10 research outputs found

    Les agricultures urbaines : cultiver partout

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    Les agricultures urbaines : cultiver partout

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    Delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction in children with sickle cell disease

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    International audienceBackground Transfusion is a cornerstone of the management of sickle cell disease but carries a high risk of hemolytic transfusion reaction, probably because of differences in erythrocyte antigens between blood donors of European descent and patients of African descent. Patients may experience hemolytic transfusion reactions that are delayed by from a few days to two weeks and manifest as acute hemolysis (hemoglobinuria, jaundice, and pallor), symptoms suggesting severe vaso-occlusive crisis (pain, fever, and acute chest syndrome), and profound anemia, often with reticulocytopenia. This case-series study aims to describe the main characteristics of this syndrome, to discuss its pathophysiology, and to propose a management strategy. DESIGN AND METHODS: We identified 8 pediatric cases of delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions between 2006 and 2009 in the database of the Necker Hospital, France. All patients had received cross-matched red cell units compatible in the ABO, RH, and KEL systems. We reviewed the medical charts in the computerized blood transfusion databases. All patients were admitted to the intensive care unit. We progressively adopted the following strategy: intravenous immunoglobulins, and darbopoietin alpha when the reticulocyte count was below 150×10(9)/L, without further blood transfusion during the acute episode unless absolutely necessary. RESULTS: The median time between the transfusion and the diagnosis of delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction was six days. All patients had severe bone pain; all but one had a high-grade fever. Five patients had hemoglobin levels less than than 4g/dL and 3 had reticulocytopenia. In 5 patients, no new antibody was found; one patient had weakly reactive antibodies. Only 2 patients had new allo-antibodies possibly responsible for the delayed hemolytic reaction. Conclusions The initial symptoms of delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction were complex and mimicked other complications of sickle cell disease. In most of our cases, no new antibody was identified, which underlines the complexity of the pathophysiology of this syndrome

    Artistas latino-americanos na Paris modernista: a difícil consagração

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    Este artigo busca problematizar as possibilidades de reconhecimento obtidas por artistas latino-americanos na Paris modernista. A partir das teorias sobre consagração artĂ­stica, analisa-se principalmente o processo de musealização das obras de artistas latino-americanos que passaram a compor os acervos pĂșblicos franceses entre a dĂ©cada de 1910 e a fundação do MusĂ©e National d’Art Moderne, em 1947. A pesquisa realizada nos Archives Nationales permitiu identificar quantos e quais, dentre os mais de trezentos artistas latino-americanos atuantes em Paris, foram escolhidos para comporem tais coleçÔes. Como se verĂĄ, foram realmente poucos aqueles que conseguiram ter suas obras inseridas numa coleção pĂșblica francesa, e mesmo assim, isso nĂŁo garantiu visibilidade na Ă©poca, como as flagrantes ausĂȘncias no MNAM bem revelam.This article seeks to problematize the recognition possibilities of Latin American artists in modernist Paris. Based on theories of artistic consecration, this article analyzes the process of musealization of works by Latin American artists, who became part of French public collections between the 1910s and the founding of the MusĂ©e National d’Art Moderne in 1947. The research, carried out in the Archives Nationales, made it possible to identify how many and which, among the more than three hundred Latin American artists who developed their work in Paris, were chosen to become part of these collections. As we will see, only a minuscule few actually managed to have their works included in a French public collection. Even when they did, this was hardly a guarantee of visibility, as revealed by certain blatant absences in the MNAM collection

    L’identification biomĂ©trique

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    Depuis quelques annĂ©es, tant au niveau national que transnational, la biomĂ©trie s’impose comme une technologie privilĂ©giĂ©e d’identification des personnes. En effet, elle fait l’objet d’un essor considĂ©rable dans la sphĂšre domestique, dans les Ă©tablissements scolaires, dans les entreprises, dans le champ de la sĂ©curitĂ©, etc. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne soulĂšve une profusion de nouveaux enjeux. De quelle maniĂšre apprĂ©hender la biomĂ©trie au regard de l’histoire longue des procĂ©dures visant Ă  dĂ©terminer et fixer la singularitĂ© de chacun ? Comment les dispositifs biomĂ©triques fonctionnent-ils ? Quelles populations prennent-ils prioritairement pour cible ? Comment la biomĂ©trie affecte-t-elle la notion d’identitĂ© individuelle et le statut confĂ©rĂ© au corps humain ? Constitue-t-elle une menace pour la vie privĂ©e et les droits fondamentaux ? À quels enjeux Ă©conomiques renvoie-t-elle ? Dans quelle mesure son utilisation transforme-t-elle les logiques Ă  l’Ɠuvre dans l’univers policier ? Pourquoi certains l’acceptent-ils sans rechigner tandis que d’autres s’y opposent avec virulence en pointant les graves dangers dont elle serait porteuse ? Ce sont quelques-unes des questions passionnantes auxquelles s’intĂ©ressent les nombreuses contributions ici rassemblĂ©es. Croisant les regards de chercheurs issus de pays et de disciplines diffĂ©rentes (histoire, droit, science poli­tique, anthropologie, philosophie, etc.) et ceux d’acteurs en prise directe avec certains aspects de la biomĂ©trie du fait des fonctions qu’ils exercent, cet ouvrage collectif s’impose comme incontournable pour tous ceux qui sont dĂ©sireux de mieux comprendre la complexitĂ© d’un sujet au cƓur de l’actualitĂ© n’ayant pourtant jusqu’alors Ă©tĂ© que trĂšs peu Ă©tudiĂ©


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    Tema ovog rada je ranokrơćansko i ranosrednjovjekovno preslojavanje antičkih kultnih mjesta u Dalmaciji. Prvo poglavlje sadrĆŸava kratki pregled povijesnih i druĆĄtvenih okolnosti koje su utjecale na promjene koje su se događale u tom razdoblju u Dalmaciji. Iduća dva poglavlja obrađuju potvrđene i nepotvrđene primjere preslojavanja. Kada su u pitanju potvrđeni primjeri vidljivo je da su često lokaliteti proĆĄli optimalno preslojavanje. Uglavnom se gradi na ostatcima hramova ili se hramovi adaptiraju. Samo jedan od potvrđenih primjera je primjer nasilnog preslojavanja. Nepotvrđeni primjeri su podijeljeni na kultne prostore uz gradska vrata, svetiĆĄta u prirodi, nepotvrđene primjere preslojavanja poganskih hramova, ranokrơćanske građevine na rimskim forumima te preobrazbe poganskih kućnih svetiĆĄta. Ti primjeri nisu potvrđeni, ali ih se ne moĆŸe u potpunosti odbaciti kada se obrađuje tema ranokrơćanskog preslojavanja antičkih kultnih mjesta. Kroz obradu potvrđenih i nepotvrđenih primjera zaključuje se da je krơćanstvo uklanjalo poganske elemente i preuzimalo poganske građevine i lokalitete, ali da mu razaranje nije bio glavni cilj preslojavanja.The theme of this paper is the early Christian and the early medieval layering of ancient cult sites in Dalmatia. The first chapter provides a brief overview of the historical and social circumstances that influenced the changes that took place during this period in Dalmatia. The next two chapters deal with confirmed and unconfirmed examples of layering. When it comes to confirmed examples, it is obvious that often the sites have undergone optimal changes. They are mostly built on the remains of temples or in other cases the temples have been adapted. Only one confirmed example is an example of a violent overlay. Unconfirmed examples are divided into cult spaces next to city gates, shrines in nature, unconfirmed examples of layering of pagan temples, early Christian structures on Forum Romanum, and conversion of pagan home shrines. These examples are unconfirmed, but they cannot be completely dismissed when addressing the theme of early Christian layering of ancient cult sites. Through the processing of confirmed and unconfirmed examples, it is concluded that Christianity was removing pagan elements and taking over pagan buildings and sites, but that destruction was not the main purpose of the layering

    Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis

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    Common risk variants in NPHS1 and TNFSF15 are associated with childhood steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome

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