111 research outputs found

    The applicability of physical optics in the millimetre and sub-millimetre spectral region. Part II: Application to a three-component model of ice cloud and its evaluation against the bulk single-scattering properties of various other aggregate models

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    The bulk single-scattering properties of various randomly oriented aggregate ice crystal models are com- pared and contrasted at a number of frequencies between 89 and 874 GHz. The model ice particles consist of the ten-branched plate aggregate, five-branched plate aggregate, eight-branched hexagonal aggregate, Voronoi ice aggregate, six-branched hollow bullet rosette, hexagonal column of aspect ratio unity, and the ten-branched hexagonal aggregate. The bulk single-scattering properties of the latter two ice particle models have been calculated using the light scattering methods described in Part I, which represent the two most extreme members of an ensemble model of cirrus ice crystals. In Part I, it was shown that the method of physical optics could be combined with the T-matrix at a size parameter of about 18 to compute the bulk integral ice optical properties and the phase function in the microwave to sufficient ac- curacy to be of practical value. Here, the bulk single-scattering properties predicted by the two ensemble model members and the Voronoi model are shown to generally bound those of all other models at fre- quencies between 89 and 874 GHz, thus representing a three-component model of ice cloud that can be generally applied to the microwave, rather than using many differing ice particle models. Moreover, the Voronoi model and hollow bullet rosette scatter similarly to each other in the microwave. Furthermore, from the various comparisons, the importance of assumed shapes of the particle size distribution as well as cm-sized ice aggregates is demonstrated.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Accelerated Calder\'on preconditioning for Maxwell transmission problems

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    We investigate a range of techniques for the acceleration of Calder\'on (operator) preconditioning in the context of boundary integral equation methods for electromagnetic transmission problems. Our objective is to mitigate as far as possible the high computational cost of the barycentrically-refined meshes necessary for the stable discretisation of operator products. Our focus is on the well-known PMCHWT formulation, but the techniques we introduce can be applied generically. By using barycentric meshes only for the preconditioner and not for the original boundary integral operator, we achieve significant reductions in computational cost by (i) using "reduced" Calder\'on preconditioners obtained by discarding constituent boundary integral operators that are not essential for regularisation, and (ii) adopting a ``bi-parametric'' approach in which we use a lower quality (cheaper) H\mathcal{H}-matrix assembly routine for the preconditioner than for the original operator, including a novel approach of discarding far-field interactions in the preconditioner. Using the boundary element software Bempp (www.bempp.com), we compare the performance of different combinations of these techniques in the context of scattering by multiple dielectric particles. Applying our accelerated implementation to 3D electromagnetic scattering by an aggregate consisting of 8 monomer ice crystals of overall diameter 1cm at 664GHz leads to a 99% reduction in memory cost and at least a 75% reduction in total computation time compared to a non-accelerated implementation

    A New Parameterization of Single Scattering Solar Radiative Properties for Tropical Anvils Using Observed Ice Crystal Size and Shape Distributions

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    Parameterizations of single scattering properties currently used in cloud resolving and general circulation models are somewhat limited in that they typically assume the presence of single particle habits, do not adequately account for the numbers of ice crystals with diameters smaller than 100 mm, and contain no information about the variance of parameterization coefficients. Here, new parameterizations of mean single scattering properties (e.g., single scatter albedo, asymmetry parameter, and extinction efficiency) for distributions of ice crystals in tropical anvils are developed. Using information about the size and shape of ice crystals acquired by a two-dimensional cloud probe during the Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment (CEPEX), a self-organized neural network defines shape based on simulations of how the particle maximum dimension and area ratio (ratio of projected area to that of circumscribed circle with maximum dimension) vary for random orientations of different idealized shapes (i.e., columns, bullet rosettes, rough aggregates, and particles represented by Chebyshev poly-nomials). The size distributions for ice crystals smaller than 100 mm are based on parameterizations developed using representative samples of 11 633 crystals imaged by a video ice particle sampler (VIPS). The mean-scattering properties for distributions of ice crystals are then determined by weighting the single scattering properties of individual ice crystals, determined using an improved geometric ray-tracing method, according t

    Exact and near backscattering measurements of the linear depolarisation ratio of various ice crystal habits generated in a laboratory cloud chamber

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    © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Ice clouds were generated in the Manchester Ice Cloud Chamber (MICC), and the backscattering linear depolarisation ratio, δ, was measured for a variety of habits. To create an assortment of particle morphologies, the humidity in the chamber was varied throughout each experiment, resulting in a range of habits from the pristine to the complex. This technique was repeated at three temperatures: −7 °C, −15 °C and −30 °C, in order to produce both solid and hollow columns, plates, sectored plates and dendrites. A linearly polarised 532 nm continuous wave diode laser was directed through a section of the cloud using a non-polarising 50:50 beam splitter. Measurements of the scattered light were taken at 178°, 179° and 180°, using a Glan–Taylor prism to separate the co- and cross-polarised components. The intensities of these components were measured using two amplified photodetectors and the ratio of the cross- to co-polarised intensities was measured to find the linear depolarisation ratio. In general, it was found that Ray Tracing over-predicts the linear depolarisation ratio. However, by creating more accurate particle models which better represent the internal structure of ice particles, discrepancies between measured and modelled results (based on Ray Tracing) were reduced.Peer reviewe

    Методична система фізичного виховання як засіб формування фізкультурно-оздоровчих компетентностей у студентів

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    Ефективність системи фізичного виховання на сучасному етапі розвитку освіти в Україні визначається адекватним вибором мети і завдань, організаційних форм, методів і засобів навчання, оздоровлення та виховання у їх раціональному поєднанні для формування у студентів фізкультурно-оздоровчих компетентностей. Орієнтація на інноваційні технології фізичного виховання студентів призводить до суттєвих змін його змістової і процесуальної складових, детермінує модернізацію традиційної системи фізичного виховання, розробку і модернізацію нової методичної системи, яка становить теоретичні і методичні засади навчального процесу

    The 4D nucleome project

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    Walking with Media: Towards a mixed reality pedagogy in university learning environments

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    Recently the fields of architecture, media studies, and education have begun to converge through the proliferation of mixed reality technologies and interfaces. This convergence is widely described as offering new opportunities for immersive, seamless, decentralised and environmentally distributed learning experiences. This chapter contributes to a growing body of research exploring the transformation of learning environments through distributed media networks, digital databases, and innovative pedagogical interventions. It develops a theoretical framework for researching the interconnections between the built environment, mixed reality technologies, and place-based learning experiences and pedagogies. The second part of the chapter focuses on the development of the CubeWalk network, which involved a series of site-specific architectural installations, digital interfaces, and pedagogical interventions on a university campus in NSW, Australia. Two case studies are presented which describe the co-design and evaluation of mixed reality tutorial walks across the university campus. Drawing together insights rendered through the case studies, the chapter offers a series of theoretical propositions for a ‘mixed reality pedagogy’ that is distributed across 21st century learning environments and media networks