Revista de Comunicación de la SEECI (Sociedad Española de Estudios de la Comunicación Iberoamericana)
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    With the advent of the Internet and multiscreen, audio and video content producers have had to generate new formats to be heard and seen in a timeless way, in order to respond to new consumer demands. This is the context in which audio podcasting (podcasting) and video podcasting (vodcasting) appear, which have gained popularity in recent times. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 was a turning point for these new audiovisual formats, when some channels opted to include them in part of their programming. This is the case of Eurosport’s ‘Confinados’ vodcast, which we analyse in this research. The main objective of this article is to analyse this vodcast, to know how it is structured and to examine the contents developed. The methodology used is the content analysis of its different episodes, broadcast during the first state of alarm in Spain, from March 2020. We highlight the peculiar case of ‘Confinados’, which has taken the reverse path to the podcasts that appeared as radio or television on Demand, since it emerged as a vodcast that later became a television programme. We highlight the step taken by Eurosport towards a new way of reporting, in the midst of a pandemic, to adapt to the needs of the audience, as well as the contribution to specialisation in sports journalism, with experts and journalists in this field, specificity and brevity in their topics and a wide range of audiovisual journalistic genres.With the advent of the Internet and multiscreen, audio and video content producers have had to generate new formats to be heard and seen in a timeless way, in order to respond to new consumer demands. This is the context in which audio podcasting (podcasting) and video podcasting (vodcasting) appear, which have gained popularity in recent times. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 was a turning point for these new audiovisual formats, when some channels opted to include them in part of their programming. This is the case of Eurosport’s ‘Confinados’ vodcast, which we analyse in this research. The main objective of this article is to analyse this vodcast, to know how it is structured and to examine the contents developed. The methodology used is the content analysis of its different episodes, broadcast during the first state of alarm in Spain, from March 2020. We highlight the peculiar case of ‘Confinados’, which has taken the reverse path to the podcasts that appeared as radio or television on Demand, since it emerged as a vodcast that later became a television programme. We highlight the step taken by Eurosport towards a new way of reporting, in the midst of a pandemic, to adapt to the needs of the audience, as well as the contribution to specialisation in sports journalism, with experts and journalists in this field, specificity and brevity in their topics and a wide range of audiovisual journalistic genres.Con la llegada de Internet y la multipantalla, los productores de contenido de audio y de vídeo han tenido que generar nuevos formatos para ser escuchados y vistos de forma atemporal, y así dar respuesta a las nuevas demandas de los consumidores. En este contexto aparecen el podcasting de audio (podcasting) y vídeo (vodcasting), que han ganado popularidad en los últimos tiempos. La pandemia provocada por la COVID-19 supuso un punto de inflexión para estos nuevos formatos audiovisuales, cuando algunas cadenas optaron por incluirlos en una parte de su programación. Tal es el caso del vódcast ‘Confinados’ de Eurosport, que contemplamos en esta investigación. El objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar este vódcast, conocer cómo es su estructura y examinar los contenidos desarrollados. La metodología usada es el análisis de contenido de sus distintos episodios, emitidos durante el primer estado de alarma en España, a partir de marzo de 2020. Resaltamos el peculiar caso de ‘Confinados’, que ha realizado el camino inverso a los pódcast que aparecieron como radio o televisión a la carta, puesto que surgió como un vódcast y se convirtió en un programa de televisión. Destacamos el paso realizado por Eurosport hacia una nueva forma de informar, en plena pandemia, para adaptarse a las necesidades de los receptores, así como la contribución a la especialización en periodismo deportivo, al contar con expertos y periodistas de este campo, con especificidad y brevedad en sus temas y amplitud de géneros periodísticos audiovisuales

    Examining the Relationship Between Factors Influencing Political Information Seeking-Behaviour through Social Media among Youths in Malaysia

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    The dynamic characteristics of social media provide a vast space for society to obtain useful information including political information. This advancement of information dissemination must be benefited by every layer of society including the youth to increase their participation in issues regarding national politics. This research explores the significant factors affecting political information-seeking behavior among youths in Malaysia. The approach of this research is the survey through a questionnaire. Using multi-stage sampling, 381 respondents from selected public universities in Malaysia were identified as a sample. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Efficacy, knowledge, and usefulness of social media affected political information-seeking behavior. Meanwhile, Policy satisfaction and motivation do not affect political information-seeking behavior Thus, political information seeking is seen as more influential towards political behavior with the existence of political information sharing among Malaysia's youth who use social media. The overall results of the study indicate the potential of social media as the main source and medium for Malaysian youths to obtain political information


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    Comic book genre, understood as "a juxtaposition of words and images, in a certain sequence, with the aim of communicating stories and ideas", has made the leap to health communication through what is known as Graphic Medicine, which combines the language of comic strips, with health information content, from graphic pathographies to autobiographical or informative stories. A, emerging and trendy concept. Also, historically, Comic Journalism has been considered as a mere reporting format, chronicle, or, according to some studies, as a subgenre of graphic journalism. Although it is clear that this "slow journalism", which, in the words of Joe Sacco, focuses on "the people who are under the headlines", is already something different, innovative and unique which goes beyond the theoretical and conceptual framework of journalistic genres, leaving these works in a complicated limbo to classify. Major newspapers and magazines such as The New Yorker, Details, Time, New York Time Magazine, XXI, El País, El Norte de Castilla... have used these non-fiction comics in the same way and at the same level as their reports, photographs or infographics. This global phenomenon has also been established, reaching the point of moving into first-rate informative or narrative proposals in traditional media, beyond the longest works of graphic novels. Comic Journalism and Graphic Medicine; two novel concepts that converge on a fine line, especially when in 2020, a global pandemic came to change everything. From then until now, several pieces on the limits of journalistic comics and graphic medicine have emerged all over the world. Along these lines, the following stand out in Spain: Side Effects. 19 covid comics, by AA.VV.; Pandemic, by AA.VV, and A Tale of Confinement, by Paco Roca. This text intends to delve into the use of journalistic comics in graphic medicine with the case study of the works that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, within these informative parameters, such as a new format, a new communication and health trend full of potential. A review; a roadmap of this new journalistic genre that is on the rise, slowly but surely, and its confluences with the concept of graphic medicine.El cómic, entendido como “una yuxtaposición de palabras e imágenes, en una determinada secuencia, con el objetivo de comunicar historias e ideas”, ha dado el salto a la comunicación sanitaria en forma de lo que se conoce como Medicina Gráfica, que aúna el lenguaje de las viñetas, con el contenido de información para la salud, desde las patografías gráficas a las historias autobiográficas o divulgativas. Un concepto naciente que está en boga. Asimismo, de forma histórica, el Periodismo Cómic se ha considerado como un mero formato de reportaje, de crónica, o, según algunos estudios, como un subgénero del periodismo gráfico. Aunque está claro que este “periodismo lento”, que, en palabas de Joe Sacco, se centra en “la gente que está debajo de los titulares”, es ya un objeto diferente, innovador y único, que desborda el marco teórico-conceptual de los géneros periodísticos dejando a estas obras en un limbo complicado de catalogar. Grandes cabeceras como The New Yorker, Details, Time, New York Time Magazine, XXI, El País, El Norte de Castilla… han usado estas historietas de no ficción del mismo modo y al mismo nivel que plantean sus reportajes, sus fotografías, sus infografías… Este fenómeno global también se ha asentado, llegando a trasladarse en propuestas informativas o narrativas de primer orden, en medios de comunicación tradicionales, más allá de las obras más largas en forma de novela gráfica. Periodismo Cómic y Medicina Gráfica; dos conceptos novedosos que convergen en una fina línea, sobre todo cuando en el 2020, una pandemia global llegó para cambiarlo todo. De entonces a ahora, varias piezas en la frontera de los cómics periodísticos y la medicina gráfica han surgido en todo el mundo. En esta línea, en España destacan: Efectos Secundarios. 19 historietas del covid, de AA.VV.; Pandemia, de AA.VV, y Una historia del Confinamiento, de Paco Roca. En este texto se pretende profundizar en el uso del cómic periodístico en la medicina gráfica con el estudio de caso de las obras surgidas durante la pandemia de la COVID-19, dentro de estos parámetros informativo-divulgativos, como un nuevo formato, una nueva tendencia en comunicación y salud repleta de posibilidades. Un repaso; una hoja de ruta de este nuevo género periodístico que está en auge, con paso lento, pero firme y sus confluencias con el concepto de la graphic medicine

    El interés por el Ómicron en España a través de la herramienta de Google Trends

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    Crisis communication in the field of health has had an outstanding relevance, not only in Spain but globally, repeatedly over the years. This importance has been increased as a result of the pandemic caused by the coronavirus or Covid-19, first, and by the Omicron variant, later. On November 26, 2021, the World Health Organization (2021) described it as worrying because it presented "several mutations that could affect the characteristics of the virus, for example, the ease of spreading or the severity of the symptoms it causes". Throughout this work, the trends in Spain of the most used terms on this variant are analyzed. Some words that are extracted from the website of the Ministry of Health of Spain and that are analyzed based on the data that appears in the Google Trends tool, which anonymously groups data organizing them into different categories. As for the time frame chosen, it is the one that runs from the date mentioned above until February 8, 2022, the day on which the Spanish Government decided to eliminate the obligation to wear masks in outdoor spaces.La comunicación de crisis en el ámbito de la salud ha tenido una relevancia sobresaliente, no solo en España sino a nivel global, en repetidas ocasiones a lo largo de los años. Esta importancia se ha visto incrementada como consecuencia de la pandemia provocada por el coronavirus o Covid-19, primero, y por la variante del Ómicron, después. El 26 de noviembre de 2021, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2021) calificó ésta como preocupante porque presentaba “varias mutaciones que podrían afectar a las características del virus, por ejemplo, la facilidad para propagarse o la gravedad de los síntomas que causa”. A lo largo de este trabajo se analizan cuáles son las tendencias en España de los términos más utilizados sobre esta variante. Unas palabras que son extraídas de la página web del Ministerio de Sanidad de España y que se analizan teniendo como base los datos aparecidos en la herramienta Google Trends, que, de manera anónima agrupa datos organizándolos en diferentes categorías. En cuanto al marco temporal elegido se trata del que transcurre desde la fecha citada anteriormente hasta el 8 de febrero de 2022, día en que el Gobierno español decidió eliminar la obligatoriedad de llevar mascarillas en espacios exteriores

    Modalidades de reconocimiento, trayectoria profesional y posición política en el campo periodístico argentino

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    The article studies different acknowledgment modalities in which Argentine journalists validate media and colleagues as more important ones. A characterization of the journalist’s field is developed in terms of the professional trajectory and political positioning, considering correspondences between social space positions and the definition of hierarchical social places. A quantitative methodology was applied. Surveys made on journalists led to the confection of a taxonomy in which their social field could be illustrated. It is considered that the professional space is able to translate a series of asymmetrical references from established positions to the “newcomers”. This references are not politically neutral; they tend to favour conservative media. On the contrary, the acknowledgment of colleagues as consecrated involves a political segmentation, in which those superior positions in the social space are validated, but on the bases of a political differentiation between proximity to the Frente de Todos or to Juntos por el Cambio, Argentina’s two principal political forces. The analysis describes the superposition between media and journalists mentioned in the survey and the taxonomy. In this way, the mapping of the social space seeks to find correspondences between the actor’s representations –which symbolically consecrate both media and colleagues- and their places in the professional’s field structure.The article studies different acknowledgment modalities in which Argentine journalists validate media and colleagues as more important ones. A characterization of the journalist’s field is developed in terms of the professional trajectory and political positioning, considering correspondences between social space positions and the definition of hierarchical social places. A quantitative methodology was applied. Surveys made on journalists led to the confection of a taxonomy in which their social field could be illustrated. It is considered that the professional space is able to translate a series of asymmetrical references from established positions to the “newcomers”. This references are not politically neutral; they tend to favour conservative media. On the contrary, the acknowledgment of colleagues as consecrated involves a political segmentation, in which those superior positions in the social space are validated, but on the bases of a political differentiation between proximity to the Frente de Todos or to Juntos por el Cambio, Argentina’s two principal political forces. The analysis describes the superposition between media and journalists mentioned in the survey and the taxonomy. In this way, the mapping of the social space seeks to find correspondences between the actor’s representations –which symbolically consecrate both media and colleagues- and their places in the professional’s field structure.El artículo indaga diferentes modalidades de reconocimiento a través de las cuales periodistas argentinos validan diferencialmente a medios y colegas como los más importantes. Se desarrolla una caracterización del campo periodístico en términos de la trayectoria profesional y el posicionamiento político, estudiando correspondencias entre las ubicaciones en el espacio social y la definición de quienes ocupan las posiciones jerárquicas. Se implementó una metodología cuantitativa, de encuestas a periodistas, que permitió elaborar una taxonomía en la que ilustrar la composición de su campo. Se sostiene que el espacio profesional consigue trasladar una serie de referencias asimétricas desde las posiciones establecidas a los “recién llegados” que no son políticamente neutras sino que favorecen a medios de postura política conservadora. En cambio, el reconocimiento de los colegas consagrados tendería a una segmentación política, en la que aquellas posiciones superiores en el espacio social son validadas, pero bajo diferenciaciones según la cercanía al Frente de Todos o a Juntos por el Cambio, las dos principales fuerzas políticas argentinas. De esta manera, el mapeo del espacio social busca ubicar correspondencias entre las representaciones de los actores -que consagran simbólicamente a colegas y a medios- y su ubicación en la estructura de su campo profesional

    La evolución de la relación entre marcas e influencers españolas de moda tras la pandemia.

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    In March 2020, the new SARS-CoV-2 virus arrived to stay amongst us, bringing the most important global pandemic known up to now. The entire world was affected by a health crisis that spread to all sectors of society, leading to company clousures, rises in unemployment rates and many changes in ordinary lifestyle. This pandemic has also had an impact on changes in society's consumption habits and a relevant increase in the use of social networks due to the months of lockdown, which has leaded to important changes in various areas and, specifically, in the fashion and  influencers sector. In addition to the pandemic problem, there is the trouble of adapting to the new Spanish regulation, code of conduct on social networks, from January 2021. This research aims to analyze, using a mixed methodology, the changes produced in fashion influencers jobs before, during and after the pandemic, the evolution of fashion brands in digital media and new trends in influencer marketing that have been caused by this new situation. To do so, we have performed a content analysis and interviews with professionals from the fashion sector. Conclusions show a greater control of content, an increase in number of followers and a closer link with brands. Comparisons with the dynamic in other international markets, as well as the future adaptation of the professional activity to current regulations, are the most relevant questions to be addressed in order to be able to expand the study in the future.In March 2020, the new SARS-CoV-2 virus arrived to stay amongst us, bringing the most important global pandemic known up to now. The entire world was affected by a health crisis that spread to all sectors of society, leading to company clousures, rises in unemployment rates and many changes in ordinary lifestyle. This pandemic has also had an impact on changes in society's consumption habits and a relevant increase in the use of social networks due to the months of lockdown, which has leaded to important changes in various areas and, specifically, in the fashion and  influencers sector. In addition to the pandemic problem, there is the trouble of adapting to the new Spanish regulation, code of conduct on social networks, from January 2021. This research aims to analyze, using a mixed methodology, the changes produced in fashion influencers jobs before, during and after the pandemic, the evolution of fashion brands in digital media and new trends in influencer marketing that have been caused by this new situation. To do so, we have performed a content analysis and interviews with professionals from the fashion sector. Conclusions show a greater control of content, an increase in number of followers and a closer link with brands. Comparisons with the dynamic in other international markets, as well as the future adaptation of the professional activity to current regulations, are the most relevant questions to be addressed in order to be able to expand the study in the future.La llegada del virus SARS-CoV-2 trajo consigo una pandemia mundial y una crisis sanitaria que iba a extenderse a todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, desembocando en cierre de empresas, pérdidas de millones de empleos y numerosas alteraciones en el estilo de vida de los individuos, además de provocar cambios de consumo en la sociedad y un aumento del uso de las redes sociales debido a los meses de confinamiento, lo que supuso un punto de inflexión en diversos ámbitos y, concretamente, en el sector de la moda y de las influencers. Con la presente investigación se pretende analizar, mediante metodología mixta, los cambios producidos antes, durante y después de la pandemia en el trabajo de las influencers de moda, la evolución de las marcas de este sector en los medios digitales y las nuevas tendencias en el marketing de influencia que se han generado a raíz de esta nueva situación. Para ello, se realizará un análisis de contenido y una entrevista a profesionales del sector

    El papel de la comunicación interna en la gestión del teletrabajo durante la crisis de la COVID-19

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    Among the changes brought about by the COVID-19 crisis, many of them affect the management of organizations. This is the case of the sudden implementation of teleworking policies, which, together with social distancing measures and periods of confinement, became widespread in the worst period of the pandemic. This research studies the role of internal communication in the management of telework during the Covid-19 crisis through document review and expert interviews. The results indicate that internal communication is a very important element for these policies and that during the pandemic its relevance in keeping employees aligned with the interests of the brands has been highlighted. To execute these policies, organizations have developed new channels, enhanced team cohesion, and fostered empathy from leaders and the separation of work and personal life. Communication with employees is the cornerstone of these telework policies, which require the implementation of strategies and tools to facilitate the well-being and happiness of remote workforces. This paper also incorporates recommendations for internal communication management concerning the new organizational needs arising during this period.Among the changes brought about by the COVID-19 crisis, many affect the management of organisations. This is the case of the sudden implementation of teleworking policies, which, together with social distancing measures and periods of confinement, became widespread in the worst period of the pandemic. This research studies the role of internal communication in the management of telework during the Covid-19 crisis through document review and expert interviews. The results indicate that internal communication is a very important element for these policies and that during the pandemic its relevance in keeping employees aligned with the interests of the brands has been highlighted. To execute these policies, organisations have developed new channels, enhanced team cohesion and fostered empathy from leaders and the separation of work and personal life. Communication with employees is the cornerstone of these telework policies, which require the implementation of strategies and tools to facilitate the well-being and happiness of remote workforces. This paper also incorporates recommendations for internal communication management in relation to the new organisational needs arising during this period.Entre los cambios que ha traído consigo la crisis de la COVID-19 muchos afectan a la gestión de las organizaciones. Es el caso de la repentina implantación de las políticas de teletrabajo, que con las medidas de distanciamiento social y los periodos de confinamiento se generalizaron en el periodo más crudo de la pandemia. Esta investigación estudia el papel de la comunicación interna en la gestión del teletrabajo durante la crisis de la Covid-19 a través de la revisión documental y de entrevistas a expertos. Los resultados indican que la comunicación interna es un elemento de gran importancia para estas políticas y que durante la pandemia se ha puesto de manifiesto su relevancia para mantener alineados a los trabajadores con los intereses de las marcas. Para ejecutarlas, las organizaciones han desarrollado nuevos canales, potenciado la cohesión de los equipos y fomentado la empatía de los líderes y la separación del tiempo laboral y la vida personal. La comunicación con los empleados resulta la piedra angular de estas políticas de teletrabajo, que requieren de la implementación de estrategias y herramientas para facilitar el bienestar y la felicidad de las plantillas que trabajan en remoto. Este trabajo también incorpora recomendaciones para la gestión de la comunicación interna en relación a las nuevas necesidades organizativas surgidas durante este periodo

    Comunicación y política en clave feminista: Planificación y gestión de la comunicación popular con perspectiva de género

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    Presentación del Monográfico: Gestión de la Comunicación de crisis. Presente y futuro

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    The concept of crisis has also been evolving to adapt to the new realities of communication (Suárez and García, 2010). According to Coombs (1999), adequate crisis management must involve prevention, preparation, performance and learning. It is difficult to prevent when there is no previous experience with totally new situations. The communications landscape is more changeable than ever, making crises almost unpredictable. After suffering the most significant global crisis of all time, such as COVID-19 (Casero-Ripollés, 2020; Costa-Sánchez and López-García, 2020), organizations have had to redefine themselves to remain competitive in different markets. We face challenges and paradigms that are difficult to anticipate in a globalized and connected world, where crises are amplified exponentially (Losada, 2018). Crisis management is essential for governments, companies, administrations, projects and any organization through appropriate strategic communication programs. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen research in communication, putting in value the trends in this area. Health crises (Lorente, 2010), loss of reputation due to mismanagement (Xifra, 2020), fear management as an instrument of persuasion (Rodríguez-Andrés, 2011) are some of the topics that require special attention in order to understand the response of stakeholders to adverse situations. In this monograph we call for articles to delve into crisis management and new trends in communication and marketing policies of organizations, as well as political communication as a way of connecting with society. Special attention is also given in this call for papers to research on the credibility of organizations, through social responsibility programs or other forms of communication. In addition, the link between health crises and SDGs becomes essential in the times we live in. Priority lines in this monograph: - Crisis communication management from governments. Trends - Crisis communication strategies in companies. Social responsibility policies - Corporate and marketing strategies in communication companies - Political communication - The crises to come and credibility vaccines - Crisis communication, Health and SDGsThe concept of crisis has also been evolving to adapt to the new realities of communication (Suárez and García, 2010). According to Coombs (1999), adequate crisis management must involve prevention, preparation, performance and learning. It is difficult to prevent when there is no previous experience with totally new situations. The communications landscape is more changeable than ever, making crises almost unpredictable. After suffering the most significant global crisis of all time, such as COVID-19 (Casero-Ripollés, 2020; Costa-Sánchez and López-García, 2020), organizations have had to redefine themselves to remain competitive in different markets. We face challenges and paradigms that are difficult to anticipate in a globalized and connected world, where crises are amplified exponentially (Losada, 2018). Crisis management is essential for governments, companies, administrations, projects and any organization through appropriate strategic communication programs. Therefore, it is necessary to deepen research in communication, putting in value the trends in this area. Health crises (Lorente, 2010), loss of reputation due to mismanagement (Xifra, 2020), fear management as an instrument of persuasion (Rodríguez-Andrés, 2011) are some of the topics that require special attention in order to understand the response of stakeholders to adverse situations. In this monograph we call for articles to delve into crisis management and new trends in communication and marketing policies of organizations, as well as political communication as a way of connecting with society. Special attention is also given in this call for papers to research on the credibility of organizations, through social responsibility programs or other forms of communication. In addition, the link between health crises and SDGs becomes essential in the times we live in. Priority lines in this monograph: - Crisis communication management from governments. Trends - Crisis communication strategies in companies. Social responsibility policies - Corporate and marketing strategies in communication companies - Political communication - The crises to come and credibility vaccines - Crisis communication, Health and SDGsEl concepto de crisis también ha ido evolucionando para adaptarse a las nuevas realidades de la comunicación (Suárez y García, 2010). Según Coombs (1999), una adecuada gestión de crisis debe pasar por la prevención, la preparación, el desempeño y el aprendizaje. Es difícil prevenir cuando no hay experiencias previas ante situaciones totalmente nuevas. El panorama comunicacional es más cambiante que nunca, por lo que las crisis se vuelven casi impredecibles. Tras sufrir la crisis mundial más significativa de todos los tiempos, como la del COVID-19 (Casero-Ripollés, 2020; Costa-Sánchez y López-García, 2020), las organizaciones han tenido que redefinirse para seguir siendo competitivas en los diferentes mercados. Nos enfrentamos ante retos y paradigmas difíciles de anticipar en un mundo globalizado y conectado, donde las crisis se amplifican exponencialmente (Losada, 2018). La gestión de crisis es imprescindible para los gobiernos, empresas, administraciones, proyectos y cualquier organización a través de adecuados programas estratégicos de comunicación. Por ello, es necesario profundizar en la investigación en comunicación, poniendo en valor las tendencias en esta materia. Las crisis sanitarias (Lorente, 2010), la pérdida de la reputación por una errónea gestión (Xifra, 2020), la gestión del miedo como instrumento de persuasión (Rodríguez-Andrés, 2011) son algunos de los temas que requieren de especial atención para conocer la respuesta de los stakeholders ante situaciones adversas. En este monográfico hacemos un llamamiento a artículos para profundizar en la gestión de crisis y las nuevas tendencias en políticas comunicativas y de marketing de las organizaciones, así como en la comunicación política como forma de conectar con la sociedad. Especial atención también presta esta llamada a artículos a las investigaciones en cuanto a la credibilidad de las organizaciones, a través de programas de responsabilidad social u otras formas de comunicación. Además, la vinculación entre crisis sanitarias y ODS se hace imprescindible en los tiempos que vivimos. Líneas prioritarias en este monográfico: - Gestión de la comunicación de crisis desde los gobiernos. Tendencias - Estrategias de comunicación de crisis en empresas. Políticas de Responsabilidad Social - Estrategias corporativas y de marketing en las empresas de comunicación - Comunicación política - Las crisis que vendrán y las vacunas de credibilidad - Comunicación de crisis, salud y OD

    Bulos y manipulación informativa sobre nutrición en redes sociales: análisis de dos casos de empleo de técnicas de neuromarketing en torno al azúcar

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    This article studies persuasive communication and neuromarketing techniques applied to food advertising on social networks. Specifically, an analysis of campaigns related to sugar consumption is carried out. This study aims to explain some predominant factors in the viralization of nutritional hoaxes through the analysis of the cases of: "149 calories of happiness" from Coca-Cola and the cocoa cream campaign of the influencer Carlos Ríos of the Real Fooding movement. According to the theory of change, the methodology used response to techniques such as the Backwards Mapping analysis to assess the social impact. The theoretical foundation uses the cognitive biases of neuromarketing as a reference, following several specialized authors whose methodology is expanded. The observation of the scope of the campaigns analyzed in Social Networks traces the causal relationship between the effect on the public and the impact generated in the established period. The viralization and impact of these campaigns have been measured based on quantitative and qualitative indicators. Based on the results obtained, we have verified how the controversy over the information's reliability has affected the campaign's perception, the degree of user satisfaction, and the reputation of the promoters of the products in question.This article studies persuasive communication and neuromarketing techniques applied to food advertising on social networks. Specifically, an analysis of campaigns related to sugar consumption is carried out. This study aims to explain some predominant factors in the viralization of nutritional hoaxes through the analysis of the cases of: "149 calories of happiness" from Coca-Cola and the cocoa cream campaign of the influencer Carlos Ríos of the Real Fooding movement. According to the theory of change, the methodology used response to techniques such as the Backwards Mapping analysis to assess the social impact. The theoretical foundation uses the cognitive biases of neuromarketing as a reference, following several specialized authors whose methodology is expanded. The observation of the scope of the campaigns analyzed in Social Networks traces the causal relationship between the effect on the public and the impact generated in the established period. The viralization and impact of these campaigns have been measured based on quantitative and qualitative indicators. Based on the results obtained, we have verified how the controversy over the information's reliability has affected the campaign's perception, the degree of user satisfaction, and the reputation of the promoters of the products in question.Este artículo estudia las técnicas de comunicación persuasiva y neuromarketing aplicadas a publicidad alimentaria en redes sociales. En concreto, se efectúa un análisis de campañas relativas al consumo de azúcar. Este estudio tiene como objetivo explicar algunos factores predominantes en la viralización de bulos nutricionales a través del análisis de los casos de: “149 calorías de felicidad” de Coca-Cola y de la campaña crema de cacao del influencer Carlos Ríos del movimiento Real Fooding. La metodología utilizada responde a técnicas como el análisis Backwards Mapping, según la teoría del cambio, para evaluar el impacto social. La fundamentación teórica utiliza como referencia los sesgos cognitivos del neuromarketing en concordancia con varios autores especializados de los cuales se amplía en la metodología. La observación del alcance de las campañas analizadas en Redes sociales traza la relación causal con respecto al efecto en el público e impacto generado en el periodo establecido. La viralización e impacto de estas campañas se ha medido a partir de indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos. En base a los resultados obtenidos, se constata cómo la controversia acerca de la fiabilidad de la información ha afectado la percepción de la campaña, el grado de satisfacción del usuario y la reputación de los promotores de los productos en cuestión


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