88 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Gran Desierto, Pinacte Region, Sonora, Mexico, via shuttle imaging radar

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    The radar discriminability of geolian features and their geological setting as imaged by the SIR-A experiment is examined. The Gran Desierto and Pincate volcanio field of Sonora, Mexico was used to analyze the radar characteristics of the interplay of aeolian features and volcano terrain. The area in the Gran Desierto covers 4000 sq. km. and contains sand dunes of several forms. The Pincate volcanio field covers more than 2.000 sq. km. and consists primarily of basaltic lavas. Margins of the field, especially on the western and northern sides, include several maar and maar-like craters; thus obtaining information on their radar characteristics for comparison with impact craters

    Persistent northward North Atlantic tropical cyclone track migration over the past five centuries

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    Accurately predicting future tropical cyclone risk requires understanding the fundamental controls on tropical cyclone dynamics. Here we present an annually-resolved 450-year reconstruction of western Caribbean tropical cyclone activity developed using a new coupled carbon and oxygen isotope ratio technique in an exceptionally well-dated stalagmite from Belize. Western Caribbean tropical cyclone activity peaked at 1650 A.D., coincident with maximum Little Ice Age cooling, and decreased gradually until the end of the record in 1983. Considered with other reconstructions, the new record suggests that the mean track of Cape Verde tropical cyclones shifted gradually north-eastward from the western Caribbean toward the North American east coast over the last 450 years. Since ~1870 A.D., these shifts were largely driven by anthropogenic greenhouse gas and sulphate aerosol emissions. Our results strongly suggest that future emission scenarios will result in more frequent tropical cyclone impacts on the financial and population centres of the northeastern United States

    COnstructing Proxy Records from Age models (COPRA)

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    Reliable age models are fundamental for any palaeoclimate reconstruction. Available interpolation procedures between age control points are often inadequately reported, and very few translate age uncertainties to proxy uncertainties. Most available modeling algorithms do not allow incorporation of layer counted intervals to improve the confidence limits of the age model in question. We present a framework that allows detection and interactive handling of age reversals and hiatuses, depth-age modeling, and proxy-record reconstruction. Monte Carlo simulation and a translation procedure are used to assign a precise time scale to climate proxies and to translate dating uncertainties to uncertainties in the proxy values. The presented framework allows integration of incremental relative dating information to improve the final age model. The free software package COPRA1.0 facilitates easy interactive usage

    Abandonment of Unaweep Canyon (1.4-0.8 Ma), western Colorado: Effects of stream capture and anomalously rapid Pleistocene river incision

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    Cosmogenic-burial and U-series dating, identification of fluvial terraces and lacustrine deposits, and river profile reconstructions show that capture of the Gunnison River by the Colorado River and abandonment of Unaweep Canyon (Colorado, USA) occurred between 1.4 and 0.8 Ma. This event led to a rapid pulse of incision unlike any documented in the Rocky Mountains. Following abandonment of Unaweep Canyon by the ancestral Gunnison River, a wave of incision propagated upvalley rapidly through Mancos Shale at rates of ̃90-440 km/m.y. The Gunnison River removed 400-500 km3 of erodible Mancos Shale and incised as deep as 360 m in 0.17-0.76 m.y. (incision rates of ̃470-2250 m/m.y.). Prior to canyon abandonment, long-term (ca. 11-1 Ma) Gunnison River incision averaged ̃100 m/m.y. The wave of incision also caused the subsequent capture of the Bostwick-Shinn Park River by the ancestral Uncompahgre River ca. 0.87-0.64 Ma, at a location ̃70 km upvalley from Unaweep Canyon. This event led to similarly rapid (to ̃500 m/m.y.) but localized river incision. As regional river incision progressed, the juxtaposition of resistant Precambrian bedrock and erodible Mancos Shale within watersheds favored the development of significant relief between adjacent stream segments, which led to stream piracy. The response of rivers to the abandonment of Unaweep Canyon illustrates how the mode and tempo of long-term fluvial incision are punctuated by short-term geomorphic events such as stream piracy. These shortterm events can trigger significant landscape changes, but the effects are more localized relative to regional climatically or tectonically driven events

    A stalagmite test of North Atlantic SST and Iberian hydroclimate linkages over the last two glacial cycles

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    Close coupling of Iberian hydroclimate and North Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) during recent glacial periods has been identified through the analysis of marine sediment and pollen grains co-deposited on the Portuguese continental margin. While offering precisely correlatable records, these time series have lacked a directly dated, site-specific record of continental Iberian climate spanning multiple glacial cycles as a point of comparison. Here we present a high-resolution, multi-proxy (growth dynamics and delta C-13, delta O-18, and delta U-234 values) composite stalagmite record of hydroclimate from two caves in western Portugal across the majority of the last two glacial cycles (similar to 220 ka). At orbital and millennial scales, stalagmite-based proxies for hydroclimate proxies covaried with SST, with elevated delta C-13, delta O-18, and delta U-234 values and/or growth hiatuses indicating re-duced effective moisture coincident with periods of lowered SST during major ice-rafted debris events, in agreement with changes in palynological reconstructions of continental climate. While in many cases the Portuguese stalagmite record can be scaled to SST, in some intervals the magnitudes of stalagmite isotopic shifts, and possibly hydroclimate, appear to have been somewhat decoupled from SST.Agência financiadora / Número do subsídio Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research, Cornell College US National Science Foundation BCS-1118155 BCS-1118183 AGS-1804132 IGESPAR Associacao de Estudos Subterraneos e Defesa do Ambienteinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Millennial changes in North American wildfire and soil activity over the last glacial cycle

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    Climate changes in the North Atlantic region during the last glacial cycle were dominated by the slow waxing and waning of the North American ice sheet as well as by intermittent Dansgaard-­‐Oeschger (DO) events. However prior to the last deglaciation, little is known about the response of North American vegetation to such rapid climate changes and especially about the response of biomass burning, an important factor for regional changes in radiative forcing. Here we use continuous, high-­‐resolution ammonium (NH4+) records derived from the NGRIP and GRIP ice cores to document both North American NH4+ background emissions from soils and wildfire frequency over the last 110,000 yr. Soil emissions increased on orbital timescales with warmer climate, related to the northward expansion of vegetation due to reduced ice-­‐covered areas. During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 DO warm events, a higher fire recurrence rate is recorded, while NH4+ soil emissions rose only slowly during longer interstadial warm periods, in line with slow ice sheet shrinkage and delayed ecosystem changes. Our results indicate that sudden warming events had little impact on NH4+ soil emissions and NH4+ aerosol transport to Greenland during the glacial but triggered a significant increase in the frequency of fire occurrence.This paper has greatly benefitted from the Sir Nicholas Shackleton fellowship, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, U.K., awarded to HF in 2014. The Division for Climate and Environmental Physics, Physics Institute, University of Bern acknowledges the long-­‐term financial support of ice core research by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research. EW is supported by a Royal Society professorship. NGRIP is directed and organized by the Department of Geophysics at the Niels Bohr Institute for Astronomy, Physics and Geophysics, University of Copenhagen. It is supported by funding agencies in Denmark (SNF), Belgium (FNRS-­‐CFB), France (IPEV and INSU/CNRS), Germany (AWI), Iceland (RannIs), Japan (MEXT), Sweden (SPRS), Switzerland (SNSF) and the USA (NSF, Office of Polar Programs).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ngeo249

    Return of naturally sourced Pb to Atlantic surface waters

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    Anthropogenic emissions completely overwhelmed natural marine lead (Pb) sources during the past century, predominantly due to leaded petrol usage. Here, based on Pb isotope measurements, we reassess the importance of natural and anthropogenic Pb sources to the tropical North Atlantic following the nearly complete global cessation of leaded petrol use. Significant proportions of up to 30-50% of natural Pb, derived from mineral dust, are observed in Atlantic surface waters, reflecting the success of the global effort to reduce anthropogenic Pb emissions. The observation of mineral dust derived Pb in surface waters is governed by the elevated atmospheric mineral dust concentration of the North African dust plume and the dominance of dry deposition for the atmospheric aerosol flux to surface waters. Given these specific regional conditions, emissions from anthropogenic activities will remain the dominant global marine Pb source, even in the absence of leaded petrol combustion

    Lead content and isotopic composition in submound and recent soils of the Volga upland

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    Literature data on the historical reconstructions of the atmospheric lead deposition in Europe and the isotopic composition of the ores that are potential sources of the anthropogenic lead in the atmospheric deposition in the lower Volga steppes during different time periods have been compiled. The effect of the increasing anthropogenic lead deposition recorded since the Bronze Age on the level of soil contamination has been investigated. For the first time paleosol buried under a burial mound of the Bronze Age has been used as a reference point to assess of the current contamination level. The contents and isotopic compositions of the mobile and total lead have been determined in submound paleosols of different ages and their recent remote and roadside analogues. An increase in the content and fraction of the mobile lead and a shift of its isotopic composition toward less radiogenic values (typical for lead from the recent anthropogenic sources) has been revealed when going from a Bronze-Age paleosol to a recent soil. In the Bronze-Age soil, the isotopic composition of the mobile lead is inherited from the parent rock to a greater extent than in the modern soils, where the lead is enriched with the less radiogenic component. The effect of the anthropogenic component is traced in the analysis of the mobile lead, but it is barely visible for the total lead. An exception is provided by the recent roadside soils characterized by increased contents and the significantly less radiogenic isotopic composition of the mobile and total lead