106 research outputs found

    Phenotypic and functional analyses show stem cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells better mimic fetal rather than adult hepatocytes

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    Background & Aims: Hepatocyte-like cells (HLCs), differentiated from pluripotent stem cells by the use of soluble factors, can model human liver function and toxicity. However, at present HLC maturity and whether any deficit represents a true fetal state or aberrant differentiation is unclear and compounded by comparison to potentially deteriorated adult hepatocytes. Therefore, we generated HLCs from multiple lineages, using two different protocols, for direct comparison with fresh fetal and adult hepatocytes. Methods: Protocols were developed for robust differentiation. Multiple transcript, protein and functional analyses compared HLCs to fresh human fetal and adult hepatocytes. Results: HLCs were comparable to those of other laboratories by multiple parameters. Transcriptional changes during differentiation mimicked human embryogenesis and showed more similarity to pericentral than periportal hepatocytes. Unbiased proteomics demonstrated greater proximity to liver than 30 other human organs or tissues. However, by comparison to fresh material, HLC maturity was proven by transcript, protein and function to be fetal-like and short of the adult phenotype. The expression of 81% phase 1 enzymes in HLCs was significantly upregulated and half were statistically not different from fetal hepatocytes. HLCs secreted albumin and metabolized testosterone (CYP3A) and dextrorphan (CYP2D6) like fetal hepatocytes. In seven bespoke tests, devised by principal components analysis to distinguish fetal from adult hepatocytes, HLCs from two different source laboratories consistently demonstrated fetal characteristics. Conclusions: HLCs from different sources are broadly comparable with unbiased proteomic evidence for faithful differentiation down the liver lineage. This current phenotype mimics human fetal rather than adult hepatocytes

    State Control and the Effects of Foreign Relations on Bilateral Trade

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    Do states use trade to reward and punish partners? WTO rules and the pressures of globalization restrict states’ capacity to manipulate trade policies, but we argue that governments can link political goals with economic outcomes using less direct avenues of inïŹ‚uence over ïŹrm behavior. Where governments intervene in markets, politicization of trade is likely to occur. In this paper, we examine one important form of government control: state ownership of ïŹrms. Taking China and India as examples, we use bilateral trade data by ïŹrm ownership type, as well as measures of bilateral political relations based on diplomatic events and UN voting to estimate the effect of political relations on import and export ïŹ‚ows. Our results support the hypothesis that imports controlled by state-owned enterprises (SOEs) exhibit stronger responsiveness to political relations than imports controlled by private enterprises. A more nuanced picture emerges for exports; while India’s exports through SOEs are more responsive to political tensions than its ïŹ‚ows through private entities, the opposite is true for China. This research holds broader implications for how we should think about the relationship between political and economic relations going forward, especially as a number of countries with partially state-controlled economies gain strength in the global economy

    Do reviews of healthcare interventions teach us how to improve healthcare systems?

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    Planners, managers and policy makers in modern health services are not without ingenuity e they will always try, try and try again. They face deep-seated or ‘wicked’ problems, which have complex roots in the labyrinthine structures though which healthcare is delivered. Accordingly, the interventions devised to deal with such stubborn problems usually come in the plural. Many different reforms are devised to deal with a particular stumbling block, which may be implemented sequentially, simultaneously or whenever policy fashion or funding dictates. This paper examines this predicament from the perspective of evidence based policy. How might researchers go about reviewing the evidence when they are faced with multiple or indeed competing interventions addressing the same problem? In the face of this plight a rather unheralded form of research synthesis has emerged, namely the ‘typological review’. We critically review the fortunes of this strategy. Separating the putative reforms into series of subtypes and producing a scorecard of their outcomes has the unintended effect of divorcing them all from an understanding of how organisations change. A more fruitful approach may lie in a ‘theory-driven review’ underpinned by an understanding of dynamics of social change in complex organisations. We test this thesis by examining the primary and secondary research on the many interventions designed to tackle a particularly wicked problem, namely the inexorable rise in demand for healthcare

    Quasi-continuous Interpolation Scheme for Pathways between Distant Configurations

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    A quasi-continuous interpolation (QCI) scheme is introduced for characterizing physically realistic initial pathways from which to initiate transition state searches and construct kinetic transition networks. Applications are presented for peptides, proteins, and a morphological transformation in an atomic cluster. The first step in each case involves end point alignment, and we describe the use of a shortest augmenting path algorithm for optimizing permutational isomers. The QCI procedure then employs an interpolating potential, which preserves the covalent bonding framework for the biomolecules and includes repulsive terms between unconstrained atoms. This potential is used to identify an interpolating path by minimizing contributions from a connected set of images, including terms corresponding to minima in the interatomic distances between them. This procedure detects unphysical geometries in the line segments between images. The most difficult cases, where linear interpolation would involve chain crossings, are treated by growing the structure an atom at a time using the interpolating potential. To test the QCI procedure, we carry through a series of benchmark calculations where the initial interpolation is coupled to explicit transition state searches to produce complete pathways between specified local minima.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/H042660/1]This document is the unedited Author’s version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/ct300483
