95 research outputs found

    Spectral characterizations and antibacterial effect of 2-(5-R-1H-benzimidazol-2-YL)-4-methyl/bromo-phenols and some metal complexes

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    2-(5-H/Cl/Me/NO2-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)-4-Me/Br-phenols (HL1–HL5) were synthesized. HL1 complexes with Cu(NO3)2, AgNO3, Zn(ClO4)2 and; HL4, HL5 complexes with Zn(ClO4)2 were prepared. The structures of the compounds were confirmed on the basis of elemental analysis, molar conductivity, magnetic moment, FT-IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR. Antibacterial activity of the ligands and the complexes were evaluated using the disk diffusion method in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as well as the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) dilution method, against nine bacteria, and the results were compared with penicillin–G and oxytetracycline. While HL1 ligand has considerable antibacterial activity on B. cereus only; it’s Ag(I) complex show antibacterial effect toward almost all the bacteria. It is highly interesting that HL5 and [Zn(HL5)(L5)]ClO4 exhibit considerable high antibacterial activity toward K. pneumoniae, B. cereus, S. epidermidis and B. subtilis. KEY WORDS: Benzimidazole, Phenol, Metal complexes, Antibacterial activity  Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2010, 24(3), 391-400

    Characterization of Faecal Enterococci from Wild Birds in Turkey and Its Importance in Antimicrobial Resistance

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    ΔΕΝ ΔΙΑ΀ΙΘΕ΀ΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΛΗιΗThis research aimed to investigate the diversity of faecal enterococci isolated from wild birds, to detecttheir antibiotic resistance patterns and to determine their distribution of genes related to vancomycin resistance. Additionally, to investigate their virulence factors that are important in the development of the disease. One hundred seven cloacal/rectal samples were inoculated onto Enterococcus Agar, and presumptive colonies were identified and confirmed by PCR. Multiplex PCR assays were used to screen vanA, vanB, vanC1 and vanC2/3. The virulence-related genes; ace, gelE, efa and agg were determined by PCR. Among the 103 enterococci, 62 E.faecalis, 23 E.faecium 3 E.gallinarum, 2 E.durans, 1 E.casseliflavus and 12 Enterococcus spp. were identified. Of the 103 enterococci, 26 were found to be resistant against to three or more antibiotics. The highest percentages were detected for chloramphenicol (52%), tetracycline (33%) and erythromycin (30%). Two E.gallinarum isolates were harboring three virulence factors, and one isolate was carrying a single virulence factor. There is no virulence factor in the E.casseliflavus isolate. Also, vanA and vanB genes were not found. Forty-two of 103 enterococci were harboring virulence factors, more frequently in E.faecalis. Forty-two enterococci carried efa A, 31 isolates carried gel E, and ace was found in 18 isolates. Virulence gene agg was not detected. When the results of the study were evaluated in general, multiple drug resistance was described as 25%. Considering the risk of polluting the water resources of wild animals, it is suggested that the continuity of this type of epidemiological study in wildlife animals is necessary. In conclusion, the wild birds may act as substantial reservoirs carrying antimicrobial resistance among enterococci and estimate the potential risk for man, pets and farm animals

    Preparation, characterization and antibacterial effect of 2-methoxy-6-(5-H/Me/Cl/NO2-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)phenols and some transition metal complexes

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    2-Methoxy-6-(5-H/methyl/chloro/nitro-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl)phenols (HLx; x = 1–4, respectively) ligands and HL1 complexes with Fe(NO3)3, Cu(NO3)2, AgNO3 and Zn(NO3)2 were synthesized and characterized. The structures of the compounds were confirmed based on elemental analysis, molar conductivity, magnetic moment, FT-IR, 1H- and 13C-NMR. The antibacterial activity and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the free ligands, their hydrochloride salts and the complexes were evaluated using the disk diffusion method in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the dilution method, respectively, against 9 bacteria. HL1 and HL3, as well as the Cu(II) and Zn(II) complexes, showed antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria

    ProĆĄirenost virusa virusnog proljeva u tkivima spolnog sustava goveda.

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    In this study, the cellular localisation and distribution of BVD viral antigens in genital system tissues were investigated in 65 non-pregnant dairy cows and in 65 bulls. For this study genital system tissue samples, taken from slaughtered bulls with no pathological lesions and from females having reproductive problems, were marked using the immunoperoxidase method on their paraffin sections. BVD viral antigens were determined in 15 of the 65 non-pregnant dairy cows (consistent with cell culture results) using the indirect immunoperoxidase method. BVD viral antigens were present in macrophage-like cells in the stroma of the ovaries and uterus. No BVD viral antigens were observed in the samples of testicles, epididymis, vesicula seminalis, or prostate in the male animals. In all animals, including BVDV-positive ones, no pathologic lesions were observed, except periodically non-specific subepithelial or stromal mononuclear cell infiltrations. Most of these cells were seen to be formed by lymphocytes and macrophages.IstraĆŸena je lokalizacija i proĆĄirenost antigena virusa virusnog proljeva goveda u tkivima spolnog sustava 65 negravidnih mliječnih krava i 65 bikova. U tu svrhu rabljen je imunoperoksidazni test na histoloĆĄkim rezovima tkiva. Tom metodom pretraĆŸeni su uzorci tkiva spolnih organa uzeti od zdravih zaklanih bikova te krava s reprodukcijskim poremećajima. Virusni antigeni dokazani su u 15 od 65 krava (sukladno s uzgojem virusa na staničnoj kulturi). Antigeni su bili prisutni u makrofagima sličnim stanicama unutar strome jajnika i maternice. Virusni antigeni nisu dokazani u uzorcima tkiva testisa, epididimisa, sjemene vrećice i prostate bikova. U pretraĆŸenih ĆŸivotinja, uključujući i one pozitivne na virus, nisu zabiljeĆŸene patoloĆĄke promjene, osim povremenih nespecifičnih subepitelijalnih ili stromalnih mononuklearnih infiltracija limfocitima i makrofagima

    Genetic basis of penicillin resistance of S. aureus isolated in bovine mastitis

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    Background: The blaZ gene encoding penicillin resistance can be located either chromosomally or on plasmids. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic relationships and to determine the location of the blaZ gene in S. aureus isolated in bovine mastitis in Finland and Sweden. Methods: Seventy-eight ÎČ-lactamase positive S. aureus isolates from bovine mastitis (34 from Finland and 44 from Sweden) were included in the study. The localization of blaZ gene was determined by Southern blotting. The blaZ genes of the isolates were sequenced and the sequences were translated to beta-lactamase proteins and further grouped as different protein signatures. The isolates and, as control, 33 Swedish and 36 Finnish beta-lactamase negative isolates were typed with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Results: In 26 out of 34 Finnish isolates (76.5%) and in 25 out of 44 Swedish isolates (56.8%) the blaZ gene was localized on a plasmid. Six different protein signatures were found. One signature was found only in four Swedish isolates, but all other signatures were found both in Finnish and Swedish isolates. The PFGE results revealed a diversity of S. aureus clones. The protein signatures were not clearly associated with certain pulsotypes. Conclusions: The plasmid location of the blaZ gene was not statistically significantly more common in Finland than in Sweden, and hence does not explain the higher proportion of penicillin-resistant isolates of S. aureus causing bovine mastitis in Finland compared to Sweden

    Novel Lineage of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Hong Kong

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    To determine whether spa type of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in pigs belonged to sequence type (ST) 398, we analyzed nasal swabs from pig carcasses at Hong Kong markets in 2008. ST9 belonging to spa type t899 was found for 16/100 samples, which indicates that a distinct lineage has emerged in pigs

    A multinational survey of companion animal veterinary clinicians: How can antimicrobial stewardship guidelines be optimised for the target stakeholder?

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    Antimicrobial stewardship initiatives are widely regarded as a cornerstone for ameliorating the global health impact of antimicrobial resistance. Within companion animal health, such efforts have largely focused on development and dissemination of antimicrobial stewardship guidelines (ASGs). However, there have been few attempts to understand veterinarian attitudes towards and knowledge of ASGs or to determine how awareness regarding ASGs might best be increased. An online survey regarding ASGs was formulated for veterinarians who treat companion animals. The survey was distributed across 46 European and associated countries between 12 January and 30 June, 2022. In total, 2271 surveys were completed, with 64.9% of respondents (n = 1474) reporting awareness and usage of at least one ASG. Respondents from countries with greater awareness of ASGs tended to report more appropriate use of antimicrobials (Spearman's rank coefficient = 0.6084, P ≀ 0.001), with respondents from countries with country-specific ASGs tending to score highest across both awareness and appropriate use domains. Respondents prioritised guidance around antimicrobial choice (82.0%, n = 1863), duration of treatment (66.0%, n = 1499), and dosage (51.9%, n = 1179) for inclusion in future ASGs, with 78.0% (n = 1776) of respondents preferring ASGs to be integrated into their patient management system. Awareness of ASGs and their use in companion animal veterinary practice appears to be greater than previously reported, with respondents tending to report antimicrobial prescription decision making broadly in line with current clinical recommendations. However, further initiatives aimed at maximising accessibility to ASGs both within countries and individual veterinary practices are recommended. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

    Risk factors for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in dogs and cats: a case-control study

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    Risk factors for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in dogs and cats were investigated in an unmatched case-control study. A total of 197 animals from 150 veterinary practices across the United Kingdom was enrolled, including 105 MRSA cases and 92 controls with methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) infection. The association of owners and veterinarian staff with the human healthcare sector (HCS) and animal-related characteristics such as signalment, antimicrobial and immunosuppressive therapy, and surgery were evaluated as putative risk factors using logistic regression. We found that significant risk factors for MRSA infection were the number of antimicrobial courses (p = 0.005), number of days admitted to veterinary clinics (p = 0.003) and having received surgical implants (p = 0.001). In addition, the odds of contact with humans which had been ill and admitted to hospital (p = 0.062) were higher in MRSA infected pets than in MSSA controls. The risk factors identified in this study highlight the need to increase vigilance towards identification of companion animal groups at risk and to advocate responsible and judicious use of antimicrobials in small animal practice

    Overview and Evaluation of Existing Guidelines for Rational Antimicrobial Use in Small-Animal Veterinary Practice in Europe

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    Antimicrobial stewardship guidelines (ASGs) represent an important tool to help veterinarians optimize their antimicrobial use with the objective of decreasing antimicrobial resistance. The aim of this study was to map and qualitatively assess the ASGs for antimicrobial use in cats and dogs in Europe. Country representatives of the European Network for Optimization of Veterinary Antimicrobial Treatment (ENOVAT) were asked to identify ASGs published in their countries. All collated ASGs updated since January 2010 containing recommendations on antimicrobial therapy for at least three conditions affecting different organ systems in cats and dogs underwent detailed review including AGREE II analysis. Out of forty countries investigated, fifteen ASGs from eleven countries met the inclusion criteria. Several critical principles of antimicrobial use were identified, providing a framework that should assist development of stewardship guidance. The AGREE II analysis highlighted several methodological limitations of the currently available ASGs. This study sheds light on the lack of national ASGs for dogs and cats in multiple European countries and should encourage national bodies to prioritize guideline development in small animals. A greater awareness of the need to use a structured approach to guideline development could improve the quality of ASGs in the future.publishedVersio

    An Exploratory Descriptive Study of Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Staphylococcus Spp. Isolated from Horses Presented at a Veterinary Teaching Hospital

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    Background Antimicrobial resistant Staphylococcus are becoming increasingly important in horses because of the zoonotic nature of the pathogens and the associated risks to caregivers and owners. Knowledge of the burden and their antimicrobial resistance patterns are important to inform control strategies. This study is an exploratory descriptive investigation of the burden and antimicrobial drug resistance patterns of Staphylococcus isolates from horses presented at a veterinary teaching hospital in South Africa. Methods Retrospective laboratory clinical records of 1027 horses presented at the University of Pretoria veterinary teaching hospital between 2007 and 2012 were included in the study. Crude and factor-specific percentages of Staphylococcus positive samples, antimicrobial resistant (AMR) and multidrug resistant (MDR) isolates were computed and compared across Staphylococcus spp., geographic locations, seasons, years, breed and sex using Chi-square and Fisher’s exact tests. Results Of the 1027 processed clinical samples, 12.0% were Staphylococcus positive. The majority of the isolates were S. aureus (41.5%) followed by S. pseudintermedius(14.6%). Fifty-two percent of the Staphylococcus positive isolates were AMR while 28.5% were MDR. Significant (p \u3c 0.05) differences in the percentage of samples with isolates that were AMR or MDR was observed across seasons, horse breeds and Staphylococcus spp. Summer season had the highest (64.3%) and autumn the lowest (29.6%) percentages of AMR isolates. Highest percentage of AMR samples were observed among the Boerperds (85.7%) followed by the American saddler (75%) and the European warm blood (73.9%). Significantly (p \u3c 0.001) more S. aureus isolates (72.5%) were AMR than S. pseudintermedius isolates (38.9%). Similarly, significantly (p \u3c 0.001) more S. aureus (52.9%) exhibited MDR than S. pseudintermedius (16.7%). The highest levels of AMR were towards ÎČ-lactams (84.5%) followed by trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (folate pathway inhibitors) (60.9%) while the lowest levels of resistance were towards amikacin (14.%). Conclusions This exploratory study provides useful information to guide future studies that will be critical for guiding treatment decisions and control efforts. There is a need to implement appropriate infection control, and judicious use of antimicrobials to arrest development of antimicrobial resistance. A better understanding of the status of the problem is a first step towards that goal
