaimed water (570 vs 1437 ± 76.5 μS/cm of conductivity for tap water and UF-UV treated secondary effluent, respectively), which potentially entailed a reduction of calf concentrate intake (466 vs 351 ± 32.2 g/d for calves fed with tap water and UF-UV treated water, respectively). The use of reclaimed water did not pose an acute risk to animal health. It is concluded that improvements on the tertiary treatment to reduce water salinity should be considered when using reclaimed water for drinking purposes in livestock production systems. This study is a first approach to a more sustainable and efficient use of water in animal husbandry for countries with water scarcity. However, more studies are required before its implementation to further study long-term effects and the presence of new-contaminants not defined in the current legislation.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The role of soil characteristics, soil tillage and drip irrigation in the timber production of a wild cherry orchard under Mediterranean conditions

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    Over the last decade high-quality timber plantations have increased in Europe because of the constanthigh market price of timber and economical incentives from the EU. These latter are mainly due to timberplantations’ role in CO2capture. Noble wood plantations have also been established in Mediterraneanareas, but many of them suffer from low growth rates due to deficient plantation management and/ornon-optimal environmental conditions. Furthermore, little information exists about soil and water man-agement in these plantations and how different soil characteristics may affect management results. Inthis study, a trial was established in a pure wild cherry plantation under Mediterranean conditions. Thetrial evaluated the effects that soil type (low soil quality versus good performance for woody crops), soilmanagement (soil tillage versus no tillage), irrigation regime (drip irrigation versus no irrigation) andtheir interactions may have on wood production. Soil water content and the spontaneous vegetation thatappeared in the alleys of the no-tillage treatments were also measured.The results showed that sandy-clay-loam soil with a water-holding capacity of 101.5 ± 5.2 mm had 65%more wood volume increase during the study period than sandy-loam soil with a water-holding capacityof 37.9 ± 8.0 mm. Conventional tillage or zero tillage with the presence of spontaneous vegetation did notdiffer significantly in wood volume increment, regardless of the type of soil. Although soil water contentwas significantly increased by tillage in sandy-loam soil, this effect was not enough to increase tree woodvolume. On the other hand, the application of drip irrigation did increase wood production by up to 50%.Therefore, 10 years less on the plantation’s rotation length can be anticipated when applying irrigation:from 40 to 30 years (sandy–clay–loam soil) and from 56 to 46 years (sandy-loam soil).In conclusion, deep soil characterization of the site is essential before deciding whether to develop aplantation of this type in areas under soil water content limitations caused by deficient soil structureand texture. In addition, our results show important savings can be made by reducing soil tillage, as lesstillage leads to greater ground cover and biodiversity. Further investigations are required to examinehow long-lasting the effects are and what other benefits can be expected when this type of plantation ismanaged in a more sustainable way.Postprint (author's final draft

    Assessment of a novel microalgae-cork based technology for removing antibiotics, pesticides and nitrates from groundwater

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    Groundwater pollution has increased in recent years due to the intensification of agricultural and livestock activities. This results in a significant reduction in available freshwater resources. Here, we have studied the long term assessment of a green technology (1-4 L/day) based on a photobioreactor (PBR) containing immobilised microalgae-bacteria in polyurethane foam (PF) followed by a cork filter (CF) for removing nitrates, pesticides (atrazine and bromacil), and antibiotics (sulfamethoxazole and sulfacetamide) from groundwater. The prototype was moderately effective for removing nitrates (58%) at an HRT of 8 days, while its efficiency decreased at a HRT of 4 and 2 days (<20% removal). The combined use of PBR-CF enabled antibiotics and pesticides to be attenuated by up to 95% at an HRT of 8 days, but their attenuation decreased with shorter HRT, with pesticides being the compounds most affected (reducing from 97 to 98% at an HRT of 8 days to 23-45% at an HRT of 2 days). Pesticide transformation products were identified after the CF, supporting biodegradation as the main attenuation process. A gene-based metataxonomic assessment linked the attenuation of micropollutants to the presence of specific pesticide biodegradation species (e.g. genus Phenylobacterium, Sphingomonadaceae, and Caulobacteraceae). Therefore, the results highlighted the potential use of microalgae and cork to treat polluted groundwater.The authors wish to thank the financial support of the European Union through the project LIFE18 ENV/ES/000199 and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through Project CTM2017-91355-EXP. Finally, European Commission (Erasmus program) and Government of Chile for supporting Lorenzo Rambaldo and Héctor Avila Cortés's visit at IDAEA-CSIC in Barcelona, Spain.Peer reviewe

    Seasonal changes of whole root system conductance by a drought-tolerant grape root system

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    The role of root systems in drought tolerance is a subject of very limited information compared with above-ground responses. Adjustments to the ability of roots to supply water relative to shoot transpiration demand is proposed as a major means for woody perennial plants to tolerate drought, and is often expressed as changes in the ratios of leaf to root area (AL:AR). Seasonal root proliferation in a directed manner could increase the water supply function of roots independent of total root area (AR) and represents a mechanism whereby water supply to demand could be increased. To address this issue, seasonal root proliferation, stomatal conductance (gs) and whole root system hydraulic conductance (kr) were investigated for a drought-tolerant grape root system (Vitis berlandieri×V. rupestris cv. 1103P) and a non-drought-tolerant root system (Vitis riparia×V. rupestris cv. 101-14Mgt), upon which had been grafted the same drought-sensitive clone of Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot. Leaf water potentials (ψL) for Merlot grafted onto the 1103P root system (–0.91±0.02 MPa) were +0.15 MPa higher than Merlot on 101-14Mgt (–1.06±0.03 MPa) during spring, but dropped by approximately –0.4 MPa from spring to autumn, and were significantly lower by –0.15 MPa (–1.43±0.02 MPa) than for Merlot on 101-14Mgt (at –1.28±0.02 MPa). Surprisingly, gs of Merlot on the drought-tolerant root system (1103P) was less down-regulated and canopies maintained evaporative fluxes ranging from 35–20 mmol vine−1 s−1 during the diurnal peak from spring to autumn, respectively, three times greater than those measured for Merlot on the drought-sensitive rootstock 101-14Mgt. The drought-tolerant root system grew more roots at depth during the warm summer dry period, and the whole root system conductance (kr) increased from 0.004 to 0.009 kg MPa−1 s−1 during that same time period. The changes in kr could not be explained by xylem anatomy or conductivity changes of individual root segments. Thus, the manner in which drought tolerance was conveyed to the drought-sensitive clone appeared to arise from deep root proliferation during the hottest and driest part of the season, rather than through changes in xylem structure, xylem density or stomatal regulation. This information can be useful to growers on a site-specific basis in selecting rootstocks for grape clonal material (scions) grafted to them

    Efectes de diferents tractaments agronòmics i de la micorizació en la bioproductivitat de Rosmarinus officinalis L. en la fase de viver i en restauracions paisatgístiques en condicions de clima mediterrani

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa qualitat d'una planta produïda en viver es pot definir com el conjunt de característiques que li confereixen una millor aptitud per a sobreviure, crèixer i desenvolupar el seu cicle en les condicions del seu emplaçament definitiu. En aquest context, es van incloure en aquest estudi tres experiments en els quals es van assajar diferents factors de cultiu amb l'objectiu comú de caracteritzar i optimitzar la qualitat del romaní (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) produït en viver per a ser utilitzat en revegetacions com a planta autòctona mediterrània. Es van assajar dosi d'aigua, temperatura, enriquiment atmosfèric en diòxid de carboni (ECO2) i la inoculació del sistema radical amb un fong endomicorícic (Glomus intrarradices Schenk & Smith), estudiant la resposta en el creixement, relacions hídriques i altres paràmetres fisiològics de la planta. La dosi d'aigua i la temperatura van ser els factors de cultiu que van permetre obtenir plantes de romaní de característiques més adequades per a ser utilitzades en revegetacions de la zona mediterrània, mentre l'ECO2 no va tenir efecte sobre els paràmetres considerats com a indicadors d'enduriment. No obstant, es va observar una important resposta productiva del romaní a l'ECO2, que es va veure estimulada en les plantes inoculades amb G. intrarradices (M). La micorizació també va facilitar el transport d'aigua en les arrels a partir de 14-15ºC, mentre que a baixes temperatures es va observar una major resistència hidràulica radical. La respiració de les arrels M va ser inferior que en les NM independentment de la temperatura assajada. Per altra banda, es van realitzar altres tres assajos de simulació en hivernacle amb l'objectiu comú d'estudiar la resposta del romaní a diferents situacions que poden tenir lloc amb la seva introducció en un espai degradat que es pretén rehabilitar o restaurar. Es van simular les condicions d'estrès hídric que poden donar-se en el trasplantament, es van assajar dosis d'aigua distribuïdes a modus de règim pluviomètric, es va utilitzar com a substrat sòls pobres assajant diferents profunditats, es va testar la resposta de plantes inoculades amb G. intrarradices en la fase de viver i es va estudiar també la interacció entre romaní i altres espècies autòctones mediterrànies (Lavandula dentata L. i Buxus sempervirens L.). Es va observar un millor balanç hídric en les plantes micorizades durant un cicle curt de sequera de forta intensitat, condicions que poden donar-se en el trasplantament. No obstant, la micorizació va comportar efectes negatius durant la fase de recuperació, disminuint l'activitat metabòlica del fong. Superat el trasplantament, el règim pluviomètric va tenir major influència que la micorizació en les relacions hídriques i el creixement del romaní en un assaig de revegetació simulada. No obstant, la micorizació va tenir també un efecte favorable, que es va manifestar majoritàriament en el règim pluviomètric de major aport hídric, augmentant la supervivència, la biofertilitat i el recobriment del sòl, la qual cosa permetria reduir les pèrdues per erosió. En la interacció amb altres espècies autòctones, es va observar una forta auto-competència del romaní en les combinacions romaní-boix, mentre que el boix va mostrar una alta tolerància pels seus veïns. En les combinacions romaní-lavanda, el creixement del romaní es va veure fortament suprimit, mostrant-se la lavanda molt més competitiva degut a la seva capacitat per a esgotar l'aigua del sòl, el seu creixement postrat i la plasticitat observada en el seu patró de creixement en funció dels canvis de densitat de plantes. Es van observar diferències d'estratègia de resistència a la sequera entre espècies i també en el romaní segons el seu competidor.The quality of a plant grown in a nursery can be defined by a set of features that will make it more fit to survive, grow and develop its cycle under the conditions of it final site. In this context, this study includes three experiments in which different growing factors were tested with the common aim of characterising and optimising the Rosemary' quality (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) grown in a nursery to be used in revegetations as an autochthonous Mediterranean plant. Different water doses, temperature, atmospheric enrichment in carbon dioxide (ECO2) and the inoculation of the radical system with an endomycorrhicic fungus (Glomus intrarradices Schenk & Smith), were used to study the response in its growth, water relationships and other physiological parameters of the plant. Water dose and temperature were growing factors that allowed us to obtain rosemary plants with the most suitable features to be used in revegetations of the Mediterranean zone, whereas ECO2 did not have any effect on the parameters considered as endurance indicators. Nevertheless, we observed a significant productive response of the rosemary to ECO2, in plants inoculated with G. intrarradices (M) production was stimulated. The mycorrhizal association also facilitated the roots' water transportation when temperature was over 14-15ºC, whereas in lower temperatures we observed greater radical water resistance. The M roots' respiration was lower than that of the NM's independently of the tested temperature. On the other hand, we carried out three simulation tests in a greenhouse. The common aim was to study the rosemary response to different situations that can take place when introducing it in a degraded space that wants to be restored. We simulated the water stress conditions that can take place during the transplanting, we used different water doses emulating a pluviometric regime and we used poor soils as substrate, testing different depths. We also tested the response of plants inoculated with G. intrarradices in the nursery phase and, finally, we studied the interaction between Rosemary and the other autochthonous Mediterranean plants (Lavandula dentata L. and Buxus sempervirens L.). We observed a better water balance in mycorrhized plants during a short period of severe drought, conditions that can be found in transplanting. However, mycrorrhization caused negative effects during the recovery phase, diminishing the metabolic activity of the fungus. In a revegetation simulation, once the plants were successfully transplanted, the pluviometric regime had more influence than mycorrhization in the water relationships and in the growth of the Rosemary. However, mycorrhization also had a beneficial effect. This could be seen, namely, in that pluviometric regime with greater rainfall by making it more fit for survival, enhancing the biofertility and the coverage of the soil, fact that reduces its losses due to erosion. In the interaction with other autochthonous species, we observed a great intraspecific competition of the Rosemary in the combinations Rosemary-box tree, whereas the box tree showed great tolerance towards its neighbours. In combinations Rosemary-lavender, the growth of the Rosemary was greatly suppressed, and the lavender proved itself to be more competitive due to its capacity to deplete the water of the soil, its prostrate growth and the plasticity observed in its growth pattern depending on the changes in the density of plants. We observed differences in the strategy of resistance to drought between species and also in the Rosemary depending on its competitor

    Efectes de diferents tractaments agronòmics i de la micorizació en la bioproductivitat de Rusmarinus Officinalis L. en la fase de viver i en restauracions paisatgístiques en condicions de clima mediterrani

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    La qualitat d'una planta produïda en viver es pot definir com el conjunt de característiques que li confereixen una millor aptitud per a sobreviure, crèixer i desenvolupar el seu cicle en les condicions del seu emplaçament definitiu. En aquest context, es van incloure en aquest estudi tres experiments en els quals es van assajar diferents factors de cultiu amb l'objectiu comú de caracteritzar i optimitzar la qualitat del romaní (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) produït en viver per a ser utilitzat en revegetacions com a planta autòctona mediterrània. Es van assajar dosi d'aigua, temperatura, enriquiment atmosfèric en diòxid de carboni (ECO2) i la inoculació del sistema radical amb un fong endomicorícic (Glomus intrarradices Schenk & Smith), estudiant la resposta en el creixement, relacions hídriques i altres paràmetres fisiològics de la planta.La dosi d'aigua i la temperatura van ser els factors de cultiu que van permetre obtenir plantes de romaní de característiques més adequades per a ser utilitzades en revegetacions de la zona mediterrània, mentre l'ECO2 no va tenir efecte sobre els paràmetres considerats com a indicadors d'enduriment. No obstant, es va observar una important resposta productiva del romaní a l'ECO2, que es va veure estimulada en les plantes inoculades amb G. intrarradices (M). La micorizació també va facilitar el transport d'aigua en les arrels a partir de 14-15ºC, mentre que a baixes temperatures es va observar una major resistència hidràulica radical. La respiració de les arrels M va ser inferior que en les NM independentment de la temperatura assajada. Per altra banda, es van realitzar altres tres assajos de simulació en hivernacle amb l'objectiu comú d'estudiar la resposta del romaní a diferents situacions que poden tenir lloc amb la seva introducció en un espai degradat que es pretén rehabilitar o restaurar. Es van simular les condicions d'estrès hídric que poden donar-se en el trasplantament, es van assajar dosis d'aigua distribuïdes a modus de règim pluviomètric, es va utilitzar com a substrat sòls pobres assajant diferents profunditats, es va testar la resposta de plantes inoculades amb G. intrarradices en la fase de viver i es va estudiar també la interacció entre romaní i altres espècies autòctones mediterrànies (Lavandula dentata L. i Buxus sempervirens L.).Es va observar un millor balanç hídric en les plantes micorizades durant un cicle curt de sequera de forta intensitat, condicions que poden donar-se en el trasplantament. No obstant, la micorizació va comportar efectes negatius durant la fase de recuperació, disminuint l'activitat metabòlica del fong. Superat el trasplantament, el règim pluviomètric va tenir major influència que la micorizació en les relacions hídriques i el creixement del romaní en un assaig de revegetació simulada. No obstant, la micorizació va tenir també un efecte favorable, que es va manifestar majoritàriament en el règim pluviomètric de major aport hídric, augmentant la supervivència, la biofertilitat i el recobriment del sòl, la qual cosa permetria reduir les pèrdues per erosió. En la interacció amb altres espècies autòctones, es va observar una forta auto-competència del romaní en les combinacions romaní-boix, mentre que el boix va mostrar una alta tolerància pels seus veïns. En les combinacions romaní-lavanda, el creixement del romaní es va veure fortament suprimit, mostrant-se la lavanda molt més competitiva degut a la seva capacitat per a esgotar l'aigua del sòl, el seu creixement postrat i la plasticitat observada en el seu patró de creixement en funció dels canvis de densitat de plantes. Es van observar diferències d'estratègia de resistència a la sequera entre espècies i també en el romaní segons el seu competidor.The quality of a plant grown in a nursery can be defined by a set of features that will make it more fit to survive, grow and develop its cycle under the conditions of it final site. In this context, this study includes three experiments in which different growing factors were tested with the common aim of characterising and optimising the Rosemary' quality (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) grown in a nursery to be used in revegetations as an autochthonous Mediterranean plant.Different water doses, temperature, atmospheric enrichment in carbon dioxide (ECO2) and the inoculation of the radical system with an endomycorrhicic fungus (Glomus intrarradices Schenk & Smith), were used to study the response in its growth, water relationships and other physiological parameters of the plant.Water dose and temperature were growing factors that allowed us to obtain rosemary plants with the most suitable features to be used in revegetations of the Mediterranean zone, whereas ECO2 did not have any effect on the parameters considered as endurance indicators. Nevertheless, we observed a significant productive response of the rosemary to ECO2, in plants inoculated with G. intrarradices (M) production was stimulated. The mycorrhizal association also facilitated the roots' water transportation when temperature was over 14-15ºC, whereas in lower temperatures we observed greater radical water resistance. The M roots' respiration was lower than that of the NM's independently of the tested temperature.On the other hand, we carried out three simulation tests in a greenhouse. The common aim was to study the rosemary response to different situations that can take place when introducing it in a degraded space that wants to be restored. We simulated the water stress conditions that can take place during the transplanting, we used different water doses emulating a pluviometric regime and we used poor soils as substrate, testing different depths. We also tested the response of plants inoculated with G. intrarradices in the nursery phase and, finally, we studied the interaction between Rosemary and the other autochthonous Mediterranean plants (Lavandula dentata L. and Buxus sempervirens L.).We observed a better water balance in mycorrhized plants during a short period of severe drought, conditions that can be found in transplanting. However, mycrorrhization caused negative effects during the recovery phase, diminishing the metabolic activity of the fungus.In a revegetation simulation, once the plants were successfully transplanted, the pluviometric regime had more influence than mycorrhization in the water relationships and in the growth of the Rosemary. However, mycorrhization also had a beneficial effect. This could be seen, namely, in that pluviometric regime with greater rainfall by making it more fit for survival, enhancing the biofertility and the coverage of the soil, fact that reduces its losses due to erosion.In the interaction with other autochthonous species, we observed a great intraspecific competition of the Rosemary in the combinations Rosemary-box tree, whereas the box tree showed great tolerance towards its neighbours. In combinations Rosemary-lavender, the growth of the Rosemary was greatly suppressed, and the lavender proved itself to be more competitive due to its capacity to deplete the water of the soil, its prostrate growth and the plasticity observed in its growth pattern depending on the changes in the density of plants. We observed differences in the strategy of resistance to drought between species and also in the Rosemary depending on its competitor

    Seasonality on the rainfall partitioning of a fast-growing tree plantation under Mediterranean conditions

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    Studies on rainfall interception in fast-growing tree plantations are less numerous than those in natural forests. Trees in these plantations are regularly distributed, and the canopy cover is clumped but changes quickly, resulting on high variability in the volume and composition of water that reach the soil. In addition, irrigation supply is normally required in semiarid areas to get optimal wood production; consequently, knowing rainfall interception and its yearly evolution is crucial to manage the irrigation scheme properly. This work studies the rainfall partitioning seasonality in a cherry tree (Prunus avium) plantation orientated to timber production under Mediterranean conditions. The monitoring design started on March 2012 and consists of a set of 58 throughfall tipping buckets randomly distributed (based on a 1x1 m2 grid) in a plot of 128 m2 with 8 trees. Stemflow is measured in all the trees with 2 tipping buckets and 6 accumulative collectors. Canopy cover is regularly measured throughout the study period, in leaf and leafless periods, by mean of sky-orientated photographs taken 50 cm above the center of each tipping bucket. Others tree biometrics are also measured such as diameter and leaf area index. Meteorological conditions are measured at 2 m above the forest cover. This work presents the first analyses describing the rainfall partitioning and its dependency on canopy cover, distance to tree and meteorological conditions. The modified Gash¿ model for rainfall interception in dispersed vegetation is also preliminary evaluate

    Ecohydrological turnover in overstocked Aleppo pine plantations: Does the effect of thinning, in relation to water, persist at the mid-term?

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    In Mediterranean pine plantations forest dieback and tree mortality are not only related to increased drought, but also to a lack of management, which intensifies inter-tree competition for available soil water. In this complex context simple but also difficult questions such as why, how and when manage forests should be directly responded and quantified by applied science. In this study we specifically analysed the forest-water relationships of an Aleppo pine plantation where experimental thinning was carried out ten years ago at three different intensities (H: high-, M: moderate- and L: low-thinning plots plus a control one, C). To this end, we again measured tree sap flow, soil water content and meteorological conditions. In addition, the relative importance (RI) of thinning intensity and environmental drivers when explaining tree/stand-water at the short-term were compared with those obtained in this study in order to elucidate how the role of thinning intensity may change on time. The impact of thinning on soil water content showed that significant differences were maintained after ten years (H > M > L > C), but that values between the different thinning intensities were closer than those observed at the short-term. In contrast, tree transpiration from the high-thinning plot was very similar to that from the moderate-thinning one (means of 13 and 14.7 l·day−1, respectively). These results support the idea that an excessive forest opening makes the understorey compete more strongly for water, thus counterbalancing the higher tree transpiration observed in the short-term. The combined analyses of thinning intensity and environmental drivers highlight how the role of thinning intensity in controlling tree and stand transpiration in the short-term was clearly replaced by soil water availability ten years after the thinning intervention (RI means from 13.1 to 39.5% for soil water availability and from 26.8 to 19.0% for thinning intensity). Our results support the need to study how the transpiration-soil water relationships progressively change over the distance in time from thinning in order to assess the impact of understorey properly and thus systematically calculate the ecohydrological turnover at every thinning intensity tested.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio