434 research outputs found

    Group Frames and Partially Ranked Data

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    We give an overview of finite group frames and their applications to calculating summary statistics from partially ranked data, drawing upon the work of Rachel Cranfill (2009). We also provide a summary of the representation theory of compact Lie groups. We introduce both of these concepts as possible avenues beyond finite group representations, and also to suggest exploration into calculating summary statistics on Hilbert spaces using representations of Lie groups acting upon those spaces


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    <p>Confuciusornis, leveled 16bit data, resampled as cubic voxels, resliced in YZ plane</p> <p>265 slices; TIF format; 2.520 Mb each</p> <p>Voxel dimension X = 0.2148 mm</p> <p>Voxel dimension Y = 0.2148 mm</p> <p>Voxel dimension Z = 0.2148 mm</p> <p>These data are 16bit leveled TIF files that are viewable in most viewers (see Usage Notes)</p

    Chemical abrasion: the mechanics of zircon dissolution

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    Chemical abrasion is a technique that combines thermal annealing and partial dissolution in hydrofluoric acid (HF) to selectively remove radiation-damaged portions of zircon crystals prior to U–Pb isotopic analysis, and it is applied ubiquitously to zircon prior to U–Pb isotope dilution thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS). The mechanics of zircon dissolution in HF and the impact of different leaching conditions on the zircon structure, however, are poorly resolved. We present a microstructural investigation that integrates microscale X-ray computed tomography (µCT), scanning electron microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy to evaluate zircon dissolution in HF. We show that µCT is an effective tool for imaging metamictization and complex dissolution networks in three dimensions. Acid frequently reaches crystal interiors via fractures spatially associated with radiation damage zoning and inclusions to dissolve soluble high-U zones, some inclusions, and material around fractures, leaving behind a more crystalline zircon residue. Other acid paths to crystal cores include the dissolution of surface-reaching inclusions and the percolation of acid across zones with high defect densities. In highly crystalline samples dissolution is crystallographically controlled with dissolution proceeding almost exclusively along the c axis. Increasing the leaching temperature from 180 to 210 ∘C results in deeper etching textures, wider acid paths, more complex internal dissolution networks, and greater volume losses. How a grain dissolves strongly depends on its initial radiation damage content and defect distribution as well as the size and position of inclusions. As such, the effectiveness of any chemical abrasion protocol for ID-TIMS U–Pb geochronology is likely sample-dependent. We also briefly discuss the implications of our findings for deep-time (U-Th)/He thermochronology.</p

    Statistics for Fission-Track Thermochronology

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    This chapter introduces statistical tools to extract geologically meaningful information from fission-track (FT) data using both the external detector and LA-ICP-MS methods. The spontaneous fission of 238U is a Poisson process resulting in large single-grain age uncertainties. To overcome this imprecision, it is nearly always necessary to analyse multiple grains per sample. The degree to which the analytical uncertainties can explain the observed scatter of the single-grain data can be visually assessed on a radial plot and objectively quantified by a chi-square test. For sufficiently low values of the chi-square statistic (or sufficiently high p values), the pooled age of all the grains gives a suitable description of the underlying ‘true’ age population. Samples may fail the chi-square test for several reasons. A first possibility is that the true age population does not consist of a single discrete age component, but is characterised by a continuous range of ages. In this case, a ‘random effects’ model can constrain the true age distribution using two parameters: the ‘central age’ and the ‘(over)dispersion’. A second reason why FT data sets might fail the chi-square test is if they are underlain by multimodal age distributions. Such distributions may consist of discrete age components, continuous age distributions, or a combination of the two. Formalised statistical tests such as chi-square can be useful in preventing overfitting of relatively small data sets. However, they should be used with caution when applied to large data sets (including length measurements) which generate sufficient statistical ‘power’ to reject any simple yet geologically plausible hypothesis

    Impact Factor: outdated artefact or stepping-stone to journal certification?

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    A review of Garfield's journal impact factor and its specific implementation as the Thomson Reuters Impact Factor reveals several weaknesses in this commonly-used indicator of journal standing. Key limitations include the mismatch between citing and cited documents, the deceptive display of three decimals that belies the real precision, and the absence of confidence intervals. These are minor issues that are easily amended and should be corrected, but more substantive improvements are needed. There are indications that the scientific community seeks and needs better certification of journal procedures to improve the quality of published science. Comprehensive certification of editorial and review procedures could help ensure adequate procedures to detect duplicate and fraudulent submissions.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 6 table

    Factors underlying age-related changes in discrete aiming

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    Age has a clear impact on one’s ability to make accurate goal-directed aiming movements. Older adults seem to plan slower and shorter-ranged initial pulses towards the target, and rely more on sensory feedback to ensure endpoint accuracy. Despite the fact that these age-related changes in manual aiming have been observed consistently, the underlying mechanism remains speculative. In an attempt to isolate four commonly suggested underlying factors, young and older adults were instructed to make discrete aiming movements under varying speed and accuracy constraints. Results showed that older adults were physically able to produce fast primary submovements and that they demonstrated similar movement-programming capacities as young adults. On the other hand, considerable evidence was found supporting a decreased visual feedback-processing efficiency and the implementation of a play-it-safe strategy in older age. In conclusion, a combination of the latter two factors seems to underlie the age-related changes in manual aiming behaviour