199 research outputs found

    Adding value? A review of the international literature on the role of higher education in police training and education

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    This paper reviews the current English-language literature on developments in police training and education in order to identify common areas where higher education ‘adds value’ to police learning and development. Reforms in training and education are constituent parts of the ongoing shift to a service-oriented professional police in a number of countries. A comparative analysis of the literature on police training and education is provided here which focuses primarily on the USA, the European Union, Australia and India. The review provides a contribution to international policy debates about future developments in this area

    Managing water scarcity at a river basin scale with economic instruments

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    This paper presents a conceptual framework for both assessing the role of economic instruments, and reshaping them in order to enhance their contribution to the goals of managing water scarcity. Water management problems stem from the mismatch between a multitude of individual decisions, on the one hand, and the current and projected status of water resources on the other. Economics can provide valuable incentives that drive individual decisions, and can design efficient instruments to address water governance problems in a context of conflicting interests and relevant transaction costs. Yet, instruments such as water pricing or trading are mostly based on general principles of welfare economics that are not readily applicable to assets as complex as water. A flaw in welfare economic approaches lies in the presumption that economic instruments may be good orbad on their own (e.g., finding the "right" price). This vision changes radically when we focus on the problem, instead of the instrument. In this paper, we examine how economic instruments to achieve welfare-enhancing water resource outcomes can realize their full potential in basin-scale management contexts. We follow a political economy perspective that views conflicts between public and private interest as the main instrumental challenge of water management. Our analysis allows us to better understand the critical importance of economic instruments for reconciling individual actions towards collective ambitions of water efficiency, equity and sustainability with lessons for later-adopting jurisdictions. Rather than providing panaceas, the successful design and implementation of economic instruments as key river basin management arrangements involves high transaction costs, wide institutional changes and collective action at different levels

    Freilanduntersuchungen zum Einfluss von 31 Unterlagsrebsorten auf Ertrag und ausgewählte Qualitätsparameter der Rebsorte “Zweigelt”

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    Auf einem Standort mit carbonathältiger Braunerde auf Flyschmergel wurde bei der Sorte “Zweigelt” der Einfluss von 31 Unterlagsrebsorten auf die Parameter Mostgewicht, Säuregehalt des Mosts, Ertrag, Traubengewicht und Schnittholzgewicht ermittelt. Im Durchschnitt der zwölf Versuchsjahre bewirkten die Unterlagen 41 B, Ru 140 und G 9 eine signifikante Reduktion des Mostgewichts um 0.47∘ KMW, 0.26∘ KMW und 1.13∘ KMW im Vergleich zu K 5BB. Bei den Unterlagen 1616 C und 3309 C war das Mostgewicht mit + 0.4∘ KMW und + 0.34∘ KMW hingegen signifikant höher. Die Jahresmittelwerte des Mostgewichtes lagen zwischen einem Minimum von 16.6∘ KMW und einem Maximum von 19.1∘ KMW. Der Säuregehalt des Mostes war bei den Unterlagen 41 B, Binova und G 9 um 0.49 g/l, 0.64 g/l und 0.5 g/l im Vergleich zu K 5BB erhöht. Der geringste Jahresmittelwert des Säuregehalts im Most lag bei 5.4 g/l und der höchste Wert bei 7.8 g/l. Der Ertrag war bei den Unterlagen SO4, Cosmo 10.99 R, G 9, Aripa, 101–14 MG, 1616 C, 3309 C und Riparia portalis signifikant verringert. Binova und 225 Ru A2 bewirkten eine signifikante Ertragssteigerung um 0.5 kg/Stock beziehungsweise 0.41 kg/Stock im Vergleich zu K 5BB. Die Jahresmittelwerte des Ertrages lagen zwischen 0.58 kg/Stock im ersten Ertragsjahr und 1.97 bis 5.96 kg/Stock in den Folgejahren. Das Traubengewicht wies ebenfalls einen signifikanten Zusammenhang mit der verwendeten Unterlage auf. Im Durchschnitt aller Beobachtungsjahre wurde das Traubengewicht durch K 125AA, G 26, 41 B und Binova positiv beeinflusst. Hingegen führten die Unterlagen G 9, 99 R, 101–14 MG und 3309 C im Vergleich zu K 5BB zu einer Verringerung des Traubengewichts. Die Jahresmittelwerte lagen zwischen einem Minimum von 149 g und einem Maximum von 318 g. Das Schnittholzgewicht wurde signifikant durch die Unterlage beeinflusst, wobei die Unterlagen K 125AA, Binova, 225 Ru A2, 1103 P und Fercal im Vergleich zu K 5BB zu Erhöhungen zwischen 0.014 kg/m2 und 0.03 kg/m2 führten; die Unterlagen G 9, Riparia portalis, 101–14 MG, 1616 C und Aripa bewirkten hingegen eine Reduktion des Schnittholzgewichts. Die Jahresmittelwerte betrugen 0.03 kg/m2 und 0.094 kg/m2 in den ersten beiden Ertragsjahren und lagen in den Folgejahren zwischen 0.112 kg/m2 und 0.243 kg/m2. Mikrovinifikation und

    A Review of the Properties of Nb3Sn and Their Variation with A15 Composition, Morphology and Strain State

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    This article gives an overview of the available literature on simplified, well defined (quasi-)homogeneous laboratory samples. After more than 50 years of research on superconductivity in Nb3Sn, a significant amount of results are available, but these are scattered over a multitude of publications. Two reviews exist on the basic properties of A15 materials in general, but no specific review for Nb3Sn is available. This article is intended to provide such an overview. It starts with a basic description of the Niobium-Tin intermetallic. After this it maps the influence of Sn content on the the electron-phonon interaction strength and on the field-temperature phase boundary. The literature on the influence of Cu, Ti and Ta additions will then be briefly summarized. This is followed by a review on the effects of grain size and strain. The article is concluded with a summary of the main results.Comment: Invited Topical Review for Superconductor, Science and Technology. Provisionally scheduled for July 200

    Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Tool to Enhance Sustainable Groundwater Management in California

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    A growing population and an increased demand for water resources have resulted in a global trend of groundwater depletion. Arid and semi-arid climates are particularly susceptible, often relying on groundwater to support large population centers or irrigated agriculture in the absence of sufficient surface water resources. In an effort to increase the security of groundwater resources, managed aquifer recharge (MAR) programs have been developed and implemented globally. MAR is the approach of intentionally harvesting and infiltrating water to recharge depleted aquifer storage. California is a prime example of this growing problem, with three cities that have over a million residents and an agricultural industry that was valued at 47 billion dollars in 2015. The present-day groundwater overdraft of over 100 km3 (since 1962) indicates a clear disparity between surface water supply and water demand within the state. In the face of groundwater overdraft and the anticipated effects of climate change, many new MAR projects are being constructed or investigated throughout California, adding to those that have existed for decades. Some common MAR types utilized in California include injection wells, infiltration basins (also known as spreading basins, percolation basins, or recharge basins), and low-impact development. An emerging MAR type that is actively being investigated is the winter flooding of agricultural fields using existing irrigation infrastructure and excess surface water resources, known as agricultural MAR. California therefore provides an excellent case study to look at the historical use and performance of MAR, ongoing and emerging challenges, novel MAR applications, and the potential for expansion of MAR. Effective MAR projects are an essential tool for increasing groundwater security, both in California and on a global scale. This chapter aims to provide an overview of the most common MAR types and applications within the State of California and neighboring semi-arid regions

    Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: an overlooked cause of cough and dyspnea.

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    Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is an immune-mediated pulmonary disorder involving inflammation of the lung interstitium, terminal bronchioles, and alveoli caused by the immune response to the inhalation of an offending environmental airborne agent. It can manifest as exertional dyspnea, fatigue, weight loss, and progressive respiratory failure if left untreated. Because of its protean features, it can be misdiagnosed as other common obstructive lung conditions such as asthma. If triggers are not avoided, it can progress to irreversible pulmonary fibrosis. In this article, we present the case of a 51-year-old male who presented to our hospital with recurrent bouts of dyspnea and cough, initially diagnosed as an asthma exacerbation. He received a final diagnosis of HP after investigation of his workplace revealed airborne spores and surface molds from multiple fungal species, serology revealed eosinophilia, and computed tomography showed bronchiectasis. Avoidance of occupational exposure resulted in significant improvement of his respiratory symptoms after two months

    Recovery of the herbaceous layer in the young silver birch and black alder stands that developed spontaneously after a forest fire

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    The studies, which were conducted in southern Poland, focused on the recovery of the herb layer in 17-year-old post-fire silver birch and black alder forests. Although both types of stands, which are of the same age, developed spontaneously, the alder stands occupied damper sites (with thicker A horizons that survived the fire) than those in the birch forests. We surveyed the migration rates of 44 woodland species, primarily ancient woodland indicators, into both forests and the potential differences in these rates depending on their moisture regime and the community type represented by unburned forests, which were treated as the source of the woodland species pool. Additionally, the role of local depressions with high humidity that were covered by post-fire alder woods in the colonization process, as well as species survivorship and recolonisation, were estimated. Woodland species showed diverse migration paces among the sites; most of them migrated faster on more fertile sites with a higher humidity. Small patches of post-fire alder woods contributed to the recolonisation process since many woodland species in the herb layer survived the fire due to its high humidity, which inhibited the intensity of the forest fire. The recovery of woodland species in post-fire woods is the combined effect of regeneration, which relies on autochthonic propagules, and secondary succession, which is based on allochthonic propagules. Local depressions, which provide refuges for fire-sensitive, dispersal-limited species, contribute to their survivorship and thus to the successive recovery of herbaceous layers after a fire

    Disentangling the complexity of groundwater dependent social-ecological systems

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    Groundwater resources are part of larger social-ecological systems. In this chapter, we review the various dimensions of these complex systems in order to uncover the diversity of elements at stake in the evolution of an aquifer and the loci for possible actions to control its dynamics. Two case studies illustrate how the state of an aquifer is embedded in a web of biophysical and sociopolitical processes. We propose here a holistic view through an IGM-scape that describes the various possible pathways of evolution for a groundwater related social-ecological system. Then we describe the elements of this IGM-scape starting with physical entities and processes, including relations with surface water and quality issues. Interactions with society bring an additional layer of considerations, including decisions on groundwater abstraction, land use changes and even energy related choices. Finally we point out the policy levers for groundwater management and their possible consequences for an aquifer, taking into account the complexity of pathways opened by these levers