1,914 research outputs found

    La traducción de poesía: el caso de Elisabeth Hewer

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    Treball Final de Grau en Traducció i Interpretació. Codi: TI0983. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016Son muchos los escritores, traductores y académicos que han negado la traducibilidad de la poesía a lo largo de los años. Este género literario se considera tan íntimo y tan complejo desde el punto de vista estilístico que su reproducción en otra lengua parece un muro infranqueable, y a aquellos que se han atrevido a traspasarlo se los ha acusado irracionalmente de ser infieles al texto original. En este Trabajo de Final de Grado se cuestionan desde una perspectiva teórica los prejuicios que rodean a la traducción de poesía y se presenta, además, un caso práctico de este tipo de traducción: se ha llevado a cabo la reproducción en español de un total de diez poemas de verso libre de la obra Wishing for Birds, perteneciente a la autora inglesa Elisabeth Hewer. Las composiciones de este poemario, de marcado carácter feminista, exploran el mundo en el que vivimos, hablan del amor y se enfrentan a los peligros y los deseos que siembran el caos en nuestro día a día; y lo hacen mediante constantes referencias a la naturaleza, así como también a la imaginería bíblica y mitológica. Los poemas van acompañados de un análisis donde se exponen los problemas formales, morfológicos, ortotipográficos y estilísticos que plantea su traducción al español y las soluciones que se han adoptado, acompañadas de las justificaciones pertinentes. En la resolución de muchos de los problemas ha sido fundamental el testimonio de la autora, con la que se ha tenido la oportunidad de establecer contacto a través de la correspondencia personal desde el inicio del proyecto

    Representations of Identity in Chicanx Children’s Literature through Word and Image: Maya Gonzalez’s Picturebooks

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    [eng] Chicano children’s literature was born in the wake of the so-called El Movimiento, the Chicano Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and especially the 1970s. In the 1990s, as a part of the rising trend of Multiculturalism and as a cultural product and a reflection of power relations, Chicano children’s literature strove to provide an authentic and accurate representation of Chicano identity. The representation of Mexican-Americans in children’s literature until then had been based on cultural homogeneity, historical distortion, and stereotypes, the distinctive elements which are at the core of the construction of the ‘Other’ and that serve to create and maintain structures of power grounded in fixed identities, opposed binaries and inequalities. In Borderlands / La Frontera. The New Mestiza, Chicana author, Gloria Anzaldúa, rethinks the term ‘identity’, or rather ‘consciousness’, from an inclusive, queer perspective which is not based on opposed dualities. The ideas the author develops in her work on the Mestiza identity echo in her books for children Friends from the Other Side / Amigos del Otro Lado and Prietita and the Ghost Woman / Prietita y La Llorona. Prietita, “little dark one”, is Anzaldúa’s alter ego in her children’s books, her little child- self, “tender, open and vulnerable” (Anzaldúa 2000: 63), who signals her mestizo identity: Mexican American and Indian. Anzaldúa’s second bilingual picturebook, Prietita and the Ghost Woman / Prietita y la Llorona, is illustrated by Maya Gonzalez, who portrays Prietita as a young girl of distinctively Mexican features (dark skin and long black hair). As author and illustrator of her bilingual picture books, contemporary Chicana author Maya Gonzalez gives voice and celebrates the self through what she calls ‘the power of reflection’, moving beyond ‘authentic’ or ‘accurate’ representations of Chicano identity. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyse Gonzalez’s picturebooks, starting by focusing on the Nature Trilogy, in which the author highlights our connection to nature (My Colors, My World / Mis colores, mi mundo, I Know the River Loves Me / Yo sé que el río me ama, and Call Me Tree / Llámame árbol), to later explore her most recent projects published by her own independent press, among them The Gender Wheel, “a nature-based, inclusive, body positive story of gender”. I also pay attention to the visual poetry she has created together with Chicano poet Francisco X. Alarcón in a series of picturebooks published between 1997 and 2017. The research questions I address in my study are the following: 1. How has the representation of Chicanx identity in children’s literature reflected ethnic and class power relations throughout Mexican-American history? 2. What elements does Maya Gonzalez make use of visually and verbally for her projects to subvert power relations in terms of aetonormativity, ethnicity and gender? 3. How is contemporary Chicanx children’s literature being received within the United States context? 4. How are educational programs in the US context integrating these picturebooks, if they are doing so? 5. How are Maya Gonzalez’s presentations at seminars and workshops helping bring about social change in Chicanx and non-Chicanx children’s identities? In order to analyse the way(s) in which words and images interact, my focus will be on the dual code, visual and verbal, which is characteristic of picturebooks. I examine the elements Gonzalez makes use of, both as an illustrator and as a writer, to give voice and to represent identity, and how her projects create spaces of inclusiveness and agency, celebrate diversity, and become a source of reflection for all children, Chicanx and non- Chicanx. I frame my study within a critical multicultural approach in order to explore the subversion of power relations in terms of aetonormativity, ethnicity and gender when representing identities in picturebooks for young readers. A critical multicultural analysis of children’s literature (Botelho and Kabakow 2009) allows me to focus on the ideology and power relations at work in children’s literature, so as to bear a critical perspective on Multiculturalism. Although it is not the main purpose of this work, I include two fieldwork studies on the reception of contemporary picturebooks authored by Chicanx authors in order to explore the reception of these works in the US context, both in the publishing industry, and in the educational field, as well as in order to complement the analysis of the representations of Chicanx identity through word and image.[spa] En el capítulo dedicado a los niños latinos y la educación pública en Estados Unidos en Celebrating Cuentos de Naidoo, Ream y Vazquez reflexionan en torno a la noción de “testimonio crítico” y la literatura como medio “(1) para estimular la resistencia entre los jóvenes hispanos a los estragos causados por el trauma que perpetúan su sentido de la ‘otredad’, y (2) para traducir las ofensas del pasado en posibilidades del presente” (13). ¿Cómo puede la literatura estimular la resistencia entre los jóvenes latinos para traducir las ofensas del pasado en posibilidades del presente? Mediante la creación de espacios narrativos “impulsados por la empatía y el entendimiento, en lugar de por presunciones derivadas de los estereotipos, el miedo y la ignorancia” (14). Esto es lo que Anzaldúa hace para proporcionar a los niños chicanos una representación de su cultura y de su identidad en sus dos libros infantiles. En la década de los sesenta, mientras trabajaba como profesora de primaria, la autora chicana se dio cuenta de que los niños migrantes y bilingües necesitaban ver su cultura en los libros que leían. Tal y como exploré en el marco teórico de este studio (sección 2.1.3), en Borderlands / La Frontera. The New Mestiza (1987) Anzaldúa repiensa el término ‘identidad’ desde una perspectiva inclusiva que no se basa en dualidades. Para la autora chicana, la conciencia de la nueva mestiza debe trascender la mezcla de razas (raza) para convertirse en una ‘intersección’. De la misma manera, la frontera no se refiere únicamente a la frontera entre México y los Estados Unidos, sino más bien a una frontera metafórica e indeterminada, entendida aquí como un ‘Tercer Espacio’, un lugar de contacto, de fusión, un puente que pone en contacto a las diferencias. Se considera que la nueva mestiza sirve como mediadora, como un puente que une personas de diferentes colores, clases, razas y periodos de tiempo, que enseña a los ‘recién llegados’, a las futuras generaciones, de forma que sus cambios internos devienen cambios en la sociedad. Las ideas que la autora desarrolla en Borderlands / La Frontera tienen eco en sus libros para niños Friends from the Other Side / Amigos del Otro Lado (1993)1 y Prietita and the Ghost Woman / Prietita y la Llorona (1995). Tras años sufriendo los efectos de la colonización en su propio país, para Anzaldúa era esencial representar la identidad chicana de manera positiva y así, transformar el mundo construido por el colonialism

    Interacções de estirpes de Aspergillus flavus não-toxígenas com Aspergillus parasiticus na produção de aflatoxinas

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    Aflatoxins production is affected by abiotic, biotic and genetic parameters. Eugenesic and dysgenetic condition for aflatoxinogenesis are relatively well studied, such as: the influence of temperature, pH, Aw, Oxigen tension, osmotic pression, organic and inorganic nutrients, substance with fungistatic effects: however there are relatively few knowledge about endogenous regulator mechanisms, the kinetic of the anabolism and the interaction between the productive moulds and remaining microflora holding in eutrophying substrates. The main objective of this study is to evaluate biotic interaction between five indigenous strains of A. flavus, confirmed non-toxigenic, and a productive strain (A. parasiticus ATCC 15 517), cultured simultaneously on two substrates: one natural (cracked corn) and a synthetic one, modified Czapeck-Dox broth. Aflatoxins quantifications were performed by HPLC at 8th and 12th days. Results of those interactive cultures showed that all strains were synergic, increasing aflatoxins production in a range between 5.6 and 106.5% over the control values, with an exception registered on one of the strains cultured in cracked corn at the 12th day, where the production decreased (-7.6%).A produção de aflatoxinas é afetada por parâmetros abióticos, bióticos e genéticos. As condições eugenésicas e disgenésicas da aflatoxinogênese estão relativamente bem estudadas, tal como as influências ecológicas (temperatura, pH, Aw, tensão de oxigênio, pressão osmótica, nutrientes e substâncias fungistáticas). Contudo, é muito escasso o conhecimento relativo aos mecanismos reguladores endógenos, à cinética do anabolismo e à interação dos fungos produtores com a restante microflora presente em substratos eutrofizantes. O principal objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a interação de cinco estirpes indígenas de A. flavus, comprovadamente atoxígenas, com uma geneticamente apta (A. parasiticus ATCC 15517), cultivadas simultaneamente em dois substratos: um natural (milho triturado) e outro sintético (Caldo de Czapeck-Dox Modificado). A quantificação das aflatoxinas foi efetuada no 8º e 12º dias de incubação, por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Resolução (HPLC). Os resultados demonstraram que todas as estirpes foram sinérgicas, aumentando o rendimento da produção entre 5,6 e 106,5%, quando comparados com os valores das testemunhas

    Opportunities from Metal Organic Frameworks to Develop Porous Carbons Catalysts Involved in Fine Chemical Synthesis

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    Funding Information: This work has been supported by Project ref. PID2021-126579OB-C32 from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and Project ref. UFV2023-38 from Universidad Francisco de Vitoria de Madrid. This work also received financial support from PT national funds (FCT/MCTES, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior) through the projects UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020. Maria Bernardo thanks FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) for funding through program DL 57/2016—Norma transitória. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.In the last decade, MOFs have been proposed as precursors of functional porous carbons with enhanced catalytic performances by comparison with other traditional carbonaceous catalysts. This area is rapidly growing mainly because of the great structural diversity of MOFs offering almost infinite possibilities. MOFs can be considered as ideal platforms to prepare porous carbons with highly dispersed metallic species or even single-metal atoms under strictly controlled thermal conditions. This review briefly summarizes synthetic strategies to prepare MOFs and MOF-derived porous carbons. The main focus relies on the application of the MOF-derived porous carbons to fine chemical synthesis. Among the most explored reactions, the oxidation and reduction reactions are highlighted, although some examples of coupling and multicomponent reactions are also presented. However, the application of this type of catalyst in the green synthesis of biologically active heterocyclic compounds through cascade reactions is still a challenge.publishersversionpublishe

    A rapid electrokinetic chromatography method using short-end injection for the enantioselective separation of tryptophan

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    A rapid enantioselective methodology for the analysis of tryptophan was developed in this work by electrokinetic chromatography using short-end injection and an anionic cyclodextrin as chiral selector. No previous derivatization of tryptophan was necessary. The influence of different experimental variables on the enantiomeric separation was investigated. The use of a 100 mM formate buffer (pH 2.2) containing 1.25% sulfated-?-cyclodextrin with an uncoated fused-silica capillary of 50 µm inner diameter with a total length of 48.5 cm (effective length of 8.5 cm), and an injection by applying a pressure of -50 mbar (short-end injection) for 4 s, enabled the enantiomeric separation of tryptophan within 2.5 min with a resolution of 7.4. As desirable, the enantiomeric impurity, D-tryptophan, was the first-migrating enantiomer. The analytical characteristics of the developed methodology were evaluated in terms of linearity, precision, accuracy, and limits of detection and quantification, showing its good performance to be applied to the analysis of tryptophan-based dietary supplements. A relative limit of detection of 0.1% was obtained for the enantiomeric impurity, D-tryptophan, in the presence of the L-enantiomer. Results showed that the developed methodology is an interesting alternative for the enantioselective analysis of tryptophan enabling the rapid quality control of dietary supplements

    Screening of Aflatoxin B1 in Laboratory Rat Feed

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    Many hazards can interfere with the safety of the feeding stuffs intended to provide nutrients to experimental  animals. Chemical and biological contaminants of laboratory animal feed can be a problem for toxicological  and immunological research. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is a secondary toxic metabolite, produced by  the ubiquitous fungal genera, Aspergillus. AFB1 is particularly dangerous for health, inducing cancer of the  urinary tract or liver carcinoma. The aim of this preliminary screening was to evaluate the presence of AFB1  in 31 samples of laboratory rat feed using a method validated in-house, then separated by High Pressure  Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) coupled to a fluorescence detector. The detection limit (limit of detection:  LOD) and the quantification limit (LOQ) were 0.2 and 0.4 ìg/kg respectively. Recoveries ranged from 58.0  to 74.5% for spiked samples. The immunoaffinity approach was significantly faster than methods employing  conventional chromatography clean-up (Sep-Pak Classic Florisil and Sep-Pak ClassicC18 cartridges).  Aflatoxins were not detected in any analysed sample.

    Sintering and microstuctural characterization of W6+, Nb5+ and Ti4+ iron-substituted BiFeO3

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    The sintering behaviour and the microstructural evolution of W6+, Nb5+ and Ti4+iron-substituted BiFeO3 ceramics have been analyzed. The obtained results show that W6+ and Nb5+ ions interact with the secondary phases usually present in these materials, thus altering the solid state formation of the BiFeO3 phase. In contrast, Ti4+ ions incorporate into the perovskite structure, leading to an exceptionally low proportion of secondary phases. In addition to this, BiFe0.95Ti0.05O3 materials present a dense microstructure with submicronic and nanostructured grains, clearly smaller than those in the undoped materials

    Lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis during human fetal pancreas development

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    Background: The complex endocrine and exocrine functionality of the human pancreas depends on an efficient fluid transport through the blood and the lymphatic vascular systems. The lymphatic vasculature has key roles in the physiology of the pancreas and in regulating the immune response, both important for developing successful transplantation and cell-replacement therapies to treat diabetes. However, little is known about how the lymphatic and blood systems develop in humans. Here, we investigated the establishment of these two vascular systems in human pancreas organogenesis in order to understand neovascularization in the context of emerging regenerative therapies. Methods: We examined angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis during human pancreas development between 9 and 22 weeks of gestation (W9-W22) by immunohistochemistry. Results: As early as W9, the peri-pancreatic mesenchyme was populated by CD31-expressing blood vessels as well as LYVE1- and PDPN-expressing lymphatic vessels. The appearance of smooth muscle cell-coated blood vessels in the intra-pancreatic mesenchyme occurred only several weeks later and from W14.5 onwards the islets of Langerhans also became heavily irrigated by blood vessels. In contrast to blood vessels, LYVE1- and PDPN-expressing lymphatic vessels were restricted to the peri-pancreatic mesenchyme until later in development (W14.5-W17), and some of these invading lymphatic vessels contained smooth muscle cells at W17. Interestingly, between W11-W22, most large caliber lymphatic vessels were lined with a characteristic, discontinuous, collagen type IV-rich basement membrane. Whilst lymphatic vessels did not directly intrude the islets of Langerhans, three-dimensional reconstruction revealed that they were present in the vicinity of islets of Langerhans between W17-W22. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the blood and lymphatic machinery in the human pancreas is in place to support endocrine function from W17-W22 onwards. Our study provides the first systematic assessment of the progression of lymphangiogenesis during human pancreatic development

    Meiotic wave adds extra asymmetry to the development of female chicken gonads

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    Development of female gonads in the chicken is asymmetric. This asymmetry affects gene expression, morphology, and germ cell development; consequently only the left ovary develops into a functional organ, whereas the right ovary remains vestigial. In males, on the other hand, both gonads develop into functional testes. Here, we revisited the development of asymmetric traits in female (and male) chicken gonads between Hamburger Hamilton stage 16 (HH16) and hatching. At HH16, primordial germ cells migrated preferentially to the left gonad, accumulating in the left coelomic hinge between the gut mesentery and developing gonad in both males and females. Using the meiotic markers SYCP3 and phosphorylated H2AFX, we identified a previously undescribed, pronounced asymmetryc meiotic progression in the germ cells located in the central, lateral, and extreme cortical regions of the left female gonad from HH38 until hatching. Moreover, we observed that-in contrast to the current view-medullary germ cells are not apoptotic, but remain arrested in pre-leptotene until hatching. In addition to the systematic analysis of the asymmetric distribution of germ cells in female chicken gonads, we propose an updated model suggesting that the localization of germ cells-in the left or right gonad; in the cortex or medulla of the left gonad; and in the central part or the extremities of the left cortex-has direct consequences for their development and participation in adult reproduction