68 research outputs found

    ニホンゴ ノウリョク シケン ニオケル ハッタツセイ ディスレクシア ドクジ ショウガイ エノ トクベツ ソチ

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    日本語能力試験は1994年度より障害を持つ受験者に対する特別措置を開始し、2006年度は95名がこの措置を利用している。中でもLD(学習障害)等と分類される学習障害や注意欠陥・多動障害、高機能自閉症に関する措置については、原則を立てつつ試行を重ねている段階である。 一方坂根(2000)によれば、既に日本語教育の現場でもLD(学習障害)等に相当する障害を持つ学習者を受け入れており、教師は「LD学習者の対応は、学習目標、LDの程度や症状の問題など、多くの要因が複雑にからみあうため、一律の対応をするのがよいのか」と懸念しているという。 本稿ではLD(学習障害)等の中核をなすと言われる発達性ディスレクシアに焦点を当て、専門家と実施主体が連携しながら、WAIS-Ⅲをはじめとする認知・記憶特性を理解し、特性に基づいた過去の措置を踏まえて特別措置審査を行っているさまを、実際の事例とともに紹介する。The Japan Foundation has been accommodating disabled applicants from oversea through non-standard testing arrangements. Over 500 examinees have taken the Japanese language Proficiency Test(JLPT)under special arrangements due to their disabilities, and the Japan Foundation has been successful in accommodating the majority of applicants with visual, hearing and physical disabilities. However, the foundation has been struggling to accommodate applicants with learning disabilities(LD)as their factors, mechanisms are not yet clarified.Sakane, a researcher and Japanese language teacher said,“Japanese language teachers worry about whether or not it is right to deal with LD students as their disabilities are so varied”This report focuses on developmental dyslexia, which is said to be a“core”disability within LD, and describes how the Japan Foundation carried out examinations in two cases. In these cases, reports on the examinees which were written by psychologist, including WAIS―III results, which are part of application form, are very useful Information about past experiences in making special arrangements are also useful

    デート DV ノ ジッタイ ト シンリテキ ヨウイン ジコアイ トノ カンレン オ チュウシン ニ

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    The reality of dating violence was investigated among Japanese female and male college students. As a result,64.3-82.4 % of students reported expressing or receiving violence more than once, although only about 10% reported expressing or receiving severe violence. As to gender differences,men received more violence from their partners than women did. Althoughthere is no significant gender differences on the total frequencies of expressedviolence,men expressed more sexual abuse to their partner than women did. Multiple regression analyses revealed that parent\u27s attitude toward child had an effect on self-love for both genders. On the other hand, parental upbringing behavior had no direct influence on dating violence. For women,b ut not men,self-love had an egative effect on narcissism,and narcissism had animpact on expressed and received violence. It was suggested that narcissismcorrelates to aggression for women,because narcissism had more influence on expressed violence than received one. In conclusion,it was suggested that the psychological factors including narcissism,self-love and perception of parental upbringing behavior have an effect on dating violence for women. Therefore,education to empower youngpeople for nurturing self-love is essential to prevent dating violence. In addition,new methodology measuring psychological factors and effects of dating violence is required

    Impaired Relaxation in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes with Pathogenic TNNI3 Mutation of Pediatric Restrictive Cardiomyopathy

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    Wang R., Hasegawa M., Suginobe H., et al. Impaired Relaxation in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes with Pathogenic TNNI3 Mutation of Pediatric Restrictive Cardiomyopathy. Journal of the American Heart Association 13, e032375 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1161/JAHA.123.032375.BACKGROUND: Restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) is characterized by impaired diastolic function with preserved ventricular contraction. Several pathogenic variants in sarcomere genes, including TNNI3, are reported to cause Ca²⁺ hypersensitivity in cardiomyocytes in overexpression models; however, the pathophysiology of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived cardiomyocytes specific to a patient with RCM remains unknown. METHODS AND RESULTS: We established an iPSC line from a pediatric patient with RCM and a heterozygous TNNI3 missense variant, c.508C>T (p.Arg170Trp; R170W). We conducted genome editing via CRISPR/Cas9 technology to establish an isogenic correction line harboring wild type TNNI3 as well as a homozygous TNNI3-R170W. iPSCs were then differentiated to cardio-myocytes to compare their cellular physiological, structural, and transcriptomic features. Cardiomyocytes differentiated from heterozygous and homozygous TNNI3-R170W iPSC lines demonstrated impaired diastolic function in cell motion analyses as compared with that in cardiomyocytes derived from isogenic-corrected iPSCs and 3 independent healthy iPSC lines. The intracellular Ca²⁺ oscillation and immunocytochemistry of troponin I were not significantly affected in RCM-cardiomyocytes with either heterozygous or homozygous TNNI3-R170W. Electron microscopy showed that the myofibril and mitochondrial structures appeared to be unaffected. RNA sequencing revealed that pathways associated with cardiac muscle development and contraction, extracellular matrix-receptor interaction, and transforming growth factor-β were altered in RCM-iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes. CONCLUSIONS: Patient-specific iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes could effectively represent the diastolic dysfunction of RCM. Myofibril structures including troponin I remained unaffected in the monolayer culture system, although gene expression profiles associated with cardiac muscle functions were altered

    Pillar[6]arene acts as a biosensor for quantitative detection of a vitamin metabolite in crude biological samples

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    ビタミン代謝物を迅速定量できる超分子バイオセンサーを開発. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-12-09.Metabolic syndrome is associated with obesity, hypertension, and dyslipidemia, and increased cardiovascular risk. Therefore, quick and accurate measurements of specific metabolites are critical for diagnosis; however, detection methods are limited. Here we describe the synthesis of pillar[n]arenes to target 1-methylnicotinamide (1-MNA), which is one metabolite of vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) produced by the cancer-associated nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT). We found that water-soluble pillar[5]arene (P5A) forms host–guest complexes with both 1-MNA and nicotinamide, and water-soluble pillar[6]arene (P6A) selectively binds to 1-MNA at the micromolar level. P6A can be used as a “turn-off sensor” by photoinduced electron transfer (detection limit is 4.38 × 10−6 M). In our cell-free reaction, P6A is used to quantitatively monitor the activity of NNMT. Moreover, studies using NNMT-deficient mice reveal that P6A exclusively binds to 1-MNA in crude urinary samples. Our findings demonstrate that P6A can be used as a biosensor to quantify 1-MNA in crude biological samples

    デート DV ヒガイ オヨビ カガイ ケイケン ト セイコウショウ ニヨル コウテイテキナ ジョウドウ タイケン ノ カンレン

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    人は青年期において恋愛や性への関心を高め,他者と親密な恋愛関係を結ぶようになる。恋愛関係は深い相互作用を伴う対人関係であるため,その中で生じる肯定的体験も否定的体験も比較的情動的影響が深いものとなる。デートDVは恋愛関係で生じる否定的体験の中でも最も深刻な体験の1つである。また性交渉は青年の恋愛関係において一般的であり,カップルの関係性の質によって肯定的体験にも否定的体験にもなり得る。そこで本研究では,デートDV被害及び加害経験と性交渉による肯定的な情動体験との関連について検討をすることを目的に,性交渉による肯定的情動体験尺度の開発を行い,デートDV被害及び加害経験と性交渉による肯定的情動体験尺度得点との関連を検討した。その結果,ほとんど全てのデートDV経験にジェンダー差が見られ,デートDV被害及び加害経験と性交渉による肯定的な情動体験との間に関連があることが見出された。Young people are usually interested in romantic relationships and sexuality and usually form romantic relationships. Because romantic relationships involve deep interaction, both positive and negative experiences in romantic relationships tend to lead to deep emotional effects among young people. Dating violence is one of the most negative experiences in a romantic relationship. Intercourse may become either a positive or a negative experience. We examined the relationship between dating violence victims, assaults, and the positive emotional experiences of intercourse. We developed three hypotheses: (1) Couples who have intercourse experience more instances of dating violence and assaults than couples who do not have intercourse; (2) The larger the extent of dating violence among young victims, the fewer their positive experiences of intercourse in their romantic relationship; and (3) The larger the extent of assaults in dating violence among young victims, the fewer their positive experiences of intercourse in their romantic relationship. The hypothesis of this study were partially supported, but gender differences existed in almost all victims and all instances of assaults of dating violence

    イチ カンゴケイダイガク ノ チイキコウケンカツドウ ニ オケル キャリアアップ コウザ ノ ブンセキ : - イリョウ ジュウジシャ ノ ジュコウシャ ジコヒョウカ アンケート カラ -

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    背景 A大学看護学部附属看護キャリアアップセンターでは, 平成23年の開設以来, 地域貢献の一つとして, "キャリアアップ講座 (主に臨床看護師への研究支援)" を開講している. 年々, 受講者が増加し, 研究への関心が高まっている. 目的 キャリアアップ講座において, 受講者の受講動機及び本講座の学習効果について, 受講後にアンケート調査を行うことにより, "キャリアアップ講座" の有用性を確認する. 同時に今後の課題についても検討する. 方法 「平成25年度 "キャリアアップ講座"」 に参加した38名を調査対象とし, 講座内容について独自に作成した無記名自記式質問紙調査票を用いて回答を得た. データの集計・分析は表計算ソフトMicrosoft office Excel 2007を使用し, 記述統計を行った.結果 分析対象となった受講者は3回の研修を通じて計94名であった. 職種では病院勤務の看護師が多かった. 受講背景は, 職場の上司からの薦めで受講した者が多かった. 多くの受講者が, 研究の意義や目的, 方法がわかったと回答した一方で, データ処理が不得手という傾向も確認できた.結論 アンケート結果から, 受講者の研究への関心の高さや学習効果に肯定的な結果を得た. これらの結果を, 今後のキャリアアップ講座内容の充実に反映させていきたい.Background Since the establishment of the Nursing Career-advancement Center affiliated with the Department of Nursing of A University in 2011, career-advancement classes have been held as a regional contribution activity. These classes are provided primarily to support clinical nurses with research activities, and there have been increases in the number of participants and their interests in research.Aim Following the career-advancement classes, questionnaire surveys were conducted to examine their utility and future challenges. Participants were asked to describe their motivation for participating in career-advancement classes and their learning effects.Methods The subjects were 38 health care professionals who participated in the "2013 Career-advancement Class", and they were asked to complete an originally developed, anonymous survey form including questions regarding the class. Descriptive statistical data were aggregated and analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - spreadsheet software.Discussion The total number of subjects who participated in one of the three sessions was 94. The majority of the subjects were hospital nurses. A large number of health care professionals attended the class on the recommendation of their superiors. Although many participants stated that the class helped them learn research purposes and methods, some had difficulty processing data.Conclusions The survey results, which suggest that participants in the class became more interested in research and it had positive learning effects, can be used to improve the career-advancement class

    Plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is a marker for renal outcome of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) (U-CARE study 3)

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    Introduction ACE cleaves angiotensin I (Ang I) to angiotensin II (Ang II) inducing vasoconstriction via Ang II type 1 (AT1) receptor, while ACE2 cleaves Ang II to Ang (1-7) causing vasodilatation by acting on the Mas receptor. In diabetic kidney disease (DKD), it is still unclear whether plasma or urine ACE2 levels predict renal outcomes or not. Research design and methods Among 777 participants with diabetes enrolled in the Urinary biomarker for Continuous And Rapid progression of diabetic nEphropathy study, the 296 patients followed up for 9 years were investigated. Plasma and urinary ACE2 levels were measured by the ELISA. The primary end point was a composite of a decrease of estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) by at least 30% from baseline or initiation of hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. The secondary end points were a 30% increase or a 30% decrease in albumin-to-creatinine ratio from baseline to 1 year. Results The cumulative incidence of the renal composite outcome was significantly higher in group 1 with lowest tertile of plasma ACE2 (p=0.040). Group 2 with middle and highest tertile was associated with better renal outcomes in the crude Cox regression model adjusted by age and sex (HR 0.56, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.99, p=0.047). Plasma ACE2 levels demonstrated a significant association with 30% decrease in ACR (OR 1.46, 95% CI 1.044 to 2.035, p=0.027) after adjusting for age, sex, systolic blood pressure, hemoglobin A1c, and eGFR. Conclusions Higher baseline plasma ACE2 levels in DKD were protective for development and progression of albuminuria and associated with fewer renal end points, suggesting plasma ACE2 may be used as a prognosis marker of DKD.Trial registration number UMIN000011525

    The topological types of hypersurface simple K 3 singularities

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    We give a result that relates the diffeomorphism type of the link of a non-degenerate semi-quasi-homogeneous hypersurface simple K3 singularity with the singularities of the normal K3 surface that appears as the exceptional divisor of the resolution of the singularity. As a result, we show that the links are diffeomorphic to the connected sum of copies of S-2 x S-3. Moreover, we also show that the topological types of hypersurface simple K3 singularities defined by non-degenerate semi-quasi-homogeneous polynomials are all different

    Pathway-Specific Utilization of Synaptic Zinc in the Macaque Ventral Visual Cortical Areas

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    Synaptic zinc is an activity-related neuromodulator, enriched in hippocampal mossy fibers and a subset of glutamatergic cortical projections, exclusive of thalamocortical or corticothalamic. Some degree of pathway specificity in the utilization of synaptic zinc has been reported in rodents. Here, we use focal injections of the retrograde tracer sodium selenite to identify zinc-positive (Zn+) projection neurons in the monkey ventral visual pathway. After injections in V1, V4, and TEO areas, neurons were detected preferentially in several feedback pathways but, unusually, were restricted to deeper layers without involvement of layers 2 or 3. Temporal injections resulted in more extensive labeling of both feedback and intratemporal association pathways. The Zn+ neurons had a broader laminar distribution, similar to results from standard retrograde tracers. After anterograde tracer injection in area posterior TE, electron microscopic analysis substantiated that a proportion of feedback synapses was colabeled with zinc. Nearby injections, Zn+ intrinsic neurons concentrated in layer 2, but in temporal areas were also abundant in layer 6. These results indicate considerable pathway and laminar specificity as to which cortical neurons use synaptic zinc. Given the hypothesized roles of synaptic zinc, this is likely to result in distinct synaptic properties, possibly including differential synaptic plasticity within or across projections


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