639 research outputs found

    An Ultrasonic Altitude-Velocity Sensor for Airplanes in the Vicinity of the Ground : I. Fundamental Characteristics

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    This paper shows the possibility of an ultrasonic sensor which detects the altitude from the ground and the vertical velocity of an airplane in the vicinity of the ground. The principle of the present technique depends on the measurement of time in which the ultrasonic wave propagates the distance between the airplane and the ground, because the sonic velocity is approximately constant at the usual atmospheric temperature. Furthermore, by differentiating the altitude signal with respect to time, it is possible to detect the vertical velocity of the airplane, too. The fundamental performances of this sensor are investigated with some experiments carried out in our laboratory, and it is shown that the ultrasonic sensor will be useful in place of the radar altimeter, in particular at very low altitude. As an application of this sensor, the automatic control of a VTOL airplane in hovering flight is investigated by analog simulation studies

    Remarkable effect of bromide ion upon two-dimensional faradaic phase transition of dibenzyl viologen on an HOPG electrode surface: Emergence of two-step transition

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    We found that dibenzyl viologen (dBV) on an HOPG electrode undergoes a two-step first order faradaic phase transition at high concentrations of bromide ion (Br-). Results of voltammetric and electroreflectance measurements were used to describe the mechanism of the two-step transition processes. When [Br-] > 180 mM, the transition step at less negative potential was ascribed to a phase transition between a gas-like adsorption layer of dBV dication (dBV2+) and a mesophase of dBV radical cation (dBV+). Most likely, the mesophase is a two-dimensional (2D) ordered phase composed of co-adsorbed dBV+ and Br- where both are in direct contact with the HOPG surface. The transition step at more negative potential was ascribed to a phase transition between the dBV+ Br- mesophase and a 2D condensed phase of dBV+. In the condensed phase being denser than the mesophase, dBV+ molecules are π-stacked due to face-to-face interaction between bipyridinium radical cations. This transition step involves also a reduction process of dBV2+ to dBV+ followed by its incorporation into the condensed phase. The two-step transition was not observed in KCl solution of any concentration, either in KBr solution of [Br -] < 75 mM. Other viologens examined, including benzyl-heptyl viologen, did not exhibit such a two-step transition but single-step one. The nature of the transition, especially in the [Br-] range from 75 to 180 mM, was closely analyzed

    Bioactive peptides generated from meat industry by products

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    There is a large generation of meat by-products, not only from slaughtering but also in the meat industry from trimming and deboning during further processing. This results in extraordinary volumes of by-products that are primarily used as feeds with low returns or, more recently, to biodiesel generation. The aim of this work was to review the state of the art to generate bioactive peptides from meat industry by-products giving them an added value. Hydrolysis with commercial proteases constitutes the typical process and a variety of peptides result from such extensive proteolysis. This review focuses on the potential of meat by-products for the generation of bioactive peptides through enzymatic hydrolysis. The potential of some of the identified peptides to be used as bioactive supplements in foods has also been considered. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Grant AGL2010-16305 from MINECO and FEDER funds are fully acknowledged. JAEDOC-CSIC postdoctoral contract to L.M. is also acknowledged. This work was developed under the Unidad Asociada IAD-UPV/IATA-CSIC framework.Mora, L.; Reig Riera, MM.; Toldra, F. (2014). Bioactive peptides generated from meat industry by products. Food Research International. 65:344-349. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2014.09.014S3443496

    Increase in CD14+ HLA-DR−/low myeloid-derived suppressor cells in hepatocellular carcinoma patients and its impact on prognosis

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    13301甲第4291号博士(医学)金沢大学博士論文要旨Abstract 以下に掲載:Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 62(3) pp.1421-1430 2013. Springer. 共著者:在原 文教, 水腰 英四郎, 北原 征明, 高田 佳子, 荒井 邦明, 山下 竜也, 中本 安成, 金子 周

    Phosphorus Uptake by Pigeon Pea and Its Role in Cropping Systems of the Indian Subcontinent

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    Pigeon pea was shown to be more efficient at utilizing iron-bound phosphorus (Fe-P) than several other crop species. This ability is attributed to root exudates, in particular piscidic acid and its p-O-methyl derivative, which release phosphorus from Fe-P by chelating Fe3+. Pigeon pea is normally intercropped with cereals under low-input conditions in the Indian subcontinent. Although pigeon pea can utilize the relatively insoluble Fe-P, intercropped cereals must rely on the more soluble calcium-bound phosphorus. This finding suggests that cultivation of pigeon pea increases total phosphorus availability in cropping systems with low available phosphorus

    Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory and antihypertensive activities of protein hydrolysate from meat of Kacang goat (Capra aegagrus hircus)

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    BACKGROUND: The meat of Kacang goat has potential for production of a protein hydrolysate. Functional ingredients from protein hydrolysate of Kacang goat meat were determined by the consistency of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity and antihypertensive effect. This study examined the potency of Kacang goat protein hydrolysate in ACE inhibition and antihypertensive activity. RESULT: Protein hydrolysates of Kacang goat meat were prepared using sequential digestion of endo-proteinase and protease complex at several concentrations and hydrolysis times. The highest ACE inhibitory activity resulted from a hydrolysate that was digested for 4 h with 5 g kg−1 of both enzymes. An ACE inhibitory peptide was purified and a novel peptide found with a sequence of Phe-Gln-Pro-Ser (IC50 value of 27.

    The role of piscidic acid secreted by pigeonpea roots grown in an Alfisol with low-P fertility

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    In India, pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) has been traditionally grown as an intercrop, mainly with cereals such as sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) and pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) under low inputs of fertilizers. The response of pigeonpea to applied phosphorus (P) is generally low even in low-P Alfisols where a major fraction of inorganic P is in the iron-associated form (Fe-P). Pigeonpea has a special ability to take up P from low-P Alfisols on which other crops (sorghum, maize (Zea mays L.), soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill), and pearl millet) cannot survive. This characteristic is attributed to piscidic acid and its derivative, which is secreted from the roots of pigeonpea, but not by those of the other crop species. These substances can release P from Fe-P by chelating Fe3+. From results of both the composition of mineral contents and the growth stimulated by the inoculation of VAM fungi we propose a mechanism of P acquisition by pigeonpea from an Alfisol

    The effects of concentration and salinity on polymer adsorption isotherm at sandstone rock surface

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    Adsorption of hydrolyzed polyacrylamide (HPAM) polymers on sandstone rock surface was studied by static adsorption experiments. Total of 10 Runs of static experiments were conducted in test tubes by mixing the desired solution with crushed rock sample, at temperature of 25 °C, and salinity range from 0-4 wt%. The results are in conformity with Langmuir's isotherm. Ten different isotherms were generated at each Run. The initial polymer concentration was varied from 0.3-2.1 g/l. The effects of salinity have been studied by observation on Langmuir adsorption coefficients (Y and K). The results show that the adsorption coefficient (Y) was found to have linear relationship with salinity. The adsorption coefficient (K) was found to be related to salinity by a quadratic relationship