12 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Tingkat Pendidikan dan Jenis Kelamin Peternak terhadap Tingkat Produksi Babi (Studi Kasus di Manokwari, Papua Barat Indonesia)

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    The aim of this research was to understand the effect of educational level of gender types on pig farming production, a special case in Manokwari West Papua-Indonesia. The field study was done in Manokwari regency involved six districts. The respondents of 49 farmers chosen guided by local extensions selected from 15 villages. The participatory situation analysis employed to approach pig farmers by using questionnaire. A General Linear Model analysis of variances was used. All data were entered in Excel and analyzed using SPPS version 10.0. The conclusion that interaction between education and gender occur on household member and income earn. The female with adequate education will provide better income than the male. Understanding interaction effect of education level and gender will enable farmers to improve their pig productivities on scales and time

    Heterogeneity in the isolation of patches may be essential for the action of metacommunity mechanisms

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    The spatial isolation gradient of communities and the gradient in the species dispersal ability are recognized as determinants of biodiversity in metacommunities. In spite of this, mean field models, spatially explicit models, and experiments were mainly focused on idealized spatial arrangements of communities leaving aside the combining role of dispersal and isolation gradients in metacommunity processes. Consequently, we have an incipient understanding of the role of the real spatial arrangement of communities on biodiversity patterns. We focus on six metacommunities for which confident information about the spatial arrangement of water bodies is available. Using coalescent metacommunity models and null models that randomize the location of water bodies, we estimated the potential eect of the landscape on biodiversity and its dependence on species dispersal ability. At extremely lowor high dispersal abilities, the location of ponds does not influence diversity because dierent communities are equally aected by the low or high incoming dispersal. At intermediate dispersal abilities, peripheral communities present a much lower richness and higher beta diversity than central communities.Moreover,metacommunities from real landscapes host more biodiversity than randomized landscapes, a result that is determined by the heterogeneity in the geographic isolation of communities. In a dispersal gradient, mass eects systematically increase the local richness and decrease beta diversity. However, the spatial arrangement of patches only has a large importance in metacommunity processes at intermediate dispersal abilities, which ensures access to central locations but limits dispersal in isolated communities. The ongoing reduction in spatial extent and simplification of the landscape may consequently undermine the metacommunity processes that support biodiversity, something that should be explicitly considered in preserving and restoring strategies

    Asesmen Produktivitas Ternak dan Kesesuaian Potensi Tanaman Pertanian Sebagai Hijauan Pakan: Sebuah Potret Kawasan Agro-Ekologi Dataran Rendah Selatan Merauke, Papua

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    The study aimed to descriptively capture livestock production and food waste and the suitability of border farms in the lowland Merauke region. Data were analyzed on livestock population structure (individual/ST), food crop waste production (dry weight, DW), capacity, and location quotient (LQ), and SWOT. Food crop waste production is 350 thousand tons of DW and so far only provided for ruminant cattle about 11%. Food crop straw waste is still dominated by rice straw (97%), followed by corn waste (2%), sweet potatoes, and peanuts. The capacity to increase the cattle population is close to 315 thousand ST. The LQ value of both livestock and food crops in Merauke is still in the range of 0 -<1 and is still a prospective sector to be optimized. The results of SWOT analysis conclude that the S-O strategy is the intensification and expansion of livestock commodities.    Keywords: livestock population structure, location quotient, KPPTR, crop residues, Merauk

    Asesmen Produktivitas Ternak dan Kesesuaian Potensi Tanaman Pertanian Sebagai Hijauan Pakan: Sebuah Potret Kawasan Agro-Ekologi Dataran Rendah Selatan Merauke, Papua

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    The study aimed to descriptively capture livestock production and food waste and the suitability of border farms in the lowland Merauke region. Data were analyzed on livestock population structure (individual/ST), food crop waste production (dry weight, DW), capacity, and location quotient (LQ), and SWOT. Food crop waste production is 350 thousand tons of DW and so far only provided for ruminant cattle about 11%. Food crop straw waste is still dominated by rice straw (97%), followed by corn waste (2%), sweet potatoes, and peanuts. The capacity to increase the cattle population is close to 315 thousand ST. The LQ value of both livestock and food crops in Merauke is still in the range of 0 -<1 and is still a prospective sector to be optimized. The results of SWOT analysis conclude that the S-O strategy is the intensification and expansion of livestock commodities.    Keywords: livestock population structure, location quotient, KPPTR, crop residues, Merauk

    Asesmen Produktivitas Ternak dan Kesesuaian Potensi Tanaman Pertanian Sebagai Hijauan Pakan: Sebuah Potret Kawasan Agro-Ekologi Dataran Rendah Selatan Merauke, Papua

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    The study aimed to descriptively capture livestock production and food waste and the suitability of border farms in the lowland Merauke region. Data were analyzed on livestock population structure (individual/ST), food crop waste production (dry weight, DW), capacity, and location quotient (LQ), and SWOT. Food crop waste production is 350 thousand tons of DW and so far only provided for ruminant cattle about 11%. Food crop straw waste is still dominated by rice straw (97%), followed by corn waste (2%), sweet potatoes, and peanuts. The capacity to increase the cattle population is close to 315 thousand ST. The LQ value of both livestock and food crops in Merauke is still in the range of 0 -<1 and is still a prospective sector to be optimized. The results of SWOT analysis conclude that the S-O strategy is the intensification and expansion of livestock commodities.    Keywords: livestock population structure, location quotient, KPPTR, crop residues, Merauk


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    The purpose of this research is to identify natural resources that used by Subsector of Food Crops in Jayapura Regenc

    Procesos de urbanización de la pobreza y nuevas formas de exclusión social : los retos de las políticas sociales de las ciudades latinoamericanas del siglo XXI

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    El incremento de la pobreza urbana, la desigualdad y la aparición de nuevas formas de exclusión social son complejos procesos y nuevos retos para las políticas sociales que tienen como principal objetivo crear condiciones de equidad social, así como promover y garantizar el ejercicio de los derechos ciudadanos. Estos procesos son multidimensionales y exigen la mirada de diferentes disciplinas de las ciencias cuyos análisis se sustentan en diferentes matrices conceptuales y técnicas de investigación cualitativas y cuantitativas. Precisamente en ello radica la riqueza analítica de los trabajos presentados en este libro que permite conocer tanto el comportamiento de nuevos actores como la especificidad de los procesos socio-económicos y culturales que marcan la vida de las ciudades del siglo XXI. Se trata de ofrecer elementos para el análisis de un nuevo contexto latinoamericano y de las políticas sociales como formas de actuación pública a través de las cuales los gobiernos enfrentan la actual y compleja cuestión social. Sin duda este libro será de gran utilidad tanto para definir nuevas agendas de investigación como para la docencia y es una importante contribución para que en la era del conocimiento seamos capaces de avanzar en la construcción de una nueva y diferente cultura del territorio. En el mismo se ofrecen un amplio y valioso conjunto de trabajos de investigación que fueron seleccionados en el concurso que convocó el Programa CLACSO-CROP para participar en el Seminario Internacional Procesos de urbanización de la pobreza y nuevas formas de exclusión social, que se llevó a cabo en el Instituto de Investigaciones sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en el mes de noviembre del 2006.ÍNDICE Pobreza y exclusión social en las ciudades del siglo XXI / Alicia Ziccardi. Parte I Pobreza urbana, segregación residencial y calidad de vida. Vivir en territorios desmembrados. Un estudio sobre la fragmentación socio-espacial y las políticas sociales en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires (1990-2005) Daniela Soldano Crisis económica, segregación residencial y exclusión social. El caso de Montevideo Rodrigo Arim. Pobreza urbana y políticas habitacionales en Chile (1990-2005).¿De la exclusión social a la integración? Juan Fernández Labbé. Inequidad salarial y pobreza urbana en Cuba durante el Periodo especial James K. Galbraith, Laura Spagnolo y Daniel Munévar Pobreza urbana no Brasil: trade-off entre investimentos sociais e transferências de renda Lena Lavinas Parte II Exclusión social, migraciones y redes sociales. Exclusão social, desafiliação e inclusão social no estudo de redes sociais de familias pobres soteropolitanas Maria Gabriela Hita y Luciana Duccini Pobreza y exclusión en las favelas de Río de Janeiro Márcia Pereira Leite ¿Cuál es el peso de las redes en la pobreza urbana y la exclusión social de los desplazados? María del Pilar Castillo, Boris Salazar y Federico Pinzón. Periferia urbana y pobreza en la zona metropolitana de la ciudad de Cuautla, Morelos Juana Martínez Reséndiz Parte III Del clientelismo político al ejercicio de los derechos sociales y la construcción de ciudadanía. Exclusión política, des-ciudadanización y profundización de la pobreza urbana en Bolivia Carla Andrea Espósito Guevara . Clientelismo político y reproducción de la pobreza en una comunidad indígena del norte argentino Ruth Sautu, Pablo Dalle y Lorena Vega . Resistencia y sumisión en sociedades urbanas y desiguales: poblaciones, villas y barrios populares en Chile Francisca Márquez Marginación y exclusión social. El caso de los jóvenes en el Consejo Popular Colón de la ciudad de La Habana Elaine Morales Chuco. Ciudadanía política callejera: apropiación de espacios y construcción de horizontes políticos Juan Manuel Arbona

    Challenges and opportunities in the use of ponds and pondscapes as nature-based solutions

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    Ponds and “pondscapes” (networks of ponds) are crucial habitats for biodiversity and for delivering multiple benefits to humans, so-called “Nature’s Contribution to People”, such as climate mitigation and adaptation to climate change, creation, and maintenance of habitat for biodiversity, water purification, flood mitigation and cultural benefits (e.g., recreational possibilities). However, ponds are not often considered as Nature-based Solutions to provide all these benefits. In addition, there is insufficient knowledge on how to manage and restore ponds to maximise their role to increase the resilience of ecosystems and society to climate change. To facilitate improved implementation of ponds as Nature-based Solutions for the delivery of a wide range of Nature Contributions to People, it is important to generate and integrate biodiversity, ecosystems, societal, economic and policy knowledge. Hence, there is a need for evidence-based guidance to support the broader use of ponds. Here, we review the role of ponds and pondscapes in delivering Nature’s Contributions to People and provide an overview of the challenges and opportunities for their broader implementation as Nature-based Solutions. Finally, we propose a conceptual framework that can help the implementation of pond Nature-based Solutions, and that outlines future research needs