303 research outputs found

    “Top-down bottom-up” estimation of per capita cost of new-born care interventions in four regions of Ghana:beyond implementation to scalability and sustainability

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    Background: Limited financial, human and material health resources coupled with increasing demand for new-born care services require efficiency in health systems to maximize the available sources for improved health outcomes. Making Every Baby Count Initiative (MEBCI) implemented by local and international partners in 2013 in Ghana aimed at attaining neonatal mortality of 21 per 1000 livebirths by 2018 in four administrative regions in Ghana. MEBCI interventions benefited 4027 health providers, out of which 3453 (86%) were clinical healthcare staff.Objective: Determine the per capita cost of the MEBCI interventions towards enhancing new-born care best practices through capacity trainings for frontline clinical and non-clinical staff.Methods: Parameters for determining per capita cost of the new-born care interventions were estimated using expenditure on trainings, supervisions, monitoring and evaluation, advocacy, administrative/services and medical logistics. Data collection started in October 2017 and ended in September 2018. Data sources for the per capita cost estimations were invoices, expense reports and ledger books at the national, regional and district levels of the health system.Results: Total of 4027 healthcare providers benefited from the MEBCI training activities comprising of 3453 clinical staff and 574 non-clinical personnel. Cumulative cost of implementing the MEBCI interventions did not necessarily match the cost per capita in staff capacity building; average cost per capita for all staff (clinical and non-clinical staff) was approximately US982comparedtoapercapitacostofUS 982 compared to a per capita cost of US 799 for training only core clinical staff. Average cost per capita for all regions was approximately US965forallstaffcomparedtoUS 965 for all staff compared to US 777 per capita cost for only clinical staff. Per capita cost of training was relatively lower in regions with more staff than regions with lower numbers, perhaps due to economies of scale.Conclusion: The MEBCI intervention had a wide coverage in terms of training for frontline healthcare providers albeit the associated cost may be potentially unsustainable for Ghana’s health system. Emerging digital training platforms could be leveraged to reduce per capita cost of training. Large-scale on-site batch-training approach could also be replaced with facility-based workshops using training of trainers (TOTs) approach to promote efficiency

    “Top-down bottom-up” estimation of per capita cost of new-born care interventions in four regions of Ghana:beyond implementation to scalability and sustainability

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    Background: Limited financial, human and material health resources coupled with increasing demand for new-born care services require efficiency in health systems to maximize the available sources for improved health outcomes. Making Every Baby Count Initiative (MEBCI) implemented by local and international partners in 2013 in Ghana aimed at attaining neonatal mortality of 21 per 1000 livebirths by 2018 in four administrative regions in Ghana. MEBCI interventions benefited 4027 health providers, out of which 3453 (86%) were clinical healthcare staff.Objective: Determine the per capita cost of the MEBCI interventions towards enhancing new-born care best practices through capacity trainings for frontline clinical and non-clinical staff.Methods: Parameters for determining per capita cost of the new-born care interventions were estimated using expenditure on trainings, supervisions, monitoring and evaluation, advocacy, administrative/services and medical logistics. Data collection started in October 2017 and ended in September 2018. Data sources for the per capita cost estimations were invoices, expense reports and ledger books at the national, regional and district levels of the health system.Results: Total of 4027 healthcare providers benefited from the MEBCI training activities comprising of 3453 clinical staff and 574 non-clinical personnel. Cumulative cost of implementing the MEBCI interventions did not necessarily match the cost per capita in staff capacity building; average cost per capita for all staff (clinical and non-clinical staff) was approximately US982comparedtoapercapitacostofUS 982 compared to a per capita cost of US 799 for training only core clinical staff. Average cost per capita for all regions was approximately US965forallstaffcomparedtoUS 965 for all staff compared to US 777 per capita cost for only clinical staff. Per capita cost of training was relatively lower in regions with more staff than regions with lower numbers, perhaps due to economies of scale.Conclusion: The MEBCI intervention had a wide coverage in terms of training for frontline healthcare providers albeit the associated cost may be potentially unsustainable for Ghana’s health system. Emerging digital training platforms could be leveraged to reduce per capita cost of training. Large-scale on-site batch-training approach could also be replaced with facility-based workshops using training of trainers (TOTs) approach to promote efficiency

    Beyond Paradise—Meeting the Challenges in Tropical Biology in the 21st Century

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    Tropical ecosystems support a diversity of species and ecological processes that are unparalleled anywhere else on Earth.Despite their tremendous social and scientific importance, tropical ecosystems are rapidly disappearing. To help tropical ecosystems and the human communities dependent upon them better face the challenges of the 21st century, tropical biologists must provide critical knowledge in three areas: (1) the structure and functioning of tropical ecosystems; (2)the nature and magnitude of anthropogenic effects on tropical ecosystems; and (3) the socio-economic drivers of these anthropogenic effects. To develop effective strategies for conservation, restoration, and sustainable management of tropical ecosystems, scientific perspectives must be integrated with social necessities. Three principles for guiding tropical biological research are suggested: (1) broadening the set of concerns; (2) integration of biological knowledge with the social sciences and traditional knowledge; and (3) linking science to policy and action. Four broad recommendations are proposed for immediate action in tropical biology and conservation that are fundamental to all biological and social disciplines in the tropics: (1) assemble and disseminate information on life’s diversity in the tropics; (2) enhance tropical field stations and build a worldwide network to link them with tropical field biologists at their field sites; (3) bring the field of tropical biology to the tropics by strengthening institutions in tropical countries through novel partnerships between tropical and temperate zone institutions and scientists; and (4) create concrete mechanisms to increase interactions between tropical biologists, social scientists, and policy makers

    Trends in measles incidence and measles vaccination coverage in Nigeria, 2008-2018

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    INTRODUCTION: All WHO regions have set measles elimination objective for 2020. To address the specific needs of achieving measles elimination, Nigeria is using a strategy focusing on improving vaccination coverage with the first routine dose of (monovalent) measles (MCV1) at 9 months, providing measles vaccine through supplemental immunization activities (children 9-59 months), and intensified measles case-based surveillance system. METHODS: We reviewed measles immunization coverage from population-based surveys conducted in 2010, 2013 and 2017-18. Additionally, we analyzed measles case-based surveillance reports from 2008-2018 to determine annual, regional and age-specific incidence rates. FINDINGS: Survey results indicated low MCV1 coverage (54.0% in 2018); with lower coverage in the North (mean 45.5%). Of the 153,097 confirmed cases reported over the studied period, 85.5% (130,871) were from the North. Moreover, 70.8% (108,310) of the confirmed cases were unvaccinated. Annual measles incidence varied from a high of 320.39 per 1,000,000 population in 2013 to a low of 9.80 per 1,000,000 in 2009. The incidence rate is higher among the 9-11 months (524.0 per million) and 12-59 months (376.0 per million). Between 2008 and 2018, the incidence rate had showed geographical variation, with higher incidence in the North (70.6 per million) compare to the South (17.8 per million). CONCLUSION: The aim of this study was to provide a descriptive analysis of measles vaccine coverage and incidence in Nigeria from 2008 to 2018 to assess country progress towards measles elimination. Although the total numbers of confirmed measles cases had decreased over the time period, measles routine coverage remains sub-optimal, and the incidence rates are critically high. The high burden of measles in the North highlight the need for region-specific interventions. The measles program relies heavily on polio resources. As the polio program winds down, strong commitments will be required to achieve elimination goals

    The cost of implementing measles campaign in Nigeria:comparing the stand-alone and the integrated strategy

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    Background: Effective integration, one of the seven strategic priorities of the Immunization Agenda 2030, can contribute to increasing vaccination coverage and efficiency. The objective of the study is to measure and compare input costs of “non-selective” measles vaccination campaign as a stand-alone strategy and when integrated with another vaccination campaign.Methods: We conducted a cost-minimization study using a matched design and data from five states of Nigeria. We carried-out our analysis in 3 states that integrated measles vaccination with Meningitis A and the 2 states that implemented a stand-alone measles campaign. The operational costs (e.g., costs of personnel, training, supervision etc.) were extracted from the budgeted costs, the financial and technical reports. We further used the results of the coverage surveys to demonstrate that the strategies have similar health outputs.Results: The analysis of the impact on campaign budget (currency year: 2019) estimated that savings were up to 420,000 United States Dollar (USD) with the integrated strategies; Over 200 USD per 1,000 children in the target population for measles vaccination (0.2 USD per children) was saved in the studied states. The savings on the coverage survey components were accrued by lower costs in the integration of trainings, and through reduced field work and quality assurance measures costs.Conclusions: Integration translated to greater value in improving access and efficiency, as through sharing of costs, more life-saving interventions are made accessible to the communities. Important considerations for integration are resource needs, micro-planning adjustments, and health systems delivery platforms.</p

    The projected cost-effectiveness and budget impact of HPV vaccine introduction in Ghana.

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    BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is responsible for around one-quarter of all cancer deaths among Ghanaian women. Between 2013 and 2015, Ghana conducted a pilot of HPV vaccination among 10-14-year-old girls in four regions; however, the country has yet to introduce the vaccine nationally. This study projected the cost-effectiveness and budget impact of adding HPV vaccination into Ghana's national immunization program. METHODS: We used a proportional outcomes model (UNIVAC, version 1.4) to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of introduction with bivalent (Cervarix™) and quadrivalent (Gardasil®) vaccines from government and societal perspectives. Vaccine introduction was modeled to start in 2022 and continue over ten birth cohorts using a combined delivery strategy of school (80%) and community outreach (20%). We modeled vaccination in a single age cohort of 9-year-old girls vs. a multi-age cohort of 9-year-old girls (routine) and 10-14-year-old girls (one-time campaign) compared to no vaccination. Health outcomes included cervical cancer cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). We applied a discount rate of 3% to costs and outcomes. All monetary units are reported in USD 2018. RESULTS: National HPV vaccination in Ghana was projected to be cost-effective compared to no vaccination in all scenarios evaluated. The most cost-effective and dominant strategy was vaccination among 9-year-old girls, plus a one-time campaign among 10-14-year-old with the bivalent vaccine (158/DALYavertedfromthegovernmentperspective;95158/DALY averted from the government perspective; 95% credible range: 19-280/DALYaverted).Projectedaverageannualcostsofthevaccineprogramrangedfrom280/DALY averted). Projected average annual costs of the vaccine program ranged from 11.2 to 15.4 M,dependingonstrategy.Thisrepresents111515.4 M, depending on strategy. This represents 11-15% of the estimated total immunization costs for 2022 (100,857,875 based on Ghana's comprehensive Multi-Year Plan for Immunization, 2020-2024). DISCUSSION: Our model suggests that introducing HPV vaccination would be cost-effective in Ghana under any strategy when willingness-to-pay is at least 40% GDP per capita ($881). Inclusion of a one-time catch-up campaign is shown to create greater value for money than routine immunization alone but would incur greater program costs

    A Comparison of Computed Tomography Measures for Diagnosing Cervical Spinal Stenosis Associated with Myelopathy: A Case-Control Study

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    Study DesignRetrospective comparative study.PurposeTo assess differences in computed tomography (CT) imaging parameters between patients with cervical myelopathy and controls.Overview of LiteratureThere is a lack of information regarding the best predictor of symptomatic stenosis based on osseous canal dimensions. We postulate that smaller osseous canal dimensions increase the risk of symptomatic central stenosis.MethodsCT images and medical records of patients with cervical myelopathy (19 patients, 8 males; average age, 64.4±13.4 years) and controls (18 patients, 14 males; average age, 60.4±11.0 years) were collected. A new measure called the laminar roof pitch angle (=angle between the lamina) was conducted along with linear measures, ratios and surrogates of canal perimeter and area at each level C2-C7 (222 levels). Receiver-operator curves were used to assess the diagnostic value of each. Rater reliability was assessed for the measures.ResultsThe medial-lateral (ML) diameter (at mid-pedicle level) and calculated canal area (=anterior-posterior.×ML diameters) were the most accurate and highly reliable. ML diameter below 23.5 mm and calculated canal area below 300 mm2 generated 82% to 84% sensitivity and 67% to 68% sensitivity. No significant correlations were identified between age, height, weight, body mass in dex and gender for each of the CT measures.ConclusionsCT measures including ML dimensions were most predictive. This study is the first to identify an important role for the ML dimension in cases of slowly progressive compressive myelopathy. A ML reserve may be protective when the canal is progressively compromised in the anterior-posterior dimension

    Longitudinal estimation of Plasmodium falciparum prevalence in relation to malaria prevention measures in six sub-Saharan African countries.

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    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum prevalence (PfPR) is a widely used metric for assessing malaria transmission intensity. This study was carried out concurrently with the RTS,S/AS01 candidate malaria vaccine Phase III trial and estimated PfPR over ≤ 4 standardized cross-sectional surveys. METHODS: This epidemiology study (NCT01190202) was conducted in 8 sites from 6 countries (Burkina Faso, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, and Tanzania), between March 2011 and December 2013. Participants were enrolled in a 2:1:1 ratio according to age category: 6 months-4 years, 5-19 years, and ≥ 20 years, respectively, per year and per centre. All sites carried out surveys 1-3 while survey 4 was conducted only in 3 sites. Surveys were usually performed during the peak malaria parasite transmission season, in one home visit, when medical history and malaria risk factors/prevention measures were collected, and a blood sample taken for rapid diagnostic test, microscopy, and haemoglobin measurement. PfPR was estimated by site and age category. RESULTS: Overall, 6401 (survey 1), 6411 (survey 2), 6400 (survey 3), and 2399 (survey 4) individuals were included in the analyses. In the 6 months-4 years age group, the lowest prevalence (assessed using microscopy) was observed in 2 Tanzanian centres (4.6% for Korogwe and 9.95% for Bagamoyo) and Lambaréné, Gabon (6.0%), while the highest PfPR was recorded for Nanoro, Burkina Faso (52.5%). PfPR significantly decreased over the 3 years in Agogo (Ghana), Kombewa (Kenya), Lilongwe (Malawi), and Bagamoyo (Tanzania), and a trend for increased PfPR was observed over the 4 surveys for Kintampo, Ghana. Over the 4 surveys, for all sites, PfPR was predominantly higher in the 5-19 years group than in the other age categories. Occurrence of fever and anaemia was associated with high P. falciparum parasitaemia. Univariate analyses showed a significant association of anti-malarial treatment in 4 surveys (odds ratios [ORs]: 0.52, 0.52, 0.68, 0.41) and bed net use in 2 surveys (ORs: 0.63, 0.68, 1.03, 1.78) with lower risk of malaria infection. CONCLUSION: Local PfPR differed substantially between sites and age groups. In children 6 months-4 years old, a significant decrease in prevalence over the 3 years was observed in 4 out of the 8 study sites. Trial registration Clinical Trials.gov identifier: NCT01190202:NCT. GSK Study ID numbers: 114001

    Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays

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    The Cathode Strip Chambers (CSCs) constitute the primary muon tracking device in the CMS endcaps. Their performance has been evaluated using data taken during a cosmic ray run in fall 2008. Measured noise levels are low, with the number of noisy channels well below 1%. Coordinate resolution was measured for all types of chambers, and fall in the range 47 microns to 243 microns. The efficiencies for local charged track triggers, for hit and for segments reconstruction were measured, and are above 99%. The timing resolution per layer is approximately 5 ns