31 research outputs found

    Molecular gas in galaxies at all redshifts

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    I review some recent results about the molecular content of galaxies, obtained essentially from the CO lines, but also dense tracers, or the dust continuum emission. New results have been obtained on molecular cloud physics, and their efficiency to form stars, shedding light on the Kennicutt-Schmidt law as a function of surface density and galaxy type. Large progress has been made on galaxy at moderate and high redshifts, allowing to interprete the star formation history and star formation efficiency as a function of gas content, or galaxy evolution. In massive galaxies, the gas fraction was higher in the past, and galaxy disks were more unstable and more turbulent. ALMA observations will allow the study of more normal galaxies at high z with higher spatial resolution and sensitivity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in proceedings of the IAU 277th Symposium, Editors: C. Carignan, F. Combes, K. Freema

    The supergravity dual of 3d supersymmetric gauge theories with unquenched flavors

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    We obtain the supergravity dual of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions with a large number of unquenched massless flavors. The geometries found are obtained by solving the equations of motion of supergravity coupled to a suitable continuous distribution of flavor branes. The background obtained preserves two supersymmetries. We find that when N_c\ge 2N_f the behavior of the solutions is compatible with having an asymptotically free dual gauge theory with dynamical quarks. On the contrary, when N_c<2N_f the theory develops a Landau pole in the UV. We also find a new family of (unflavored) backgrounds generated by D5-branes that wrap a three-cycle of a cone with G_2 holonomy.Comment: 56 pages, 11 figures; v2: references adde

    A large-scale CO survey of the Rosette Molecular Cloud: assessing the effects of O stars on surrounding molecular gas

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    We present a new large-scale survey of J=3-2 12CO emission covering 4.8 square degrees around the Rosette Nebula. Approximately 2000 compact clumps are identified, with a spatially-invariant power law mass distribution index of -1.8. Most of the inner clumps show velocity gradients of 1-3 km/s/pc, directed away from the exciting nebula. The gradients decrease with distance from the central O stars, and are consistent with a photoionised gas acceleration model, assuming clump lifetimes of a few 10^5 yrs. However, in one clear case, the observed near-constant velocity gradient is difficult to explain with simple models. Most blue-shifted but very few of the red-shifted clumps are associated with dark absorbing optical globules, confirming that the dominant molecular gas motion is expansion away from the central nebula and O stars. Many clumps also lie in a molecular ring, having an expansion velocity of 30 km/s, radius 11pc, and dynamical lifetime of ~1Myr. The J=3-2/1-0 12CO line ratios of the clumps decrease with distance from the O stars, implying a gradient in their surface temperatures; the results are consistent with a simple model of clump surface heating due to the central stars. Seven high-velocity molecular flows are found in the region, with a close correspondence between these flows and embedded young clusters. These outflows are sufficiently energetic to drive local gas turbulence within each cluster. We find 14 clear examples of association between embedded young stars seen at 24um and CO clumps; these are thought to be photoevaporating molecular envelopes. The CO clumps without evidence of embedded stars tend to have lower velocity gradients, and it is suggested that the presence of the young star may extend the lifespan of the photoevaporating envelope.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables; to be published in MNRA

    Screening effects on meson masses from holography

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    We study the spectra of scalar and vector mesons in four dimensional strongly coupled SQCD-like theories in the Veneziano limit. The gauge theories describe the low energy dynamics of intersecting D3 and D7-branes on the singular and deformed conifold and their strong coupling regime can be explored by means of dual fully backreacted supergravity backgrounds. The mesons we focus on are dual to fluctuations of the worldvolume gauge field on a probe D7-brane in these backgrounds. As we will comment in detail, the general occurrence of various UV pathologies in the D3-D7 set-ups under study, forces us to adapt the standard holographic recipes to theories with intrinsic cutoffs. Just as for QED, the low energy spectra for mesonic-like bound states will be consistent and largely independent of the UV cutoffs. We will study in detail how these spectra vary with the number of the fundamental sea flavors and their mass.Comment: 30 pages + appendices, 10 figures; v2: subsection 3.3.3 and some comments adde

    Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies

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    Ever since their discovery in the 1970's, UltraLuminous InfraRed Galaxies (ULIRGs; classically Lir>10^12Lsun) have fascinated astronomers with their immense luminosities, and frustrated them due to their singularly opaque nature, almost in equal measure. Over the last decade, however, comprehensive observations from the X-ray through to the radio have produced a consensus picture of local ULIRGs, showing that they are mergers between gas rich galaxies, where the interaction triggers some combination of dust-enshrouded starburst and AGN activity, with the starburst usually dominating. Very recent results have thrown ULIRGs even further to the fore. Originally they were thought of as little more than a local oddity, but the latest IR surveys have shown that ULIRGs are vastly more numerous at high redshift, and tantalizing suggestions of physical differences between high and low redshift ULIRGs hint at differences in their formation modes and local environment. In this review we look at recent progress on understanding the physics and evolution of local ULIRGs, the contribution of high redshift ULIRGs to the cosmic infrared background and the global history of star formation, and the role of ULIRGs as diagnostics of the formation of massive galaxies and large-scale structures.Comment: Review article, published in "Astrophysics Update 2 - topical and timely reviews on astronomy and astrophysics". Ed. John W. Mason. Springer/Praxis books. ISBN: 3-540-30312-X. 53 pages, 5 figures. Higher quality figures available on reques

    Poesie scelte, illustrate e commentate da Alfonso Bertoldi

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    Università degli Studi di Triest

    Prose critiche di storia e d'arte.

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    "De' vari scritti ... i più videro la luce, dall'89 al '95, nella Nueva antologia e nel Giornale storico della letterature italiana: due (il sesto e il decimo ...) sono del tutto inediti. Ma inedite sono anche molte parti de'rimanenti, che qui vennero quale arricchito di nuove ragional e testimonianze, quale riíatto, quale ritoccato e corretto."--Avvertenza.Bibliographical foot-notes.L'ode "Per l'inclita nice".--Il Parini illustrato.--Storia del "Giorno".--Il Duranti e il Parini.--Ancora di un amore e di un'ode del Foscolo.--Faville foscoliane.--Pietro Giordani e altri personaggi del tempo.--L'amicizia di P. Giordani con A. Cesari.--Il Giordani, il Betti, e vari altri.--Movente e significato della Bassvilliana.Mode of access: Internet

    Modello Ornamentale Internazionale n.DM/038018, depositato il 28.10.1996 “Orologio a pendolo portatile da tavolo”

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    Si tratta di orologio a pendolo che comprende un involucro formato da due semigusci allungati, incernierati alle loro estrermità superiori e divaricabili a quelle inferiori di appoggio e un meccanismo di orologio a pendolo contenibile entro detto involucro