130 research outputs found

    La investigació formativa en l’assignatura optativa d’informática aplicada a la investigació educativa

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    Podeu consultar el document complet a: http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/65797En la investigació formativa l’alumnat és protagonista actiu del seu propi procés, fent del professorat un acompanyant cap a l’aprenentatge autònom. L’alumnat adopta un rol actiu, prenent les seves pròpies decisions, integrant coneixements, i desenvolupant competències diverses. En aquesta innovació apostem per l’aprenentatge orientat a projectes (ABP) i l’avaluació amb portafolis digital, com estratègies per a la investigació formativa. La finalitat de l’estudi que presentem és l’anàlisi de la innovació en una assignatura del grau de Pedagogia, des de la perspectiva de l’alumnat participant; mitjançant el mètode per enquesta. Els principals resultats obtinguts evidencien la idoneïtat de la innovació docent implementada per tal de potenciar el desenvolupament d’habilitats de pensament d’ordre superior. L’ABP afavoreix l’adquisició i integració dels nous coneixements; destaquem especialment el desenvolupament de dues competències bàsiques com són el treball col·laboratiu i la capacitat de reflexió. Per al desenvolupament d’aquestes competències han resultat especialment útils, segons l’alumnat, les activitats d’aprenentatge autònom, les activitats col·laboratives, les del projecte d’investigació i el portafolis

    Modeling the skin pattern of fishes

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    Complicated patterns showing various spatial scales have been obtained in the past by coupling Turing systems in such a way that the scales of the independent systems resonate. This produces superimposed patterns with different length scales. Here we propose a model consisting of two identical reaction-diffusion systems coupled together in such a way that one of them produces a simple Turing pattern of spots or stripes, and the other traveling wave fronts that eventually become stationary. The basic idea is to assume that one of the systems becomes fixed after some time and serves as a source of morphogens for the other system. This mechanism produces patterns very similar to the pigmentation patterns observed in different species of stingrays and other fishes. The biological mechanisms that support the realization of this model are discussed

    Infoxicación: implicaciones del fenómeno en la profesión periodística

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    La sobreabundancia informativa característica de la era digital plantea un desafío en la sociedad, principalmente para aquellos que, por su profesión, se ven obligados a lidiar con grandes cantidades de datos a diario, no pueden ignorar la información de entrada, y son los encargados de otorgar valor a la información en una sociedad cada vez más saturada por el volumen de la misma. La investigación analiza el impacto e incidencia de la infoxicación en los profesionales recién formados en periodismo. Mediante grupos focales, se evalúan los vectores que permiten comprender la complejidad del fenómeno y su repercusión en el modo de generar contenidos. Los resultados ofrecen una relación causal entre cantidad, desconfianza y saturación informativa, así como un deterioro de la capacidad de concentración ocasionado por el uso intensivo de internet, especialmente en dispositivos móviles

    Usufructo de dinero en cuenta bancaria

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    Este trabajo analiza el usufructo de dinero en cuenta bancaria, el dinero como bien consumible tiene una peculiaridad, desaparece consumiéndolo o sea gastándolo por lo que no se puede dejar a salvo la substancia. Este tipo de usufructos se denominan “cuasi usufructo”. El usufructo del dinero suele generar un conflicto entre el usufructuario, que suele ser el cónyuge viudo y los nudo propietarios de una herencia, los cuales tienen la propiedad del bien usufructuado.Este trabajo de investigación tratará de exponer el usufructo orientado al dinero en una cuenta bancaria, explicando la doble vertiente entre el Derecho común y el Derecho Foral aragonés.<br /

    Perioperative management and early complications after intestinal resection with ileocolonic anastomosis in Crohn’s disease: analysis from the PRACTICROHN study

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    This study is aimed at describing the prevalence of and risk factors associated with early post-operative complications after Crohn’s disease-related intestinal resection. Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of data from the PRACTICROHN cohort. Adult Crohn’s disease patients who underwent ileocolonic resection with ileocolonic anastomosis between January 2007 and December 2010 were included. The complications evaluated included death, ileus, anastomotic leak, abscess, wound infection, catheter-related infection, digestive bleeding and other extra-abdominal infections that occurred in the 30 days after surgery.Results: A total of 364 patients (median age at surgery 38 years and 50% men) were included. Indication for surgery was: stricturing disease (46.4%), penetrating disease (31.3%), penetrating and stricturing disease (14.0%) or resistance to medical treatment (5.8%). Early complications were recorded in 100 (27.5%) patients, with wound infection, intra-abdominal abscess and anastomotic leakage being the most frequent complications. Median hospitalization duration was 16 days for patients with complications vs. 9 days without complications (P<0.001). Complications were more common among patients with penetrating disease (36/114, 31.6%) and those refractory to treatment (9/21, 42.9%) compared with stricturing disease (45/169, 26.6%) or stricturingþpenetrating disease (6/51, 11.8%) (P¼0.040). The rate of complications was higher among patients with diagnosis made at the time of surgery (15/31, 48.4%) compared with the rest (85/331, 25.7%) (P¼0.013). Medication received at the time of surgery did not affect the rate of complications. Conclusions: Almost a quarter of patients developed early complications after intestinal resection. Penetrating disease and urgent surgery were associated with an increased risk of complicationsThis study was supported by Merck Sharp and Dohme, Spai

    Chaperone-like properties of tobacco plastid thioredoxins f and m

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    Thioredoxins (Trxs) are ubiquitous disulphide reductases that play important roles in the redox regulation of many cellular processes. However, some redox-independent functions, such as chaperone activity, have also been attributed to Trxs in recent years. The focus of our study is on the putative chaperone function of the well-described plastid Trxs f and m. To that end, the cDNA of both Trxs, designated as NtTrxf and NtTrxm, was isolated from Nicotiana tabacum plants. It was found that bacterially expressed tobacco Trx f and Trx m, in addition to their disulphide reductase activity, possessed chaperone-like properties. In vitro, Trx f and Trx m could both facilitate the reactivation of the cysteine-free form of chemically denatured glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase (foldase chaperone activity) and prevent heat-induced malate dehydrogenase aggregation (holdase chaperone activity). Our results led us to infer that the disulphide reductase and foldase chaperone functions prevail when the proteins occur as monomers and the well-conserved non-active cysteine present in Trx f is critical for both functions. By contrast, the holdase chaperone activity of both Trxs depended on their oligomeric status: the proteins were functional only when they were associated with high molecular mass protein complexes. Because the oligomeric status of both Trxs was induced by salt and temperature, our data suggest that plastid Trxs could operate as molecular holdase chaperones upon oxidative stress, acting as a type of small stress protein

    Functional Improvement of Human Cardiotrophin 1 Produced in Tobacco Chloroplasts by Co-Expression with Plastid Thioredoxin m

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    Human cardiotrophin 1 (CT1), a cytokine with excellent therapeutic potential, was previously expressed in tobacco chloroplasts. However, the growth conditions required to reach the highest expression levels resulted in an impairment of its bioactivity. In the present study, we have examined new strategies to modulate the expression of this recombinant protein in chloroplasts so as to enhance its production and bioactivity. In particular, we assessed the effect of both the fusion and co-expression of Trx m with CT1 on the production of a functional CT1 by using plastid transformation. Our data revealed that the Trx m fusion strategy was useful to increase the expression levels of CT1 inside the chloroplasts, although CT1 bioactivity was significantly impaired, and this was likely due to steric hindrance between both proteins. By contrast, the expression of functional CT1 was increased when co-expressed with Trx m, because we demonstrated that recombinant CT1 was functionally active during an in vitro signaling assay. While Trx m/CT1 co-expression did not increase the amount of CT1 in young leaves, our results revealed an increase in CT1 protein stability as the leaves aged in this genotype, which also improved the recombinant protein’s overall production. This strategy might be useful to produce other functional biopharmaceuticals in chloroplasts

    Protocol d'accés a les tècniques de reproducció assistida

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    Reproducció humana assistida; Tècniques de reproducció; Sistema sanitariReproducción humana asistida; Técnicas de reproducción; Sistema sanitarioAssisted human reproduction; Reproduction techniques; Sanitary systemAquest document defineix les diferents proves diagnòstiques i els criteris clínics per poder accedir a les diverses tècniques i les activitats que podran dur a terme els diferents proveïdors a Catalunya