291 research outputs found

    Microwave and optical spectroscopy of 8 and 12 mole % yttria stabilized zirconia

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    During the work, which forms the basis of this thesis, 8 and 12 mole % Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) single crystals have been studied from the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (e.p.r.) and Optical Spectroscopy points of view, in both the as grown state and after current blackening by current passage at several current densities. Experimental factors limited the range of current density used to between 0.1-5 A/cm(^2) for the study of optical spectroscopy and to between 1-25 A/cm(^2) for e.p.r. The e.p.r, study was made at 35 GHz, using a cavity spectrometer, at 293ºK and 77ºK. These measurements were difficult because of the low spin densities encountered and because of the cavity damping caused by blackened crystals. They showed in as grown material, the presence of an "F-Centre," (e(^-) + (0)(^..) + Y ion). This complex was also seen in blackened crystals. In addition, in both as grown and blackened crystals a second line was observed due possibly to Zr(^3)+ or Y(^2+). A third line, appearing only after current passage seemed to be more likely to arise from conduction electrons than from colour centres or paramagnetic ions. Prom optical absorption spectra the band gap energies were calculated to be 4.50 ev and 4.45 ev, at 293ºK for the 8 and 12 mole % as grown YSZ respectively. Attempts made to fit the absorption curves to the conventional formulae for semiconcluctors showed that the only near fit was for an indirect allowed transition and this only held for the tail region of the absorption edge. For absorption spectra of differently 'blackened samples, two methods (transmission-transmission and reflectivity-transmission) were applied at 293ºK. They showed that the absorption curves shifted non-linearly beyond 1.0 micron as compared with the absorption edge position for the as grown samples. An explanation of this is suggested as due to scattering of light from colloidal metallic Zr particles. From transmission spectra, made at 293ºK for both 8 and 12 mole % as grown YBZ, the Debye temperatures were calculated to be 660 ± 12 ºK and 666 ± 12 ºK respectively. Reflectivity and refractive index measurements were also made. Some general conclusions are given

    Socıal Marketing Activıties In Non-Profit Organizations and An Investigation Concerning Environmental Volunteer Organizations

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    Kar amacı gütmeyen kuruluşların (KAGK) toplumsal yaşamdaki rolleri ve önemleri her geçen gün artarak devam etmektedir. Bir kuruluşun (kar amaçlı veya amaçsız) başarılı olabilmesi için öncelikle ürettiği mal ve hizmetlerini hedef kitlesine doğru yer ve zamanda, doğru şekilde ulaştırması gerekir. Aksi halde başarılı olması mümkün değildir. Bu nedenle kar amacı gütmeyen kuruluşlar başarılı olabilmeleri için sosyal pazarlama yaklaşımını kullanmalıdırlar. Artan nüfusun istek ve ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak için dünyanın sahip olduğu kaynakların bilinçsizce tüketilmesi ve gıda maddelerinde kimyasal maddelerin kullanılması sonucu insan sağlığına ve çevreye verilen zararlar herkesi endişelendirmektedir. Bizim gibi gelişmekte olan ülkelerde çevrenin korunmasında ve çevresel konularda toplumun bilinçlendirilmesinde KAGK'lara büyük görev ve sorumluluklar düşmektedir. Bu çalışmada, KAGK'ların öncelikle hedef kitlelerini tam olarak belirlemedikleri ve bu nedenle de bu hedef kitleye uygun sosyal pazarlama karmasını geliştiremedikleri belirlenmiştir. The role and importance of Non-Profit Organizations continues to grow in social life. In order to achieve success, an organization has to make sure that its products and service are transported to the target at the right place and time. Otherwise, success is not possible. Therefore, Non-Profit Organizations have to use the social marketing approach. The consumption of world sources to meet the needs of the increasing population and the use of chemical products that harm the world and human health worry a lot of people. It is the responsibility and duty of non-profit organizations to protect the environment and to increase the conscience of the community in developing countries. It is stated in this investigation that Non-Profit Organizations do not determine their targets in a specific way and for this reason an appropriate social marketing can not be developed for these targets

    Crecimiento de bacterias en agentes de infusión: El propofol al 2% sustenta el crecimiento, mientras que el remifentanilo y el pantoprazol no

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    ResumenExperiencia y objetivosFueron evaluados los riesgos de la contaminación de propofol al 2%, remifentanilo y pantoprazol y los efectos de esos agentes in vitro en el crecimiento de agen- tes infecciosos comunes en las unidades de cuidados intensivos.MétodosPara la detección del riesgo de contaminación, fueron testados agentes prepara- dos para el uso inmediato bajo condiciones de la unidad de cuidados intensivos. También se investigaron los efectos de esos tres agentes en el crecimiento bacteriano. Los agentes fueron preparados en las concentraciones utilizadas en la unidad de cuidados intensivos e inoculados con patógenos comunes; enseguida fueron incubados a 4°C, 22°C y 36°C. Fueron obtenidos subcultivos a 0, 2, 4 y 8h y se evaluaron los conteos de las colonias. Fueron determinados los valores de concentración inhibitoria mínima para todos los agentes a 4°C, 22°C y 36°C.ResultadosNo se observó el crecimiento en los agentes preparados en la unidad de cuida- dos intensivos. El Propofol soportó el crecimiento, mientras que el remifentanilo inhibió el crecimiento bacteriano. El efecto de pantoprazol varió dependiendo de la bacteria testada. Ninguno de los agentes demostró actividad antibacteriana en las concentraciones máximas que pueden ser alcanzadas en la sangre de los pacientes.ConclusionesEl Propofol sustenta vigorosamente el crecimiento de los microrganismos testa- dos, lo que no ocurre con el remifentanilo y el pantoprazol. Por tanto, es importante que se practiquen técnicas asépticas rígidas en la preparación del propofol

    Investigation of the relationship between fear of COVID-19 and mother to infant bonding in postpartum women

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    Objective: The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between the fear of COVID-19 and mother to infant bonding in postpartum women. Material and methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted online from social media platforms. The women who were in the postpartum period (between 1-40 days), using smart phones, and healthy for themselves and their babies were included in the study. The sample was determined by power analysis and the study was completed with 205 puerperal women. Personal Information Form, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fear Scale and Mother to Infant Bonding Scale (MIBS) were used to collect data. Results: It was determined that the mean score of the Women's Fear of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Scale was 16.85±6.42 and the mean score of the Mother to Infant Bonding Scale was 3.18±3.58. It was found that there was no significant relationship between fear of coronavirus and mother to infant bonding levels of the women participating in the study (r=0.046, p=0.478). It has been observed that the income status of women, regular doctor check-ups, having a coronavirus disease, being vaccinated against COVID-19 affect the fear of COVID-19, while mother to infant bonding is affected by regular doctor check-ups, being vaccinated against COVID-19, and losing their family due to COVID-19. Conclusion: It was concluded that women in the postpartum period should be supported by health professionals from the pregnancy period in order to cope with the fear of COVID-19 and to achieve safe and healthy mother to infant bonding

    Dioxin Induces Genomic Instability in Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts

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    Ionizing radiation and certain other exposures have been shown to induce genomic instability (GI), i.e., delayed genetic damage observed many cell generations later in the progeny of the exposed cells. The aim of this study was to investigate induction of GI by a nongenotoxic carcinogen, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (C3H10T1/2) were exposed to 1, 10 or 100 nM TCDD for 2 days. Micronuclei (MN) and expression of selected cancer-related genes were assayed both immediately and at a delayed point in time (8 days). For comparison, similar experiments were done with cadmium, a known genotoxic agent. TCDD treatment induced an elevated frequency of MN at 8 days, but not directly after the exposure. TCDD-induced alterations in gene expression were also mostly delayed, with more changes observed at 8 days than at 2 days. Exposure to cadmium produced an opposite pattern of responses, with pronounced effects immediately after exposure but no increase in MN and few gene expression changes at 8 days. Although all responses to TCDD alone were delayed, menadione-induced DNA damage (measured by the Comet assay), was found to be increased directly after a 2-day TCDD exposure, indicating that the stability of the genome was compromised already at this time point. The results suggested a flat dose-response relationship consistent with dose-response data reported for radiation-induced GI. These findings indicate that TCDD, although not directly genotoxic, induces GI, which is associated with impaired DNA damage response