1,522 research outputs found

    The effects of ram-pressure stripping on the internal kinematics of simulated spiral galaxies

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    We investigate the influence of ram-pressure stripping on the internal gas kinematics of simulated spiral galaxies. Additional emphasis is put on the question of how the resulting distortions of the gaseous disc are visible in the rotation curve and/or the full 2D velocity field of galaxies at different redshifts. A Milky-Way type disc galaxy is modelled in combined N-body/hydrodynamic simulations with prescriptions for cooling, star formation, stellar feedback, and galactic winds. This model galaxy moves through a constant density and temperature gas, which has parameters similar to the intra-cluster medium (ICM). Rotation curves (RCs) and 2D velocity fields of the gas are extracted from these simulations in a way that follows the procedure applied to observations of distant, small, and faint galaxies as closely as possible. We find that the appearance of distortions of the gaseous disc due to ram-pressure stripping depends on the direction of the acting ram pressure. In the case of face-on ram pressure, the distortions mainly appear in the outer parts of the galaxy in a very symmetric way. In contrast, in the case of edge-on ram pressure we find stronger distortions. The 2D velocity field also shows signatures of the interaction in the inner part of the disc. At angles smaller than 45 degrees between the ICM wind direction and the disc, the velocity field asymmetry increases significantly compared to larger angles. Compared to distortions caused by tidal interactions, the effects of ram-pressure stripping on the velocity field are relatively low in all cases and difficult to observe at intermediate redshift in seeing-limited observations. (abridged)Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The narrow X-ray tail and double H-alpha tails of ESO 137-002 in Abell 3627

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    We present the analysis of a deep Chandra observation of a ~2L_* late-type galaxy, ESO 137-002, in the closest rich cluster A3627. The Chandra data reveal a long (>40 kpc) and narrow tail with a nearly constant width (~3 kpc) to the southeast of the galaxy, and a leading edge ~1.5 kpc from the galaxy center on the upstream side of the tail. The tail is most likely caused by the nearly edge-on stripping of ESO 137-002's ISM by ram pressure, compared to the nearly face-on stripping of ESO 137-001 discussed in our previous work. Spectral analysis of individual regions along the tail shows that the gas throughout it has a rather constant temperature, ~1 keV, very close to the temperature of the tails of ESO 137-001, if the same atomic database is used. The derived gas abundance is low (~0.2 solar with the single-kT model), an indication of the multiphase nature of the gas in the tail. The mass of the X-ray tail is only a small fraction (<5%) of the initial ISM mass of the galaxy, suggesting that the stripping is most likely at an early stage. However, with any of the single-kT, double-kT and multi-kT models we tried, the tail is always "over-pressured" relative to the surrounding ICM, which could be due to the uncertainties in the abundance, thermal vs. non-thermal X-ray emission, or magnetic support in the ICM. The H-alpha data from SOAR show a ~21 kpc tail spatially coincident with the X-ray tail, as well as a secondary tail (~12 kpc long) to the east of the main tail diverging at an angle of ~23 degrees and starting at a distance of ~7.5 kpc from the nucleus. At the position of the secondary H-alpha tail, the X-ray emission is also enhanced at the ~2 sigma level. We compare the tails of ESO 137-001 and ESO 137-002, and also compare the tails to simulations. Both the similarities and differences of the tails pose challenges to the simulations. Several implications are briefly discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Does technology affect network structure? : a quantitative analysis of collaborative research projects in two specific EU programmes

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    Ram pressure profiles in galaxy groups and clusters

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    Using a hybrid method which combines non-radiative hydrodynamical simulations with a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation, we determine the ram pressure as a function of halocentric distance experienced by galaxies in haloes with virial masses 12.5 <= log (M_200 h/M_Sun) < 15.35, for redshifts 0 <= z <= 3. The ram pressure is calculated with a self-consistent method which uses the simulation gas particles to obtain the properties of the intergalactic medium. The ram pressure profiles obtained can be well described by beta profile models, with parameters that depend on redshift and halo virial mass in a simple fashion. The fitting formulae provided here will prove useful to include ram pressure effects into semi-analytic models based on methods which lack gas physics, such as dark matter-only simulations or the Press-Schechter formalism.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The properties of the Malin 1 galaxy giant disk: A panchromatic view from the NGVS and GUViCS surveys

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    Low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) represent a significant percentage of local galaxies but their formation and evolution remain elusive. They may hold crucial information for our understanding of many key issues (i.e., census of baryonic and dark matter, star formation in the low density regime, mass function). The most massive examples - the so called giant LSBGs - can be as massive as the Milky Way, but with this mass being distributed in a much larger disk. Malin 1 is an iconic giant LSBG, perhaps the largest disk galaxy known. We attempt to bring new insights on its structure and evolution on the basis of new images covering a wide range in wavelength. We have computed surface brightness profiles (and average surface brightnesses in 16 regions of interest), in six photometric bands (FUV, NUV, u, g, i, z). We compared these data to various models, testing a variety of assumptions concerning the formation and evolution of Malin 1. We find that the surface brightness and color profiles can be reproduced by a long and quiet star-formation history due to the low surface density; no significant event, such as a collision, is necessary. Such quiet star formation across the giant disk is obtained in a disk model calibrated for the Milky Way, but with an angular momentum approximately 20 times larger. Signs of small variations of the star-formation history are indicated by the diversity of ages found when different regions within the galaxy are intercompared.For the first time, panchromatic images of Malin 1 are used to constrain the stellar populations and the history of this iconic example among giant LSBGs. Based on our model, the extreme disk of Malin 1 is found to have a long history of relatively low star formation (about 2 Msun/yr). Our model allows us to make predictions on its stellar mass and metallicity.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Deese-roediger-McDermott paradigm: Effect of previous recall and type of memory task

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    Pretendeu-se averiguar se a activação dos itens críticos no paradigma de Deese-Roediger-McDermott também ocorreria numa tarefa de completamento. Para analisar a contaminação explícita explorámos a existência de resultados dissociados em função da manipulação do nível de processamento. Na tarefa de completamento, a primação semântica foi estatisticamente superior à primação directa. A ausência do efeito do nível de processamento demonstra que o teste foi de memória implícita. Também avaliámos o impacto de uma tarefa de evocação numa tarefa de memória posterior. Verificámos que a evocação prévia anulou o efeito do nível de processamento na tarefa de reconhecimento. Na tarefa de completamento de inícios de palavras, o incremento de inícios de palavras completados com associados só foi expressivo quando as palavras foram codificadas superficialmente.This study aimed to verifj whether lhe activation ofcritical items in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott paradigm ofproducing false memories could also occur in the word stem completion task. The finding that lhe levei ofprocessing did not seem to have any effect on the word stem completion task supported lhe conclusion that the stem completion task was in fact an irnplicit memory test. The impact of a previous recali in a followng memory task was also evaluated. The results indicated that lhe previous recall inhibited the effect ofthe processing levei in lhe recognition task. In the word stem completion task lhe increase ofstems completed with associates was only relevam when words were encoded superficialiy.(undefined