99 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional Analytical Model of Tidal Flow in the Damariscotta River Estuary, ME

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    Estuaries are coastal bodies of water subjected to strong tidal influence and characterized by their morphology, tidal dynamics, topography, and stratification. Tidal flow is critically important to the water circulation, nutrient influx, and sediment transport in or out of an estuary. However, tidal asymmetry enhanced by estuary shape and nonlinear processes can lead to complications in estuarine flow. Analytical models are used to systematically study tidal flow within an estuary. Previous studies have derived analytical models of varying complexity and applied them to investigate tidal and residual flow. This thesis derives a three-dimensional analytical model with a perturbation expansion of the Navier-Stokes equations in the shallow water limit, modified from. The resulting zero-order solution is analyzed to provide insight into the tidal flow of the Damariscotta River estuary. The Damariscotta River is a tidally-dominated, well-mixed estuary located on the coast of Maine. Despite its importance to local aquaculture, few studies have been conducted within the estuary. This thesis is an exploratory study providing further understanding of the tidal flow dynamics of the Damariscotta River estuary. The water level elevation and three-dimensional tidal flow velocity are presented, and sensitivity to changes in friction and width convergence are studied by altering their respective parameters, vertical eddy viscosity and width convergence factor. Water level elevation amplitude increases along-channel due to amplification from width convergence and, contrarily, along-channel velocity amplitude decreases along-channel due to friction, which suggests that width convergence dominates friction in determining water elevation, but friction has greater influence over velocity. This could be the result of the model assuming constant friction. Lateral velocities exhibited a two-cell structure with flow of the near-surface cell and the near-bottom cell in opposite directions. Results of the model compared well to previous studies within the estuary and to the Upper Ems estuary, which has similar dynamics as the Damariscotta estuary although important morphological distinctions should be noted. Tidal asymmetry and variable friction within the estuary were not studied in this thesis, as non-linear terms were dropped in governing equations and vertical eddy viscosity was assumed to be constant. Furthermore, the model considers the zero-order solution and is unable to study residual flow in the estuary. Future work should investigate tidal asymmetry and residual flow in the Damariscotta estuary, while considering a more complicated friction regime


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    El presente trabajo de investigación se titula: CORRELACIÓN ENTRE EL DESARROLLO DE MOTRICIDAD FINA Y MOTRICIDAD GRUESA EN NIÑOS DE TRES AÑOS DE LA CUNA JARDÍN CAMEMBERT AREQUIPA, 2013. Las variables de estudio fueron: Motricidad Fina, con sus respectivos indicadores: pintar, cortar, punzar, rasgar, doblar, embolillar, ensartar y apretar. Para la variable de Motricidad Gruesa los indicadores fueron: rodar, gatear, caminar, saltar, correr, lanzar, trepar y subir y bajar gradas. Los objetivos de la investigación fueron: - Determinar los puntajes alcanzados en la evaluación de la motricidad fina en los niños de tres años de la Cuna Jardín Camembert. - Determinar los puntajes alcanzados en la evaluación de la motricidad gruesa en los niños de tres años de la Cuna Jardín Camembert. - Precisar el coeficiente de correlación entre motricidad fina y motricidad gruesa en los niños de tres años de la Cuna Jardín Camembert La técnica empleada fue: la observación directa y los instrumentos, dos fichas de observación. Una ficha de observación para evaluar la Motricidad Fina y otra ficha de observación para evaluar la Motricidad Gruesa. La hipótesis formulada fue: Es probable que los niños de tres años de la Cuna Jardín Camembert presenten una correlación directa y alta entre motricidad fina y motricidad gruesa. Los principales resultados obtenidos son: En cuanto a Motricidad Fina, los indicadores con mayor puntaje fueron apretar, ensartar, embolillar, punzar y pintar. En cuanto a Motricidad Gruesa se observaron mejores puntajes en cuanto a subir y bajar gradas, gatear, rodar, caminar y correr. Se obtuvo un mejor promedio en la variable de Motricidad Gruesa. Se observó una correlación media y directa entre ambas variables. La hipótesis fue parcialmente verificada

    Unmanned Surface Vessels for Bridge Scour Monitoring

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    2016-0430Scour at bridge substructure units can cause undermining of footings and exposure of piles, which can lead to bridge failure. Monitoring of the stream bed elevations around a scour critical bridge to identify whether or not scour is occurring during a high-flow event is critical. Working on or near the water may be dangerous during these events. The study investigated various techniques to monitor bridge scour during high-flow events. Sonar has been the leading technique when completing underwater investigations. Different sonar devices were compared: single-beam echo sounder, multi-beam echo sounder, and side-scan. Based on parameters of cost, water depths less than 30 feet, data retrieval, processing, and quality, a single-beam echo sounder, sidescan, and the post-processing software SARHawk, was recommended. Multiple access techniques were assessed based on personnel safety, ease of deployment, and efficient mobilization. Research concluded that a remotely operated unmanned surface vessel (USV) can best complete the following: Operate in turbulent waters with high current near substructure units or debris; Obtain depth readings in water 3 to 30 feet deep; Transmit real-time images and data to shore station; Deploy rapidly and transport easily. Several USVs on the market were compared by means of a rating system and equipment testing. The USVs were rated on parameters outlined in specification sheets, in-person testing, and cost. The rating system identified the company and model of USV recommended. The USV from Hydronalix called Sonar EMILY, equipped with single-beam sonar for water depths, sidescan sonar to obtain images of substructure units below water, topside camera to view the underside of bridges and performance characteristics to operate in turbulent waters with high current near substructure units or debris. The purchase cost for the USV, data acquisition laptop, and running gear is approximately $50,000

    Leukotriene antagonists as first-line or add-on asthma controller therapy

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    Most randomized trials of treatment for asthma study highly selected patients under idealized conditions. METHODS: We conducted two parallel, multicenter, pragmatic trials to evaluate the real-world effectiveness of a leukotriene-receptor antagonist (LTRA) as compared with either an inhaled glucocorticoid for first-line asthma-controller therapy or a long-acting beta(2)-agonist (LABA) as add-on therapy in patients already receiving inhaled glucocorticoid therapy. Eligible primary care patients 12 to 80 years of age had impaired asthma-related quality of life (Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire [MiniAQLQ] score =6) or inadequate asthma control (Asthma Control Questionnaire [ACQ] score =1). We randomly assigned patients to 2 years of open-label therapy, under the care of their usual physician, with LTRA (148 patients) or an inhaled glucocorticoid (158 patients) in the first-line controller therapy trial and LTRA (170 patients) or LABA (182 patients) added to an inhaled glucocorticoid in the add-on therapy trial. RESULTS: Mean MiniAQLQ scores increased by 0.8 to 1.0 point over a period of 2 years in both trials. At 2 months, differences in the MiniAQLQ scores between the two treatment groups met our definition of equivalence (95% confidence interval [CI] for an adjusted mean difference, -0.3 to 0.3). At 2 years, mean MiniAQLQ scores approached equivalence, with an adjusted mean difference between treatment groups of -0.11 (95% CI, -0.35 to 0.13) in the first-line controller therapy trial and of -0.11 (95% CI, -0.32 to 0.11) in the add-on therapy trial. Exacerbation rates and ACQ scores did not differ significantly between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Study results at 2 months suggest that LTRA was equivalent to an inhaled glucocorticoid as first-line controller therapy and to LABA as add-on therapy for diverse primary care patients. Equivalence was not proved at 2 years. The interpretation of results of pragmatic research may be limited by the crossover between treatment groups and lack of a placebo group

    Drosophila eiger Mutants Are Sensitive to Extracellular Pathogens

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    We showed previously that eiger, the Drosophila tumor necrosis factor homolog, contributes to the pathology induced by infection with Salmonella typhimurium. We were curious whether eiger is always detrimental in the context of infection or if it plays a role in fighting some types of microbes. We challenged wild-type and eiger mutant flies with a collection of facultative intracellular and extracellular pathogens, including a fungus and Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The response of eiger mutants divided these microbes into two groups: eiger mutants are immunocompromised with respect to extracellular pathogens but show no change or reduced sensitivity to facultative intracellular pathogens. Hence, eiger helps fight infections but also can cause pathology. We propose that eiger activates the cellular immune response of the fly to aid clearance of extracellular pathogens. Intracellular pathogens, which can already defeat professional phagocytes, are unaffected by eiger

    Influences of community engagement and health system strengthening for cholera control in cholera reporting countries

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    From BMJ via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2023-08-25, accepted 2023-11-25, ppub 2023-12, epub 2023-12-06Peer reviewed: TrueAcknowledgements: We want to acknowledge the Karolinska Institute Librarians' assistance in constructing this study's search strategy.Publication status: PublishedKarin Diaconu - ORCID: 0000-0002-5810-9725 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5810-9725The 2030 Global Task Force on Cholera Control Roadmap hinges on strengthening the implementation of multistranded cholera interventions, including community engagement and health system strengthening. However, a composite picture of specific facilitators and barriers for these interventions and any overlapping factors existing between the two, is lacking. Therefore, this study aims to address this shortcoming, focusing on cholera-reporting countries, which are disproportionately affected by cholera and may be cholera endemic. A scoping methodology was chosen to allow for iterative mapping, synthesis of the available research and to pinpoint research activity for global and local cholera policy-makers and shareholders. Using the Arksey and O’Malley framework for scoping reviews, we searched PubMed, Web of Science and CINAHL. Inclusion criteria included publication in English between 1990 and 2021 and cholera as the primary document focus in an epidemic or endemic setting. Data charting was completed through narrative descriptive and thematic analysis. Forty-four documents were included, with half relating to sub-Saharan African countries, 68% (30/44) to cholera endemic settings and 21% (9/44) to insecure settings. We identified four themes of facilitators and barriers to health systems strengthening: health system cooperation and agreement with external actors; maintaining functional capacity in the face of change; good governance, focused political will and sociopolitical influences on the cholera response and insecurity and targeted destruction. Community engagement had two themes: trust building in the health system and growing social cohesion. Insecurity and the community; cooperation and agreement; and sociopolitical influences on trust building were themes of factors acting at the interface between community engagement and health system. Given the decisive role of the community–health system interface for both sustained health system strengthening and community engagement, there is a need to advocate for conflict resolution, trust building and good governance for long-term cholera prevention and control in cholera reporting countries.pubpu

    A vulnerabilidade feminina entre residentes no município de Viçosa – MG / Female vulnerability among living in the municipality of Viçosa – MG

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    Objetivo: Analisar as características sociodemográficas, de estilo de vida e ginecológico-obstétricas e as práticas de saúde entre mulheres residentes no município de Viçosa, MG. Método: Estudo de caráter transversal descritivo, realizado no período de novembro de 2013 a setembro de 2014, com uma amostragem de 259 mulheres na faixa etária de 25 a 64 anos, do município de Viçosa, utilizando um questionário semiestruturado. Resultados: Os resultados da pesquisa revelaram que 68,3% das mulheres entrevistadas são casadas/unidas e que 76,1% têm filhos. Do total, 25,5% já fumaram ou fumam, 22,8% nunca fizeram consulta de pós-parto e 50,6% nunca fizeram consulta de planejamento familiar. Quanto à paridade, 58,7% são multíparas. Em relação ao preventivo, 49,4% não deram nenhuma informação. Conclusão: É preciso desenvolver ações que permitam que essas mulheres se tornem agentes participantes nas suas escolhas sobre a saúde, mas, acima de tudo, que elas sejam entendidas em seu contexto social, econômico, cultural e étnico

    Effects of antiplatelet therapy on stroke risk by brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases: subgroup analyses of the RESTART randomised, open-label trial

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    Background Findings from the RESTART trial suggest that starting antiplatelet therapy might reduce the risk of recurrent symptomatic intracerebral haemorrhage compared with avoiding antiplatelet therapy. Brain imaging features of intracerebral haemorrhage and cerebral small vessel diseases (such as cerebral microbleeds) are associated with greater risks of recurrent intracerebral haemorrhage. We did subgroup analyses of the RESTART trial to explore whether these brain imaging features modify the effects of antiplatelet therapy

    Marine harmful algal blooms, human health and wellbeing : challenges and opportunities in the 21st century

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    Author Posting. © Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 96 (2016): 61-91, doi:10.1017/S0025315415001733.Microalgal blooms are a natural part of the seasonal cycle of photosynthetic organisms in marine ecosystems. They are key components of the structure and dynamics of the oceans and thus sustain the benefits that humans obtain from these aquatic environments. However, some microalgal blooms can cause harm to humans and other organisms. These harmful algal blooms (HABs) have direct impacts on human health and negative influences on human wellbeing, mainly through their consequences to coastal ecosystem services (valued fisheries, tourism and recreation) and other marine organisms and environments. HABs are natural phenomena, but these events can be favoured by anthropogenic pressures in coastal areas. Global warming and associated changes in the oceans could affect HAB occurrences and toxicity as well, although forecasting the possible trends is still speculative and requires intensive multidisciplinary research. At the beginning of the 21st century, with expanding human populations, particularly in coastal and developing countries, there is an urgent need to prevent and mitigate HABs’ impacts on human health and wellbeing. The available tools to address this global challenge include maintaining intensive, multidisciplinary and collaborative scientific research, and strengthening the coordination with stakeholders, policymakers and the general public. Here we provide an overview of different aspects to understand the relevance of the HABs phenomena, an important element of the intrinsic links between oceans and human health and wellbeing.The research was funded in part by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) for the MEDMI Project; the National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit (NIHR HPRU) in Environmental Change and Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in partnership with Public Health England (PHE), and in collaboration with the University of Exeter, University College London and the Met Office; and the European Regional Development Fund Programme and European Social Fund Convergence Programme for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (University of Exeter Medical School). EB was supported by the CTM2014-53818-R project, from the Spanish Government (MINECO). KDA was in receipt of funding from the BBSRC-NERC research programme for multidisciplinary studies in sustainable aquaculture: health, disease and the environment. P. Hess was supported by Ifremer (RISALTOX) and the Regional Council of the Pays de la Loire (COSELMAR). Porter Hoagland was supported by the US National Science Foundation under NSF/CNH grant no. 1009106.2016-05-2