247 research outputs found

    Zur Funktion der räumlichen Dimension in den Romanen Die Ausgesperrten von Elfriede Jelinek und The Cement Garden von Ian McEwan sowie deren Umsetzung in den gleichnamigen Kinoadaptationen von Franz Novotny und Andrew Birkin

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    Der private Raum als individueller Bestandteil des sozialen Raumbegriffs weitet sich bis an die Grenze der mobilen Erreichbarkeit aus und scheint damit den öffentlichen Raum in eine Abseitsposition zu drängen. Neue Raumbegriffe wie Cyberspace lösen traditionelle Raumkategorien ab. Im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit werden anhand eines typologischen Vergleiches die Umsetzung der räumlichen Dimension in den Romanen The Cement Garden von Ian McEwan und Die Ausgesperrten von Elfriede Jelinek, sowie deren gleichnamigen Kino-Adaptationen der Regisseure Andrew Birkin und Franz Novotny miteinander verglichen. Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der sprachlichen Darstellung der räumlichen Dimension in den Romanen sowie der Umsetzung und Funktion dieser räumlichen Dimension in den filmischen Adaptationen. In einem späteren Analyseschritt wird nach der allgemeinen Funktion von Raum in den Beispielmedien geforscht. Zuletzt wird auf die Organisation des filmisch erzählten Bildraums eingegangen. Als Grundlage für diese wissenschaftliche Arbeit werden strukturalistischen Theorien von Jurij M. Lotman Die Struktur literarischer Texte und Irmela Schneider Der verwandelte Text. Wege zu einer Theorie der Literaturverfilmung herangezogen. Ausgangsbasis für die Adaptationstheorie ist Linda Hutcheons A Theory of Adaptation. Ein gesonderter Analysepunkt bezieht sich ferner auf Michel Foucaults Heterotopie-Konstrukt aus Dispositive der Macht: Über Sexualität, Wissen und Wahrheit. Heterotopien werden in allen Beispielmedien als Instrumente der Raumorganisation eingesetzt. Sie dienen einerseits der geografischen und gesellschaftlichen, aber auch der historischen Zuordnung des Geschehens. Daneben machen sie Raum für Fiktives und Imaginäres und ermöglichen so das Bedeutungsspektrum der filmischen Adaptationen zu erweitern


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    Pe plan mondial, alergia alimentară reprezintă o problemă de sănătate publică de mare actualitate, cu o incidenţă în continuă creştere. Asocierea acesteia cu exacerbările astmului bronşic sunt descrise în tot mai multe studii multicentrice internaţionale. În acest context, prezentul articol evidenţiază rolul alimentelor în simptomatologia tractului respirator şi circumstanţele în care alergia alimentară trebuie luată în considerare la pacienţii cu astm bronşic şi/sau rinită alergică

    Successful field performance in warm and dry environments of soybean expressing the sunflower transcription factor HB4

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    Ribichich, Karina Fabiana. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral Santa Fe, Argentina.Chiozza, Mariana. INDEAR/BIOCERES. Rosario, Argentina.Ávalos Britez, Selva. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino (EEA Pergamino). Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Cabello, Julieta V. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral Santa Fe, Argentina.Arce, Augustin L. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral Santa Fe, Argentina.Watson, Gerónimo. INDEAR/BIOCERES. Rosario, Argentina.Arias, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. CIFASIS. Rosario, Argentina.Portapila, Margarita. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. CIFASIS. Rosario, Argentina.Trucco, Federico. INDEAR/BIOCERES. Rosario, Argentina.Otegui, María Elena. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Pergamino (EEA Pergamino). Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina.Chan, Raquel Lía. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología del Litoral Santa Fe, Argentina.3142–3156Soybean yield is limited primarily by abiotic constraints. No transgenic soybean with improved abiotic stress tolerance is commercially available. We transformed soybean plants with genetic constructs able to express the sunflower transcription factor HaHB4, which confers drought tolerance to Arabidopsis and wheat. One line (b10H) carrying the sunflower promoter was chosen among three independent lines because it exhibited the best performance in seed yield, and was evaluated in the greenhouse and in 27 field trials in different environments in Argentina. In greenhouse experiments, transgenic plants showed increased seed yield under stress conditions together with greater epicotyl diameter, larger xylem area, and increased water use efficiency compared with controls. They also exhibited enhanced seed yield in warm and dry field conditions. This response was accompanied by an increase in seed number that was not compensated by a decrease in individual seed weight. Transcriptome analysis of plants from a field trial with maximum difference in seed yield between genotypes indicated the induction of genes encoding redox and heat shock proteins in b10H. Collectively, our results indicate that soybeans transformed with HaHB4 are expected to have a reduced seed yield penalty when cultivated in warm and dry conditions, which constitute the best target environments for this technology

    Immune Markers and Tumor-Related Processes Predict Neoadjuvant Therapy Response in the WSG-ADAPT HER2-Positive/Hormone Receptor-Positive Trial in Early Breast Cancer

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    Prognostic or predictive biomarkers in HER2-positive early breast cancer (EBC) may inform treatment optimization. The ADAPT HER2-positive/hormone receptor-positive phase II trial (NCT01779206) demonstrated pathological complete response (pCR) rates of ~40% following de-escalated treatment with 12 weeks neoadjuvant ado-trastuzumab emtansine (T-DM1) ± endocrine therapy. In this exploratory analysis, we evaluated potential early predictors of response to neoadjuvant therapy. The effects of PIK3CA mutations and immune (CD8 and PD-L1) and apoptotic markers (BCL2 and MCL1) on pCR rates were assessed, along with intrinsic BC subtypes. Immune response and pCR were lower in PIK3CA-mutated tumors compared with wildtype. Increased BCL2 at baseline in all patients and at Cycle 2 in the T-DM1 arms was associated with lower pCR. In the T-DM1 arms only, the HER2-enriched subtype was associated with increased pCR rate (54% vs. 28%). These findings support further prospective pCR-driven de-escalation studies in patients with HER2-positive EBC

    S2k guideline: Diagnosis and treatment of chronic pruritus

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    Pruritus is a cross-disciplinary leading symptom of numerous diseases and represents an interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In contrast to acute pruritus, chronic pruritus (CP) is a symptom of various diseases that is usually difficult to treat. Scratching and the development of scratch-associated skin lesions can alter the original skin status. In the presence of an itch-scratch-cycle, even secondary diseases such as chronic prurigo can develop. Chronic pruritus leads to considerable subjective suffering of those affected, which can result in restrictions on the health-related quality of life such as sleep disturbances, anxiety, depressiveness, experience of stigmatization and/or social withdrawal up to clinically relevant psychic comorbidities. Medical care of patients should therefore include (a) interdisciplinary diagnosis and therapy of the triggering underlying disease, (b) therapy of the secondary symptoms of pruritus (dermatological therapy, sleep promotion, in the case of an accompanying or underlying psychological or psychosomatic disease an appropriate psychological-psychotherapeutic treatment) and (c) symptomatic antipruritic therapy. The aim of this interdisciplinary guideline is to define and standardize the therapeutic procedure as well as the interdisciplinary diagnosis of CP. This is the short version of the updated S2k-guideline for chronic pruritus. The long version can be found at www.awmf.org

    On the evolution of the size of Lyman alpha halos across cosmic time: no change in the circumgalactic gas distribution when probed by line emission

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    Lyman α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) is now routinely used as a tool for studying high-redshift galaxies and its resonant nature means it can trace neutral hydrogen around star-forming galaxies. Integral field spectrograph measurements of high-redshift Lyα\alpha emitters indicate that significant extended Lyα\alpha halo emission is ubiquitous around such objects. We present a sample of redshift 0.23 to 0.31 galaxies observed with the Hubble Space Telescope selected to match the star formation properties of high-zz samples while optimizing the observations for detection of low surface brightness Lyα\alpha emission. The Lyα\alpha escape fractions range between 0.7\% and 37\%, and we detect extended Lyα\alpha emission around six out of seven targets. We find Lyα\alpha halo to UV scale length ratios around 6:1 which is marginally lower than high-redshift observations, and halo flux fractions between 60\% and 85\% -- consistent with high-redshift observations -- when using comparable methods. However, our targets show additional extended stellar UV emission: we parametrize this with a new double exponential model. We find that this parametrization does not strongly affect the observed Lyα\alpha halo fractions. We find that deeper Hα\alpha data would be required to firmly determine the origin of Lyα\alpha halo emission, however, there are indications that Hα\alpha is more extended than the central FUV profile, potentially indicating conditions favorable for the escape of ionizing radiation. We discuss our results in the context of high-redshift galaxies, cosmological simulations, evolutionary studies of the circumgalactic medium in emission, and the emission of ionizing radiation.Comment: 20 page, 14 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Single cell immune profiling by mass cytometry of newly diagnosed chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia treated with nilotinib

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    Monitoring of single cell signal transduction in leukemic cellular subsets has been proposed to provide deeper understanding of disease biology and prognosis, but has so far not been tested in a clinical trial of targeted therapy. We developed a complete mass cytometry analysis pipeline for characterization of intracellular signal transduction patterns in the major leukocyte subsets of chronic phase chronic myeloid leukemia. Changes in phosphorylated Bcr-Abl1 and the signaling pathways involved were readily identifiable in peripheral blood single cells already within three hours of the patient receiving oral nilotinib. The signal transduction profiles of healthy donors were clearly distinct from those of the patients at diagnosis. Furthermore, using principal component analysis, we could show that phosphorylated transcription factors STAT3 (Y705) and CREB (S133) within seven days reflected BCR-ABL1(IS) at three and six months. Analyses of peripheral blood cells longitudinally collected from patients in the ENEST1st clinical trial showed that single cell mass cytometry appears to be highly suitable for future investigations addressing tyrosine kinase inhibitor dosing and effect. (clinicaltrials. gov identifier: 01061177)Peer reviewe