The Geoarchaeo-Tourist Map of the Territory of Otricoli (Umbria Region, Central Italy): Preliminary Notes.


This article illustrates the preliminary notes on the criteria and methods applied for implementing a GeoArchaeo-Tourist map of the territory of Otricoli. Otricoli is a village located in the south of the Umbria Region (Central Italy), on the eastern margin of the Apennine chain and the west bank of the River Tiber. Marine sediments (Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene) and fluvial sediments (Early-Middle Pleistocene) covered by tuff rocks (Middle-Late Pleistocene) crop out in the area and control the physical forms of the landscape.By means of ArcGIS computer programme, a set of maps and three-dimensional visualizations have provided to represent the Otricoli natural landscape. The GeoArchaeo-Tourist map has been elaborating, integrating geological, geomorphological and archaeological aspects with the tourist infrastructure in order to obtain a document readable, simple, clear but scientifically accurate also for non-expert users. This map is an original cartographic elaboration in the field of geo-tourist thematic mapping.The main purpose of the GeoArchaeo-Tourist map is to favour the tourist to discover the Otricoli landscape and to promote its sustainable development

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