13 research outputs found

    Легионеллез – актуальная проблема медицины транспорта

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    Приведені результати вивчення циркуляції легионелл на морському і залізничному транспорті. На залізничному транспорті леги онелли знайдені в 6.66% досліджених зразків, на морському - в 3.7% . Дослідження іммуно структури плавсостава і контрольної групи осіб показали достовірну різницю між ними по виявленню легионеллезних антитіл відносно Legionella pneumophila Philadelphia I. Описані три спалахи легионеллеза на морських судах. Приведені дані обґрунтовують необхідність проведення профілактичних заходів відносно легионеллезной інфекції на різних видах транспорту.The results of Legionella circulation on marine vessels and railway transport are given. Legionella was found on railway transport in 6.66% of tests and on marine vessels in 3.7% of cases. The examinations of the crews and control group have shown the significant difference in the presence of legionella's antibody to Legionella pneumophila Philadelphia I in the groups under study. Three outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease have been analyzed. The data obtained promote the necessity of Legionellosis specific  prophylaxis on different transport means

    What can health inequalities researchers learn from an intersectionality perspective?:Understanding social dynamics with an inter-categorical approach

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    The concept of intersectionality was developed by social scientists seeking to analyse the multiple interacting influences of social location, identity and historical oppression. Despite broad take-up elsewhere, its application in public health remains underdeveloped. We consider how health inequalities research in the United Kingdom has predominantly taken class and later socioeconomic position as its key axis in a manner that tends to overlook other crucial dimensions. We especially focus on international research on ethnicity, gender and caste to argue that an intersectional perspective is relevant for health inequalities research because it compels researchers to move beyond (but not ignore) class and socioeconomic position in analysing the structural determinants of health. Drawing on these theoretical developments, we argue for an inter-categorical conceptualisation of social location that recognises differentiation without reifying social groupings – thus encouraging researchers to focus on social dynamics rather than social categories, recognising that experiences of advantage and disadvantage reflect the exercise of power across social institutions. Such an understanding may help address the historic tendency of health inequalities research to privilege methodological issues and consider different axes of inequality in isolation from one another, encouraging researchers to move beyond micro-level behaviours to consider the structural drivers of inequalities