180 research outputs found

    Organic aerosol and global climate modelling: a review

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    The present paper reviews existing knowledge with regard to Organic Aerosol (OA) of importance for global climate modelling and defines critical gaps needed to reduce the involved uncertainties. All pieces required for the representation of OA in a global climate model are sketched out with special attention to Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA): The emission estimates of primary carbonaceous particles and SOA precursor gases are summarized. The up-to-date understanding of the chemical formation and transformation of condensable organic material is outlined. Knowledge on the hygroscopicity of OA and measurements of optical properties of the organic aerosol constituents are summarized. The mechanisms of interactions of OA with clouds and dry and wet removal processes parameterisations in global models are outlined. This information is synthesized to provide a continuous analysis of the flow from the emitted material to the atmosphere up to the point of the climate impact of the produced organic aerosol. The sources of uncertainties at each step of this process are highlighted as areas that require further studies

    Regional variation of organic functional groups in aerosol particles on four U.S. east coast platforms during the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation 2004 campaign

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    Submicron atmospheric aerosol samples were collected during the International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT) 2004 campaign on four platforms: Chebogue Point (Nova Scotia, Canada), Appledore Island (Maine), the CIRPAS Twin Otter over Ohio, and the NOAA R/V Ronald H. Brown in the Gulf of Maine. Saturated aliphatic C-C-H, unsaturated aliphatic C=C−H, aromatic C=C−H, organosulfur C-O-S, carbonyl C=O, and organic hydroxyl C-OH functional groups were measured by calibrated Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy at all four sampling platforms. The ratio of molar concentrations of carbonyl C=O to saturated aliphatic C-C-H groups was nearly constant at each sampling platform, with the Twin Otter samples having the lowest ratio at 0.1 and the three more coastal platforms having ratios of 0.4 and 0.5. Organic mass (OM) to organic carbon (OC) ratios follow similar trends for the four platforms, with the Twin Otter having the lowest ratio of 1.4 and the coastal platforms having slightly higher values typically between 1.5 and 1.6. Organosulfur compounds were occasionally observed. Collocated organic aerosol sampling with two Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometers for OM, a Sunset Laboratory thermo-optical analysis instrument for OC, and an ion chromatography-particle into liquid sampler (IC-PILS) for speciated carboxylic acids provided comparable results for most of the project, tracking the time series of FTIR OM, OC, and carbonyl groups, respectively, and showing simultaneous peaks of similar magnitude during most of the project. The FTIR/IC-PILS comparison suggests that about 9% of the carbonyl groups found in submicron organic particles on the Twin Otter are typically associated with low molecular weight carboxylic acids

    Short-Lived Climate Forcers (Chapter 6)

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    Short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs) affect climate and are, in most cases, also air pollutants. They include aerosols (sulphate, nitrate, ammonium, carbonaceous aerosols, mineral dust and sea spray), which are also called particulate matter (PM), and chemically reactive gases (methane, ozone, some halogenated compounds, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, non-methane volatile organic compounds, sulphur dioxide and ammonia). Except for methane and some halogenated compounds whose lifetimes are about a decade or more, SLCF abundances are spatially highly heterogeneous since they only persist in the atmosphere from a few hours to a couple of months. SLCFs are either radiatively active or influence the abundances of radiatively active compounds through chemistry (chemical adjustments), and their climate effect occurs predominantly in the first two decades after their emission or formation. They can have either a cooling or warming effect on climate, and they also affect precipitation and other climate variables. Methane and some halogenated compounds are included in climate treaties, unlike the other SLCFs that are nevertheless indirectly affected by climate change mitigation since many of them are often co-emitted with CO2 in combustion processes. This chapter assesses the changes, in the past and in a selection of possible futures, of the emissions and abundances of individual SLCFs primarily on global to continental scales, and how these changes affect the Earth’s energy balance through radiative forcing and feedback in the climate system. The attribution of climate and air-quality changes to emissions sectors and regions, and the effects of SLCF mitigations defined for various environmental purposes, are also assessed

    Atmospheric Composition Change: Climate-Chemistry Interactions

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    Chemically active climate compounds are either primary compounds such as methane (CH4), removed by oxidation in the atmosphere, or secondary compounds such as ozone (O3), sulfate and organic aerosols, formed and removed in the atmosphere. Man-induced climate-chemistry interaction is a two-way process: Emissions of pollutants change the atmospheric composition contributing to climate change through the aforementioned climate components, and climate change, through changes in temperature, dynamics, the hydrological cycle, atmospheric stability, and biosphere-atmosphere interactions, affects the atmospheric composition and oxidation processes in the troposphere. Here we present progress in our understanding of processes of importance for climate-chemistry interactions, and their contributions to changes in atmospheric composition and climate forcing. A key factor is the oxidation potential involving compounds such as O3 and the hydroxyl radical (OH). Reported studies represent both current and future changes. Reported results include new estimates of radiative forcing based on extensive model studies of chemically active climate compounds such as O3, and of particles inducing both direct and indirect effects. Through EU projects such as ACCENT, QUANTIFY, and the AEROCOM project, extensive studies on regional and sector-wise differences in the impact on atmospheric distribution are performed. Studies have shown that land-based emissions have a different effect on climate than ship and aircraft emissions, and different measures are needed to reduce the climate impact. Several areas where climate change can affect the tropospheric oxidation process and the chemical composition are identified. This can take place through enhanced stratospheric-tropospheric exchange of ozone, more frequent periods with stable conditions favouring pollution build up over industrial areas, enhanced temperature-induced biogenic emissions, methane releases from permafrost thawing, and enhanced concentration through reduced biospheric uptake. During the last 510 years, new observational data have been made available and used for model validation and the study of atmospheric processes. Although there are significant uncertainties in the modelling of composition changes, access to new observational data has improved modelling capability. Emission scenarios for the coming decades have a large uncertainty range, in particular with respect to regional trends, leading to a significant uncertainty range in estimated regional composition changes and climate impact

    Release of sICAM-1 in Oocytes and In Vitro Fertilized Human Embryos

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    Background: During the last years, several studies have reported the significant relationship between the production of soluble HLA-G molecules (sHLA-G) by 48–72 hours early embryos and an increased implantation rate in IVF protocols. As consequence, the detection of HLA-G modulation was suggested as a marker to identify the best embryos to be transferred. On the opposite, no suitable markers are available for the oocyte selection. Methodology/Principal Findings: The major finding of the present paper is that the release of ICAM-1 might be predictive of oocyte maturation. The results obtained are confirmed using three independent methodologies, such as ELISA, Bio-Plex assay and Western blotting. The sICAM-1 release is very high in immature oocytes, decrease in mature oocytes and become even lower in in vitro fertilized embryos. No significant differences were observed in the levels of sICAM-1 release between immature oocytes with different morphological characteristics. On the contrary, when the mature oocytes were subdivided accordingly to morphological criteria, the mean sICAM-I levels in grade 1 oocytes were significantly decreased when compared to grade 2 and 3 oocytes. Conclusions/Significance: The reduction of the number of fertilized oocytes and transferred embryos represents the main target of assisted reproductive medicine. We propose sICAM-1 as a biochemical marker for oocyte maturation and grading

    The chemistry of sulfur and nitrogen species in a fog system A multiphase approach

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    Concentration and phase distribution of sulfur and nitrogen species during a particular fog episode in the Po Valley are experimentally described in this paper. Chemical measurements were carried out simultaneously at different heights within the fog layer, up to 50 m. Microphysical and meteorological parameters necessary for the description of the fog multiphase system were also concurrently measured as a function of height. The fog cycle (formation, evolution, dissipation) is described in terms of the total acidity of a unit volume of air containing gas species, interstitial aerosol particles and fog droplets. The fog system was not closed and input of acidic and basic components was observed during fog evolution. The driving force which determines the acidity of the fog multiphase atmospheric system was found to be the presence of NH 3 and its partitioning among the different phases. A strong decrease of fog water pH (from 5.6 down to 2.8) was observed during fog evolution and was attributed to a HNO 3 input to the system. These acidic and basic inputs are described in terms of a titration/back-titration process of the fog system. The SO 2 oxidation process in fog water was found to be of minor importance in determining the SO 4 = concentration within the fog system, due to both low SO 2 concentration and limited oxidant availability during the experiment. DOI: 10.1034/j.1600-0889.1992.t01-4-00005.

    Fog and Dew as Potable Water Resources: Maximizing Harvesting Potential and Water Quality Concerns

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    Fog and dew are often viewed as economic nuisances causing significant financial losses in the transportation industry and agricultural sector. However, they are also critical components of the hydrological cycle, especially in water scarce environments. Water scarcity is one of the major threats to mankind in the 21st century, and this can be due to development pressures, pollution, and/or expanding populations. In water scarce environments, fog and dew represent potentially exploitable ancillary water resources that could ameliorate the water scarce situation, if efficiently harvested. However, two important issues are often overlooked in relation to fog and dew harvesting and potability. First, current fog and dew harvesting technologies are low yielding with great potential for improvements. Second and more importantly, the potability of these water resources is often based on simple analyses that often omit trace metal and biological analyses. The few studies that report trace metal or biological measurements suggest elevated trace metal concentrations or biological contamination that could be of concern to public health. We discuss the potential for fog and dew harvesting technologies and the need for trace metal and biological analyses of these waters before use