87 research outputs found

    Alleyne v. United States133 S. Ct. 2151 (2013)

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    Planning Considerations Related to Collecting and Analyzing Samples of the Martian Soils

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    The Mars Sample Return (MSR) End-to-End International Science Analysis Group (E2E-iSAG [1]) established scientific objectives associ-ated with Mars returned-sample science that require the return and investigation of one or more soil samples. Soil is defined here as loose, unconsolidated materials with no implication for the presence or absence of or-ganic components. The proposed Mars 2020 (M-2020) rover is likely to collect and cache soil in addition to rock samples [2], which could be followed by future sample retrieval and return missions. Here we discuss key scientific consid-erations for sampling and caching soil samples on the proposed M-2020 rover, as well as the state in which samples would need to be preserved when received by analysts on Earth. We are seeking feedback on these draft plans as input to mission requirement formulation. A related planning exercise on rocks is reported in an accompanying abstract [3]

    Thick collagen-based 3D matrices including growth factors to induce neurite outgrowth

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    Designing synthetic microenvironments for cellular investigations is a very active area of research at the crossroads of cell biology and materials science. The present work describes the design and functionalization of a three-dimensional (3D) culture support dedicated to the study of neurite outgrowth from neural cells. It is based on a dense self-assembled collagen matrix stabilized by 100-nm wide interconnected native fibrils without chemical crosslinking. The matrices were made suitable for cell manipulation and direct observation in confocal microscopy by anchoring them to traditional glass supports with a calibrated thickness of ∼50 μm. The matrix composition can be readily adapted to specific neural cell types, notably by incorporating appropriate neurotrophic growth factors. Both PC-12 and SH-SY5Y lines respond to growth factors (nerve growth factor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, respectively) impregnated and slowly released from the support. Significant neurite outgrowth is reported for a large proportion of cells, up to 66% for PC12 and 49% for SH-SY5Y. It is also shown that both growth factors can be chemically conjugated (EDC/NHS) throughout the matrix and yield similar proportions of cells with longer neurites (61% and 52%, respectively). Finally, neurite outgrowth was observed over several tens of microns within the 3D matrix, with both diffusing and immobilized growth factors

    The chlorine isotopic composition of the Moon: Insights from melt inclusions

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    The Moon exhibits a heavier chlorine (Cl) isotopic composition compared to the Earth. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this difference, based mostly on analyses of apatite in lunar samples complemented by bulk-rock data. The earliest hypothesis argued for Cl isotope fractionation during the degassing of anhydrous basaltic magmas on the Moon. Subsequently, other hypotheses emerged linking Cl isotope fractionation on the Moon with the degassing during the crystallization of the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO). Currently, a variant of the LMO degassing model involving mixing between two end-member components, defined by early-formed cumulates, from which mare magmas were subsequently derived, and a KREEP component, which formed towards the end of the LMO crystallization, seems to reconcile some existing Cl isotope data on lunar samples. To further ascertain the history of Cl in the Moon and to investigate any evolution of Cl during magma crystallization and emplacement events, which could help resolve the chlorine isotopic variation between the Earth and the Moon, we analysed the Cl abundance and its isotopic composition in 36 olivine- and pyroxene-hosted melt inclusions (MI) in five Apollo basalts (10020, 12004, 12040, 14072 and 15016). Olivine-hosted MI have an average of 3.3 ± 1.4 ppm Cl. Higher Cl abundances (11.9 ppm on average) are measured for pyroxene-hosted MI, consistent with their formation at later stages in the crystallization of their parental melt compared to olivines. Chlorine isotopic composition (δ37) of MI in the five Apollo basalts have weighted averages of +12 ± 2.4‰ and +10.1 ± 3.2‰ for olivine- and pyroxene-hosted MI, respectively, which are statistically indistinguishable. These isotopic compositions are also similar to those measured in apatite in these lunar basalts, with the exception of sample 14072, which is known to have a distinct petrogenetic history compared to other mare basalts. Based on our dataset, we conclude that, post-MI-entrapment, no significant Cl isotopic fractionation occurred during the crystallization and subsequent eruption of the parent magma and that Cl isotopic composition of MI and apatite primarily reflect the signature of the source region of these lunar basalts. Our findings are compatible with the hypothesis that in the majority of the cases the heavy Cl isotopic signature of the Moon was acquired during the earliest stages of LMO evolution. Interestingly, MI data from 14072 suggests that Apollo 14 lunar basalts might be an exception and may have experienced post-crystallization processes, possibly metasomatism, resulting in additional Cl isotopic fractionation recorded by apatite but not melt inclusions

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Applicant perspectives during selection

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    We provide a comprehensive but critical review of research on applicant reactions to selection procedures published since 2000 (n = 145), when the last major review article on applicant reactions appeared in the Journal of Management. We start by addressing the main criticisms levied against the field to determine whether applicant reactions matter to individuals and employers (“So what?”). This is followed by a consideration of “What’s new?” by conducting a comprehensive and detailed review of applicant reaction research centered upon four areas of growth: expansion of the theoretical lens, incorporation of new technology in the selection arena, internationalization of applicant reactions research, and emerging boundary conditions. Our final section focuses on “Where to next?” and offers an updated and integrated conceptual model of applicant reactions, four key challenges, and eight specific future research questions. Our conclusion is that the field demonstrates stronger research designs, with studies incorporating greater control, broader constructs, and multiple time points. There is also solid evidence that applicant reactions have significant and meaningful effects on attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. At the same time, we identify some remaining gaps in the literature and a number of critical questions that remain to be explored, particularly in light of technological and societal changes

    Multiple Loci Are Associated with White Blood Cell Phenotypes

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    White blood cell (WBC) count is a common clinical measure from complete blood count assays, and it varies widely among healthy individuals. Total WBC count and its constituent subtypes have been shown to be moderately heritable, with the heritability estimates varying across cell types. We studied 19,509 subjects from seven cohorts in a discovery analysis, and 11,823 subjects from ten cohorts for replication analyses, to determine genetic factors influencing variability within the normal hematological range for total WBC count and five WBC subtype measures. Cohort specific data was supplied by the CHARGE, HeamGen, and INGI consortia, as well as independent collaborative studies. We identified and replicated ten associations with total WBC count and five WBC subtypes at seven different genomic loci (total WBC count—6p21 in the HLA region, 17q21 near ORMDL3, and CSF3; neutrophil count—17q21; basophil count- 3p21 near RPN1 and C3orf27; lymphocyte count—6p21, 19p13 at EPS15L1; monocyte count—2q31 at ITGA4, 3q21, 8q24 an intergenic region, 9q31 near EDG2), including three previously reported associations and seven novel associations. To investigate functional relationships among variants contributing to variability in the six WBC traits, we utilized gene expression- and pathways-based analyses. We implemented gene-clustering algorithms to evaluate functional connectivity among implicated loci and showed functional relationships across cell types. Gene expression data from whole blood was utilized to show that significant biological consequences can be extracted from our genome-wide analyses, with effect estimates for significant loci from the meta-analyses being highly corellated with the proximal gene expression. In addition, collaborative efforts between the groups contributing to this study and related studies conducted by the COGENT and RIKEN groups allowed for the examination of effect homogeneity for genome-wide significant associations across populations of diverse ancestral backgrounds

    Taking two to tango:fMRI analysis of improvised joint action with physical contact

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    <div><p>Many forms of joint action involve physical coupling between the participants, such as when moving a sofa together or dancing a tango. We report the results of a novel two-person functional MRI study in which trained couple dancers engaged in bimanual contact with an experimenter standing next to the bore of the magnet, and in which the two alternated between being the leader and the follower of joint improvised movements. Leading showed a general pattern of self-orientation, being associated with brain areas involved in motor planning, navigation, sequencing, action monitoring, and error correction. In contrast, following showed a far more sensory, externally-oriented pattern, revealing areas involved in somatosensation, proprioception, motion tracking, social cognition, and outcome monitoring. We also had participants perform a “mutual” condition in which the movement patterns were pre-learned and the roles were symmetric, thereby minimizing any tendency toward either leading or following. The mutual condition showed greater activity in brain areas involved in mentalizing and social reward than did leading or following. Finally, the analysis of improvisation revealed the dual importance of motor-planning and working-memory areas. We discuss these results in terms of theories of both joint action and improvisation.</p></div

    Population Genomics of Parallel Adaptation in Threespine Stickleback using Sequenced RAD Tags

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    Next-generation sequencing technology provides novel opportunities for gathering genome-scale sequence data in natural populations, laying the empirical foundation for the evolving field of population genomics. Here we conducted a genome scan of nucleotide diversity and differentiation in natural populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We used Illumina-sequenced RAD tags to identify and type over 45,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in each of 100 individuals from two oceanic and three freshwater populations. Overall estimates of genetic diversity and differentiation among populations confirm the biogeographic hypothesis that large panmictic oceanic populations have repeatedly given rise to phenotypically divergent freshwater populations. Genomic regions exhibiting signatures of both balancing and divergent selection were remarkably consistent across multiple, independently derived populations, indicating that replicate parallel phenotypic evolution in stickleback may be occurring through extensive, parallel genetic evolution at a genome-wide scale. Some of these genomic regions co-localize with previously identified QTL for stickleback phenotypic variation identified using laboratory mapping crosses. In addition, we have identified several novel regions showing parallel differentiation across independent populations. Annotation of these regions revealed numerous genes that are candidates for stickleback phenotypic evolution and will form the basis of future genetic analyses in this and other organisms. This study represents the first high-density SNP–based genome scan of genetic diversity and differentiation for populations of threespine stickleback in the wild. These data illustrate the complementary nature of laboratory crosses and population genomic scans by confirming the adaptive significance of previously identified genomic regions, elucidating the particular evolutionary and demographic history of such regions in natural populations, and identifying new genomic regions and candidate genes of evolutionary significance