36 research outputs found

    Vurdering av tverrfaglig arbeid som inkluderer naturfag

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    I denne studien har jeg intervjuet fem lĂŠrere i to ulike lĂŠrerteam om hvordan de utarbeider og vurderer tverrfaglige arbeider som inkluderer naturfag pĂ„ vg1. Jeg har ogsĂ„ intervjuet deres elever om deres refleksjoner rundt vurderinger av tverrfaglige arbeider. Intervjuene er analysert for Ă„ besvare problemstillingen: «Hvordan vurderes tverrfaglige arbeider av lĂŠrere og elever i videregĂ„ende skole?» Diskusjonen og analysen knyttes til offentlige dokumenter som NOU 2014:7, NOU 2015:8, overordnet del av lĂŠreplanen, lĂŠreplanen i naturfag, Meld.ST.28 (2015-2016), samt relevant og aktuell forskningslitteratur. Samfunnets kompleksitet Ăžker og endringer skjer raskere. Arbeidslivet blir mer kunnskapsbasert og avhengig av teknologi og kommunikasjon. Samtidig stĂ„r vi overfor utfordringer med klimaendringer og bĂŠrekraftig utvikling. LĂŠreplanene i naturfag har over tid blitt bĂ„de omfattende og fragmentert. Med den nye lĂŠreplanen som kom i 2020 er fokuset lagt mer pĂ„ dybdelĂŠring i noen sentrale omrĂ„der i faget, og at man dessuten skal jobbe med tre tverrfaglige temaer; «BĂŠrekraftig utvikling», «Demokrati og medborgerskap» og «Folkehelse og livsmestring». Den nye lĂŠreplanen har et bredere kompetansebegrep og legger stĂžrre vekt pĂ„ refleksjon, samarbeid og dybdelĂŠring. Vurderingen av elevenes kompetanse mĂ„ derfor ogsĂ„ endres slik at man klarer Ă„ mĂ„le de kompetansene man Ăžnsker Ă„ vurdere. Funnene tyder pĂ„ at det er tidkrevende Ă„ endre vurderingspraksis. LĂŠrerne i min studie som hadde liten erfaring med tverrfaglig arbeid utarbeidet tema ved Ă„ lete etter felles lĂŠreplanmĂ„l. LĂŠrerne som hadde lang erfaring med tverrfaglig arbeid tok utgangspunkt i dagsaktuelle saker. Mens lĂŠrere som har liten erfaring med tverrfaglig arbeid har fokus pĂ„ sine egne fags lĂŠreplanmĂ„l, sĂ„ har lĂŠrere med lang erfaring med tverrfaglig arbeid lĂžftet fokuset opp fra sine egne fags lĂŠreplanmĂ„l og over pĂ„ fagovergripende kompetanser. Et annet funn er at elever bruker vurderingskriteriene aktivt underveis nĂ„r de arbeider med tverrfaglige oppgaver og at de ser sammenhengen mellom fagene nĂ„r de jobber tverrfaglig. Et tredje funn er at mens lĂŠrerne i min studie mener at fremovermelding uten karakterer til elevene er lĂŠringsfremmende, sĂ„ mener mange av elevene at de motiveres av Ă„ fĂ„ vurderinger med karakterer.In this study, I have interviewed five teachers in two different teams about how they prepare and evaluate interdisciplinary work that include science in vg1 (first year of upper secondary school). I have also interviewed their students about their reflections on evaluations of interdisciplinary work. The aim of the analysis of the interviews is to answer my approach: “How is interdisciplinary work evaluated by teachers and students in upper secondary schools?” The discussion and analysis is related to public documents; NOU 2014:7, NOU 2015:8, the overarching curriculum, the vg1 science curriculum, Meld.ST.28 (2015-2016), in addition to other relevant research literature. The complexity of society is increasing and the change is quickening. Labour becomes more knowledge based and dependent upon technology and communication. At the same time, we are facing challenges with climate changes and sustainable development. Over time, the science curriculum has become more comprehensive and fragmented. With the new curriculum from 2020, the focus is on in-depth learning in some key areas of the subject, in addition to working with three interdisciplinary themes; “Sustainable development”, “Democracy and citizenship” and “Public health and life skills”. The new curriculum has a broader concept of competence and places greater emphasis on reflection, collaboration and in-depth learning. In order to measure the competences we want to assess, the assessment of also need to change. The findings indicates that changing assessment practice is time-consuming. In this study, teachers with little experience in interdisciplinary work, prepared topics by looking for common curricular goals. Teachers with long experience in interdisciplinary work chose topics from current challenges. While the teachers with little experience in interdisciplinary work focused on curriculum objectives in their own subjects, the teachers with long experience in interdisciplinary work focused on overarching competences. Another finding is that students use the assessment criteria actively during their work with interdisciplinary tasks and see connections between different subjects when they work interdisciplinary. A third finding is that while teachers view formative assessment without grades as promoting, many students claims that grades motivates them

    Å mþte et barn : barn med utfordrende atferd, de voksnes holdning

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    Masteroppgave i tilpassa opplĂŠring - Nord universitet, 201

    Dialogues in science teaching.

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    Bacheloroppgave, grunnskolelĂŠrerutdanning, 2016.Norsk: Temaet for studien er dialoger i naturfagundervisningen. Problemstillingen jeg har sĂžkt Ă„ finne svar pĂ„ er: Hvordan kan dialoger fremme lĂŠring i naturfag? Studien viser at lĂŠrers valg av kommunikativ tilnĂŠrming har stor betydning for dialogens utvikling, og dermed elevenes lĂŠring i faget. Resultatene peker ogsĂ„ pĂ„ at bruk av ikke-rike spĂžrsmĂ„l og Ă„pne spĂžrsmĂ„l ikke utfordrer elevene med hensyn til tenkning og diskusjon. Elevenes lĂŠringsutbytte er dermed redusert. ”Teachable moments” kan vĂŠre planlagt, men kan ogsĂ„ oppstĂ„ spontant. Resultatene indikerer at planlagte ”teachable moments” mĂ„ planlegges godt for Ă„ utnyttes pĂ„ en god mĂ„te.English: The theme for this study is the use of dialogs in science education. The question I am trying to enlighten is: How can dialogs encourage learning in the teaching process of science? The study shows that the teacher’s choice of communicational approach is of great importance to the development of the dialog, and in return the pupils understanding of the subject. The results suggest that the utilization of questions asking about facts and open questions, do not challenge the pupils in regard to thinking and discussion. The pupil’s benefit of the teaching will therefor also be reduced. “Teachable moments” can be planned in advance, but can also occur spontaneously. The results indicate that the planned “teachable moments” must be well planned in order to make the most of these moments

    CPR Quality Officer role to improve CPR quality: A multi-centred international simulation randomised control trial

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    Background An out-of-hospital cardiac arrest requires early recognition, prompt and quality clinical interventions, and coordination between different clinicians to improve outcomes. Clinical team leaders and clinical teams have high levels of cognitive burden. We aimed to investigate the effect of a dedicated Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Quality Officer role on team performance. Methods This multi-centre randomised control trial used simulation in universities from the UK, Poland, and Norway. Student Paramedics participated in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest scenarios before randomisation to either traditional roles or assigning one member as the CPR Quality Officer. The quality of CPR was measured using QCPR¼ and Advanced Life Support (ALS) elements were evaluated. Results In total, 36 teams (108 individuals) participated. CPR quality from the first attempt (72.45%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 64.94 to 79.97) significantly increased after addition of the CPR Quality role (81.14%, 95% CI 74.20 to 88.07, p = 0.045). Improvement was not seen in the control group. The time to first defibrillation had no significant difference in the intervention group between the first attempt (53.77, 95% CI 36.57–70.98) and the second attempt (48.68, 95% CI 31.31–66.05, p = 0.84). The time to manage an obstructive airway in the intervention group showed significant difference (p = 0.006) in the first attempt (168.95, 95% CI 110.54–227.37) compared with the second attempt (136.95, 95% CI 87.03–186.88, p = 0.1). Conclusion A dedicated CPR Quality Officer in simulated scenarios improved the quality of CPR compressions without a negative impact on time to first defibrillation, managing the airway, or adherence to local ALS protocols

    CPR Quality Officer role to improve CPR quality: a multi-centred international simulation randomised control trial

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    Background: An out-of-hospital cardiac arrest requires early recognition, prompt and quality clinical interventions, and coordination between different clinicians to improve outcomes. Clinical team leaders and clinical teams have high levels of cognitive burden. We aimed to investigate the effect of a dedicated Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Quality Officer role on team performance. Methods: This multi-centre randomised control trial used simulation in universities from the UK, Poland, and Norway. Student Paramedics participated in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest scenarios before randomisation to either traditional roles or assigning one member as the CPR Quality Officer. The quality of CPR was measured using QCPR Ò and Advanced Life Support (ALS) elements were evaluated. Results: In total, 36 teams (108 individuals) participated. CPR quality from the first attempt (72.45%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 64.94 to 79.97) significantly increased after addition of the CPR Quality role (81.14%, 95% CI 74.20 to 88.07, p = 0.045). Improvement was not seen in the control group. The time to first defibrillation had no significant difference in the intervention group between the first attempt (53.77, 95% CI 36.57-70.98) and the second attempt (48.68, 95% CI 31.31-66.05, p = 0.84). The time to manage an obstructive airway in the intervention group showed significant difference (p = 0.006) in the first attempt (168.95, 95% CI 110.54-227.37) compared with the second attempt (136.95, 95% CI 87.03-186.88, p = 0.1). Conclusion: A dedicated CPR Quality Officer in simulated scenarios improved the quality of CPR compressions without a negative impact on time to first defibrillation, managing the airway, or adherence to local ALS protocols

    Exercise Training Reverses Extrapulmonary Impairments in Smoke-exposed Mice

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    Purpose: Cigarette smoking is the main risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema. However, evidence on the extrapulmonary effects of smoke exposure that precede lung impairments remains unclear at present, as are data on nonpharmacological treatments such as exercise training. Methods: Three groups of mice, including control (n = 10), smoking (n = 10), and smoking with 6 wk of high-intensity interval treadmill running (n = 11), were exposed to 20 wk of fresh air or whole-body cigarette smoke. Exercise capacity (peak oxygen uptake) and lung destruction (histology) were subsequently measured, whereas the heart, peripheral endothelium (aorta), and respiratory (diaphragm) and limb (extensor digitorum longus and soleus) skeletal muscles were assessed for in vivo and in vitro function, in situ mitochondrial respiration, and molecular alterations. Results: Smoking reduced body weight by 26% (P 0.05). Smoking impaired exercise capacity by 15% while inducing right ventricular dysfunction by ~20%, endothelial dysfunction by ~20%, and diaphragm muscle weakness by ~15% (all P < 0.05), but these were either attenuated or reversed by exercise training (P < 0.05). Compared with controls, smoking mice had normal limb muscle and mitochondrial function (cardiac and skeletal muscle fibers); however, diaphragm measures of oxidative stress and protein degradation were increased by 111% and 65%, respectively (P < 0.05), but these were attenuated by exercise training (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Prolonged cigarette smoking reduced exercise capacity concomitant with functional impairments to the heart, peripheral endothelium, and respiratory muscle that preceded the development of overt emphysema. However, high-intensity exercise training was able to reverse these smoke-induced extrapulmonary impairments

    Tyranniske demokratier : Et kvantitativt studie av forholdet mellom begrensninger pÄ utÞvende makt og risikoen for borgerkrigsutbrudd

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    Denne oppgavens overordnede problemstilling er som fÞlger: Kan begrensinger pÄ utÞvende makt redusere risikoen for borgerkrigsutbrudd i et land? Hovedresultaten fra analysen indkerer at innfÞring av begrensninger pÄ utÞvende makt kan redusere risikoen for borgerkrigsutbrudd i land med hÞy grad av politisk deltakelse, men Þke risikoen i land med lav politisk deltakels. I tillegg til Ä svare pÄ problemstillingen har denne oppgaven to hovedmÄl. Det fÞrste er Ä gi en solid teoretisk begrunnelse for hvorfor begrensninger pÄ utÞvende makt er sentralt for forventningen om at demokratier er mer internt fredlig enn andre regimer. Dette er ikke blitt tilstrekkelig grundig belyst i tidliger kvanitativ litteratur.Jeg vil bruke en prinsipal-agent tilnÊrming for Ä argumentere for at begrensninger pÄ utÞvende makt bÄde pÄvirker motivene for og muligheten til Ä gjÞre opprÞr