225 research outputs found

    Grundriss innovativer PolizeiansÀtze. Eine kritische Begutachtung verschiedener Strategien und TÀtigkeiten und deren Implementierung in der Schweiz in Theorie und Praxis.

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    This thesis contains three parts. The first one offers the theoretical basement, where the history of the police from their beginning in the early 19th century to this day is shown. The emphasis however is laid on the last 40 years, which gave birth to a multitude of innovations, such as community, problem-oriented, hot-spots or zero-tolerance policing. Those innovations are described in detail and are critically commented. At the end of this section, I present a scheme, where all the approaches are classified as strategic or methodic innovations, but united under a model called "modern policing". The fact that the innovations are not competitive but rather complementary is the most important finding of this examination. The second part of this work deals with a unique survey about the implementation of four innovations and eight problem- and community-oriented activities in 85 Swiss police forces. This explorative study shows that in the last 15 years the Swiss police forces have increasingly adopted innovative approaches. The most frequent innovation is community policing, which has been implemented all over the country. Due to the results, we can also assume that the implementation of the innovations is mostly substantial and profound. However, particularly in the area of problem-solving there is still a need for improvements. The third section consists of a scientific evaluation of a temporary special unit of the municipal police Zurich, which, during nine months, fought against public drug dealing and illegal prostitution in a particular neighborhood called Langstrasse. The effects of this hot-spot project were measured with police data, observations and several population surveys. In general, the special unit achieved a positive outcome and helped to defuse the hot-spot. Additionally, a survey conducted within the police department showed that the personal attitude towards the special unit differed widely between the policemen. We found significant differences between both police regions East and West, rank-and-file and higher ranking officers, different ages and the personal connection to the special unit. In fact, the higher the rank, the lower the age, and the closer the relationship, the more positive the officers were towards the unit

    Proboscis Morphology and Its Relationship to Feeding Habits in Noctuid Moths

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    This study describes proboscis morphology and identifies morphometric differences among five species of noctuid moths with different feeding habits (fruit versus nectar-feeding). Morphological and morphometric parameters were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Measurements included: galea height in ten sites from base to tip, total proboscis length, and length of the distal region that contains large sensilla styloconica and / or tearing hooks and erectible barbs. Both morphometric and morphological differences were identified among species within and between feeding guilds, and these results are discussed in light of the feeding habits of each species

    Norepinephrine to increase blood pressure in endotoxaemic pigs is associated with improved hepatic mitochondrial respiration

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    ABSTRACT: INTRODUCTION: Low blood pressure, inadequate tissue oxygen delivery and mitochondrial dysfunction have all been implicated in the development of sepsis-induced organ failure. This study evaluated the effect on liver mitochondrial function of using norepinephrine to increase blood pressure in experimental sepsis. METHODS: Thirteen anaesthetized pigs received endotoxin (Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide B0111:B4; 0.4 mug/kg per hour) and were subsequently randomly assigned to norepinephrine treatment or placebo for 10 hours. Norepinephrine dose was adjusted at 2-hour intervals to achieve 15 mmHg increases in mean arterial blood pressure up to 95 mmHg. Systemic (thermodilution) and hepatosplanchnic (ultrasound Doppler) blood flow were measured at each step. At the end of the experiment, hepatic mitochondrial oxygen consumption (high-resolution respirometry) and citrate synthase activity (spectrophotometry) were assessed. RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure (mmHg) increased only in norepinephrine-treated animals (from 73 [median; range 69 to 81] to 63 [60 to 68] in controls [P = 0.09] and from 83 [69 to 93] to 96 [86 to 108] in norepinephrine-treated animals [P = 0.019]). Cardiac index and systemic oxygen delivery (DO2) increased in both groups, but significantly more in the norepinephrine group (P < 0.03 for both). Cardiac index (ml/min per.kg) increased from 99 (range: 72 to 112) to 117 (110 to 232) in controls (P = 0.002), and from 107 (84 to 132) to 161 (147 to 340) in norepinephrine-treated animals (P = 0.001). DO2 (ml/min per.kg) increased from 13 (range: 11 to 15) to 16 (15 to 24) in controls (P = 0.028), and from 16 (12 to 19) to 29 (25 to 52) in norepinephrine-treated animals (P = 0.018). Systemic oxygen consumption (systemic VO2) increased in both groups (P < 0.05), whereas hepatosplanchnic flows, DO2 and VO2 remained stable. The hepatic lactate extraction ratio decreased in both groups (P = 0.05). Liver mitochondria complex I-dependent and II-dependent respiratory control ratios were increased in the norepinephrine group (complex I: 3.5 [range: 2.1 to 5.7] in controls versus 5.8 [4.8 to 6.4] in norepinephrine-treated animals [P = 0.015]; complex II: 3.1 [2.3 to 3.8] in controls versus 3.7 [3.3 to 4.6] in norepinephrine-treated animals [P = 0.09]). No differences were observed in citrate synthase activity. CONCLUSION: Norepinephrine treatment during endotoxaemia does not increase hepatosplanchnic flow, oxygen delivery or consumption, and does not improve the hepatic lactate extraction ratio. However, norepinephrine increases the liver mitochondria complex I-dependent and II-dependent respiratory control ratios. This effect was probably mediated by a direct effect of norepinephrine on liver cells

    Maize open-pollinated populations physiological improvement: validating tools for drought response participatory selection

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    Participatory selection—exploiting specific adaptation traits to target environments—helps to guarantees yield stability in a changing climate, in particular under low-input or organic production. The purpose of the present study was to identify reliable, low-cost, fast and easy-to-use tools to complement traditional selection for an e ective participatory improvement of maize populations for drought resistance/tolerance. The morphological and eco-physiological responses to progressive water deprivation of four maize open-pollinated populations were assessed in both controlled and field conditions. Thermography and Chl a fluorescence, validated by gas exchange indicated that the best performing populations under water-deficit conditions were ‘Fandango’ and to a less extent ‘Pigarro’ (both from participatory breeding). These populations showed high yield potential under optimal and reduced watering. Under moderate water stress, ‘Bilhó’, originating from an altitude of 800 m, is one of the most resilient populations. The experiments under chamber conditions confirmed the existence of genetic variability within ‘Pigarro’ and ‘Fandango’ for drought response relevant for future populations breeding. Based on the easiness to score and population discriminatory power, the performance index (PIABS) emerges as an integrative phenotyping tool to use as a refinement of the common participatory maize selection especially under moderate water deprivationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular mapping across three populations reveals a QTL hotspot region on chromosome 3 for secondary traits associated with drought tolerance in tropical maize

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    Identifying quantitative trait loci (QTL) of sizeable effects that are expressed in diverse genetic backgrounds across contrasting water regimes particularly for secondary traits can significantly complement the conventional drought tolerance breeding efforts. We evaluated three tropical maize biparental populations under water-stressed and well-watered regimes for drought-related morpho-physiological traits, such as anthesis-silking interval (ASI), ears per plant (EPP), stay-green (SG) and plant-to-ear height ratio (PEH). In general, drought stress reduced the genetic variance of grain yield (GY), while that of morpho-physiological traits remained stable or even increased under drought conditions. We detected consistent genomic regions across different genetic backgrounds that could be target regions for marker-assisted introgression for drought tolerance in maize. A total of 203 QTL for ASI, EPP, SG and PEH were identified under both the water regimes. Meta-QTL analysis across the three populations identified six constitutive genomic regions with a minimum of two overlapping traits. Clusters of QTL were observed on chromosomes 1.06, 3.06, 4.09, 5.05, 7.03 and 10.04/06. Interestingly, a ~8-Mb region delimited in 3.06 harboured QTL for most of the morpho-physiological traits considered in the current study. This region contained two important candidate genes viz., zmm16 (MADS-domain transcription factor) and psbs1 (photosystem II unit) that are responsible for reproductive organ development and photosynthate accumulation, respectively. The genomic regions identified in this study partially explained the association of secondary traits with GY. Flanking single nucleotide polymorphism markers reported herein may be useful in marker-assisted introgression of drought tolerance in tropical maize

    Comparative performance of the stable isotope signatures of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen in assessing early vigour and grain yield in durum wheat

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    The present paper studied the performance of the stable isotope signatures of carbon (Ύ13C), nitrogen (Ύ15N) and oxygen (Ύ18O) in plants when used to assess early vigour and grain yield (GY) in durum wheat growing under mild and moderate Mediterranean stress conditions. A collection of 114 recombinant inbred lines was grown under rainfed (RF) and supplementary irrigation (IR) conditions. Broad sense heritabilities (H2) for GY and harvest index (HI) were higher under RF conditions than under IR. Broad sense heritabilities for Ύ13C were always above 0·60, regardless of the plant part studied, with similar values for IR and RF trials. Some of the largest genetic correlations with GY were those shown by the Ύ13C content of the flag leaf blade and mature grains. Under both water treatments, mature grains showed the highest negative correlations between Ύ13C and GY across genotypes. Flag leaf Ύ13C was negatively correlated with GY only under RF conditions. The Ύ13C in seedlings was negatively correlated, under IR conditions only, with GY but also with early vigour. The sources of variation in early vigour were studied by stepwise analysis using the stable isotope signatures measured in seedlings. The Ύ13C was able to explain almost 0·20 of this variation under RF, but up to 0·30 under IR. In addition, nitrogen concentration in seedlings accounted for another 0·05 of variation, increasing the amount explained to 0·35. The sources of variation in GY were also studied through stable isotope signatures and biomass of different plant parts: Ύ13C was always the first parameter to appear in the models for both water conditions, explaining c. 0·20 of the variation. The second parameter (Ύ15N or N concentration of grain, or biomass at maturity) depended on the water conditions and the plant tissue being analysed. Oxygen isotope composition (Ύ18O) was only able to explain a small amount of the variation in GY. In this regard, despite the known and previously described value of Ύ13C as a tool in breeding, Ύ15N is confirmed as an additional tool in the present study. Oxygen isotope composition does not seem to offer any potential, at least under the conditions of the present study

    Evaluation of a prostate cancer e-health-tutorial

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    Hintergrund: Angesichts verschiedener Behandlungsoptionen ist die Information und Therapieentscheidung beim lokalisierten Prostatakarzinom eine Herausforderung. Die digitale Informationstechnologie bietet im Vergleich zu gedruckten Informationen mehr Möglichkeiten, die Information und die Patientenkommunikation bedarfsgerecht zu gestalten. Ziele: Zur UnterstĂŒtzung der Therapieentscheidung und der Kommunikation mit Patienten ist in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz ein Online-Tutorial in einem systematischen Prozess entwickelt und in einer Pilotstudie getestet worden. In der Evaluation interessierten die Nutzerzufriedenheit, die ErfĂŒllung der InformationsbedĂŒrfnisse, die Vorbereitung auf die Therapieentscheidung und deren subjektive QualitĂ€t. Material und Methoden: Die Plattform wurde in einem iterativen Prozess mittels Fokusgruppen mit Ärzten und Patienten auf der Grundlage von Informationen aus bestehenden BroschĂŒren entwickelt. FĂŒr den Test der Plattform wurden in 8 urologischen Kliniken 87 Patienten zur Teilnahme eingeladen. Die 56 Nutzer wurden 4 Wochen nach dem Login und 3 Monate nach dem Therapieentscheid online befragt, 48 Nutzer fĂŒllten beide Befragungen aus. Eingesetzte Instrumente waren die Preparation for Decision Making Scale (PDMS), die Decisional Conflict Scale (DCS) und die Decisional Regret Scale (DRS). Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Die Nutzenden sind mit der Plattform sehr zufrieden und finden ihre InformationsbedĂŒrfnisse gut erfĂŒllt. Sie zeigen 3 Monate nach dem Entscheid eine gute Vorbereitung auf die Entscheidung (MW PDMS 75, SD 23) und berichten ĂŒber niedrigen Entscheidungskonflikt (MW DCS 9.6, SD 11) und kaum Bedauern ĂŒber die Entscheidung (MW DRS 6.4, SD 9.6). Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen kann die Plattform zur weiteren Nutzung empfohlen werden.Background: Due to the multitude of therapy options the treatment decision after diagnosis of a localised prostate cancer is challenging. Compared to printed booklets, web based information technology offers more possibilities to tailor information to patients’ individual needs. Objectives: To support the decision making process as well as the communication with patients we developed an online tutorial in a systematic process in the German speaking part of Switzerland and then tested it in a pilot study. The study investigated users’ satisfaction, the coverage of information needs, the preparation for decision making and the subjective quality of the decision. Materials and methods: Based on already existing information material the online tutorial was developed in an iterative process using focus groups with patients and urologists. For the following evaluation in eight clinics a total of 87 patients were invited to access the platform and participate in the study. From these patients 56 used the tutorial and 48 answered both surveys (the first one 4 weeks after the first login and the second one 3 months after treatment decision). The surveys used the Preparation for Decision Making Scale (PDMS), the Decisional Conflict Scale (DCS), and the Decisional Regret Scale (DRS). Results and Conclusion: Satisfaction with the tutorial is very high among patients with newly diagnosed localized prostate cancer. Users find their information needs sufficiently covered. Three months after the decision they felt that they were well prepared for the decision making (Mean PDMS 75, SD 23), they had low decisional conflict (Mean DCS 9.6, SD 11) and almost no decisional regret (Mean DRS 6.4, SD 9.6). Based on these findings the further use of the tutorial can be recommended

    Genetic variances and relationship among traits of an early maturing maize population under drought-stress and low nitrogen environments

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    Article purchasedDrought and low soil nitrogen (low N) are major causes of low grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). An early maturing maize population, TZE-Y Pop DT STR, had undergone four cycles of selection for drought tolerance, followed by four selection cycles for resistance to Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth., which is normally conducted under low N (about 30 kg N ha-1). The objectives of this study were to estimate residual genetic variances, predict future gains from selection, and investigate inter-trait relationships in the population under drought-stress, low N and across research environments. North Carolina Design I was used to develop 250 full-sib progenies from the improved population, which were evaluated in three drought-stress and two low N environments in Nigeria, 2011 to 2013. Additive genetic variances were not significant for most traits under the research conditions. The predicted gains from selection for grain yield were 5.3, 8.5 and 7.5% cycle-1 under drought, low N, and across environments. These results suggested the absence of substantial genetic variability in the population to ensure progress from selection. Ears per plant (EPP), ear aspect (EASP), plant aspect (PASP), and stay green characteristic (STGR) were consistently identified as important secondary traits under both research conditions. We concluded that there is need to introgress new sources of favorable alleles for drought-stress and low N tolerance into the population for guaranteed progress from selection, using EPP, EASP, PASP, and STGR in combination with yield in a selection index under drought-stress and low N

    Emotional ratings and skin conductance response to visual, auditory and haptic stimuli

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    The human emotional reactions to stimuli delivered by different sensory modalities is a topic of interest for many disciplines, from Human-Computer-Interaction to cognitive sciences. Different databases of stimuli eliciting emotional reaction are available, tested on a high number of participants. Interestingly, stimuli within one database are always of the same type. In other words, to date, no data was obtained and compared from distinct types of emotion-eliciting stimuli from the same participant. This makes it difficult to use different databases within the same experiment, limiting the complexity of experiments investigating emotional reactions. Moreover, whereas the stimuli and the participants’ rating to the stimuli are available, physiological reactions of participants to the emotional stimuli are often recorded but not shared. Here, we test stimuli delivered either through a visual, auditory, or haptic modality in a within participant experimental design. We provide the results of our study in the form of a MATLAB structure including basic demographics on the participants, the participant’s self-assessment of his/her emotional state, and his/her physiological reactions (i.e., skin conductance)

    Enhanced multiclass SVM with thresholding fusion for speech-based emotion classification

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    As an essential approach to understanding human interactions, emotion classification is a vital component of behavioral studies as well as being important in the design of context-aware systems. Recent studies have shown that speech contains rich information about emotion, and numerous speech-based emotion classification methods have been proposed. However, the classification performance is still short of what is desired for the algorithms to be used in real systems. We present an emotion classification system using several one-against-all support vector machines with a thresholding fusion mechanism to combine the individual outputs, which provides the functionality to effectively increase the emotion classification accuracy at the expense of rejecting some samples as unclassified. Results show that the proposed system outperforms three state-of-the-art methods and that the thresholding fusion mechanism can effectively improve the emotion classification, which is important for applications that require very high accuracy but do not require that all samples be classified. We evaluate the system performance for several challenging scenarios including speaker-independent tests, tests on noisy speech signals, and tests using non-professional acted recordings, in order to demonstrate the performance of the system and the effectiveness of the thresholding fusion mechanism in real scenarios.Peer ReviewedPreprin
