30 research outputs found

    Analyse des barrières perçues dans l’élaboration du projet professionnel auprès d’étudiantes et étudiants au Togo.

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    Les objectifs de cette étude sont d’identifier les principales barrières perçues dans l’élaboration du projet professionnel et de les comparer en fonction du niveau subjectif de réussite auprès d’étudiantes et étudiants au Togo. Un échantillon de 223 participant.e.s a classé neuf catégories de barrières perçues dans leur parcours universitaire de la plus gênante à la moins gênante. Les résultats indiquent que les difficultés financières et les conditions d’étude à l’université sont les principales barrières perçues. De plus, le niveau subjectif de perception de réussite universitaire impacte la hiérarchisation de ces barrières. L’implication de ces résultats dans l’accompagnement des étudiantes et étudiants au Togo est discutée

    Soutien social et réussite universitaire chez des étudiantes et étudiants au Togo

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    Alors que l’enseignement supérieur est en pleine transition vers le système LMD au Togo, la réussite académique et l’insertion professionnelle des étudiant-e-s dans ce pays restent encore très fragiles. Dans ce contexte, identifier les facteurs explicatifs de la réussite universitaire est un élément pertinent pour apporter une réponse efficace à cette situation. Cette étude examine les relations entre le soutien social et deux indicateurs de la réussite universitaire – la réussite académique perçue et la définition du projet professionnel – auprès de 327 étudiant-e-s inscrit-e-s à l’Université de Lomé. Les résultats montrent que le soutien social est significativement relié à ces deux variables, même si son rôle est minoré dans l’explication de la réussite académique perçue au regard de l’importance des variables relatives au parcours universitaire. Les enjeux scientifiques et pratiques de cette étude sont discutés

    Perceived Employability and Entrepreneurial Intentions Across University Students and Job Seekers in Togo: The Effect of Career Adaptability and Self-Efficacy

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    This study examined the relationship between two personal resources, career adaptability and general self-efficacy, and two career outcomes, self-perceived employability and entrepreneurial intentions in a West African context, characterized by a developing economy. A Togolese sample of 334 university students and 216 job seekers completed French versions of the General Self-Efficacy Scale, the Self-Perceived Employability Scale, the Entrepreneurial Intentions Scale and an adapted form of the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale. A multi-group path analysis showed that the results are similar for both groups. Career adaptability and general self-efficacy were positively related to self-perceived employability. The contribution of career adaptability was especially strong for job seekers. Only general self-efficacy was related to entrepreneurial intentions. Furthermore, perceived employability was positively related in some way to entrepreneurial intentions in both groups. Career adaptability seems to be especially important for employability among job seekers (activation of resources), whereas entrepreneurial intentions may be more context-dependent. Finally, perceived employability failed to mediate the relationship between personal resources and entrepreneurial intentions in both samples

    Testing and Assessment in an International Context: Cross- and Multi-cultural Issues

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    Globalisation, increase of migration flows, and the concurrent worldwide competitiveness impose rethinking of testing and assessment procedures and practices in an international and multicultural context. This chapter reviews the methodological and practical implications for psychological assessment in the field of career guidance. The methodological implications are numerous and several aspects have to be considered, such as cross-cultural equivalence or construct, method, and item bias. Moreover, the construct of culture by itself is difficult to define and difficult to measure. In order to provide non-discriminatory assessment, counsellors should develop their clinical cross-cultural competencies, develop more specific intervention strategies, and respect cultural differences. Several suggestions are given concerning translation and adaptation of psychological instruments, developing culture specific measures, and the use of these instruments. More research in this field should use mixed methods, multi-centric designs, and consider emic and etic psychological variables. A multidisciplinary approach might also allow identifying culture specific and ecological meaningful constructs. Non-discriminatory assessment implies considering the influence and interaction of personal characteristics and environmental factors

    The sun is no fun without rain : Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries

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    Across cultures, people associate colours with emotions. Here, we test the hypothesis that one driver of this cross-modal correspondence is the physical environment we live in. We focus on a prime example – the association of yellow with joy, – which conceivably arises because yellow is reminiscent of life-sustaining sunshine and pleasant weather. If so, this association should be especially strong in countries where sunny weather is a rare occurrence. We analysed yellow-joy associations of 6625 participants from 55 countries to investigate how yellow-joy associations varied geographically, climatologically, and seasonally. We assessed the distance to the equator, sunshine, precipitation, and daytime hours. Consistent with our hypotheses, participants who live further away from the equator and in rainier countries are more likely to associate yellow with joy. We did not find associations with seasonal variations. Our findings support a role for the physical environment in shaping the affective meaning of colour.Peer reviewe

    Développement de la carrière dans deux contextes culturels et économiques différents: Études empiriques, développement d’échelles de mesure et enjeux autour du travail décent

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    Dans un monde qui se caractérise de plus en plus par des mutations multiples, des ruptures, des crises économiques et sanitaires cycliques, le développement de la carrière revêt non seulement une importance capitale pour les personnes, mais tend à s’ériger en une modalité inéluctable de survie. Dans ce contexte, la contribution des chercheurs en psychologie de l’orientation et du conseil est attendue, autant sur le plan de la production de connaissances permettant de comprendre les processus en jeu dans le développement de la carrière des personnes que celui de la construction d’instruments nouveaux adaptés, utilisables par les professionnels pour accompagner efficacement les bénéficiaires de leurs prestations. Cette thèse entend contribuer à ces différents enjeux à travers une série d’études menées dans des contextes culturellement et économiquement différents, étant entendu que ces processus peuvent ne parfois prendre sens que dans des contextes particuliers. Elle est constituée de sept articles allant des études nationalement circonscrites aux comparaisons interculturelles, permettant de comprendre des processus impliquant les intérêts professionnels, l’indécision vocationnelle, les barrières perçues, l’employabilité perçue, les intentions entrepreneuriales et l’accès à un travail décent auprès d’étudiants, de chômeurs et d’adultes en emploi en Belgique, au Burkina Faso, en Suisse et au Togo. Elle mobilise un ensemble de cadres théoriques permettant de comprendre les résultats de ces études présentant les implications pour la recherche, la pratique ou les politiques publiques

    Normal Personality, the Dark Triad, Proactive Attitude and Perceived Employability: A Cross-Cultural Study in Belgium, Switzerland and Togo

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    The current research examined the link between both normal and malevolent personality, proactive attitude, and self-perceived employability across some highly investigated (Belgium, Switzerland) and under-investigated populations of sub-Saharan Africa (e.g., Togo), considering proactive attitude as a potential mediator and self-perceived employability as an outcome. Conducting such a study in contexts which present notable differences in political organization and linguistic diversity, might contribute to enriching the literature on the relationships between personality and self-perceived employability. A sample of 968 participants aged 18 to 85 including 335 Belgians (50% women), 279 Swiss (58.1% women) and 354 Togolese (43.5% women) completed a French version of the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKA-PQ/SF), Short Dark Triad (SD3), Proactive Attitude Scale (PAS), and Perceived Employability Scale (PES). All four instruments exhibited metric invariance but did not systematically show scalar invariance across the three countries. ZKA-PQ/SF's activity and neuroticism and SD3's narcissism dimensions predicted perceived employability, and these relations were fully or partially mediated by proactive attitude in all cultural contexts. Moreover, perceived employability was predicted by aggressiveness and psychopathy in the Swiss sample and by sensation seeking in both the Swiss and the Belgian samples. Finally, proactive attitude fully mediated between sensation seeking and employability in Belgium and partially between psychopathy and employability in Switzerland. This study illustrates that the link between personality and employability may be mediated by proactive attitude and that these links may be quite robust across cultures

    Intégration des demandeur·euse·s d’asile admis·es provisoirement en Suisse : Rôle de la formation professionnelle

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    La migration fait désormais partie des enjeux globaux et l’intégration des migrant·e·s est un enjeu majeur pour les pouvoirs publics et ces populations. En Suisse, une catégorie de ces migrant·e·s rencontre plus de difficultés d’intégration, liées en grande partie à leur statut : les demandeur·euse·s d’asile admis·es provisoirement. Parmi ces difficultés, celles relatives à l’accès au marché du travail et à la formation professionnelle sont toujours cruciales malgré l’évolution de la législation. Cet article vise à éclairer sur ce statut, les difficultés rencontrées par ces personnes dans leur intégration, avec un focus particulier sur l’accès à la formation professionnelle, le type de formation le plus fréquent en Suisse. Un cas clinique illustre le parcours difficile et la perception de l’avenir d’un jeune admis provisoirement, originaire du Moyen-Orient ayant eu accès à une formation duale. L’intégration rapide de ces personnes par un accès à la formation professionnelle est discutée.Migration is now an integral part of global issues and the integration of migrants is of increasing concern to public authorities and these populations. In Switzerland, provisionally admitted asylum seekers are one category that encounters more integration difficulties related mainly to their status. Among difficulties, those relating to access to the labor market and vocational training are still crucial despite the evolution of legislation. This paper aims to shed light on this status and the difficulties encountered by these people in their integration, with a particular focus on access to vocational training, the most popular training in Switzerland. A clinical case illustrates the difficult journey and the perception of the future of a provisionally admitted young man originating from the Middle East, who had access to a dual training. The rapid integration of these people through access to vocational training is discussed

    Decent Work in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Application of Psychology of Working Theory in a Sample of Togolese Primary School Teachers

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    This study examined the validity of Psychology of Working Theory (PWT) in a context of sub-Saharan Africa. A sample of 334 Togolese primary school teachers completed the French versions of the Decent Work Scale (DWS), the Togolese adapted form of the Satisfaction With Life Scale, the Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS), and several items about meaning at work and other personal and contextual variables (e.g., subjective salary conditions). The results suggest that both the DWS and the JSS are valid in this specific cultural setting. Although a person-centered variable (i.e., safe working conditions) was related to job satisfaction, only those variables that would have positive effects on workers’ family members and relatives (i.e., access to health care, adequate compensation, free time and rest, and complementary values) were related to life satisfaction. Overall, the results supported the validity of PWT. Implications for labor policy, individuals, employers, and counseling are discussed