1,690 research outputs found

    Corrections to Chiral Dynamics of Heavy Hadrons: (I) 1/M Correction

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    In earlier publications we have analyzed the strong and radiative decays of heavy hadrons in a formalism which incorporates both heavy-quark and chiral symmetries. In particular, we have derived a heavy-hadron chiral Lagrangian whose coupling constants are related by the heavy-quark flavor-spin symmetry arising from the QCD Lagrangian with infinitely massive quarks. In this paper, we re-examine the structure of the above chiral Lagrangian by including the effects of 1/mQ1/m_Q corrections in the heavy quark effective theory. The relations among the coupling constants, originally derived in the heavy-quark limit, are modified by heavy quark symmetry breaking interactions in QCD. Some of the implications are discussed.Comment: PHYZZX, 45 pages, 1 figure (not included), CLNS 93/1192, IP-ASTP-02-93, ITP-SB-93-0

    SYZ mirror symmetry for hypertoric varieties

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    We construct a Lagrangian torus fibration on a smooth hypertoric variety and a corresponding SYZ mirror variety using TT-duality and generating functions of open Gromov-Witten invariants. The variety is singular in general. We construct a resolution using the wall and chamber structure of the SYZ base.Comment: v_2: 31 pages, 5 figures, minor revision. To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Chiral Dynamics and Heavy Quark Symmetry in a Toy Field Theoretic Model

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    We study a solvable QCD--like toy theory, a generalization of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model, which implements chiral symmetries of light quarks and heavy quark symmetry. The chiral symmetric and chiral broken phases can be dynamically tuned. This implies a parity doubled heavy--light meson system, corresponding to a (0,1)(0^-,1^-) multiplet and a (0+,1+)(0^+,1^+) heavy spin multiplet. Consequently the mass difference of the two multiplets is given by a Goldberger--Treiman relation and gAg_A is found to be small. The Isgur--Wise function, ξ(w)\xi(w), the decay constant, fBf_B, and other observables are studied.Comment: 42 pages, SSCL-PP-243; Fermi-Pub-93/059-

    Anderson Transitions

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    The physics of Anderson transitions between localized and metallic phases in disordered systems is reviewed. The term ``Anderson transition'' is understood in a broad sense, including both metal-insulator transitions and quantum-Hall-type transitions between phases with localized states. The emphasis is put on recent developments, which include: multifractality of critical wave functions, criticality in the power-law random banded matrix model, symmetry classification of disordered electronic systems, mechanisms of criticality in quasi-one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems and survey of corresponding critical theories, network models, and random Dirac Hamiltonians. Analytical approaches are complemented by advanced numerical simulations.Comment: 63 pages, 39 figures, submitted to Rev. Mod. Phy

    Heavy Meson Electromagnetic Mass Differences from QCD

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    We compute the electromagnetic mass differences of mesons containing a single heavy quark in terms of measurable data using QCD-based arguments in heavy-quark effective theory. We derive an unsubtracted dispersion relation that shows that the mass differences are calculable in terms of the properties of the lowest-lying physical intermediate states. We then consider the problem in the large-NN limit, where NN is the number of QCD colors. In this limit, we can write a kind of double-dispersion relation for the amplitude required to determine the electromagnetic mass difference. We use this to derive analogs of the Weinberg sum rules for heavy meson matrix elements valid to leading order in 1/N1/N and to O(1/mQ)O(1/m_Q) in the heavy quark expansion. In order to obtain our final result, we assume that the electromagnetic mass differences and sum rules are dominated by the lowest-lying states in analogy with the situation for the π+\pi^+--π0\pi^0 mass difference. Despite the fact that some of the matrix elements appearing in our final result have not yet been accurately measured, we can obtain useful numerical estimates: for example, we obtain (M_{B^+} - M_{B^0})^{EM} \simeq +1.8 \MeV. We argue that our results are accurate to about 30%30\%.Comment: 20 pages, plain TeX, 1 uuencoded postscript figur

    The <i>Herschel</i> view of the massive star-forming region NGC 6334

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    Aims: Fundamental to any theory of high-mass star formation are gravity and turbulence. Their relative importance, which probably changes during cloud evolution, is not known. By investigating the spatial and density structure of the high-mass star-forming complex NGC 6334 we aim to disentangle the contributions of turbulence and gravity. Methods: We used Herschel PACS and SPIRE imaging observations from the HOBYS key programme at wavelengths of 160, 250, 350, and 500 μm to construct dust temperature and column density maps. Using probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the column density determined for the whole complex and for four distinct sub-regions (distinguished on the basis of differences in the column density, temperature, and radiation field), we characterize the density structure of the complex. We investigate the spatial structure using the Δ-variance, which probes the relative amount of structure on different size scales and traces possible energy injection mechanisms into the molecular cloud. Results: The Δ-variance analysis suggests that the significant scales of a few parsec that were found are caused by energy injection due to expanding HII regions, which are numerous, and by the lengths of filaments seen everywhere in the complex. The column density PDFs have a lognormal shape at low densities and a clearly defined power law at high densities for all sub-regions whose slope is linked to the exponent α of an equivalent spherical density distribution. In particular with α = 2.37, the central sub-region is largly dominated by gravity, caused by individual collapsing dense cores and global collapse of a larger region. The collapse is faster than free-fall (which would lead only to α = 2) and thus requires a more dynamic scenario (external compression, flows). The column density PDFs suggest that the different sub-regions are at different evolutionary stages, especially the central sub-region, which seems to be in a more evolved stage

    First Observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission in a Free-Electron Laser at 109 nm Wavelength

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    We present the first observation of Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) in a free-electron laser (FEL) in the Vacuum Ultraviolet regime at 109 nm wavelength (11 eV). The observed free-electron laser gain (approx. 3000) and the radiation characteristics, such as dependency on bunch charge, angular distribution, spectral width and intensity fluctuations all corroborate the existing models for SASE FELs.Comment: 6 pages including 6 figures; e-mail: [email protected]

    Strong Coupling Fixed Points of Current Interactions and Disordered Fermions in 2D

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    The all-orders beta function is used to study disordered Dirac fermions in 2D. The generic strong coupling fixed `points' of anisotropic current-current interactions at large distances are actually isotropic manifolds corresponding to subalgebras of the maximal current algebra at short distances. The IR theories are argued to be current algebra cosets. We illustrate this with the simple example of anisotropic su(2), which is the physics of Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions. We work out the phase diagram for the Chalker-Coddington network model which is in the universality class of the integer Quantum Hall transition. One massless phase is in the universality class of dense polymers.Comment: published version (Phys. Rev. B