2,844 research outputs found

    A comparative performance evaluation of different implementations of the SOAP protocol

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    Abstract—This paper presents a study evaluation of the SOAP [1] protocol performance between two different implementations: Java (Axis2) [2] and Erlang. This comparison has been carried out using several testbeds with input and output data of different sizes. More concretely, we developed three different web services representing typical scenarios likely to be found in real environments. The evaluation is two-fold: we measured both the number of requests per second answered (throughput) by each server and the response to a common server workload, mixing stress and stand-by phases. The Erlang [3] functional programming language claims to be especifically designed and suited for distributed, reliable and soft real-time concurrent systems. Morever, its built-in lightweight processes management and easeness of replication within distributed environments stand out Erlang as an appealing choice for service oriented architectures (SOAs) [4]. On the other hand, we compared this new approximation with the well-known Apache Axis2 project, as it is widely employed on the Web Services field by the Java community. This work allows us to conclude that the Erlang server is more suitable when the computational cost of the web service is low, whereas the Axis2 server is more efficient as the service workload increases. I

    Down-regulation of a pectin acetylesterase gene modifies strawberry fruit cell wall pectin stracture and increases fruit firmness

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    Antisense-mediated down-regulation of several fruit-specific genes has previously demonstrated how the cell wall disassembly in strawberry fruit is mediated by a series of enzymes that act sequentially (Posé et al. 2011). An interesting example, the silencing of the polygalacturonase gene FaPG1, was also related with a significant increase of the post-harvest strawberry fruit firmness (Posé et al. 2013). Our research group has isolated a pectin acetylesterase gene, FaPAE1, which expression is enhanced during strawberry ripening. The main goal of this work was to elucidate the role of the degree of acetylation in cell wall integrity and fruit firmness through the antisense-mediated down-regulation of FaPAE1 in strawberry plants. Several transgenics lines were generated and 5 of them produced fruits 5-15% firmer than controls. Cell wall from ripe fruits was isolated from two independent transgenic lines and a control line, and sequentially extracted with different solvents (PAW, H2O, CDTA, Na2CO3). Modifications in fraction yield, its sugar composition and the degree of acetylation in each fraction were determined. Higher amounts of CDTA and Na2CO3 fractions were obtained in transgenic fruits, suggesting a decreased pectin solubilization as results of FaPAE1 silencing. Accordingly, the degree of acetylation of the Na2CO3-soluble pectins was greater in the transgenic lines than the control, but the opposite result was found in pectins from the CDTA fraction. These results suggest that PAE is preferentially active in pectis that are tightly bound to the cellulose-hemicellulose network and its activity could reduce the complexity of the cell wall structure, allowing that other hydrolytic enzymes could access the pectin chains. Thus, the increased fruit firmness observed in the transgenic FaPAE1 lines could be attributed to the direct effect of the silencing of the PAE enzyme and also to the indirect effect that the increase of the degree of acetylation of pectins has on the activity of other enzymes involved in the cell wall degradation. * Posé et al. (2011). Genes, Genomes and Genomics, 5 (Special Issue 1):40-48 * Posé et al. (2013). Plant Physiology, 150: 1022-1032 We acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and competitivity and Feder EU Funds (grant reference AGL2011-24814), FPI fellowships support for SP (BES-2006-13626) and CP (BES-2009027985), and grant "Ramón y Cajal" support for AJMA (RYC-2011-08839).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rhamnogalacturonase lyase gene downregulation in strawberry and its potential on mechanical fruit properties

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    Strawberry softening is one of the main factors that reduces fruit quality and leads to economically important losses. Textural changes during fruit ripening are mainly due to the dissolution of middle lamellae, a reduction in cell-to-cell adhesion and the weakening of parenchyma cell walls as a result of the action of cell wall modifying enzymes. Functional studies of genes encoding pectinase enzymes (polygalacturonase, pectate lyase and -galactosidase) support a key role of pectin disassembly in strawberry softening. Evidence that RG-I may play an important role in strawberry texture has been obtained from the transient silencing of a RG-lyase gene. Pectins are major components of fruit cell walls and highly dynamic polysaccharides, but due to their heterogeneity the precise relation between the structures and functions is incomplete. In this work, stable transgenic strawberry lines with a rhamnogalacturonate lyase gene (FaRGLyase1) down-regulated have been analyzed. Several transgenic lines showing more than 95% silencing of FaRGLyase1 displayed fruit firmness values higher than control. Cell walls from these lines were extracted and analyzed by ELISA and Epitope Detection Chromatography (EDC). This last technique is based on the detection of specific cell wall oligosaccharide epitopes and provides information on sub-populations of pectins containing homogalacturonan and RG-I domains, but also reveals potential links with other cell wall polysaccharides such as xyloglucan. The results obtained indicate that the silencing of FaRGLyase1 reduces degradation of RG-I backbones, but also homogalacturonan, in cell walls, especially in pectin fractions covalently bound to the cell wall. These changes contribute to the increased firmness of transgenic fruits.This research was supported by FEDER EU Funds and the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain (grant reference AGL2014-55784-C2), a Marie Curie IEF within the 7th European Community Framework Programme (reference: PIEF-2013-625270) for SP and a FPI fellowship (BES-2015-073616) to support PR-V. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El reto del envejecimiento y la complejidad farmacoterapéutica en el paciente VIH+

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    Objective: To describe the current knowledge and management of aging and pharmacotherapeutic complexity in HIV + patients. Method: A review of literature was carried out, including articles, originals or reviews, published in English or Spanish, from 2007 to 2017, which analysed the aging and pharmacotherapeutic complexity in HIV + patients. The terms «Polypharmacy»/«Polifarmacia», «Aging»/«Envejecimiento», «Frailty»/«Fragilidad», «Complejidad Farmacotera péutica»/«Medication Regimen Complexity» and «HIV»/«VIH» were combined. The review was carried out independently by two authors. The degree of agreement, according to the Kappa index, was analysed. Results: A total of 208 references were analysed, including, finally, only 68. An aging of the population and an increase in associated comorbidities have been identified, especially over 50 years-old. Immunological changes similar to those that are generated in a non-infected elderly population have been described. These conditions influencing the prescription of antiretroviral treatment, according to studies identified. In parallel, polypharmacy is increasingly present, being defined exclusively by the concomitant use of five drugs. Pharmacotherapeutic complexity, through the Medication Regimen Complexity Index, has begun to analyse and relate to health outcomes. There has been a need to know and apply concepts already known in non-HIV-aged population, such as deprescription, potentially inappropriate medication, cholinergic risk, although few results are available. Conclusions: There is a growing interest to know about the relationship between HIV and aging. Pharmacotherapeutic complexity is beginning to be used as a pharmacotherapeutic follow-up criterion due to its influence on health outcomes. It is necessary to manage and incorporate new concepts that help pharmacotherapeutic optimization in this population

    Machine Learning Analysis of TCGA Cancer Data

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    [Abstract] In recent years, machine learning (ML) researchers have changed their focus towards biological problems that are difficult to analyse with standard approaches. Large initiatives such as The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) have allowed the use of omic data for the training of these algorithms. In order to study the state of the art, this review is provided to cover the main works that have used ML with TCGA data. Firstly, the principal discoveries made by the TCGA consortium are presented. Once these bases have been established, we begin with the main objective of this study, the identification and discussion of those works that have used the TCGA data for the training of different ML approaches. After a review of more than 100 different papers, it has been possible to make a classification according to following three pillars: the type of tumour, the type of algorithm and the predicted biological problem. One of the conclusions drawn in this work shows a high density of studies based on two major algorithms: Random Forest and Support Vector Machines. We also observe the rise in the use of deep artificial neural networks. It is worth emphasizing, the increase of integrative models of multi-omic data analysis. The different biological conditions are a consequence of molecular homeostasis, driven by both protein coding regions, regulatory elements and the surrounding environment. It is notable that a large number of works make use of genetic expression data, which has been found to be the preferred method by researchers when training the different models. The biological problems addressed have been classified into five types: prognosis prediction, tumour subtypes, microsatellite instability (MSI), immunological aspects and certain pathways of interest. A clear trend was detected in the prediction of these conditions according to the type of tumour. That is the reason for which a greater number of works have focused on the BRCA cohort, while specific works for survival, for example, were centred on the GBM cohort, due to its large number of events. Throughout this review, it will be possible to go in depth into the works and the methodologies used to study TCGA cancer data. Finally, it is intended that this work will serve as a basis for future research in this field of study.This work was supported by the “Collaborative Project in Genomic Data Integration (CICLOGEN)” PI17/01826 funded by the Carlos III Health Institute from the Spanish National plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013–2016 and the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER)—“A way to build Europe.” and the General Directorate of Culture, Education and University Management of Xunta de Galicia (Ref. ED431D 2017/16), the “Galician Network for Colorectal Cancer Research” (Ref. ED431D 2017/23) and Competitive Reference Groups (Ref. ED431C 2018/49). CITIC, as Research Center accredited by Galician University System, is funded by “Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidades from Xunta de Galicia”, supported in an 80% through ERDF Funds, ERDF Operational Programme Galicia 2014–2020, and the remaining 20% by “Secretaría Xeral de Universidades” (Grant ED431G 2019/01). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptXunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/16Xunta de Galicia; ED431D 2017/23Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/49Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0

    Un estudio de evaluación sobre el tratamiento de las isometrías en el segundo ciclo de la eso en galicia

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    El objeto de este artículo es presentar un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de las respuestas, de una muestra representativa de alumnos de 2º ciclo de la ESO de la comunidad gallega, a una serie de ítems relacionados con las isometrías del plano. Los resultados presentados en este trabajo han sido además confrontados con las directrices del currículo ofi cial como guía propuesta por la Administración Educativa, con el desarrollo que se hace de estas directrices en los libros de texto más utilizados en las aulas gallegas y, por último, con la particular visión que el docente tiene de ese tema concreto de las matemáticas y su repercusión sobre el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las transformaciones geométricas en el plano.The aim of this article is to present a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the answers from a representative sample of ESO second cycle students in the Galician community to a series of items connected with the isometries of the plane. The results presented in this paper have been compared with the official curriculum rules as a proposed guide by the educative administration, with the developement of these rules in the most used text books in Galician classrooms and, finally, with the particular view of teachers of this specific topic of Mathematics and its consequences on the teaching/learning process of geometric transformations on the plane

    Habitat, world geographic range, and embryonic development of hosts explain the prevalence of avian hematozoa at small spatial and phylogenetic scales

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    The factors explaining interspecific differences in prevalences of blood parasites in birds are poorly known. We simultaneously assessed 20 social, ecological, life history, and sampling-related variables that could influence hemoparasite prevalences among diurnal birds of prey in Spain. Our results show that multiple factors are responsible for the studied host-parasite association. We confirmed for the first time that prevalence is inversely correlated to the embryonic development period, and thus probably to immune performance, even among closely related birds. Macrohabitat features related to vector availability are also important, prevalences being higher in species breeding in forested habitats. Finally, prevalence is positively correlated with the host's world geographic range. We hypothesize that larger geographic ranges offered more opportunities for host-vector-hemoparasite associations to become established. The results from our multivariate analyses differ from those obtained through univariate ones, showing that all potential factors should be assessed jointly when testing any ecological or evolutionary hypothesis dealing with parasites.Peer Reviewe

    Monumento a Prudencio en Calahorra (La Rioja)

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    Aristolochia quiricoana (Aristolochiaceae), a new species from southern Costa Rica

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    Background and Aims: Aristolochia is the largest genus in Aristolochiaceae and is widely distributed in the world. A recent synopsis of Aristolochia in Costa Rica recognized 19 species; nevertheless, recent botanical exploration in southwestern Costa Rica has revealed yet another new species of this genus. Methods: The new species resulted from fieldwork in Buenos Aires, Puntarenas Province. Specimens from several herbaria were examined, as well as the type material of the most morphologically similar species. Comments about its distribution, habitat, phenology, conservation status and morphological distinction from related species are provided. Key results: Aristolochia quiricoana, a member of Aristolochia series Thyrsicae, is described and illustrated from the southern Pacific region of Costa Rica, where it is apparently endemic. It is similar to A. ornithorhyncha, from which it is distinguished by its shorter pedicels, wider, oblong perigone limbs with a shorter appendix, and a different floral color pattern. Conclusions: The new taxon described here represents the 22nd species documented in Aristolochia series Thyrsicae, as well as the 20th species of the genus from Costa Rica

    El uso del ajuste lineal en los espectros de tamaño de biomasa para diseñar indicadores ecosistémicos

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    Biomass size spectra describe the structure of aquatic communities ataxonomically. The slope (b) of the normalized biomass size spectrum (NBSS) is often used as an indicator of the impact of perturbations, such as pollution or overfishing. The NBSS intercept (a), has generally been ignored on the basis of a correlation between the NBSS slope and intercept, although this correlation has not been shown to be universal. We assessed whether the NBSS parameters are correlated using: (i) theoretical analysis, (ii) virtual communities randomly generated based only on statistical considerations, and (iii) virtual food webs changing over time following a dynamic bioenergetic model. We also analyzed whether the parameters of the Pareto distribution are correlated or not, using approaches (i) and (ii). We found that when communities change over time there is no single relationship between the two NBSS parameters, due to a dependence on the variation in total community abundance (N). We conclude that to characterize any aquatic system at least two parameters are necessary from the NBSS triad N, a, b. In the case of the Pareto distribution, both NPareto and bPareto are necessary.Los espectros de tamaño de biomasa son un método ataxonómico para describir la estructura de comunidades acuáticas. La pendiente (b) del espectro de tamaños de biomasa normalizado (ETBN) se usa como un indicador del impacto de perturbaciones tales como polución y sobrepesca. El intercepto del ETBN (a) ha sido normalmente ignorado debido a una correlación observada entre la pendiente y el intercepto del ETBN, aunque no se ha demostrado la recurrencia de esta correlación. Se evaluó esta correlación entre los parámetros usando: (i) análisis teórico, (ii) comunidades virtuales generadas aleatoriamente basado en consideraciones estadísticas, y (iii) redes tróficas virtuales cambiando en el tiempo siguiendo un modelo bioenergético dinámico. Además, se analizó si los parámetros de la distribución de Pareto estaban o no correlacionados usando los enfoques (i) y (ii). Cuando las comunidades cambian en el tiempo no existe una única correlación entre los parámetros del ETBN, debido a una dependencia en la variación de la abundancia comunitaria (N). Para caracterizar cualquier sistema acuático se necesitan al menos dos coeficientes del ETBN de la triada N, a, b. En la distribución de Pareto los dos parámetros, NPareto y bPareto, son necesarios