1,902 research outputs found

    Time reclaimed: temporality and the experience of meaningful work

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    The importance of meaningful work has been identified in scholarly writings across a range of disciplines. However, empirical studies remain sparse and the potential relevance of the concept of temporality, hitherto somewhat neglected even in wider sociological studies of organizations, has not been considered in terms of the light that it can shed on the experience of work as meaningful. These two disparate bodies of thought are brought together to generate new accounts of work meaningfulness through the lens of temporality. Findings from a qualitative study of workers in three occupations with ostensibly distinct temporal landscapes are reported. All jobs had the potential to be both meaningful and meaningless; meaningfulness arose episodically through work experiences that were shared, autonomous and temporally complex. Schutz’s notion of the ‘vivid present’ emerged as relevant to understanding how work is rendered meaningful within an individual’s personal and social system of relevances

    Concepciones culturales del VIH/Sida de adolescentes de Bolivia, Chile y México

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    OBJETIVO: Comprender las dimensiones culturales del VIH/Sida de estudiantes adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Estudio antropológico cognitivo. Realizado en Cochabamba (Bolivia), Talca (Chile) y Guadalajara (México) entre 2007 y 2008. Un total de 184 jóvenes (de 14 y 19 años de edad) fueron seleccionados por muestreo propositivo en centros de estudios de educación media superior de cada país. Fueron utilizadas las técnicas de listados libres y el sorteo de montones. Se indagaron términos asociados al concepto VIH/Sida y grupos de dimensiones conceptuales. Posteriormente se aplicó análisis de consenso mediante factorización de componentes principales y análisis dimensional mediante conglomerados jerárquicos y escalas multidimensionales. RESULTADOS: Las diferencias entre los contextos fueron en el grado de consenso en relación al término de VIH/Sida, ya que fue mayor en Cochabamba. En Talca y Guadalajara los jóvenes mencionaron metáforas de lucha frente a la enfermedad, mientras en Cochabamba se refirieron a la ayuda, apoyo y amor que las personas infectadas deberían recibir. Las coincidencias entre las conceptualizaciones de los jóvenes de los tres países fueron: los riesgos (las prácticas sexuales desprotegidas y el contacto con algunos grupos poblacionales específicos), las consecuencias (muerte física y social, entendida ésta última como el rechazo de la sociedad hacia los enfermos) y la prevención de la enfermedad (con base en la información así como uso del condón). CONCLUSIONES: Para los estudiantes adolescentes el VIH/Sida es una enfermedad causada por prácticas sexuales y consumo de drogas que implica daño, dolor y muerte. Los programas preventivos del VIH/Sida para los adolescentes deben promover la búsqueda de información sobre el tema con bases científicas, y no centrarse en las consecuencias emocionales y sociales de la enfermedad.OBJETIVO: Compreender as dimensões culturais do HIV/Aids por estudantes adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Estudo antropológico cognitivo realizado em Cochabamba (Bolívia), Talca (Chile) e Guadalajara (México), entre 2007 e 2008. O total de 184 jovens (de 14 e 19 anos de idade) foi selecionado por amostragem propositiva em centros de estudos de educação média superior de cada país. Foram utilizadas técnicas de listas livres e classificação da pilha. Foi feita a indagação de termos associados ao conceito HIV/Aids e grupos de dimensões conceituais. Posteriormente, fez-se análise de consenso mediante a fatorização dos componentes principais e análise dimensional mediante conglomerados hierárquicos e escalas multidimensionais. RESULTADOS: As diferenças entre os contextos foram no grau de consenso em relação ao termo HIV/Aids, que foi maior em Cochabamba. Em Talca e Guadalajara os jovens mencionaram metáforas de luta diante da doença, enquanto em Cochabamba eles referiram ajuda, apoio e amor que as pessoas infectadas deveriam receber. As coincidências entre as conceitualizações dos jovens dos três países foram: os riscos (as práticas sexuais desprotegidas e o contato com alguns grupos populacionais específicos), as conseqüências (morte física e social, entendida esta última como o rechaço da sociedade aos doentes) e a prevenção da doença (com base na informação e no uso do preservativo). CONCLUSIONES: Para os estudantes adolescentes, o HIV/Aids é uma doença causada por práticas sexuais e uso de drogas que envolve dano, dor e morte. Os programas preventivos do HIV/Aids para os e as adolescentes devem promover a busca de informação com bases científicas sobre o tema, e não só a que se centra nas conseqüências emocionais e sociais da doença.OBJECTIVE: To understand the cultural dimensions of HIV/AIDS among adolescent students. METHODS: A cognitive anthropological study was undertaken in Cochabamba (Bolivia), Talca (Chile) and Guadalajara (Mexico), during 2007 and 2008. A total of 184 teenagers (from 14 to 19 years old) were selected by purposeful sampling at secondary schools in each country. Free association lists and pile sorts were utilized. Terms associated with the concept of HIV/AIDS and groups of conceptual dimensions were investigated. Subsequently, consensus analysis was performed using factorial principal components and dimensional analysis through hierarchical clusters and multidimensional scales. RESULTS: The differences between the country contexts were in the degree of consensus in relation to the term HIV/AIDS, which was greater in Cochabamba. In Talca and Guadalajara the youths mentioned metaphors of fighting against HIV/AIDS, while in Cochabamba participants talked about help, support and love that infected people should receive. The similarities among conceptions by youth from the three countries were: the risk factors (unprotected sexual practice and contact with specific population groups), the consequences (physical and social death, being the latter understood as social rejection of people living with HIV/AIDS) and the prevention of illness (based on information and condom use). CONCLUSIONS: For adolescent students, HIV/AIDS is a disease caused by sexual practices and drug use and involves harm, pain and death. HIV/AIDS prevention programs for adolescents should promote science based information on the topic and not concentrate only on the emotional and social consequences of HIV/AIDS

    An exploration of the experiences of mothers who breastfeed long-term: What are the issues and why does it matter?

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    Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) promotes breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond. Despite this, only 25% of women in the United Kingdom are breastfeeding at all by 6 months postpartum, with a minority of women breastfeeding beyond the first year. Those who do often report feeling ridiculed or alienated in their choice. Here, the aim was to examine the experiences of women who chose to breastfeed longer term and to seek insight into the ways they felt breastfeeding could be normalized past infancy. Subjects and Methods: The study combined two qualitative datasets that explored maternal attitudes and experiences toward longer-term breastfeeding. In Study 1 a combination of methods was used, including interviews, to explore the challenges, attitudes, and experiences faced by women who had breastfed for over 6 months postpartum. In Study 2, 1,319 mothers who were pregnant or had an infant 0-2 years old completed an open-ended questionnaire exploring their attitudes toward longer-term breastfeeding. Results: Mothers who had experience of longer-term breastfeeding described how they faced negative attitudes and criticism from others, including the perceptions that longer-term breastfeeding was comical, bizarre, and pointless. Mothers discussed ways in which longer-term breastfeeding could be normalized rather than promoted, targeting health professionals and society instead of encouraging mothers themselves. Key ideas included greater visual representation, increasing knowledge and removing stigma. Conclusions: Longer-term breastfeeding needs to be normalized to increase acceptance and in turn reduce the negative attitudes that mothers often face despite following WHO guidance. Greater support is needed from health professionals and in health policy. © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc

    Missing in action: Insights from an exploratory ethnographic observation study of alcohol in everyday UK community pharmacy practice.

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    INTRODUCTION AND AIMS: This paper reports on an exploratory ethnographic observation study which aimed to understand how alcohol fits into routine service provision in the New Medicine Service (NMS), Medication Use Reviews (MUR) and pharmacists' everyday practices in UK community pharmacies. DESIGN AND METHODS: Observations were undertaken in five community pharmacies featuring nine community pharmacists. This involved observation of 16 MURs and 15 NMS consultations and informal interviews with pharmacists as they conducted their work. Fieldnotes were subjected to a constructionist thematic analysis. RESULTS: Pharmacists were underprepared and unconfident in discussing alcohol in medicine consultations. Most pharmacists raised alcohol consumption in the MUR and NMS as part of a 'lifestyle check'. They reported that alcohol was difficult to raise, and to discuss and that people were reluctant to talk about their drinking. Their main concern was that raising the topic would alienate customers. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: These findings raise questions regarding a range of issues about how pharmacists discuss alcohol in medicines consultations, why they lack a clear sense of purpose in doing so and therefore where alcohol fits into UK community pharmacy practice

    Studying Fake News via Network Analysis: Detection and Mitigation

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    Social media for news consumption is becoming increasingly popular due to its easy access, fast dissemination, and low cost. However, social media also enable the wide propagation of "fake news", i.e., news with intentionally false information. Fake news on social media poses significant negative societal effects, and also presents unique challenges. To tackle the challenges, many existing works exploit various features, from a network perspective, to detect and mitigate fake news. In essence, news dissemination ecosystem involves three dimensions on social media, i.e., a content dimension, a social dimension, and a temporal dimension. In this chapter, we will review network properties for studying fake news, introduce popular network types and how these networks can be used to detect and mitigation fake news on social media.Comment: Submitted as a invited book chapter in Lecture Notes in Social Networks, Springer Pres

    Exploring local knowledge and perceptions on zoonoses among pastoralists in northern and eastern Tanzania

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    Background: Zoonoses account for the most commonly reported emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa. However, there is limited knowledge on how pastoral communities perceive zoonoses in relation to their livelihoods, culture and their wider ecology. This study was carried out to explore local knowledge and perceptions on zoonoses among pastoralists in Tanzania. Methodology and principal findings: This study involved pastoralists in Ngorongoro district in northern Tanzania and Kibaha and Bagamoyo districts in eastern Tanzania. Qualitative methods of focus group discussions, participatory epidemiology and interviews were used. A total of 223 people were involved in the study. Among the pastoralists, there was no specific term in their local language that describes zoonosis. Pastoralists from northern Tanzania possessed a higher understanding on the existence of a number of zoonoses than their eastern districts' counterparts. Understanding of zoonoses could be categorized into two broad groups: a local syndromic framework, whereby specific symptoms of a particular illness in humans concurred with symptoms in animals, and the biomedical framework, where a case definition is supported by diagnostic tests. Some pastoralists understand the possibility of some infections that could cross over to humans from animals but harm from these are generally tolerated and are not considered as threats. A number of social and cultural practices aimed at maintaining specific cultural functions including social cohesion and rites of passage involve animal products, which present zoonotic risk. Conclusions: These findings show how zoonoses are locally understood, and how epidemiology and biomedicine are shaping pastoralists perceptions to zoonoses. Evidence is needed to understand better the true burden and impact of zoonoses in these communities. More studies are needed that seek to clarify the common understanding of zoonoses that could be used to guide effective and locally relevant interventions. Such studies should consider in their approaches the pastoralists' wider social, cultural and economic set up

    The mother – child nexus. Knowledge and valuation of wild food plants in Wayanad, Western Ghats, India

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    This study focuses on the mother-child nexus (or process of enculturation) with respect to knowledge and valuation of wild food plants in a context where accelerated processes of modernization and acculturation are leading to the erosion of knowledge and cultural values associated with wild food plant use, in Wayanad, Western Ghats, India. Wild food plants in this biodiversity hotspot form an important part of local diets and are used as famine foods and medicines. In general, the collection and consumption of these foods are increasingly stigmatized as symbols of poverty and 'tribalness' (equivalent to 'backwardness'). The study, which falls within the discipline of ethnobotany, involves three socio-cultural groups – the Paniya and Kuruma tribes and non-tribals. Further, it examines the impact in the enculturation process of an unusual educational programme sponsored by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation that is oriented towards creating awareness among children of cultural identity and local biological resources – the study compares children having participated in the programme with those who have not, with their mothers. The process of enculturation is assessed by comparing wild food plant knowledge and values between mothers and their children, and by examining events where knowledge transmission occurs, including collection and consumption. For that, quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis tools were used, and methods included semi-structured interviews, photo identification and informal interviews of key informants. Results ratify that women are the knowledge holders and are the primary means of knowledge transmission to their children. Nevertheless, fewer children are collecting wild food plants with mothers and learning about them, apparently because of children's lack of time. On the other hand, older people acknowledge that a "change in taste" is occurring among younger generations. In general, there is a simultaneous transmission from mothers to children of contrasting values pertaining to wild food plants: that they are 'good food' but also that they are symbols of low status and poverty, leading to feelings of shame and inferiority. Finally, the study concludes that the educational programme, through a "learning by doing" approach counteracts social stigma and encourages learning among children of all ages and socio-cultural groups, particularly stimulating non-tribal children to learn from tribals

    Arctic passages: liminality, Iñupiat Eskimo mothers and NW Alaska communities in transition

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    Background. While the primary goal of the NW Alaska Native maternal transport is safe deliveries for mothers from remote villages, little has been done to question the impact of transport on the mothers and communities involved. This study explores how presence of Iñupiat values influences the desire of indigenous women of differing eras and NW Alaska villages to participate in biomedical birth, largely made available by a tribal health-sponsored transport system. Objective. This paper portrays how important it is (and why) for Alaska Native families and women of different generations from various areas of Iñupiat villages of NW Alaska to get to the hospital to give birth. This research asks: How does a community’s presence of Iñupiat values influence women of different eras and locations to participate in a more biomedical mode of birth? Design. Theoretical frameworks of medical anthropology and maternal identity work are used to track the differences in regard to the maternal transport operation for Iñupiat mothers of the area. Presence of Iñupiat values in each of the communities is compared by birth era and location for each village. Content analysis is conducted to determine common themes in an inductive, recursive fashion. Results. A connection is shown between a community’s manifestation of Iñupiat cultural expression and mothers’ acceptance of maternal transport in this study. For this group of Iñupiat Eskimo mothers, there is interplay between community expression of Iñupiat values and desire and lengths gone to by women of different eras and locations. Conclusions. The more openly manifested the Iñupiat values of the community, the more likely alternative birthing practices sought, lessening the reliance on the existing transport policy. Conversely, the more openly western values are manifested in the village of origin, the less likely alternative measures are sought. For this study group, mothers from study villages with openly manifested western values are more likely to easily acquiesce to policy, and “make the best” of their prenatal travel

    The Detection and Policing of Gun Crime: Challenges to the Effective Policing of Gun Crime in Europe

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    Despite a shared understanding across the EU that access to firearms by the general public should be restricted, detailed legislation regarding the ownership, use and trade of firearms varies between EU member states. It is unclear however, how such variations impact on the policing of gun enabled crime. By using qualitative data generated from interviews with police, policy and decision makers from thirteen European countries, the authors of this article aim to determine how stakeholders perceive that national variations in firearms legislation impact on the policing of gun enabled crime within and across EU countries. Four main themes were identified from the qualitative data: disparities in Legislation, disparities in Priority given and the Resources allocated to investigations into gun enabled crime as well as Interventions. Due to the aforementioned disparities, cross-national investigations into incidents of gun crime are at risk of remaining impaired in their effectiveness. Therefore, more legislative coherency as well as sustainable long-term interventions will be needed to successfully reduce ownership and use of firearms in the criminal world. In this context, a departure from an exclusive use of an economic model of gun crime is recommended to allow for a better understanding of the dynamics of the black gun market
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