388 research outputs found

    Modeling benthic–pelagic nutrient exchange processes and porewater distributions in a seasonally hypoxic sediment: evidence for massive phosphate release by Beggiatoa?

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    This study presents benthic data from 12 samplings from February to December 2010 in a 28 m deep channel in the southwest Baltic Sea. In winter, the distribution of solutes in the porewater was strongly modulated by bioirrigation which efficiently flushed the upper 10 cm of sediment, leading to concentrations which varied little from bottom water values. Solute pumping by bioirrigation fell sharply in the summer as the bottom waters became severely hypoxic (< 2 ÎŒM O2). At this point the giant sulfide-oxidizing bacteria Beggiatoa was visible on surface sediments. Despite an increase in O2 following mixing of the water column in November, macrofauna remained absent until the end of the sampling. Contrary to expectations, metabolites such as dissolved inorganic carbon, ammonium and hydrogen sulfide did not accumulate in the upper 10 cm during the hypoxic period when bioirrigation was absent, but instead tended toward bottom water values. This was taken as evidence for episodic bubbling of methane gas out of the sediment acting as an abiogenic irrigation process. Porewater–seawater mixing by escaping bubbles provides a pathway for enhanced nutrient release to the bottom water and may exacerbate the feedback with hypoxia. Subsurface dissolved phosphate (TPO4) peaks in excess of 400 ÎŒM developed in autumn, resulting in a very large diffusive TPO4 flux to the water column of 0.7 ± 0.2 mmol m−2 d−1. The model was not able to simulate this TPO4 source as release of iron-bound P (Fe–P) or organic P. As an alternative hypothesis, the TPO4 peak was reproduced using new kinetic expressions that allow Beggiatoa to take up porewater TPO4 and accumulate an intracellular P pool during periods with oxic bottom waters. TPO4 is then released during hypoxia, as previous published results with sulfide-oxidizing bacteria indicate. The TPO4 added to the porewater over the year by organic P and Fe–P is recycled through Beggiatoa, meaning that no additional source of TPO4 is needed to explain the TPO4 peak. Further experimental studies are needed to strengthen this conclusion and rule out Fe–P and organic P as candidate sources of ephemeral TPO4 release. A measured C/P ratio of < 20 for the diffusive flux to the water column during hypoxia directly demonstrates preferential release of P relative to C under oxygen-deficient bottom waters. This coincides with a strong decrease in dissolved inorganic N/P ratios in the water column to ~ 1. Our results suggest that sulfide oxidizing bacteria could act as phosphorus capacitors in systems with oscillating redox conditions, releasing massive amounts of TPO4 in a short space of time and dramatically increasing the internal loading of TPO4 to the overlying water

    Transduction of a dominant-negative H-Ras into human eosinophils attenuates extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation and interleukin-5-mediated cell viability

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    Inhibition of eosinophil apoptosis by exposure to interleukin-5 (IL-5) is associated with the development of tissue eosinophilia and may contribute to the inflammation characteristic of asthma. Analysis of the signaling events associated with this process has been hampered by the inability to efficiently manipulate eosinophils by the introduction of active or inhibitory effector molecules. Evidence is provided, using a dominantnegative N17 H-Ras protein (dn-H-Ras) and MEK inhibitor U0126, that activation of the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway plays a determining role in the prolongation of eosinophil survival by IL-5. For these studies, a small region of the human immunodeficiency virus Tat protein, a protein transduction domain known to enter mammalian cells efficiently, was fused to the N-terminus of dn-H-Ras. The Tat-dn-HRas protein generated from this construct transduced isolated human blood eosinophils at more than 95% efficiency. When Tat-dn-H-Ras-transduced eosinophils were treated with IL-5, they exhibited a time- and dosage-dependent reduction in extracellular regulated kinase 1 and 2 activation and an inhibition of p90 Rsk1 phosphorylation and IL-5-mediated eosinophil survival in vitro. In contrast, Tat-dn-H-Ras did not inhibit CD11b upregulation or STAT5 tyrosine phosphorylation. These data demonstrate that Tat dominant-negative protein transduction can serve as an important and novel tool in studying primary myeloid cell signal transduction in primary leukocytes and can implicate the Ras-Raf-MEK-ERK pathway in IL-5-initiated eosinophil survival

    A bioturbation classification of European marine infaunal invertebrates

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    Bioturbation, the biogenic modification of sediments through particle reworking and burrow ventilation, is a key mediator of many important geochemical processes in marine systems. In situ quantification of bioturbation can be achieved in a myriad of ways, requiring expert knowledge, technology, and resources not always available, and not feasible in some settings. Where dedicated research programmes do not exist, a practical alternative is the adoption of a trait-based approach to estimate community bioturbation potential (BPc). This index can be calculated from inventories of species, abundance and biomass data (routinely available for many systems), and a functional classification of organism traits associated with sediment mixing (less available). Presently, however, there is no agreed standard categorization for the reworking mode and mobility of benthic species. Based on information from the literature and expert opinion, we provide a functional classification for 1033 benthic invertebrate species from the northwest European continental shelf, as a tool to enable the standardized calculation of BPc in the region. Future uses of this classification table will increase the comparability and utility of large-scale assessments of ecosystem processes and functioning influenced by bioturbation (e.g., to support legislation). The key strengths, assumptions, and limitations of BPc as a metric are critically reviewed, offering guidelines for its calculation and application

    Rates and regulation of nitrogen cycling in seasonally hypoxic sediments during winter (Boknis Eck, SW Baltic Sea): Sensitivity to environmental variables

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    This study investigates the biogeochemical processes that control the benthic fluxes of dissolved nitrogen (N) species in Boknis Eck - a 28 m deep site in the Eckernförde Bay (southwestern Baltic Sea). Bottom water oxygen concentrations (O2-BW) fluctuate greatly over the year at Boknis Eck, being well-oxygenated in winter and experiencing severe bottom water hypoxia and even anoxia in late summer. The present communication addresses the winter situation (February 2010). Fluxes of ammonium (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-) and nitrite (NO2-) were simulated using a benthic model that accounted for transport andbiogeochemical reactions and constrained with ex situ flux measurements and sediment geochemical analysis. The sediments were a net sink for NO3- (-0.35 mmol m-2 d-1 of NO3-), of which 75% was ascribed to dissimilatory reduction of nitrate to ammonium (DNRA) by sulfide oxidizing bacteria, and 25% to NO3- reduction to NO2- by denitrifying microorganisms. NH4+ fluxes were high (1.74 mmol m-2d-1 of NH4+), mainly due to the degradation of organic nitrogen, and directed out of the sediment. NO2-fluxes were negligible. The sediments in Boknis Eck are, therefore, a net source of dissolved inorganic nitrogen(DIN = NO3- + NO2- + NH4+) during winter. This is in large part due to bioirrigation, which accounts for 76% of the benthic efflux of NH4+, thus reducing the capacity for nitrification of NH4+. The combined rate of fixed N loss by denitrification and anammox was estimated at 0.08 mmol m-2 d-1 of N2, which is at the lower end of previously reported values. A systematic sensitivity analysis revealed that denitrification and anammox respond strongly and positively to the concentration of NO3- in the bottomwater (NO3-BW).Higher O2-BW decreases DNRA and denitrification but stimulates both anammox and the contribution ofanammox to total N2 production (%Ramx). A complete mechanistic explanation of these findings is provided. Our analysis indicates that nitrification is the geochemical driving force behind the observed correlation between %Ramx and water depth in the seminal study of Dalsgaard et al. (2005). Despite remaining uncertainties, the results provide a general mechanistic framework for interpreting the existing knowledge of N-turnover processes and fluxes in continental margin sediments, as well as predicting the types of environment where these reactions are expected to occur prominently
