63 research outputs found

    Predictive prey pursuit in a whiskered robot

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    Highly active small mammals need to capture prey rapidly and with a high success rate if they are to survive. We consider the case of the Etruscan shrew, which hunts prey including crickets almost as large as itself, and relies on its whiskers (vibrissae) to complete a kill. We model this hunting behaviour using a whiskered robot. Shrews strike rapidly and accurately after gathering very limited sensory information; we attempt to match this performance by using model-based simultaneous discrimination and localisation of a ‘prey’ robot (i.e. by using strong priors). We report performance that is comparable, given the spatial and temporal scale differences, to shrew performance in most respects

    Living in a cloud: intraspecific facilitation by allelochemical mediated grazing protection 1 2

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    Abstract 23 Dinoflagellates are a major cause of harmful algal blooms, with consequences for coastal marine 24 ecosystem functioning and services. Alexandrium tamarense is one of the most abundant and 25 widespread toxigenic species in the temperate northern and southern hemisphere, and produces 26 paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins as well as lytic allelochemical substances. These bioactive 27 compounds may support the success of A. tamarense and its ability to form blooms. Here we 28 investigate grazing of highly (Alex2) and moderately (Alex4) allelochemical active A. tamarense 29 strains and a non-allelochemical active conspecific (Alex5) by the heterotrophic dinoflagellate 30 Polykrikos kofoidii in monoclonal and mixed experimental set-ups. While Alex4 and particularly 31 Alex5 were strongly grazed by P. kofoidii in monoclonal set-ups, both strains did grow well in 32 the mixed assemblages (Alex4+Alex5 and Alex2+Alex5). Hence, the allelochemical active 33 strains facilitate the non-active strain by protecting the population against grazing. This 34 allelochemical mediated facilitation resembles associational resistance observed in various 35 macroalgal and plant communities. Occurring intraspecifically it may partly explain the high 36 genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Alexandrium populations. It is furthermore conceivable 37 that these diverse populations comprise multiple cooperative traits that may support mutual 38 intraspecific facilitation, which in turn will promote the success of this notorious harmful algal 39 bloom species. 40 4

    High Genetic Diversity and Fine-Scale Spatial Structure in the Marine Flagellate Oxyrrhis marina (Dinophyceae) Uncovered by Microsatellite Loci

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    Free-living marine protists are often assumed to be broadly distributed and genetically homogeneous on large spatial scales. However, an increasing application of highly polymorphic genetic markers (e.g., microsatellites) has provided evidence for high genetic diversity and population structuring on small spatial scales in many free-living protists. Here we characterise a panel of new microsatellite markers for the common marine flagellate Oxyrrhis marina. Nine microsatellite loci were used to assess genotypic diversity at two spatial scales by genotyping 200 isolates of O. marina from 6 broad geographic regions around Great Britain and Ireland; in one region, a single 2 km shore line was sampled intensively to assess fine-scale genetic diversity. Microsatellite loci resolved between 1–6 and 7–23 distinct alleles per region in the least and most variable loci respectively, with corresponding variation in expected heterozygosities (He) of 0.00–0.30 and 0.81–0.93. Across the dataset, genotypic diversity was high with 183 genotypes detected from 200 isolates. Bayesian analysis of population structure supported two model populations. One population was distributed across all sampled regions; the other was confined to the intensively sampled shore, and thus two distinct populations co-occurred at this site. Whilst model-based analysis inferred a single UK-wide population, pairwise regional FST values indicated weak to moderate population sub-division (0.01–0.12), but no clear correlation between spatial and genetic distance was evident. Data presented in this study highlight extensive genetic diversity for O. marina; however, it remains a substantial challenge to uncover the mechanisms that drive genetic diversity in free-living microorganisms

    Diversity and dynamics of a widespread bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense

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    © The Author(s), 2011. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 6 (2011): e22965, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022965.Historically, cosmopolitan phytoplankton species were presumed to represent largely unstructured populations. However, the recent development of molecular tools to examine genetic diversity have revealed differences in phytoplankton taxa across geographic scales and provided insight into the physiology and ecology of blooms. Here we describe the genetic analysis of an extensive bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense that occurred in the Gulf of Maine in 2005. This bloom was notable for its intensity and duration, covering hundreds of kilometers and persisting for almost two months. Genotypic analyses based on microsatellite marker data indicate that the open waters of the northeastern U.S. harbor a single regional population of A. fundyense comprising two genetically distinct sub-populations. These subpopulations were characteristic of early- and late-bloom samples and were derived from the northern and southern areas of the bloom, respectively. The temporal changes observed during this study provide clear evidence of succession during a continuous bloom and show that selection can act on the timescale of weeks to significantly alter the representation of genotypes within a population. The effects of selection on population composition and turnover would be magnified if sexual reproduction were likewise influenced by environmental conditions. We hypothesize that the combined effects of differential growth and reproduction rates serves to reduce gene flow between the sub-populations, reinforcing population structure while maintaining the diversity of the overall regional population.This work was supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (1-P50-ES012742 to DMA and DLE), by the National Science Foundation through the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health (OCE-0430724), and by the ECOHAB program (NOAA Grant NA06NOS4780245)

    Contrasting signals from multiple markers illuminate population connectivity in a marine fish

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    Recent advances in molecular biology and bioinformatics have helped to unveil striking and previously unrecognized patterns of geographic genetic structure in marine populations. Largely driven by the pressing needs of fisheries management and conservation, studies on marine fish populations have played a pivotal role in testing the efficiency of a range of approaches to explore connectivity and dispersal at sea. Here, we employed nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers and parasitic infestations to examine the nature and patterns of population structure in a warm-temperate coastal marine teleost across major putative biogeographic barriers in the Mediterranean Sea and Eastern Atlantic Ocean. We detected deep genetic divergence between mitochondrial lineages, likely caused by dramatic climatic and geological transformations before and during the Pleistocene. Such long-diverged lineages later came into secondary contact and can now be found in sympatry. More importantly, microsatellite data revealed that these lineages, after millions of years of independent evolution, now interbreed extensively. By combining genetic and parasite data, we were able to identify at least five independent demographic units. While the different genetic and parasite-based methods produce notably contrasting signals and may complicate the reconstruction of connectivity dynamics, we show that by tailoring the correct interpretation to each of the descriptors used, it is possible to achieve a deeper understanding of the micro-evolutionary process and, consequently, resolve population structure

    A Molecular and Co-Evolutionary Context for Grazer Induced Toxin Production in Alexandrium tamarense

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    Marine dinoflagellates of the genus Alexandrium are the proximal source of neurotoxins associated with Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning. The production of these toxins, the toxin biosynthesis and, thus, the cellular toxicity can be influenced by abiotic and biotic factors. There is, however, a lack of substantial evidence concerning the toxins' ecological function such as grazing defense. Waterborne cues from copepods have been previously found to induce a species-specific increase in toxin content in Alexandrium minutum. However, it remains speculative in which context these species-specific responses evolved and if it occurs in other Alexandrium species as well. In this study we exposed Alexandrium tamarense to three copepod species (Calanus helgolandicus, Acartia clausii, and Oithona similis) and their corresponding cues. We show that the species-specific response towards copepod-cues is not restricted to one Alexandrium species and that co-evolutionary processes might be involved in these responses, thus giving additional evidence for the defensive role of phycotoxins. Through a functional genomic approach we gained insights into the underlying molecular processes which could trigger the different outcomes of these species-specific responses and consequently lead to increased toxin content in Alexandrium tamarense. We propose that the regulation of serine/threonine kinase signaling pathways has a major influence in directing the external stimuli i.e. copepod-cues, into different intracellular cascades and networks in A. tamarense. Our results show that A. tamarense can sense potential predating copepods and respond to the received information by increasing its toxin production. Furthermore, we demonstrate how a functional genomic approach can be used to investigate species interactions within the plankton community

    The Hidden Sexuality of Alexandrium Minutum: An Example of Overlooked Sex in Dinoflagellates

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    Dinoflagellates are haploid eukaryotic microalgae in which rapid proliferation causes dense blooms, with harmful health and economic effects to humans. The proliferation mode is mainly asexual, as the sexual cycle is believed to be rare and restricted to stressful environmental conditions. However, sexuality is key to explaining the recurrence of many dinoflagellate blooms because in many species the fate of the planktonic zygotes (planozygotes) is the formation of resistant cysts in the seabed (encystment). Nevertheless, recent research has shown that individually isolated planozygotes in the lab can enter other routes besides encystment, a behavior of which the relevance has not been explored at the population level. In this study, using imaging flow cytometry, cell sorting, and Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH), we followed DNA content and nuclear changes in a population of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum that was induced to encystment. Our results first show that planozygotes behave like a population with an “encystment-independent” division cycle, which is light-controlled and follows the same Light:Dark (L:D) pattern as the cycle governing the haploid mitosis. Resting cyst formation was the fate of just a small fraction of the planozygotes formed and was restricted to a period of strongly limited nutrient conditions. The diploid-haploid turnover between L:D cycles was consistent with two-step meiosis. However, the diel and morphological division pattern of the planozygote division also suggests mitosis, which would imply that this species is not haplontic, as previously considered, but biphasic, because individuals could undergo mitotic divisions in both the sexual (diploid) and the asexual (haploid) phases. We also report incomplete genome duplication processes. Our work calls for a reconsideration of the dogma of rare sex in dinoflagellates.Versión del edito

    Intraspecific facilitation by allelochemical mediated grazing protection within a toxigenic dinoflagellate population

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    Dinoflagellates are a major cause of harmful algal blooms (HABs), with consequences for coastal marine ecosystem functioning and services. Alexandrium fundyense (previously Alexandrium tamarense) is one of the most abundant and widespread toxigenic species in the temperate Northern and Southern Hemisphere and produces paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins as well as lytic allelochemical substances. These bioactive compounds may support the success of A. fundyense and its ability to form blooms. Herewe investigate the impact of grazing on monoclonal and mixed set-ups of highly (Alex2) and moderately (Alex4) allelochemically active A. fundyense strains and a non-allelochemically active conspecific (Alex5) by the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Polykrikos kofoidii. While Alex4 and particularly Alex5 were strongly grazed by P. kofoidii when offered alone, both strains grew well in the mixed assemblages (Alex4 þ Alex5 and Alex2 þ Alex5). Hence, the allelochemical active strains facilitated growth of the non-active strain by protecting the population as awhole against grazing. Based on our results, we argue that facilitation among clonal lineages within a species may partly explain the high genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Alexandrium populations. Populations of Alexandrium may comprise multiple cooperative traits that act in concert with intraspecific facilitation, and hence promote the success of this notorious HAB species