51 research outputs found


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    DINI AULIA NUR OKTAVIA, The Correlation Between Job Satisaction With Employee Commitment Of Organizaional At PT. Duta Putra Land In Jakarta. Commerce Education Studies Program, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. This research was conducted at PT. Duta Putra Land in Jakarta, for five months starting from February 2016 to June 2016. The research method used is survey method with the correlational approach. The population in this research residents of employees PT. Duta Putra Land in Jakarta, where as the possible populations were resedents of employee PT. Duta Putra Land engineering projects department 48 employees. The resulting regression equation is Ŷ = 38,905 + 0,591 X. Test requirements analysis that estimates the error normality test regression of Y on X with test Liliefors produce Lcount = 0.090, while Ltable for n = 48 at 0.05 significant level is 0.128. Because Lcount Ftable which, 36.92 > 4.07, meaning that the regression equation is significant. Correlation coefficient of Pearson Product moment generating rxy = 0.667, then performed the test significance correlation coefficient using t test and the resulting tcount > ttable, tcount = 6.08 and ttable = 1.68 .It can conclude that the correlation coefficient rxy = 0.667 is significant. The coefficient of determination obtained at 44.53% which indicates that 44.53% of the variant organizational commitment is determined by job satisfaction

    Reading to Learn Models: A Strategy to Improve Student Science Literacy About Addictive, Additive, and Psychotropic Substances

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    Scientific literacy an individual’s understanding of scientific concepts, phenomena and processes, and their ability to apply this knowledge to new and, at times, non-scientific situations. The science literacy of Indonesian students is still low as seen from the results of the PISA test as long as Indonesia participates in this program. One learning model that can improve students' scientific literacy is the implementation of Reading to Learn (R2L). R2L is a strategy that can be applied by teachers to train students' reading skills with the aim of increasing literacy.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the implementation of R2L on students' scientific literacy about addictive, additive and psychotropic substances. This type of research is a quasi-experimental carried out with a posttest only control group design. This study conducted in SMP N 29 Padang. The sample is 31 student in experiment class and 27 students in control class. Science literacy data of the subject was collected by multiple choice test that arranged based on scientific literacy indicators. Realiabity  of the instrument was very high category. The results of hypothesis testing using the independent sample t test showed that significance value is smaller than alpha, 0.000 <0.05, so that  R2L model had a positive effect on students' scientific literacy

    Simulasi Gelombang Interface Menggunakan Skema Staggered Grid

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    Perbedaan salinitas,  temperatur, dan tekanan  menyebabkan  keadaan  air laut menjadi ter- stratifikasi  dengan massa jenis yang berbeda.  Lapisan fluida dengan massa jenis yang lebih kecil akan berada di atas fluida dengan massa jenis lebih besar.  Gelombang interface adalah gelombang yang terjadi  pada  batas  antara dua lapisan  air laut  dengan  massa jenis yang berbeda.   Dalam  hal ini, persamaan  air dangkal  dua lapis digunakan  untuk  mempelajari gelombang interface.  Skema staggered grid diterapkan untuk  menyelesaikan persamaan  air dangkal  dua lapis ini.  Pertama akan disimulasikan  mode barotropic  dan baroclinic.  Peri- ode dari masing-masing  mode ini dihitung  dan menunjukkan kesesuaian  dengan  formula analitik.  Selanjutnya  skema ini juga digunakan  untuk  mensimulasikan  gelombang panjang interface yang berpropagasi  melalui topografi dengan kedalaman  yang berbeda  (fenomena shoaling ), juga masalah  dam break yang terjadi  pada interface dari dua lapisan fluida

    Penentuan Mathla’ Hilal

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    Abstract: This research is based on various polemics and actual differences discussed every year in the determination of the beginning of the Islamic month (Islamic calendar), such as the month of safar, rajab month, month of Zulhijjah, and especially the beginning of Ramadan and Shawwal. Determination of the beginning of the month and time of worship is a matter of great concern in Islam, especially in Indonesia, which is one of the countries with the big majority of Muslims in the world. Various problems that arise in determining the beginning of the Islamic month (Islamic calendar), especially Ramadan and Shawwal are about mathla 'which then emerged the terms' global mathla 'and regional matla'. In this case, Indonesia has a policy of using two methods, especially in determining the beginning of the month of Ramadan, namely Hisab and Rukyat, Hilal is one form of natural phenomenon that changes the instructions for humans in determining worship times based on Hijri. calendar, so the appearance of the new moon somewhere or what is commonly called mathla 'new moon is the main requirement in determining the beginning of the month. With the emergence of the polemic of differences of opinion, the Muslim community, especially in Indonesia, relied on the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council in each determination based on the opinions of the four Imam of Madzhab through the hadith, asbabul wurud, and hads atsar about the determination of mathla 'hilal. Abstrak: Penelitian ini diangkat dari berbagai polemik dan perbedaan yang aktual di bicarakan pada tiap tahun dalam penentuan awal bulan hijriah (kalender Islam), seperti bulan safar, bulan rajab, bulan Zulhijjah, dan khususnya awal bulan Ramadhan dan Syawal. Penentuan awal bulan dan waktu Ibadah merupakan hal yang sangat diperhatikan dalam Islam khususnya di Indonesia yang merupakan salah satu negara dengan Mayoritas muslim terbesar di dunia. Berbagai problem yang muncul dalam penentuan awal bulan hijriah (kalender Islam) khususnya ramadhan dan syawal adalah tentang mathla’ yang kemudian muncul istilah mathla’ global dan matla’ regional. Dalam hal ini di Indonesia mempunyai kebijakan dengan menggunakan dua metode khususnya dalam penentuan awal bulan Ramadhan yaitu Hisab dan rukyat, Hilal merupakan salah satu bentuk dari perubahan gejala alam yang menjadi petunjuk bagi manusia dalam menentukan waktu ibadah yang pelaksanaanya berdasarkan penanggalan Hijriah, dengan begitu munculnya Hilal di suatu tempat atau biasa disebut mathla’ hilal merupakan syarat utama dalam penentuan awal bulan tersebut, Dengan munculnya polemik perbedaan pendapat tersebut mayarakat muslim khususnya di Indonesia bersandar pada fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) dalam setiap penentuanya dengan diperkuat oleh pendapat empat Imam Madzhab melalui hadist,asbabul wurud, dan atsar hadits mengenai penentuann mathla’ hilal. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh rasio profitabilitas, rasio likuiditas, dan rasio solvabilitas terhadap harga saham. Variabel pada penelitian ini diproksikan dengan Net Profit Margin (NPM), Current Ratio (CR), dan Debt to Equity Ratio (DER). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kausal komparatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling yaitu pemilihan sampel dengan kriteria-kriteria yang telah ditentukan maka diperoleh 63 sampel data dari 21 perusahaan indeks LQ45 yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2018 – 2020. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisis regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rasio profitabilitas berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan harga saham. Artinya tinggi rendahnya rasio profitabilitas berpengaruh pada harga saham perusahaan dengan arah positif. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa rasio profitabilitas yang tinggi menunjukkan perusahaan mempunyai kemampuan menghasilkan laba bersih dengan presentase yang tinggi dalam pendapatan operasional sehingga dapat menarik minat investor untuk menanamkan modalnya. Rasio likuiditas berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap harga saham. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Semakin tinggi rasio likuiditas maka semakin besar kemampuan perusahaan untuk membayar dividen. Rasio solvabilitas berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap harga saham. Semakin tinggi rasio solvabilitas juga menunjukkan semakin besar penggunaan utang dalam pendanaan perusahaan dan ketergantungan perusahaan dengan pihak lua


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    Masalah pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengembangan media komik berbasis mitigasi bencana pada siswa kelas III SD yang valid dan praktis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan media komik berbasis mitigasi bencana pada siswa kelas III SD yang valid dan praktis. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan Research and Development (R&amp;D). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 tahap yaitu analyze, design, development, implementation dan evaluation. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, kuesioner (angket) dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif kuantitatif untuk memperoleh kevalidan dan kepraktisan dari produk yang dikembangkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kasil kevalidan yang telah dilakukan oleh validator ahli media, ahli bahasa, dan ahli materi berdasarkan penilaian bahwa media komik berbasis mitigasi bencana yang dikembangkan dengan perolehan skor rata - rata mencapai 74,6% dengan kategori valid. Kepraktisan yang dilakukan dengan melakukan penilaian oleh siswa dengan melakukan uji coba one to one memperoleh skor 76% dan uji coba small group memperoleh skor 82,3% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Hasil penelitian ini dapat dikatakan bahwa media komik berbasis mitigasi bencana yang dikembangkan layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran pada siswa kelas III SD

    Perbandingan Metode Simple Additive Weighting Dan Weighted Product Dalam Penilaian Kinerja Guru

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    The teacher performance appraisal process is carried out through a manual assessment form which will then be given a value according to predetermined criteria. Comparative analysis of the Simple Additive Weighting and Weighted Product methods on teacher performance assessment data is carried out by comparing the final results obtained from the two methods. The analysis is carried out by looking at the number of criteria used, the processing time and also the ranking results. Based on the tests that have been carried out, the comparison results obtained in terms of processing time, the SAW method is faster than the WP method, and from the ranking results the SAW method and the WP method have the same value


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    Fish and other fishery products are one of the important food sources in fulfilling human nutritional needs. Fish contains nutrients that are good for the body and are easily digested by the body. Fish is a source of animal protein that comes from the water. Fish is rich in nutritional content, such as protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Fish is a source of long chain fatty acids, such as omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids from marine and fresh fish are higher than those from land and vegetable animals. The potential for fish availability is more than other fishery products, so that to meet the nutritional needs of the body can be done by consuming fish as needed. Public knowledge about the importance of nutritional content in fish for health is still low, so there is a need for knowledge about the nutritional content of fish and their health benefits. This review explains the nutritional content of seawater and freshwater fish and its benefits for health


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    Pacarejo Village in Semanu District Gunung Kidul Regency is a village where is still a lots of potential lands under Tree forest stands.  Land Proverties taht belonging of  Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta  (UPNVYK) located in this place. It is available to cultivate Porang stalk. Porang is going to growing well, if there are shading plants, in the form of stands.There are still capable of about 50 percent light. The land in Pacarejo Village is overgrown with teak, sonokeling, mahony and sengon trees. It is rich and get benefits apart from the timber, soo the land underneath can be used for plant that can provide yields well. In other hand, this activities provide economic added value to the community around the forest and get the better welfare. This Community servises activity aims to cultivate land, including UPNVYK land which has not been utilized as well as to be used as a forum for education for the community and can obtain additional results, thereby improving the local community's economy. The program dedicated to improve the commnunity empowerment. In program implementation, we conduct with communities approach methode. It was carried out using the RRA (Rapid Rural Approach) and PRA (Participatory Rural Approach) methods, which are the  philosophy  model to close the village community deeply. All of Activities have been doing by Focus Group Discussion (FGD), get the extention to the community, dissemination commodities of Porang and its benefits of commodities.  The program are cultivate land with Porang and make the derivative product after harvest handling. To get the ideal of the program, to be done through scheduled mentoring,  implementation of technology, controlling and monitoring. The application of the method, in the form of activities by presenting a "demplot" of Porang cultivation and assistance properly and correctly. It is able to carry out the cultivated of post-harvest handling and calculated  revenue to be get economical benefit. The results of the activities showed that the program is useful and able to get the   land use optimal and the end of the program will increase household community income