1,963 research outputs found

    Graphene coherent states

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    In this paper, we will construct the coherent states for a Dirac electron in graphene placed in a constant homogeneous magnetic field which is orthogonal to the graphene surface. First of all, we will identify the appropriate annihilation and creation operators. Then, we will derive the coherent states as eigenstates of the annihilation operator, with complex eigenvalues. Several physical quantities, as the Heisenberg uncertainty product, probability density and mean energy value, will be as well explored.Comment: 17 pages, 32 figure

    Maximizing Societal Contributions of Latino Adults by Investing in Latino Children's Health Care

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    Focuses on the lack of preventive care and health insurance coverage for Latino children, and how this affects their health and school performance and impacts their ability to contribute as adults to California's economy and society

    Effects of Macromolecular Crowding on Ferredoxin and Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase Kinetics

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    Macromolecular crowding refers to the intrinsic occurrence of high concentrations of macromolecules found within cells, which may alter biomolecular properties of other macromolecules. Simulating these environments in vitro should enable a more accurate understanding of these modifications. We have employed in vitro studies to specifically examine the effects of macromolecular crowding on biological redox reactions. The iron-sulfur protein ferredoxin (Fdx) and the FAD-containing flavoprotein ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase (FNR), from Spinacea oleracea, were utilized as a model electron transfer system. Utilizing NADPH as a reductant, the Fdx-FNR complex reduces mammalian cytochrome c as a surrogate electron acceptor. Reduction of the heme moiety of cytochrome c is monitored at 550nm. We have focused our attention primarily on bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a model macromolecular crowding agent at concentrations up to 20%. Under these conditions, the rate of cytochrome c reduction displays hyperbolic kinetics with respect to Fdx concentration. Initial experiments utilizing 10% BSA resulted in a 70% reduction in the electron transfer rate, whereas lower BSA concentrations showed evidence of stimulatory effects. These results suggest crowding effects on reduction kinetics in this system may be nonlinear. We will report the Fdx concentration dependence of cytochrome c reduction rates as a function of BSA concentration. In related experiments, we have also examined viscosity effects with this system to determine the effects of changes in diffusion rates on the kinetics of electron transfer

    On the extension of LES methods from incompressible to compressible turbulent flows with application to turbulent channel flow

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    Published under licence in Journal of Physics: Conference Series by IOP Publishing Ltd. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.The objective of the present work is to validate the compressible Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) models implemented in the in house parallel unstructured CFD code TermoFluids. Our research team has implemented and tested several LES models over the past years for the incompressible regimen. In order to be able to solve complex turbulent compressible flows, the models are revisited and modified if necessary. In addition, the performance of the implemented hybrid advection scheme is an issue of interest for the numerical simulation of turbulent compressible flows. The models are tested in the well known turbulent channel flow problem at different compressible regimens.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Diseño de la estrategia operativa para la implementación de un nuevo sistema de filas para las oficinas del Banco Davivienda y de un sistema de evaluación y control de la operación de sus subdirectores y cajeros

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    El siguiente trabajo tiene como fin diseñar una estrategia de implementación de un nuevo sistema de filas y establecer un sistema para evaluar la operación de los cajeros y subdirectores de las oficinas del Banco Davivienda, ya que para el Banco, el cliente es lo más importante y reduciendo los tiempos de espera en fila se podrá aumentar la satisfacción de sus clientes en sus visitas a las distintas oficinas, permitiéndoles fidelizar a los mismos, atraer nuevos clientes y seguir posicionándose en el sector financiero como uno de los Bancos más amables y cálidos con sus clientes, caracterizado además por la gran variedad de productos y servicios con los que cuenta para satisfacer las necesidades financieras de cualquier persona natural, jurídica y gubernamental.The following project has as its main objective the design of an implementation strategy of a new queuing system and the establishment of an evaluation system for the operation of the cashiers and assistant managers of Banco Davivienda. Knowing that the client is the biggest priority of the Bank, the reduction of waiting time while being in a queue will increase the costumer s satisfaction on their visits to the bank offices, creating the possibility of retaining them, attract new clients and remain as one of most friendly and warm Banks in the financial sector, distinguished by the way they satisfy their costumers needs with their variety of products and services.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    On the Connectedness and Diameter of a Geometric Johnson Graph

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    Let PP be a set of nn points in general position in the plane. A subset II of PP is called an \emph{island} if there exists a convex set CC such that I=PCI = P \cap C. In this paper we define the \emph{generalized island Johnson graph} of PP as the graph whose vertex consists of all islands of PP of cardinality kk, two of which are adjacent if their intersection consists of exactly ll elements. We show that for large enough values of nn, this graph is connected, and give upper and lower bounds on its diameter

    Y Evaluación de la citotoxicidad por corrosión de aparatología fija en cultivo celular humano

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    La incorporación a la práctica ortodóncica de los minitornillos permite disponer de sistemas mecánicos con anclaje absoluto que eliminan las fuerzas de reacción y permiten movimientos dentarios más eficientes con una mínima cooperación del paciente, siendo además, muy diversas las aplicaciones clínicas.La maloclusión clase ll constituye una anomalía muy frecuente en la consulta ortodóncica, siendo la desarmonía dentoesqueletal más frecuente en la población de raza blanca. Los tratamientos pueden ser ortopédicos, ortodóncicos o quirúrgicos, dependiendo de la severidad de la maloclusión y de la edad del paciente. La incorporación a la práctica ortodóncica de los minitornillos permite disponer de sistemas mecánicos con anclaje absoluto que eliminan las fuerzas de reacción y permiten movimientos dentarios más eficientes con una mínima cooperación del paciente, siendo además, muy diversas las aplicaciones clínicas

    Proctoring para la evaluación en tiempos del COVID-19

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    16 páginas. Área de Innovación / Vicerrectorado de Innovación Docente y Digitalización de la UNIA, #webinarsUNIA (1 de junio de 2020).En este seminario virtual, enmarcado en el Plan de Formación de Profesorado de la UNIA de 2020-21, David Puente, director de e-learning Media, explica en qué consiste el proctoring como herramienta al servicio de la evaluación del alumnado a distancia. Previamente, desde el Área de Innovación (María Sánchez), presentan el programa de #webinarsUNIA de 2020-21. El seminario tuvo lugar empleando el servicio de aulas virtuales de la UNIA (basado en Adobe Connect), y en él pudo participar cualquier interesado/a, más allá de docentes en activo de la Universidad. Contó con más de 330 personas inscritas de diverso perfil y procedencia geográfica