143 research outputs found

    Prepare to Board! Creating Story and Characters for Animated Features and Shorts

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    PREPARE TO BOARD! Creating Story and Characters for Animated Features and Shorts is a textbook for animators and storytellers working in time-based media. It discusses the creation of an animated conceptthe heart and soul of an animated motion picture that has not been covered in previously published storyboarding books and then describes techniques used to develop characters and storyboards simultaneously in accordance with industry practice. Exercises are included to allow readers who are not familiar with animation to progress from simple to increasingly complex projects. The text supports the visuals much in the same way that dialogue supports visuals in an animated film. Over 300 illustrations by student and professional artists are included. Three interviews with animation professionals and an extensive glossary of professional terms utilized in the text appear in separate appendixes. A website featuring illustrations from the book and a \u27commercial\u27 parodying the old Bouncing Ball cartoons is online at http://www.nancybeiman.com The site links to amazon.com\u27s order page for the book

    Diseño de un plan de gestión integral de residuos (pgirs) en la microempresa las orquídeas, ubicada en la vereda cascajero, municipio de buenos aires, departamento del cauca, de acuerdo a la norma iso 14001 de marzo 23 de 2015 y la legislación nacional vigente aplicable.

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    El presente documento da a conocer el desarrollo de las fases y actividades a tener en cuenta para el diseño, la implementación, la ejecución y la intervención técnica en relación con el ambiente y su modificación paisajística, a través de la formulación de un Plan de Gestión Integral para el manejo de residuos sólidos ambientalmente seguro, en la microempresa Las Orquídeas ubicada en la vereda Cascajero, Municipio de Buenos Aires Cauca. El PGIRS se realizó de acuerdo a las necesidades y hallazgos encontrados en cada una de las áreas y sectores contiguos a la microempresa, teniendo en cuenta las directrices, y metodologías establecidas en la Norma Técnica Colombiana ISO 14001 y demás normatividades relacionadas con el tema, con el propósito de dejar en evidencia su cumplimiento legal para mitigar los impactos ambientales derivados de los procesos productivos; de esta forma contribuir por el cuidado del ambiente y evitar posibles multas y sanciones de la autoridad ambiental (ICONTEC, 2015). Para el desarrollo de este proyecto se inició con una caracterización sobre el estado de la gestión actual de los residuos, con el propósito de identificar las diferentes fuentes de generación y las oportunidades de mejora en el proceso, para lo cual se realizó visitas de inspección, aplicación de entrevistas y encuestas al personal operativo, revisión bibliográfica, etc; posteriormente se adoptan medidas para el seguimiento y evaluación del plan de gestión y finalmente se propone soluciones desde la ingeniería a los diferentes procesos productivos, en busca de disminuir la generación de residuos en la fuente, de tal forma que este se consolide como insumo fundamental en la toma de decisiones para las futuras actuaciones a implementar; de allí que, este trabajo permite dictaminar y detectar los impactos ambientales negativos, constituyéndose en una herramienta a tener en cuenta, para aplicar los correctivos respectivos y poder prevenir, mitigar, corregir y compensar los impactos generados.This document discloses the development of the phases and activities to be taken into account for the design, implementation, execution and technical intervention in relation to the environment and its landscape modification, through the formulation of a Management Plan Integral for the environmentally safe solid waste management, in the Las Orquídeas microenterprise located in the Cascajero village, Municipality of Buenos Aires Cauca. The PGIRS was carried out according to the needs and findings found in each of the areas and sectors contiguous to the microenterprise, taking into account the guidelines and methodologies established in the Colombian Technical Standard ISO 14001 and other regulations related to the subject, with the purpose of showing its legal compliance to mitigate the environmental impacts derived from production processes; in this way contribute to the care of the environment and avoid possible fines and sanctions from the environmental authority (ICONTEC, 2015). For the development of this project, a characterization of the current waste management status was started, with the purpose of identifying the different sources of generation and the opportunities for improvement in the process, for which inspection visits were carried out, application of interviews and surveys to operational personnel, bibliographic review, etc; Later, measures are adopted for the monitoring and evaluation of the management plan and finally solutions are proposed from engineering to the different production processes, in search of reducing the generation of waste at the source, in such a way that it is consolidated as a fundamental input in decision-making for future actions to be implemented; Hence, this work makes it possible to determine and detect negative environmental impacts, becoming a tool to take into account, to apply the respective corrective measures and to be able to prevent, mitigate, correct and compensate for the impacts generated

    Lineamiento de Ordenamiento Ambiental Sector Aiwakuna Tsepajibo - Resguardo Indígena Selva Matavén. Cumaribo Vichada.

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    62 hojasEl presente estudio de investigación busca proponer lineamientos de ordenamiento ambiental para el sector de Aiwakuna Tsepajibo del resguardo indígena de Selva Matavén en el municipio de Cumaribo-Vichada, tomando como base elementos culturales, tradicionales y ancestrales de la visión indígena Sikuani, desde la vivencia de las comunidades locales, investigaciones de autores indígenas y no indígenas. Se ha ido complementado de igual manera por otras experiencias de pueblos indígenas a nivel nacional e internacional, que vienen trabajando estos temas en instancias internacionales que gestionan la causa indígena. En este aspecto es relevante el enfoque culturalista de un ordenamiento ambiental indígena, porque se han podido identificar los conceptos diferenciales y elementos básicos y mínimos que debe tener los lineamientos de un ordenamiento ambiental en territorios de comunidades indígenas para ser articulados con la visión externa en un marco de relaciones interculturales y multiculturales.MaestríaMaestrias en Gestión Ambiental Sostenibl

    Non-formal research space in tourism as an initiative for academic accessibility in online teaching

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    Los desafíos asumidos como docentes universitarios durante la crisis COVID-19, nos obligaron a repensar nuestras prácticas para propiciar la accesibilidad académica a estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Turismo de nuestra universidad. A partir de emergentes áulicos en relación a contenidos que excedían el abordaje en los encuentros formales sincrónicos, surgió la necesidad de desarrollar un nuevo dispositivo de acompañamiento pedagógico. Esta contribución aborda desde la perspectiva del conocimiento situado (Cubides, Romero, Guzmán y Roa, 2011:142) el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación del Taller de Iniciación a la Investigación en Turismo, como dispositivo llevado a cabo en contexto de educación no formal (Martin, 2014:8) mediado por artefactos electrónicos (Churchill, 2004:3).Planteamos como objetivos acompañar a los ingresantes en el acceso a los géneros discursivos propios de la Academia y del Turismo, y a la vez fomentar las competencias que les permitan utilizar las herramientas teórico-metodológicas básicas de la investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Los logros incluyeron ubicar a los estudiantes como protagonistas de su propio proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, desarrollar autonomía en la búsqueda de información académica, reducir la distancia en las relaciones de intercambio con docentes y pares; y familiarizarse con los contextos de investigación disciplinar.The challenges faced as faculty members during the COVID-19 crisis forced us to rethink our practices in order to promote academic accessibility among the first-year students of our degree program in tourism. As a result of issues we encountered in class which were related to content that exceeded our synchronous formal classes, we felt the need to develop a new initiative of pedagogical support. Based on the perspective of situated knowledge (Cubides, Romero, Guzmán y Roa, 2011:142), this paper addresses the design, implementation and assessment of the Seminar on taking the first steps into Tourism Research which is an initiative carried out within the framework of non-formal education (Martin, 2014:8) and mediated by electronic devices (Churchill, 2004:3). We established the objective of supporting incoming first-year students by providing access to the discourse genres used in academic and tourism contexts and, at the same time, we aimed at promoting skills that allow them to use the basic theoretical and methodological tools of Social Science research.Our achievements have included making students the protagonists of their own teaching and learning processes, developing autonomy when searching for academic information, reducing the distance in exchanges with professors and peers and becoming familiar with the contexts of disciplinary research.Especialización en Docencia Universitari

    Espacio no formal de investigación en turismo como dispositivo para la accesibilidad académica en la virtualidad

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    The challenges faced as faculty members during the COVID-19 crisis forced us to rethink our practices in order to promote academic accessibility among the first-year students of our degree program in tourism. As a result of issues we encountered in class which were related to content that exceeded our synchronous formal classes, we felt the need to develop a new initiative of pedagogical support. Based on the perspective of situated knowledge (Cubides, Romero, Guzmán y Roa, 2011:142), this paper addresses the design, implementation and assessment of the Seminar on taking the first steps into Tourism Research which is an initiative carried out within the framework of non-formal education (Martin, 2014:8) and mediated by electronic devices (Churchill, 2004:3) We established the objective of supporting incoming first-year students by providing access to the discourse genres used in academic and tourism contexts and, at the same time, we aimed at promoting skills that allow them to use the basic theoretical and methodological tools of Social Science research. Our achievements have included making students the protagonists of their own teaching and learning processes, developing autonomy when searching for academic information, reducing the distance in exchanges with professors and peers and becoming familiar with the contexts of disciplinary research.Los desafíos asumidos como docentes universitarios durante la crisis COVID-19, nos obligaron a repensar nuestras prácticas para propiciar la accesibilidad académica a estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de Turismo de nuestra universidad. A partir de emergentes áulicos en relación a contenidos que excedían el abordaje en los encuentros formales sincrónicos, surgió la necesidad de desarrollar un nuevo dispositivo de acompañamiento pedagógico.  Esta contribución aborda desde la perspectiva del conocimiento situado (Cubides, Romero, Guzmán y Roa, 2011:142) el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación del Taller de Iniciación a la Investigación en Turismo, como dispositivo llevado a cabo en contexto de educación no formal (Martin, 2014:8) mediado por artefactos electrónicos (Churchill, 2004:3). Planteamos como objetivos acompañar a los ingresantes en el acceso a los géneros discursivos propios de la Academia y del Turismo, y a la vez fomentar las competencias que les permitan utilizar las herramientas teórico-metodológicas básicas de la investigación en Ciencias Sociales. Los logros incluyeron ubicar a los estudiantes como protagonistas de su propio proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, desarrollar autonomía en la búsqueda de información académica, reducir la distancia en las relaciones de intercambio con  docentes y pares; y familiarizarse con los contextos de investigación disciplina

    Diseño e implementación de una secuencia didáctica con estrategias pedagógicas rigurosas que atienden la diversidad.

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    Este trabajo gira alrededor de la importancia que tiene la triada entre la teoría, la práctica y la didáctica para proporcionar ambientes de aprendizajes significativos para los estudiantes; lo cual se pudo evidenciar durante el sustento teórico de la Licenciatura en Pedagogía Infantil y el diplomado realizado como opción de grado, donde se diseñó e implementó una secuencia didáctica que permitió el análisis de los resultados. Entonces, el objetivo principal del estudio fue responder a la pregunta de investigación ¿Cómo a través de diseño e implementación de estrategias pedagógicas didácticas, los estudiantes con autismo (TEA) entre cinco y siete años de una institución pública, disfrutan, permanecen y participan en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje logrando la construcción y expresión de conocimiento? A través, de la investigación acción que permitió un trabajo mancomunado entre la acción y la reflexión. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos muestran lo valioso de diseñar secuencias didácticas propicias con una alta gama de actividades, metodologías y recursos que atiendan las necesidades e intereses de todos los estudiantes para que cada uno desde sus propias habilidades sea protagonista de su nuevo saber, construyan nuevo conocimiento y pongan en práctica lo aprendido.This work revolves around the importance of the triad between theory, practice and didactics to provide meaningful learning environments for students; which could be evidenced during the theoretical support of the Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education and the diploma course conducted as a degree option, where a didactic sequence was designed and implemented that allowed the analysis of the results. Then, the main objective of the study was to answer the research question: How, through the design and implementation of didactic pedagogical strategies, do students with autism (ASD) between five and seven years old in a public institution, enjoy, remain and participate in the teaching-learning process, achieving the construction and expression of knowledge? Through action research, which allowed a joint work between action and reflection. Finally, the results obtained show how valuable it is to design didactic sequences with a wide range of activities, methodologies and resources that meet the needs and interests of all students so that each one, from their own abilities, can be the protagonist of their new knowledge, build new knowledge and put into practice what they have learned

    Mesoderm migration in Drosophila is a multi-step process requiring FGF signaling and integrin activity

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    Migration is a complex, dynamic process that has largely been studied using qualitative or static approaches. As technology has improved, we can now take quantitative approaches towards understanding cell migration using in vivo imaging and tracking analyses. In this manner, we have established a four-step model of mesoderm migration during Drosophila gastrulation: (I) mesodermal tube formation, (II) collapse of the mesoderm, (III) dorsal migration and spreading and (IV) monolayer formation. Our data provide evidence that these steps are temporally distinct and that each might require different chemical inputs. To support this, we analyzed the role of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling, in particular the function of two Drosophila FGF ligands, Pyramus and Thisbe, during mesoderm migration. We determined that FGF signaling through both ligands controls movements in the radial direction. Thisbe is required for the initial collapse of the mesoderm onto the ectoderm, whereas both Pyramus and Thisbe are required for monolayer formation. In addition, we uncovered that the GTPase Rap1 regulates radial movement of cells and localization of the beta-integrin subunit, Myospheroid, which is also required for monolayer formation. Our analyses suggest that distinct signals influence particular movements, as we found that FGF signaling is involved in controlling collapse and monolayer formation but not dorsal movement, whereas integrins are required to support monolayer formation only and not earlier movements. Our work demonstrates that complex cell migration is not necessarily a fluid process, but suggests instead that different types of movements are directed by distinct inputs in a stepwise manner

    Fibroblast Growth Factor Signaling and Basement Membrane Assembly Are Connected during Epithelial Morphogenesis of the Embryoid Body

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    Fibroblast growth factors and receptors are intimately connected to the extracellular matrix by their affinity to heparan sulfate proteoglycans. They mediate multiple processes during embryonic development and adult life. In this study, embryonic stem cell–derived embryoid bodies were used to model fibroblast growth factor signaling during early epithelial morphogenesis. To avoid redundancy caused by multiple receptors, we employed a dominant negative mutation of Fgfr2. Mutant-derived embryoid bodies failed to form endoderm, ectoderm, and basement membrane and did not cavitate. However, in mixed cultures they displayed complete differentiation induced by extracellular products of the normal cell. Evidence will be presented here that at least one of these products is the basement membrane or factors connected to it. It will be shown that in the mutant, collagen IV and laminin-1 synthesis is coordinately suppressed. We will demonstrate that the basement membrane is required for embryoid body differentiation by rescuing columnar ectoderm differentiation and cavitation in the mutant by externally added basement membrane proteins. This treatment induced transcription of Eomesodermin, an early developmental gene, suggesting that purified basement membrane proteins can activate inherent developmental programs. Our results provide a new paradigm for the role of fibroblast growth factor signaling in basement membrane formation and epithelial differentiation