344 research outputs found

    Assessing the Use of Tsunami Simulations as a Tool to Predict Source Magnitudes and Locations of Paleoearthquakes in Chile

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    A long-term goal of paleotsunami studies is the ability to predict paleoearthquake parameters based on tsunami deposits found on land. Chile provides an exemplary location for testing methods of making these predictions because the historical record includes 41 major earthquakes as far back as 1562 AD, and there are many known paleotsunami deposits throughout the region. Using these records as a comparison tool, I evaluated simulated tsunami wave heights and inundation extent with the tsunami model GeoClaw for nine hypothetical tsunamigenic large earthquakes (Mw 8.6, 8.8, and 9.0) in south-central Chile with epicenters at -35.1º, -38.8º, and -42.9º. As expected, increasing earthquake magnitude produced larger tsunami wave heights, more sites with tsunami inundation, greater inundation extent, larger seafloor deformation, and generally earlier arrival times. Simulations showed tsunamis from Mw 9.0 earthquakes can inundate coastal plains from nearfield sources, but not exclusively as Mw 8.6 and Mw 8.8 scenarios can produce wave heights over 5 m at some sites. To infer earthquake properties, I analyzed sites to determine where differences between wave heights from variable earthquake magnitudes and source locations were magnified, defined as promising sites. At these promising sites, 60% of them showed tsunami wave heights averaging ≥0.5 m between simulations, which is a substantial number of sites in the 1,000-km stretch of coast off south-central Chile. The number of sites sensitive to magnitude and/or source location amounted to more than half of the total, proving tangibility considering the quality of bathymetry available. These nine earthquakes showed that more extensive comparisons of possible paleoearthquake parameters with on-land observations is a promising approach to defining characteristics of historical and prehistoric events

    The Spatial Distribution and Origins of Sandstone Monoliths in the Swauk Watershed, Kittitas County, WA

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    Large groups of gigantic sandstone and conglomerate monoliths populate the Swauk Watershed of northern Kittitas County. These monoliths rest on side slopes in the watershed and distinctively project from their surroundings. The origins of these features are unknown. We studied these monoliths in the field by mapping their spatial distribution, describing their morphology and composition, and measuring their orientation and sizes in order to determine their origins. We used Google Earth and topographic maps to locate the monoliths and map their distribution. Interpretations were based from field work data and past research. Our field results show commonalities between the features related to overall structure, composition, and geomorphology. All monoliths studied were associated with dipping strata. Dip slopes are gently sloping while anti-dip slopes are much steeper. The monoliths also have distinct and traceable conglomerate layers that are highly resistant to erosion, as well as thick sandstone layers and some smaller pebble layers. These features also share similar geomorphology: they are surrounded by channels; fresh surfaces are lichen-free; honeycomb weathering and overhangs dominate the anti-dip slopes; and prominent vertically aligned jointing parallels the dipping beds. These results indicate that geologic composition and structure play a significant role in the initial shaping of these landforms. Differential weathering, fluvial erosion, and mass movement weakened the sandstone to cause low bedrock escarpments to retreat on the slopes, which carved out vertically aligned joints. The repetitive cycle of weathering, mass movement, and stream erosion has ultimately been the cause of the isolation of the sandstone monoliths over time

    Channel Flow Studies Using Driftwood Density Analysis in Elger Bay, Camano Island, WA

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    Previous studies on Elger Bay, Camano Island, WA hypothesized that the bay has been emptying of stored driftwood since the 1970\u27s. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a research project using a combination of field data and historical imagery analysis with Google Earth and ArcGIS to mathematically compare the density of driftwood. Changes in driftwood area may indicate changes in sea level rise, bay subsidence, and/or anthropogenic activity. We found that the maximum driftwood extent was actually closer to the 1950\u27s than the 1970\u27s. In addition to overall extent we investigated the overall channel flow along Elger Bay by analyzing driftwood movement over time. Using data from different months and years, we were able to compare development of driftwood to analyze the channel flow. Our results indicate that the driftwood is mobile both in the front and back of the bay with annual changes in driftwood area and extent. There is also continuous movement of driftwood along major channels, resulting in changes in the geometry of the driftwood field. We expected to see movement along major channels and in the front of the bay; and driftwood in the back to be stationary. The numerical data disproved the hypothesis that the driftwood area reached a maximum in the 1970s and has been emptying since. Our other observations were consistent with our hypotheses, except for the mobility of driftwood in the back of the bay

    Satisfacción laboral y su relación con productividad en trabajadores del área atención domiciliaria en un establecimiento de salud, Chimbote 2023

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    La presente investigación titulada satisfacción laboral, su relación con productividad en trabajadores del área atención domiciliaria en un establecimiento de salud, Chimbote 2023, tuvo como objetivo general; determinar la relación entre satisfacción laboral, la productividad en trabajadores del área atención domiciliaria en establecimiento de salud, Chimbote 2023. Se desarrolló bajo una metodología de tipo aplicada con un enfoque cuantitativo, siendo descriptivo correlacional, con un diseño no experimental con corte transversal. Asimismo, la muestra estuvo conformada por 52 colaboradores y el instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario. Los resultados obtenidos fueron; con respecto a la hipótesis se concluye que existe una correlación positiva alta 0.756. Además, el valor p fue significativo con un (p=0,000), por lo que se rechazó la hipótesis nula, en su lugar, se aceptó la hipótesis de investigación, que existe una relación significativa entre las variables del estudio. Respecto a la variable satisfacción laboral el nivel predominante fue el medio con un 55.77% y en relación con la segunda variable el 55.8%, presento un nivel medio. Finalmente se concluye que existe un nivel de correlación positivo alto con un nivel correlacional de Spearman de 0,756

    Modelo comunicacional para la etapa inicial de desarrollo del lenguaje en niños autistas

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          La comunicación como factor preponderante en el desarrollo integral del niño, es motivo de numerosos estudios en la psicología, neurolingüística y neurociencia; desarrollar estas ciencias para que ayuden a mejorar la comunicación en niños autistas en el contexto donde se desarrollan. Esta problemática de déficit comunicativo tiene un especial interés en instituciones educativas y hogares rasgos individuales de la comunicación en cada niño autista desde temprana edad por profesionales que ayude a los adultos a entrar en su mundo. El presente trabajo de investigación se enfoca a estructurar un diseño de un Modelo comunicacional para la etapa inicial de desarrollo del lenguaje en niños autistas, con el objetivo de mejorar la comunicación de  niños autistas, para el diseño del modelo comunicacional se partió  del análisis de investigaciones sobre  modelos comunicativos utilizados por las personas con autismo y modelos metodológicos que aportan en el desarrollo de habilidades básicas de comunicación, como los sistemas aumentativos y alternativos, con el objeto de enriquecer la capacidad y alcanzar una comunicación verbal funcional,  estos estudios fueron aplicados con buenos resultados.      Palabras Claves: espectro autista, modelos de comunicación, sistemas alternativos, sistemas aumentativos, comunicación funcional

    Natural estrogens enhance the engraftment of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in immunodeficient mice

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    Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells are crucial in the maintenance of lifelong production of all blood cells. These Stem Cells are highly regulated to maintain homeostasis through a delicate balance between quiescence, self-renewal and differentiation. However, this balance is altered during the hematopoietic recovery after Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell Transplantation. Transplantation efficacy can be limited by inadequate Hematopoietic Stem Cells number, poor homing, low level of engraftment, or limited self-renewal. As recent evidences indicate that estrogens are involved in regulating the hematopoiesis, we sought to examine whether natural estrogens (estrone or E1, estradiol or E2, estriol or E3 and estetrol or E4) modulate human Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells. Our results show that human Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cell subsets express estrogen receptors, and whose signaling is activated by E2 and E4 on these cells. Additionally, these natural estrogens cause different effects on human Progenitors in vitro. We found that both E2 and E4 expand human Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells. However, E4 was the best tolerated estrogen and promoted cell cycle of human Hematopoietic Progenitors. Furthermore, we identified that E2 and, more significantly, E4 doubled human hematopoietic engraftment in immunodeficient mice without altering other Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells properties. Finally, the impact of E4 on promoting human hematopoietic engraftment in immunodeficient mice might be mediated through the regulation of mesenchymal stromal cells in the bone marrow niche. Together, our data demonstrate that E4 is well tolerated and enhances human reconstitution in immunodeficient mice, directly by modulating human Hematopoietic Progenitor properties and indirectly by interacting with the bone marrow niche. This application might have particular relevance to ameliorate the hematopoietic recovery 3 after myeloablative conditioning, especially when limiting numbers of Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells are available

    Comportamiento de los tumores malignos de tiroides en nuestro medio

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    Carcinoma is the most frequent thyroid gland tumor and also the most frequent endocrine system malignancy. Thyroid cancer affects women more frequently than men, usually having an onset between ages 25 and 65 years. A study was performed including all cases with thyroid malignancy surgically treated in the Provincial University Hospital Arnaldo Milian Castro between January and December 2003. The incidence was 34.3%, with a female gender preference, with a peak at ages between 31 and 60 years. The main clinical symptom was cervical mass. Preoperatory ancillary tests were performed in order to help diagnosis and therapy (hemogram, cervical ultrasound and fine needle aspiration biopsy), being the last two procedures of utmost importance regarding the practical management. The treatment was surgical in all cases, with a total thyroidectomy in 75% of them. The 75% of cases were discharged successfully, with a hospitalization of less than 3 days.El carcinoma es el cáncer más frecuente de las tumoraciones de la glándula tiroides y la neoplasia maligna más común del sistema endocrino. El cáncer tiroideo afecta a la mujer con mayor frecuencia que al hombre y suele presentarse en personas de 25-65 años de edad. Se estudiaron los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por tumores malignos de la glándula tiroides en el Hospital Universitario “Arnaldo Milián Castro” de Santa Clara en el período de un año (enero–diciembre de 2003). La incidencia fue de un 34.3%, con predominio del sexo femenino en relación al masculino y mayor incidencia en las edades comprendidas entre 31 y 60 años. La manifestación clínica fundamental fue el aumento de volumen a nivel cervical. Se realizaron estudios preoperatorios de importancia marcada para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento: hemograma, leucograma, ultrasonido cervical y biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina, los dos últimos son muy necesarios para definir la conducta a seguir. El tratamiento en todos los pacientes fue quirúrgico, en el 75% de los casos se practicó la tiroidectomía total, con resultados favorables. El 75% de los pacientes fueron egresados satisfactoriamente, con una estadía hospitalaria inferior a tres días

    Remote crisis intervention and suicide risk management in COVID-19 frontline healthcare workers

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    IntroductionDespite the propagation of virtual mental health services for vulnerable groups during COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation and evaluation of remote evidence-based practices (EBP) to manage them in low- and middle-income countries remains scarce. In the current study, we describe and evaluate the implementation process and clinical impact of brief, remote, manualized EBP for crisis intervention and suicide risk management among healthcare workers attending patients with COVID-19 (COVID-19-HCWs) in Mexico.MethodsThe implementation process comprised community engagement of volunteer mental health specialists, creation of new clinical teams with different disciplines and skills, intervention systematization through manuals and education through 4-h remote training as main strategies. Mexican COVID-19-HCWs who had used a free 24-h helpline rated their pre- and post-intervention emotional distress. Therapists recorded patients’ pre-intervention diagnosis, severity, and suicide risk, the techniques used in each case, and their post-treatment perception of COVID-19-HCWs’ improvement at the end of the intervention.ResultsAll techniques included in the intervention manual were employed at least in one case (n = 51). At the beginning of the intervention, 65.9% of the COVID-19-HCWs were considered moderately ill or worse according to Clinical Global Impression-Severity (CGI-S) scores, whereas at the end, 79.4% of them were perceived as much or very much improved according to CGI-Improvement scores (CGI-I), and their emotional distress had been significantly reduced (p < 0.001).DiscussionThis prospective study provides evidence that implementation of remote EBP is feasible and useful to reduce emotional distress and suicide risk among COVID-19-HCWs from a middle-income country. However, this study was limited by lack of a control group, improvement ratings provided by therapists and non-anonymous satisfaction ratings

    Measurement of t(t)over-bar normalised multi-differential cross sections in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV, and simultaneous determination of the strong coupling strength, top quark pole mass, and parton distribution functions

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