3,293 research outputs found

    Cities, Borders, and Spaces in Intercultural American Literature and Film.Ana Ma Manzanas and Jesús Benito, Occupying Space in American Literature and Culture: Static Heroes, Social Movements and Empowerment (Reseña)

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    As the titles of the two books suggest, Cities, Borders, and Spaces in Intrercultural American Literature and Film and Occupying Space in American Literature and Culture: Static Heroes, Social Movements and Empowerment analyze the trajectories of the spatial turn taking place from mid-20th century onwards which has resulted in the appearance of new ways of assessing spatiality as well as new definitions of spatial concepts. Even though the two volumes are not a continuation per se, both books are co-authored by Ana Ma Manzanas and Jesús Benito and the more recent Occupying Space complements and completes the issues discussed in Cities, Borders, and Spaces, which suggests continuity between the publications and encourages to read them as complementary. In Cities, Borders, and Spaces Manzanas and Benito argue that the “alleged new spatial turn of American exceptionalism has always been there” (2) but due to the redefinitions of spatial concepts allowed by post- prefixed theories, new spatial definitions do away with dichotomous oppositions and thus lend themselves to “plurality and openness” (6) as well as reflect the shift from stasis to mobility, activity, and heterogeneity

    Twin-induced plasticity of an ECAP-processed TWIP steel

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    The TWIP steels show high strain hardening rates with high ductility which results in high ultimate tensile strength. This makes their processing by equal channel angular pressing very difficult. Up to now, this has only been achieved at warm temperatures (above 200 °C). In this paper, a FeMnCAl TWIP steel has been processed at room temperature and the resulted microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. For comparison, the material has also been processed at 300 °C. The TWIP steel processed at room temperature shows a large increase in yield strength (from 590 in the annealed condition to 1295 MPa) and the ultimate tensile strength (1440 MPa) as a consequence of a sharp decrease in grain size and the presence within the grains of a high density of mechanical twins and subgrains. This dense microstructure results also in a loss of strain hardening and a reduction in ductility. The material processed at 300 °C is more able to accommodate deformation and has lower reduction in grain size although there is a significant presence of mechanical twins and subgrains produced by dislocation activity. This material reaches an ultimate tensile strength of 1400 MPa with better ductility than the room temperature material.Postprint (published version

    Stress-strain response and microstructural evolution of a FeMnCAl TWIP steel during tension-compression tests

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    © 2016. The stress-strain response of a Fe-17.5Mn-0.7C-2Al TWIP steel during cyclic loading has been investigated by means of tension-compression tests within the strain limits of ±2%, ±5% and ±10%. In addition, the microstructural evolution during the ±5% cyclic test has also been studied. The difference between the forward and reverse stress for each pre-strain has been analyzed at 0.2% offset strain and at the strains in which forward and reverse curves were parallel in order to study the Bauschinger effect (BE) and permanent softening, respectively. The evolution of the BE with pre-strain for this steel is similar to other FeMnC TWIP steels, that is, increasing values of BE are obtained as the pre-strain increases. However, its absolute values are half those reported in the literature on other FeMnC steels. This diminution of the BE is related to the lower activity of mechanical twinning in FeMnCAl TWIP steels at the pre-strains herein investigated, which promotes less polarized stresses in the matrix due to the lower dislocation storage capacity.Regarding permanent softening, the evolution is similar to that of the BE and the same analysis can be applied. During reverse compression, a slight increase of twin thickness and twin spacing with respect to the first tensile stage took place. This fact might be linked to the lower flow stress observed in the permanent softening period during reverse straining.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Caracterización y procedencia de las materias primas líticas del sepulcro colectivo de Forat de Conqueta

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    La caracterització de primeres matèries lítiques i la determinació de les àrees de procedència han permès avaluar les estratègies de captació i gestió dels recursos lítics que es van utilitzar al Forat de Conqueta. La caracterització dels materials ha estat realitzada a partir de caràcters macroscòpics. La primera matèria amb un índex més elevat de representativitat és el sílex, seguida de les dolerites. Els resultats obtinguts mostren dues estratègies diferents de captació que corresponen als dos moments d’us de la cavitat. D’una banda, el registre del nivell 1/2 correspondria a una estratègia de captació local i expeditiva. De l’altra, el registre del nivell 3 presenta una aportació de matèria al·lòctona superior a la local.The characterization of lithic raw materials and the determination of the areas of its origin, have allowed evaluating the strategies used to capture and management of lithic resources that are used to Forat de Conqueta. The characterization of the materials was done from macroscopic characters. The raw material with a higher index of representation is the flint followed by dolerite. The results show two different recruitment strategies that correspond to two times of use of the cavity. On one hand, the log level 1/2 corresponds to a strategy of local and expeditiously recruitment. On the other hand, level 3 shows a contribution of allochthonous input higher than the local one.La caracterización de materias primas líticas y la determinación de las aéreas de procedencia han permitido evaluar las estrategias de captación y gestión de recursos líticos utilizadas en Forat de Conqueta. La caracterización de los materiales ha sido realizada a partir de características macroscópicas, siendo el sílex el material con una representatividad más elevada, seguida por las doleritas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran dos estrategias de captación que corresponden a los dos momentos de uso de la cavidad. Por un lado, el registro del nivel 1/2 correspondería a una estrategia de captación local y expeditiva. Por el otro, el nivel 3 presenta una aportación de materia alóctona superior a la local

    The Geoarchaeo-Tourist Map of the Territory of Otricoli (Umbria Region, Central Italy): Preliminary Notes.

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    This article illustrates the preliminary notes on the criteria and methods applied for implementing a GeoArchaeo-Tourist map of the territory of Otricoli. Otricoli is a village located in the south of the Umbria Region (Central Italy), on the eastern margin of the Apennine chain and the west bank of the River Tiber. Marine sediments (Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene) and fluvial sediments (Early-Middle Pleistocene) covered by tuff rocks (Middle-Late Pleistocene) crop out in the area and control the physical forms of the landscape.By means of ArcGIS computer programme, a set of maps and three-dimensional visualizations have provided to represent the Otricoli natural landscape. The GeoArchaeo-Tourist map has been elaborating, integrating geological, geomorphological and archaeological aspects with the tourist infrastructure in order to obtain a document readable, simple, clear but scientifically accurate also for non-expert users. This map is an original cartographic elaboration in the field of geo-tourist thematic mapping.The main purpose of the GeoArchaeo-Tourist map is to favour the tourist to discover the Otricoli landscape and to promote its sustainable development

    Estudio de la evolución cuaternaria de un modelado fluvial escalonado intramontañoso mediante índices morfométricos: río Lozoya, Sistema Central Español

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    Morphometric indices have been described as useful tools to understand the geodynamic evolution in different spatial regions and contexts, although usually only current landform shapes are considered when applying them. In this work, we combined detailed geomorphological mapping and the most representative morphometric indices and variables (valley width to valley height ratio Vf, transverse topographic asymmetry factor T-index, stream length–gradient SL, concavity index CI, elevation & slope), to quantify the evolution of the Lozoya valley landscape. These indices were not only applied to present landforms. In the case of Vf, this was measured also for different periods using the paleotopographies defined by the fluvial rock terraces. These techniques were applied to the Lozoya rock terrace staircase using a Geographic Information System (GIS) and statistical tools. This area developed in an intramountain tectonic depression delimited by basement pop-up alignments (Central System, Spain). The geomorphometric analysis revealed a complex Quaternary evolution controlled by Alpine structures, subsoil lithology, regional geomorphology, uplift and climatic factors. More incised valley shapes are located downstream, associated with lithostructural changes and fluvial captures, whereas upstream the valley displays a wide geometry coinciding with the pop-down depression. The more marked incisions are related to knickpoints identified in the Lozoya longitudinal profile, which persist through time from at least the Late Miocene and apparently did not undergo Quaternary reactivation. Finally, our analysis reveals lithological and morphostuctural controls to Lozoya bedrock terraces formation and preservation.Los índices morfométricos son descritos como herramientas útiles para comprender la evolución geodinámica de diferentes regiones geológicas, aunque suelen aplicarse considerando sólo la geometría actual de las formas del relieve. En este trabajo, hemos combinado una cartografía geomorfológica detallada & algunos de los índices y variables morfométricas más relevantes (Vf, Índice-T, SL, concavidad, elevación y pendiente), para cuantificar la evolución del río Lozoya. Estos índices fueron calculados usando no sólo las formas actuales del relieve, sino también para diferentes periodos. Este es el caso del índice Vf, cuyos valores fueron calculados a lo largo del tiempo, utilizando la paleotopografía definida por las terrazas fluviales rocosas del río Lozoya. Estas técnicas fueron aplicadas a la sequencia de terrazas rocosas del río Lozoya por medio de SIG y herrameintas estadísticas. El área de trabajo se ubica en una depresión tectónica intramontañosa delimitada por alineaciones pop-up (Sistema Central Español). El análisis geomorfométrico ha revelado una evolución Cuaternaria compleja controlada y condicionada por factores como las principales, estructuras Alpinas, la litología de subsuelo, la geomorfología regional, el levantamiento regional y el clima. En la cuenca de drenaje del Río Lozoya, los valles más incididos y estrechos se localizan aguas abajo, asociados con cambios litoestructurales y capturas fluviales, mientras que los valles más amplios se localizan hacia la zona de cabecera, relacionados con depresiones tectónicas pop-down. Por otro lado, el análisis del perfil longitudinal del Río Lozoya ha mostrado que los knickpoints mayores han persistido durante el tiempo, por lo menos desde el Mioceno Superior y sin aparentes signos de reactivación durante el Cuaternario. Finalmente, nuestro análisis revela que la formación y preservación de las terrazas erosivas están controladas por factores litológicos y morfoestucturales

    Una nueva asociación prepirenaica de Asplenion petrarchae Br.-Bl. in Meier & Br.-Bl. 1934 nom. mut

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    A new Pre-Pyrenean association of Asplenion petrarchae Br.-B1. in Meier & Br.-131. 1934 nom. mut. Palabras clave. Vegetación rupícola, Asplenietea, fitosociología, sintaxonomía, España. Key words. Rupicolous plant communities, Asplenietea, phytosociology, syntaxonomy, Spain

    Microencapsulation of supercritical CO2 extracted rice bran oil in pea proteins

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    Póster presentado en: 1er Encuentro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos/1º Encontro Ibérico de Fluidos Supercríticos. 2020, 18-19 de febrero, Santiago de CompostelaRice bran oil is a source of bioactive molecules such as sterols, tocols, -oryzanols and unsaturated fatty acids [1,2]. In this work, the encapsulation of rice bran oil extracted using supercritical CO2 under the conditions optimized by Benito-Román et al. [3] has been studied. Microencapsulation processes are sequential and involve the emulsion formation and then, the emulsion drying. In a first stage, the emulsification process by high pressure homogenization was studied and optimized. High pressure homogenization, also known as microfluidization, is a high energy emulsification method affected by several parameters: pressure and number of homogenization cycles (together determine the energy input), the carrier material, the carrier to core ratio, and the solids content in the emulsion. Microfluization also exhibits an important advantage: the industrial application due to flexibility to control the emulsion droplet size (EDS) and the ability to produce emulsions from a variety of materials [4]. Among the different encapsulation materials, vegetable proteins are trendy, due to their properties and the possibility to be used in pharma, cosmetics and food industries [5]. More specifically, pea proteins present the most interesting properties such as emulsifying easiness, high nutritional value and non-allergenic characteristics [6]. For these reasons, and the wall forming properties pea proteins have, key in microencapsulation processes, they were used in this work. The effect of working pressure (60-150 MPa), composition of the carrier (mixtures of pea protein isolate (PPI) and maltodextrin (MD), (from 50 to 90% of PPI) and carrier to oil ratio (COR) (from 2 to 4) on the emulsion droplet size (EDS) was studied, using the response surface methodology. The number of passes through the homogenization chamber was previously determined and set in 7. The experimental work, revealed that in order to minimize the EDS, moderate pressures (114 MPa), a carrier composed mainly by PPI (64%) and carrier to oil ratios around 3.2 are required. Important interactions between the experimental factors were also observed. In the second stage, the emulsion obtained in the optimal conditions (EDS=189±3nm) was dried using different technologies: spray-drying (Buchi B-290 mini Spray-dryer, inlet temperature 155 ºC, outlet temperature 92-96 ºC and emulsion flow rate of 3 g/min); PGSS-drying (apparatus extensively described by Melgosa et al. [7], being the main working conditionsgas to product ratio (GPR) equal to 30 g/g temperature and pressure in the static mixer of 105 ºC and 10 MPa, respectively) and freeze drying (Labconco Freeze Dry System, 0.15 mbar for, at least, 48 h). All of them were suitable to get dry powders, spray drying provided high encapsulation efficiencies (around 73%) and monomodal powders (around 18 μm), whereas PGSS drying provided lower encapsulation efficiencies (around 52%) but perfect spheres with lower particle size (around 11 μm). Freeze drying yielded powders with almost complete encapsulation efficiencies, and higher stability when stored at 4 ºC, since spray-dried and PGSS-dried powders increased the amount of free oil after two weeks of storage.JCyL and ERDF for financial support of project BU301P18. CampofríoFood Group -SIGMA through project ref. 10/16/BU/0017, funded by ERDF of the EU and JCyL, through IC

    Archaeological surveys in Tendaho (Lower Awash, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia)

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    Altres ajuts: BICAEHFID/832980Este trabajo presenta las prospecciones arqueológicas en la zona de Tendaho (Lower Awash, Triángulo de Afar en Etiopía), destinadas a la documentación de yacimientos plio-pleistocenos en peligro de desaparecer por la construcción de una presa. Presentamos también una modelización en SIG de la extensión de la presa y el área potencial afectada, y valoramos la importancia de los materiales documentados durante las prospecciones.This paper presents the archaeological surveys conducted in the Tendaho area (Lower Awash, Afar Triangle in Ethiopia), aimed at documenting Plio-Pleistocene sites endangered by the construction of a dam. We also introduce a GIS model of the area affected by the dam, and evaluate the relevance of materials documented during our surveys

    The Influence of Economic Barriers and Drivers on Energy Efficiency Investments in Maritime Shipping, From the Perspective of the Principal-Agent Problem

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    [Abstract] Maritime transport stands out as a strategic sector; the increasing trend in maritime traffic makes it essential to reduce energy consumption and emissions through investment in energy efficiency. However, investments can be hindered by barriers, and drivers are necessary to reduce or overcome them and promote investment. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to analyze what factors influence investment decisions—and how they do so—when there are principal-agent problems in the shipowner–charterer relationship. The methodology is based on the following process: model and hypotheses formulation, variable definition, the creation of a study sample and statistical treatment through a descriptive analysis of variables and a binomial logistic regression model, all based on a state-of-the-art application. The results corroborate the hypotheses and indicate that principal-agent problems and split incentives, especially in time charter contracts, and a lack of verified information make the shipowners less likely to invest. Moreover, energy efficiency measures are less likely to be implemented in older vessels, possibly due to the difficulty associated with recovering the investment; they are more likely in larger and newer vessels, and regulation encourage their adoption. Furthermore, investment is more likely in vessels with verified information and high levels of both activity and harmful emissions. Improved knowledge in this field could help businesses and governments to act in a more sustainable manner, without detriment to an innovative and competitive sector.Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2015/224This research was supported by Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia, grant number Ref. ED481A-2015/224 “Axudas á etapa predoutoral” Galician Plan of Research, Innovation and Growth 2011–2015 (Plan I2C) and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades) under research project with reference RTI2018-100702-B-I00, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER)